Knights of Columbus Holy Family Council 4386 “Compass Points” Serving our Church and Community Since 1957 2401 Columbus Drive Windsor Ontario 519-969-8421 A message from our Chaplain [email protected] Sept. Oct. Nov. 2014 this is because our culture is good at providing fleeting experiences of pleasure, but is not very able to help people to be really happy. Nevertheless, Pope Francis says that he has seen many people, even in the midst of challenging life situations, keep a simple faith alive and allow God to reveal himself. Remember, our Faith leads to an encounter with the person of Jesus, and that can happen in any circumstance. Only the encounter with Christ leads us away from selfishness and toward self-giving. Only when we imitate Christ and empty ourselves can we know true happiness. And if we have experienced this ourselves, how can we help but tell others about it? Everyone who has experienced Christ in this personal way reaches out to tell others about it and leads them to Christ as well. In this way the good around us grows ever larger. The fraternity of the Knights gives us many opportunities to share God’s love. Through prayer, fellowship and service we help others know the love of God. May the Holy Spirit help you to persevere in your dedication to your church and your family. Dear Brother Knights, Pope Francis’ new encyclical is called the Gospel of Joy. In it he tries to rekindle the hope of Faith. What is your experience of “giving your heart to Christ?” In your prayer time or in the service and time you give to your spouse and family you are giving your heart. How do you hone and refine the art of dying to yourself through self-giving love in your life? To whom are you called to show this love and how do you do that concretely? How does the practice of selfemptying lead to happiness for you? Pope Francis tells us that those who have a true encounter with Christ find their lives filled with happiness. This is a deep happiness that brings inner emptiness to an end because these Christians are set free from selfishness. They are saved. I want to encourage everyone who experiences this to spread the word, beginning a new chapter in the history of the Church. In today’s world, we are subject to a blizzard of temptations that lead us away from this authentic happiness. Whenever we become selfish, seeking pleasure and profit only for ourselves, we can no longer hear God’s voice. Many baptized Christians are led away from faith by this. They become resentful, angry and listless. God does not want this for us. If you take the rite of giving yourself, heart and soul to Christ, he will respond each and every time. He never disappoints. His arms are open. Don’t every stop returning to Christ with your whole heart. Now is the time. Not everything we need and want will ever be provided to us. We should not think that happiness will happen only when everything is in place and correct in our lives. In part, Peace! Fr. Gerard THE GREATNESS OF A MAN IS NOT ALWAYS DEFINED BY WHAT HE HAS DONE BUT BY WHAT HE HAS THE POTENTIAL TO DO When a Knight acts selflessly, He acts on behalf of the world. 1 vibrant. Please encourage the men in your life to become a Knight. From the Desk of the Grand Knight Greetings Brother Knights and their families, suddenly the fall is upon us. Hopefully everyone had an enjoyable summer but where did it go. We have a few events coming up in the near future that I hope to see you at. After years of being membership chairperson, Larry Breault is stepping down which means we will need someone to take over this roll. The member will be needed to interview new prospective Knights and to attend the degrees. If you would like to take over this position, please contact me. Remember, it is easier to run the council if we all pitch in and help. September 12th and 13th brings us the 3rd annual Hoe Down in the back yard. There will be different country bands and singers to entertain us. There is only a $5.00 cover charge with drinks and great food available for purchase. Why not bring along some friends and have a fantastic weekend. Our volunteer teams will continue to serve breakfast and snack lunches at St. James School each week. Thanks to chairman Jim Fazekas for organizing this event. If you can spare a couple of hours a week, call Jim for more information – 519 250 8038. Help is always welcomed. Tuesday September 16th is our general meeting night with a jewelry sale and display for the ladies. Come out earlier and have dinner, stay for the 7:00 meeting while your wife enjoys the jewelry. The Friday night mixed dart league is looking for players. If you are interested call myself or Brother John Bennet (519-969-3243). All are