MOOSE NEWS “PRIDE OF THE VALLEY” OCTOBER 2014 WAYNESBORO MOOSE FAMILY CENTER NO. 1309 P.O. BOX 637 • WAYNESBORO, VA 22980 • 540-943-4506 EDITORS: STEPHANIE THOMPSON, JOYCE HELMICK TABLE OF CONTENTS Congratulations.......... 1 Congratulations Kevin Wasilewski and Jeff Rohrbaugh received their Fellowship Degree at our State Conference in Roanoke. The Fellowship Degree is an honorary degree. To advance to this degree one must be an “active” status Moose Legionnaire. LOOM .......................... 2 Moose Legion ............. 2 WOTM .......................... 3 Letter From Editors .... 4 Did You Know? ........... 4 Personals .................... 4 Kevin Wasilewski Jeff Rohrbaugh Fun Times At .............. 5 The Moose Picnic Kid’s Corner ................ 6 Calendar ...................... 7 Officers........................ 8 New Fellows, Fellows and Pilgrims pictured here. L to R: Don Helmick Bill Peace Chris Lloyd Kevin Wasilewski Jeff Rohrbaugh, Freddie Hipes Larry Armentrout and Billy Thompson. Moose News Page 2 Go ver nor’ s Messa ge Gov ernor’ nor’s Messag Dear Brothers and Co-workers, The summer is gone and fall is starting to make changes in the weather. School is back in session so we all must watch for buses and our children. We will be working hard these next couple of months with the Children’s Halloween Party, also the Halloween Dance for our members and their guests, and the Veterans’ Dinner. We need help from our members for these events. Also Thanksgiving will be here before we know it. We will again need volunteers for the ringing of the bell for the Salvation Army. Food boxes will be put together again this year as well. I would really like to encourage members to come to our meetings and Moose Legionnaires to come to the meetings on the second Tuesday of each month. Moose Legion Statewide and Moose Legioneers Unite!! Come join us in Virginia Beach for a fun time. THIRD ANNUAL MOOSE LEGIONS OF VIRGINIA ALL STATE CELEBRATION & CONFERRAL OCTOBER 23 - 26, 2014 At HOLIDAY INN VIRGINIA BEACH - NORFOLK AND CONFERENCE CENTER 5565 Greenwich Road Virginia Beach, VA 23462 Phone: 757-499-4700 Web-Site: www. The Holiday Inn© Virginia Beach Norfolk Hotel offers an upscale experience and a central location. Hotel guests in Virginia Beach are 12 miles from the beaches of Virginia, five miles from Norfolk Airport and 10 miles from downtown Norfolk, VA. Celebration Registration Cost $10.00 Banquet and Entertainment Cost $30.00 (Ticket Required) Housing, Banquet and Entertainment Registration Forms located on VMA Web-Site Thank you for your help this summer. Congratulations Kevin and Jeff on receiving your Fellowship Degree! Fraternally, Billy Thompson 540-256-3888 VIRGINIA MOOSE LEGIONS Shenandoah #47 Blue Ridge #82 Black Diamond #122 Old Dominion #148 Bull Run #185 Hampton Roads #199 Moose Legion Moose Legion Potluck second Tuesday for Moose Legionnaires who attend the meeting. Thank You! MOOSE 1309 ENROLLMENT NEW MEMBERS: SPONSOR Joel Deaton .................... Billy Patterson Larry Bennett II ................ Roger Morris We would like to thank everyone that helped to fill the milk cartons for the Mooseheart Renovation program. We collected $244.00. We presented a check at Conference for $122.00. The balance of the money went to the General Fund. This will be set aside for Cindy Rohrbaugh to offset some of her cost to receive her college in Nashville. Respectively submitted, Susan Mize and Cindy Rohrbaugh Moose News Page 3 W O T M l l l Waynesboro Moose Chapter 1235 OFFICE (540) 943-6385 Hello Fellow Co-Workers, Wow how the summer flew by and you can tell fall is basically here with our cooler temperatures. I hope everyone had a great summer and all of our children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews etc. had a great transition into a new year at school. Hopefully you took some time to look at the pictures of our Family Picnic and Back to School Supply Day that we had August 16th. The back to school supplies were a great success and helped our kids obtain much needed school supplies. This would not have been as huge of a success as it was if not for all the women that helped to put the bags together. With their help it took no time to get the all the supplies together. This is just something small we do for our children but seems to help in a big way. I’d also like to thank Billy Patterson for heading up the kids games and keeping them occupied throughout the day. A big thanks to Mary Treadway’s