welcome. Saturday September 20th is set for our annual “New Coats for Kids” pasta dinner. Tickets are $10 per adult and $5.00 for children under 12 years of age. Tickets are on sale at Corpus Christi Church after all masses on Sept 6 & 7 and 13 & 14th and also at the bar. Please support this worthy cause which provides winter coats to the children in need in Windsor and Essex County. I hope to see many of you at a council function, for dinner or at a meeting Vivat Jesus, Grand Knight Gary Norman (519-966-6296) nd, On Sunday November 2 we will be hosting our deceased members mass along with the Catholic Women’s League at the 10:00 am mass with breakfast to follow in the church hall. District Deputy #10 Report September, 2014 st On June 21 we held our first Slider fest BBQ at the club and although participation from members was not great, we were able to raise $500 that was donated to the Alzheimer’s Association of Windsor. Please support the events we are holding as this means we are able to donate more to our charities. Dear Brother Knights, Happy Labour Day to our Members and their families and friends. Welcome back from our Summer Break (or SemiBreak). This is my first Newsletter Report to you during our new Fraternal Year, and I look forward to seeing all of you soon at your September Council General Meeting. We received a rebate of $1000 from the Ontario Charities Foundation for our participation in selling raffle tickets this year. Again, thank you to Glenn Holland for chairing this committee. The July 4,5,6-2014 DD Meeting in Toronto went well, and we had a chance to bring to our Councils a lot of good info during our subsequent July 26-2014 DD-GK TriDist (#10,#39 and #76) Meeting. Brothers, our membership is not getting any younger. Our average age is 64.3 years. If we take out the members who joined 10 years ago or less the age goes to 72.2. We need your sons, grandsons, nephews to join to keep the council As a Reminder, please ensure that your Council has filed Form #185 (newly elected Executives, Due July 12014), Form #365 (Service Personnel-Due Aug 1-2014) and Form #1295 (Semi-Annual Audit, Due Aug 15-2014). As to Youth Programs, you should already have (Continued on page 3) 2 ance, basketball free throw, London West association dues, stamps, bills, envelopes, degrees, badges, Financial Secretary fees, jewels, bar tabs and ect. Not paying does not get you off our roster. Only a signed & dated letter of resignation that I send to Supreme will stop per capita being charged to us. As always if you have a problem paying, please give me a call at 519-948-2196 and we will work something out. A great big thanks to all that are paid up. (Continued from page 2) ordered and received your Soccer Challenge Competition Kit (SC-KIT), and ensure that your Council Level Soccer Competition occurs before Oct 1-2014, since District Level Competition will occur during October 2014 and Regional Level Competition will occur shortly after District Level Competition as well. Also, if you have not already done so, please order your Essay Contest Kit (EA-Kit) and Substance Abuse Poster Contest Kit (SAA-Kit) in order to have those on track as well. Vivat Jesus I am writing this Report a few days before the Installation of all District #10 Executive Officers scheduled for Aug 28-2014 at Fr Lionel Belanger Council #11090 (Thank You in advance to Council #11090), and I am certain that this will be a nice event. Wayne Talford F.S. PGK FDD Insurance Matters Teach your children well Raising children is probably the hardest job you’ll ever take. It District #10-District #76 1st and 2nd Degree will occur on Sun October 19, 2014 and on Sun Dec 14-2014 at Fr Victor Cote Council #9671 with Candidates 1 pm, Doors Locked at 1:30 pm and Degrees Starting at 1:45 pm., and then, on Sun Feb 15-2015 and Sun May 17-2015 at Our Lady of Atonement Council #8919 with Candidates 12:45 pm, Doors locked at 1:15 pm and Degrees Starting at 1:30 pm. As a reminder, please ensure that your Council sends its 2 cheques to cover the Cost of all 4 of these Degrees, one to Council #9671 and the other to Council #8919, each for $25, with a Notation on the cheque of “For 1st and 2nd Degrees during 2014-2015 Fraternal Year”. requires you to wear more hats than you ever thought possible. Cook, chauffeur, nurse, counselor and many more… and that’s often in one morning. One of the most important roles you accept as a parent is that of a teacher. Before they even get to school, you’ll teach your children so much, and before they get out into the world, you’ll instill values that they will carry with them. Sometimes the values you want to impart (respect, compassion, accountability, financial responsibility, etc.) often