daughter Sara who did the face painting at the picnic and took time to make sure all the children got their face painted and touched up if needs be. We have had her face paint a few times, her work is phenomenal and I look forward to having her help us again in the near future! Thanks to all the ladies who helped with the registration, 50/50, picture raffle and directing everyone where to go; without you all the picnic would not have run as smooth as it did. I’d also love to thank all the members for the wonderful dishes that were brought in! If you went home hungry that was your own fault, our members definitely know how to cook. I really appreciate each and every one of you who took the time to come out and enjoy some great food and fellowship. At the end of August I attended our State Conference held in Roanoke. I met many co-workers and learned of various fund-raisers and opportunities to help our Chapter raise money. We also went over our new rules that are already in effect and the ones that will take effect May 1st. These have been mentioned numerous times in our newsletter, in the meetings and, of course as you all know, the website, thus I won’t be repeating them again. If you have any questions see any of us board members and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have. I had the opportunity to have lunch with a Mooseheart graduate and would love to tell you all about her experiences and success story but we don’t have enough room in the newsletter to tell her awe inspiring story! Please though feel free to talk with me and I will tell you all about her and how Mooseheart and our contributions to Mooseheart helped her throughout her young life. In October we have a few things going on. One is our Children’s Halloween Party. This is going to be held on October 25th from 2-4; the sign-up sheets are in the social quarters and will be posted until the 15th. There will be a costume contest, crafts, candy, snacks and more. I look forward to seeing your fun Halloween costumes; the judges will be judging on scariest, most original and cutest costumes in each age group. We would love to have you help with the various crafts during this party or if you have a Fall/Halloween craft you love to do, let me know and if you’d like to show the kids how to do it during the party that would be great! Please let me know if you’d like to help in anyway like volunteering your time, donating cookies or cupcakes, teaching a craft etc. Thanks again for any time you can give our children. Here is a huge opportunity to sponsor members. Between now and November 30th there will be 10 dollars taken off every application fee! That makes the application fee now only 10 dollars! This is the time to get your friends and family sponsored while it saves them 10 dollars. Also what a great gift to give a new friend or a family member for Christmas! A gift that lasts a year and hopefully more, has many benefits and the opportunity of fellowship with new people that will hopefully become wonderful friends! A few last reminders — our meetings are on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm, I hope to see you there! We discuss various items going on in our Chapter, community service we can help with, events coming up in the lodge and many other items of interest. In December we will of course have a Children’s Christmas Party, if anyone would like to help or wants to bring in a snack dish, cookies or cake please let me know. Sign-up sheets for this will be posted for the Christmas party in the Social Quarters and the dates of that will be announced in the November newsletter. We also are still looking for any volunteers to help with Bar Bingo on Wednesday nights from 7-9. Until next month, Diane (Pink) Patterson, Senior Regent W.O.T.M. 1309 ENROLLMENT NEW MEMBERS: SPONSOR Lesley Campbell ........................... Debbie Smith Melanie Lowery ...............................Kelly Hodge Lisa Lynch ............................... Nancy Beverage Donna Puffenbarger................... Deborah Akers Moose News Page 4 Letter From the Editors Changes, Changes, Changes Moose International keeps talking about changes, Changes are great, if we will change. Many suggestions have been brought up just to be shot down because people do not want to change. What worked years ago is not working in this day and age. People have to change to grow just as Moose International has said. If you take forever to change you will be stuck in the “Stone