run counter to what our instant-gratification driven society values. So, we strive to teach by example. This is one good reason to carry enough life insurance to protect your family. This one simple act can show what you value. You’ll show them that you love them and are concerned about their welfare. You’ll show that you take your responsibility to provide for your family seriously, and that you want to make sure they’re provided for even if you’re not around. You’ll show them that investing money in your life insurance protection is more important than the new set of golf clubs you might want, the newest and best home theater system you’ve had your eye on, or whatever else you might be sacrificing to pay the premiums. As always, kindly remember to automatically CC Your DD as to all Forms submitted by your Council to ON State or to Supreme. Vivat Jesus, John P. Semaan, District Deputy # 10 (519) 977-8764. Financial Secretary's Report Dear brothers: It will teach them about priorities. Sure, it may not sink in at the time, especially if any of the sacrifices made prevent them from filling what they see as their immediate “needs” (really things they want, not need, like the newest DVD, video game or article of clothing). In the long run, they will learn from what you do and what you don’t do. Only you can choose the lessons you will teach. I hope you enjoyed our cool summer. Now is the time to pull up our socks and come out to support OUR club functions. No turnout = No club. Some brothers may wonder why we collect yearly dues. We are billed per capita by State (ON) and Supreme which totals $20.00 per member. This pays for the Columbia magazine, Nightline publication, Culture of live program, State and Supreme expenses. If you are on our roster, WE STILL HAVE TO PAY FOR YOU, even if you do not pay us. The rest of your dues goes for paying insur- Let’s meet to review your existing coverage. My needs analysis, provided free, will help teach you where your coverage may be lacking. We can plan today to secure your family’s future and set in motion lessons that will last a lifetime. I’m at 519-257-5513 or [email protected]. 3 As you can see from the above statement we did fairly well with our recruitment Program in the last fraternal year. We do however need to focus on retaining our brother knights. If you know of a brother knight who has not attended a meeting or taken part in one of our many programs in some time, just ask him to come to a meeting with you, maybe that’s all he needs. The man who stand with us never stands alone Let’s get busy, 1st and 2nd Degrees dates are fast approaching! Call GK Gary 519-966-6296 for application forms And get them to us ASAP The next 1st and 2nd degrees will be held Oct. 19th 2014 2014/15 Bursary Award This years $500.00 bursary winner was Shawn Jones Shawn is a graduate of Riverside Secondary School he will be attending Canadore College Field of Study - Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Seen here receiving congratulations and a certificate from Grand Knight Gary and his father Brother Sean Congratulations Shawn and best wishes from all of us at Holy Family Council 4386 4 Brother Denis Chabot and Brother Bruce Gillis are presented with special 1st Degree certificates in honour of Pope St. John XXIII and Pope St. John Paul II. These two brothers completed their 1st and 2nd degrees on May 25th 2014. LtoR membership chairman PGK Larry Breault , brother Denis Chabot, brother Bruce Gillis, Chaplain Fr. Gerard Bedard, GK Gary Norman and DGK Don Pastorius. Local agencies & Special Olympics benefit from annual Tootsie Roll Campaign GK Gary presenting $500.00 cheque to Lis Sorensen Anobile from Caboto Special Olympics Brother Luke Norman, GK Gary Norman, and Brother Steve Norman presenting a cheque for $1,500 to Joe and Tina Ferrara from Italian Canadian Handicapable Association . Presented to Frank Miller Right; Grand Knight Gary presented a cheque to the Executive Director Liz Esposito and four clients of Harmony in Action in the amount $10,5000.00 Cheque in the amount from Tootsie Roll proceeds. No Photo available: Scarlet Nobles & Ladies Formerly ( Alhambra ) of $500.oo 5 WANTED - EARLY MORNING RISERS Looking to go back to school ONCE a MONTH? Volunteer to help with THE ST. JAMES SCHOOL BREAKFAST PROGRAM FROM 7:00am to 8:30am You don't have to be a cook, just someone who enjoys helping other For further info or to volunteer call Jim Fazekas at 519-250-8038 Thank you for volunteering to make breakfast during the school year. We really appreciate what you do for us. God Bless all of you! Love from all of us at St. James Fuzzy Thoughts those who survive us will understand how and why we have enjoyed our life for so long. This is our contribution to society. Let's grow old well. The Holy Spirit we be with us every step of the way, down our new road. Fear knocked at the door Faith opened it No one was there Vivat Jesus Growing Old is Not for Sissies This Fuzzy Thought goes out to those of us who woke up one morning and realized that we were growing old! (You know who you are..... How could this happen to ME??) All of a sudden, there were the signs of aging! Declining health, diminishing sexual attractiveness, death of our friends, and a gradual loss of our mind. Now we start contemplating our mortality, our death, and it is very scary. A new road in our lives is fast approaching. Do we have the courage to travel it? We had better be, for Growing Old is Not For Sissies. How do we go from sissy to being more than a mere survivor? Well, first we must clear from our minds, what society thinks an old person is. The old are thought of as infirm of mind and body and who are without gainful employment or power. Don't fall into the mindset that just because we put in many years of work, that old age entitles us to leisure time, senior discounts, old age pension - and nothing else. We have to show the young that we can still contribute to society, and in ways that only we, the aging, can. So, here's what we have to do. We must get away from being pre-occupied with self-centered complaints, irritability and feeling sorry for ourselves. Don't be a burden on our families through selfishness. Refuse to feel devalued as we age, even if others are inclined to devalue us. Always convey the sense of happiness, even amid the losses that life now contains for us. Lead by example. Teach the next generation honesty, respect, hard work, commitment, compassion, and empathy. Keep up our good humour and interest in others, so that PRAYER FOR THE SICK Father of goodness and love; hear our prayers for these sick members of our council; George Belleperche, Mary Elias, Ed Kreibich, Bill Mollard and for all who are in need. Amid mental and physical suffering may they find consolation in your healing presence. Show your mercy as you close wounds, cure illness, make broken bodies whole and free downcast spirits. May these special people find lasting health and deliverance, and so join us in thanking you for all your gifts. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord Amen Your Sacrifice will be Forever remembered Nov. 11th Memorial Day 6 Installation of officers Aug. 28th, LtoR front row;, Recorder Bro. Steve Norman, Trustee Bro. Phil Fitzsimmons, Guard Mark Lambert, GK Gary Norman, Fin.Sec. Wayne Talford, Trustee Bro Matt Fekete. Back Row LtoR Lecturer PGK Larry Breault, Trustee Bro Luke Norman ,Warden Bro. Larry Lamont, Guard Bro Shawn Jones and Treasurer Bro Kirk Bowyer Absent - Chaplain Fr. Gerard Bedard, Chancellor Bro Shawn Searcy, Advocate Bro Mike Delmore and Guard Bro. Steven Memorial Mass and Breakfast Corpus Christi Church On Sunday November 2nd, we will be hosting our deceased members Mass along with the Catholic Women’s League and Council 1453 at the 10:00 am Mass. Breakfast to follow in the church hall. Please make every effort to attend and remember our brother Knight and families who have lost a loved one over the year. If you know of a widow of a member please invite her and the family to attend with you. 7 New Coats for Kids Pasta Dinner Saturday September 20th is set for our annual “New Coats for Kids” pasta dinner. Tickets are $10 per adult and $5.00 for children under 12 years of age. Tickets are on sale at Corpus Christi Church after all masses on Sept 6 & 7 and 13 & 14th and also at the bar. Please support this worthy cause which provides winter coats to the children in need in Windsor and Essex County. July 7th, Members of Holy Family Council hosted a lunch, games and entertainment for the men of The Village of Aspen Lake LTC Sadly, our friend Bruno passed away Aug. 20th Thank you to all our great volunteers for providing a terrific few hours of fun and laughter to some really great guys from Aspen Lake. I can’t tell you how much joy you brought into their always they do want to come again. The entertainment this year was really special ,made possible by a visit from Elvis and Sonny and Cher what a show. DID YOU KNOW; That most of the funds that enable us to support events such as the one above and the many requests from our community come from the sale Nevada tickets, Tootsie Roll Sales and KofC Charities Raffles by members, Volunteers and friends who support council functions and patrons of Columbus Centre activities. Over the past six months the Knights of Columbus, Holy Family Council 4386 has distributed $19,000.00 to various agencies