Age”, because the world is always changing. One small change can lead to other changes. We have to start small, so we can grow into the changes. There’s been much controversy lately about changing the newsletter to six pages, so the next issue will be back the way it was with much wasted space as before. In the future, if there is a problem with the newsletter please bring it to the attention of the editors. Personals Bereavement: Our sincerest sympathies and condolences to the family of . . . Suzanne Warlitner — “Tank’s Wife” NOTE Newsletter Information If anyone wishes to have birthdays or anniversaries put in the newsletter or has any knowledge of sickness or death, please let the Governor or editors know. “Did You Know?” t To remove coffee stains from mugs, take a lemon rind, sprinkle salt on white side and rub stain with it. Then wash an rinse. t Lemon juice and salt make a good copper and brass cleaner. Sprinkle with salt, rub with lemon juice. General Law Changes For more information on changes in the General Laws go to the Moose website t Using shaving cream to clean bathroom mirrors will keep them from fogging. t To clean grout around the tub and shower, spray it with white vinegar and scrub with a toothbrush. Let stand ten minutes, then rinse. Band Schedule Our dances are for members and qualified guests 21 years of age and older. NO EXCEPTIONS! Sports Fanatics I know many of you are looking for a sports page but “ALL” the sports are listed on the calendar. So unless something changes, nine times out of ten it will change, the sports will stay on the calendar. OCTOBER 18 High Country - Halloween Dance NOVEMBER 15 High & Dry DECEMBER 20 Goodson Gang - Christmas Dance DECEMBER 31 Jeremy Staubus - New Years Dance Moose News Page 5 FUN TIMES at the MOOSE PICNIC Moose News Page 6 KIDS CORNER Color Me 7 BINGO 3:00 PM RANDY MORRIS CAPTAIN BINGO 3:00 PM BINGO 3:00 PM FROG REA CAPTAIN JEFF ROHRBAUGH CALLER 26 KEVIN WASILEWSKI CALLER 19 LARRY GARRISON CALLER DEBBIE AKERS CAPTAIN BINGO 3:00 PM JEFF ROHRBAUGH CALLER 12 Monday Tuesday HOUSE COMMITTEE MEETING 7:00 PM 27 L.O.O.M. LODGE MEETING 8:00 PM L.O.O.M. OFFICERS MEETING 7:00 PM 20 WOTM BOARD OF OFFICERS MEETING JOINT MEETING HOUSE COMMITTEE MEETING 7:00 PM 13 L.O.O.M. LODGE MEETING 8:00 PM L.O.O.M. OFFICERS MEETING 7:00 PM 6 tREAT OR tRICK SENIOR BINGO 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM 28 W.O.T.M. BUSINESS MEETING 7:30 PM 21 MOOSE LEGION SOCIAL 6:30 PM MEETING 7:00 PM 14 W.O.T.M. COMMITTEE MEETING 7:30 PM 7 29 22 15 8 1 BAR BINGO 7:00 - 9:00 PM BAR BINGO 7:00 - 9:00 PM BAR BINGO 7:00 - 9:00 PM BAR BINGO 7:00 - 9:00 PM BAR BINGO 7:00 - 9:00 PM Wednesday QUEEN OF HEARTS DRAWING 8:00 PM LINE DANCE LESSONS 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM QUEEN OF HEARTS DRAWING 8:00 PM LINE DANCE LESSONS 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM QUEEN OF HEARTS DRAWING 8:00 PM LINE DANCE LESSONS 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM LINE DANCE LESSONS 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM LASAGNA BILLY THOMPSON QUEEN OF HEARTS DRAWING 8:00 PM MEN & WOMEN 3-BALL POOL TOURNAMENT 6:00 PM STARLITE 8:30 PM - 11:30 PM 31 COUNTRY FRIED STEAK RANDY MORRIS STEVE CONLEY STARLITE 8:30 PM - 4:30 PM 24 FRIED CHICKEN BILLY PATTERSON CADILLAC STYLE 8:30 PM - 11:30 PM 17 HOT ROAST BEEF SANDWICH FROG REA LARRY ARMENTROUT FUN TYME 8:30 PM - 11:30 PM HAMBURGER STEAK STEVE BRICKLEY FROG REA TONY ROBERTSON 8:30 PM - 11:30 PM 10 3 Friday LINE DANCE LESSONS 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM 30 MEN & WOMEN 3-BALL POOL TOURNAMENT 6:00 PM QUEEN OF HEARTS DRAWING 8:00 PM 23 MEN & WOMEN 3-BALL POOL TOURNAMENT 6:00 PM 16 MEN & WOMEN 3-BALL POOL TOURNAMENT 6:00 PM 9 MEN & WOMEN 3-BALL POOL TOURNAMENT 6:00 PM 2 Thursday WAYNESBORO MOOSE FAMILY CENTER 1309 HAPPY HALLOWEEN CINDY ROHRBAUGH CAPTAIN 5 3 Sunday OCTOBER MEN & WOMEN’S POOL TOURNAMENT 3:00 PM CHILDRENS HALLOWEEN PARTY 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM 25 DANCE HIGH COUNTRY 8:00 PM - 12:00 PM MEN & WOMEN’S POOL TOURNAMENT 3:00 PM 18 MEN & WOMEN’S POOL TOURNAMENT 3:00 PM 11 MEN & WOMEN’S POOL TOURNAMENT 3:00 PM YOUTH AWARENESS 10:00 AM 4 Saturday 2014 WAYNESBORO MOOSE FAMILY CENTER BULK RATE U. S. POSTAGE P.O. BOX 637 WAYNESBORO, VA 22980 Waynesboro, Va. RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Non-Profit Organization Permit No. 6 PLEASE RUSH DATED MATERIAL Report Change of Address to Administrator Immediately WAYNESBORO MOOSE FAMILY CENTER OFFICERS 2014 — 2015 LOOM OFFICERS - LODGE NO. 1309 EDITORS ...................... Stephanie Thompson & Joyce Helmick HISTORICAL ............................................................... Bill Peace MOOSEHEART & MOOSEHAVEN ............................. Ted Perry MOOSE FAMILY ACTIVITIES ................ Diane & Billy Patterson SENIOR BINGO .................................................. Rosalie Lafferty GOVERNOR ..................................................... Billy Thompson JUNIOR GOVERNOR ...................................... Randy Morris JUNIOR PAST GOVERNOR ....................... Jeff Rohrbaugh PRELATE ........................................................... Don Helmick ADMINISTRATOR ................................................. Jim Kochis TREASURER ............................................ Ernest “Frog” Rea SERGEANT AT ARMS ................................... Freddie Hipes INNER GUARD .................................................. Keith Shiflett ONE YEAR TRUSTEE ............................................................. TWO YEAR TRUSTEE .................................. Billy Patterson THREE YEAR TRUSTEE ................................ Steve Conley WOTM OFFICERS - CHAPTER 1235 SENIOR REGENT ....................................... Diane Patterson JUNIOR REGENT ..................................................................... JUNIOR GRAD. REGENT .............................. Tammy Melvin CHAPLAIN ...................................................... Mary Treadway RECORDER ....................................................... Debbie Akers SECRETARY/TREASURER ............................... Susan Mize GUIDE .............................................................. Wanda Braden ASSISTANT GUIDE .................................................................. COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN PILGRIM AND FELLOWSHIP ..................................... Bill Peace GOVERNMENT RELATIONS ............................. Billy Thompson MOOSE LEGION .................................................. Chris Williams SPORTS ............................................................ Jimmy T & Frog BINGO ................................................................... Randy Morris ENTERTAINMENT .................................................... Jim Kochis DANCE COMMITTEE .................... Stephanie & Billy Thompson AUDIT .............................................................. Kevin Wasilewski MEMBERSHIP ........................................................ Don Helmick COMMUNITY SERVICE .................................. Jeff Rohrbaugh PUBLICITY ...................................................... Jeff Rohrbaugh GROUNDS ........................................................ Larry Armentrout MAINTENANCE ............................................................ Members PICNIC ................... Billy Thompson, Ted Perry, Jeff Rohrbaugh OUTSIDE SWIMMING POOL ............ Jim Kochis, Freddie Hipes MOOSE CHARITIES .......................................... Billy Thompson GET ACQUAINTED .............................. Membership Committee LODGE CORRESPONDENT .................................... Jim Kochis COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN CHAPTER DEVELOPMENT MEMBERSHIP/RETENTION May .............................. Barbara Kochis PUBLICITY June ............................................................................................... YOUTH INVOLVEMENT July ...................................................................... MOOSEHEART & MOOSEHAVEN October .......................................... COMMUNITY SERVICE December ......................... Nancy Beverage EDUCATIONAL ADVANCEMENT January ............................................................ FAMILY INVOLVEMENT February ........................ Cindy Rohrbaugh MOOSE CHARITIES March .............................................. Kathy Milliser HEALTH AWARENESS April ...................................................................... STANDING ACADEMY OF FRIENDSHIP August ....................................................... STAR RECORDER September ..................................................................... COLLEGE OF REGENTS November ......................................................... SPECIAL GOVERNMENT RELATIONS ............................. Barbara Kochis 8
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