and individuals in the Windsor and Essex County area. 8 Unplanned: The Dramatic True Story of a Former Planned Parenthood Leaders Eye-Opening Journey across the Life Line Abby Johnson quit her job in October 2009. That simple act became a national news story because Abby was the director of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Texas who, after participating in an actual abortion procedure for the first time, walked down the street to join the Coalition for Life. Unplanned is a heart-stopping personal drama of life-and-death encounters, a courtroom battle, and spiritual transformation that speaks hope and compassion into the political controversy that surrounds this issue. Telling Abby’s story from both sides of the abortion clinic property line, this book is a must-read for anyone who cares about the life versus rights debate and helping women who face crisis pregnancies. Available on Line @ Amazon Sept 2 executive meeting 7pm Sept 6 Stride and Ride - Aspen Lake LTC 11am to 2pm Sept 13/14 Columbus Center Hoe Down Sept 16 General meeting/Ladies Knight, Pasta Buffet 5pm & Shopping @ 7pm. “Just Jewellery and Thirty One Gifts” Sept 20 New Coats for Kids Pasta Dinner-Columbus Centre Oct 7 Executive Meeting 7pm Oct 14 Thanksgiving Oct 19 1st and Second Degree – Victor Cote Council Oct 21 General membership meting 7pm Nov. 2 Memorial Mass 10am Corpus Christi Church Nov. 4 Executive meeting 7pm Nov. 11 Remembrance Day My wife and I walked past a swanky new restaurant last night. "Did you smell that food?" she asked. "Incredible!" Being the nice guy I am, I thought, "What the heck, I'll treat her!" So we walked past it again... 9 Columbus Centre News Greetings from the Board Again the months of June, July and August were pleasantly busy. The hall is being utilized much more as our Manager is working very hard again to keep this place hopping. Her dedication is to be admired. Maybe some of that dedication could rub off on some of our members. With more support from more members we could build a stronger Columbus Centre. We had the honor of hosting the Ontario Summer Games for Volleyball in August. It was very rewarding to receive a lot of praise and positive comments from the players, coaches and spectators. This event helped us tremendously and we thank all who volunteered their time to help. It was definitely fun for everyone! We have a great kitchen and a fabulous cook. Consider coming out for a pasta night on Wednesday or a Friday night dinner. Also, come in and try Draga’s delicious Pizza; she is a great competitor for taste. Please make a big effort to support our third annual Hoedown on September 12 and 13. Delicious ribs and chicken are part of the special menu items and there are selected country bands and singers booked for your enjoyment. Each year some changes are made to improve this event and we are hoping for good weather and a good interactive crowd. Just a point of interest…… Negative comments that spread around our facility will not help our Centre prosper. Please talk to the Board if you need clarification of anything on your mind to avoid spreading false rumours. Board election will take place after the General meeting on September 16, 2014. Previous to the election our yearly financial statement will be presented. Consider running. This is not a paid position; the rewards are “personal satisfaction for community service.” Our Horseshoe league is now coming to an end. It provides great fun and friendship during the summer months. Please consider playing next year and if you do sign up, remember that this is a commitment. It is not fair to a team if players consistently do not attend so if you cannot make a commitment sign-up as a spare as they are always needed. Respectfully submitted by the Building Corporation of the Columbus Centre ********* NOTICE OF ELECTIONS BOARD OF TRUSTEES COLUMBUS CENTRE OF SOUTH WINDSOR Nominations and election to the Board of Trustees of Columbus Centre of South Windsor will be held at the business meeting Tuesday September 16th, 2014 at 7:00 PM To be elected you must be a paid up member in good standing of Council 4386 Three (3) to be elected. Duties include; attend board meetings, assist at all board functions, repair and maintenance of facilities and grounds. Some business experience and strong organization skills are an asset. **************** Be a part of all we have to offer at the Knights of Columbus Council 4386 And Columbus Centre of South Windsor “Where Good Food, Great Friends and Good Times Come Together” 10 Ontario Summer Games at Columbus Centre Let the games begin! “We had the honor of hosting the Ontario Summer Games for Volleyball in August. It was very rewarding to receive a lot of praise and positive comments from the players, coaches and spectators. This event helped us tremendously and we thank all who volunteered their time to help. It was definitely fun for everyone!” A Great Team, A Great Success! ***************** Ladies Knight At Columbus Centre, 3rd Tuesday of each month Starting Sept. 16th Buffet Pasta Dinner from 5 pm and Shopping! While the fellas are at the 7 o’clock meeting, the ladies are invited to come into the lounge and enjoy a bit of browsing or early Christmas shopping. On Sept. 16th “Just Jewellery and Thirty One Gifts” will be in the lounge from 7PM “Here’s a thought” Why not have your Knight treat you to dinner first! Pasta Dinner buffet for only $7.00 Per Person 11 Tax included Wrap up Summer with a good old fashion Country Hoedown! Join us for great music, food and fun Friday September 12th Live Band on the Patio Saturday September 13th Live bands, fun and horseshoes too! Plan to visit the “Chuck Wagon” on Saturday for delicious ribs & chicken Canada’s Anti Spam Legislation Holy Family Council 4386 and Columbus Centre of South Windsor, requests your consent to continue sending you newsletters, program information, event invitations and other communications. Canada's anti-spam legislation (CASL) takes effect July 1, 2014 and without your consent, we may be unable to send you electronic communications after this date. You can withdraw consent or modify your subscription preferences at any time. In order to continue communicating with you, please reply by email to [email protected] with the word "Consent" to provide us with your authorization to receive our electronic communications. You may withdraw your consent at any time by emailing "Unsubscribe" to [email protected] 12 This little ticket Supports local Charities For only .50 cents You could win up to $100.00 And Help support Our Council Charities Always Available at Columbus Centre When you Drop in Columbus Centre Friday Night Dinner Specials September 2014 And this little donation box Helps Save lives “Look for the donation box when you sign in to the daily draw.” And Support Organ & Tissue Donation Roger Awad from Sports Fest Windsor and Manager Laurie Munn Columbus Centre Facility Rentals Sept. 5th Meat Loaf $10.95 Split Pea Soup Sept. 12th Hoedown BBQ Chicken Pastini Sept. 19th Beef Goulash $10.95 Cream of Mushroom Sept. 26th Chicken Parmesan $12.95 Chicken Rice Prices include Tax Thank you for supporting the Knights of Columbus & Columbus Centre 13 Dear Brother Knights and family members of Council 4386; If you, a family member or friends are planning an event, we ask that you consider Columbus Centre and our great facilities. The main hall accommodates up to 300 guests. We welcome weddings, banquets, funeral luncheons and seminars. The facility is fully wheelchair accessible. For your safety, lighted parking is provided. Other amenities include picnic grounds and a patio for family reunions, outdoor weddings and other occasions as well as lighted outdoor volleyball courts. Please contact Laurie at (519) 969-8421, fax at (519) 969-4490, cell at (226) 345-9364 or by e-mail at [email protected] for prices and availability. SEPTMEMBER OCTOBER ALEXANDER ANGELO BARRY BRUNO CLIFFORD DAVID DAVID DENNIS EDWIN FRANK GARY GERALD GERALD JASON JEROME JOSEPH KEVIN LAWRENCE MICHAEL NORMAND PETER PHILIP RAYMOND RICHARD ROBERT ROCCO JR SALVATORE TIM VICTOR WALTER WILLIAM WILLIAM CHAMBERLAIN CERCHIE TAFFINDER COSSARINI GAUTHIER BORNAIS DELUZIO MALETTE KREIBICH ROSELLA TURKO CHAMPAGNE LAPOINTE LEVASSEUR LESPERANCE BERTOCCHI ROBERTS GIGNAC DELMORE GAUTHIER TESTANI FITZSIMMONS MAJOR FOX GRONDIN DE SANTIS DI PONIO WHITE ROSSYAN WHITE BRAKE GRAAT NOVEMBER AMULIO ANDREW BRADLEY BRUNO SR. CLARK DANIEL DAVID DAVIDE DOMENIC EDSEL EDWIN GERALD GERALD JAMES JAMES C JEFFREY JOHN BORATTO STANKO CURRAN COTE HOGUE GUIGNARD St. PIERRE GIGLIO CANTAGALLO PARENT THOMAS MASSE TAYLOR LACEY QUINN KREIBICH BENNETT ALBERT ALBERT ANDREW BRUCE CHARLES COLIN FRANK DANIEL DAVID DAVID DOUGM EDWARD ERIC FRANK FRED HEATH HUBERT JOHN JOHN JOSEPH JUSTIN A LEO LEONARD LEROY MICHAEL MICHAEL PATRICK PHILIP RANDALL RICHARD ROBERT ROCCO J RONALD RONALD VAN T VINCENT NOVEMBER JOHN JOSEPH JOSEPH KYLE LEO LEO MARDRICK NED PATRICK ROBERT ROLAND RON SHAWN THOMAS 14 SAVEREUX BARILE ELIAS SIMAS SANTAMARIA TESOLIN ROGERS GIULLIANI KEANE STALMACH JANISSE GILLIS JONES INTROCASO FAZEKAS RAY TOMLINSON GILLIS HOTHAM MacEACHERN HOWELL MARTIN OUELLETTE BONDY MALONE MASSE D'AGNILLO SODA MILNE CHARTRAND MALONE POMPONIO McNEIL ARTALE SAMSON REGNIER LAFRAMBOISE FRACAS VALCKE MURPHY HEBERT MASSE FERRATO GALLANT DE SANTIS BEAUDOIN MALENFANT NGUYEN MOSER
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