MIT International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 2, August 2014, pp. 65–69 ISSN 2230- 7672 © MIT Publications 65 Design Development and Implementation of SPI A. Sirisha Dept. of ECE SREC, Nandyal Kurnool (DT), A.P, INDIA M. Sravanthi Dept. of ECE SREC, Nandyal Kurnool (DT), A.P. INDIA N. Sreenivasa Rao Dept. of ECE SREC, Nandyal Kurnool (DT), A.P. INDIA ABSTRACT There are many communication protocols for both short and long distance communication purpose such as ETHERNET, USB, SATA, PCI-EXPRESS are used for long distance and I2C and SPI are used for short distance communications. SPI is a serial interface protocol, compared to other protocols, it has high transmission speed, simple to use and little pins advantages. The four interfaces are required by standard SPI protocol at least. Usually, the devices which based on SPI protocol are divided into master device and slave-device for transmitting the data. The chip select signal and clock signal have be generated by the master-device when the data exchange has been processed. SPI is often considered as the “little” communication protocol which is used for ON-Board communication. Although the literature on SPI protocol is so extensive and the topic is so old (early 1980), to the best of the authors knowledge there is no comprehensive analysis of SPI problem. By comprehensive analysis, we mean a treatment that start from Motorola’s V03.06 SPI bus specifications and goes down to the actual ASIC/FPGA implementation, discussing all relevant architectural aspects and providing all design details. In our attempt to implement universal SPI IP cores according to the design- reuse methodology, we first made a market study of an important number of recent commercial SPI devices (datasheets) from different vendors to look at the requirements and what features are to be included to satisfy modern ASIC/SoC applications. 1. INTRODUCTION: SPI Clock Line (SCLK) The Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) protocol is asynchronous serial data standard, primarily used to allow a microprocessor to communicate with other microprocessors or ICs such as memories, liquid crystal diodes (LCD), analog-to-digital converter subsystems, etc. The SPI is a very simple synchronous serial data, master/slave protocol based on four lines: • SerialOutput(MOSI) • SerialInput(MISO) • SlaveSelect(SS) 1.1 SPI Protocol Fig. 2:SPIwithSingleMasterandSingleSlave 1.1.1 SPI Signal Descriptions Fig. 1: Block Diagram Master In Slave Out (MISO): TheMISOlineisconfiguredas MIT International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 2, August 2014, pp. 65–69 ISSN 2230- 7672 © MIT Publications an input in a master device and as an output in a slave device. It is one of the two lines that transfer serial data in one direction, alongwiththemostsignificantbitsentfirst.TheMISOlineof a slave device is placed in the high-impedance state if the slave is not selected. 66 2. PGA DESIGN FLOW 2.1 Design Flow TheISEdesignflowcomprisesthefollowingsteps:designentry, design synthesis, design implementation, and Xilinx device programming.Designverification,whichincludesbothfunctional Master Out Slave In (MOSI): TheMOSIlineisconfiguredas verificationand timingverification,takesplacesat different output in a master device and as an input in a slave device. It points during the design flow.This section describes what to is one of the two lines that transfer serial data in one direction, do during each step. For additional details on each design step, withthemostsignificantbitsentfirst. clickonalinkbelowthefollowingfigure. Serial Clock (SCK): The serial clock is used to synchronize datamovementbothinandoutofthedevicethroughitsMOSI andMISOlines.TheMasterandSlavedevicesarecapableof exchanging a byte of information during a sequence of eight clock cycles. Since SCK is generated by the master device, this line becomes an input on a slave device. Slave Select (SS_bar): The slave select input line is used to select a slave device. It has to be low prior to data transactions and must stay low for the duration of the transaction. SPI Data Transmission: The SPI has four modes of operation, 0 through 3. These modes essentially control the way data is clocked in or out of an SPI device. Fig. 4: FPGA Design Flow Design Entry Create an ISE project as follows: 1. Create a project. 2. Createfilesandaddthemtoyourproject,includingauser constraints(UCF)file. 3. Addanyexistingfilestoyourproject.Assignconstraints such as timing constraints, pin assignments, and area constraints. Fig. 3:SPIBusModes 3. DESIGN OF SPI TheconfigurationisdonebytwobitsintheSPIcontrolregister 3.1 Master (SPCR).TheclockpolarityisspecifiedbytheCPOLcontrolbit, which selects an active high or active low clock. The clock phase (CPHA) control bit selects one of the two fundamentally different transfer formats. To ensure a proper communication between master and slave both devices have to run in the same mode. This canrequireareconfigurationofthemastertomatchtherequirements of different peripheral slaves. SPI is a Synchronous data transmission, clock plays important role in this Communication. Fordescribingtheclockinformationwehavetwoflagscalled CPOL and CPHA in SPI Control Register.The CPOL clock polaritycontrolbitspecifiesanactivehighorlowclock.The CPHA clock phase control bit selects one of two different transmission formats. Fig. 5:SPIMaster MIT International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 2, August 2014, pp. 65–69 ISSN 2230- 7672 © MIT Publications 3.1.1 Features 3.2 Slave • 3-to16-bitdatawidth 3.2.1 Features • FourSPIoperatingmodes • Bitrateupto9Mbps 67 • 2to16-bitdatawidth • 4SPImodes • Dataratesto33Mb/s 3.1.2 General Description 3.2.2 General Description TheSPIMaster component provides an industry-standard, 4-wire master SPI interface. It can also provide a 3-wire (bidirectional) SPI interface. Both interfaces support all four SPI operating modes, allowing communication with any SPI slave device. In addition to the standard 8-bit word length, the SPIMastersupportsaconfigurable3-to16-bitwordlengthfor communicating with non standard SPI word lengths. SPI signals includethestandardSerialClock(SCLK),MasterInSlaveOut (MISO),MasterOutSlaveIn(MOSI),bidirectionalSerialData (SDAT), and Slave Select (SS). The SPI Slave provides an industry-standard 4-wire slave SPI interface and 3-wire (or bidirectional) SPI mode. The interface supports 4 SPI operating modes, allowing interface with any SPI master device. In addition to the standard 8-bit interface, theSPISlavesupportsaconfigurable2-to16-bitinterfacefor interfacing to nonstandard SPI word lengths. SPI signals include thestandardSCLK,MISO+MOSI(orSDAT)pinsandSlave Select (SS) signal. 3.2.3 When to use the SPI Slave? TheSPISlavecomponentshouldbeusedanytimethePSOC deviceisrequiredtointerfacewithaSPIMasterdevice.Inad3.1.3 When to Use the SPI Master? ditionto“SPIMaster”labeleddevicestheSPISlavecanbeused SPIMasterComponentcanbeusedanytimethePSoCdevice with many devices implementing a shift register type interface. must interface with one or more SPI slave devices. In addition TheSPIMastercomponentshouldbeusedininstancesrequiring to“SPIslave”labeleddevices,theSPIMastercanbeusedwith thePSOCdevicetointerfacewithaSPISlavedevice.TheShift many devices implementing a shift-register-type serial interface. Register component should be used in situations where its low SPI Slave component can be used in instances in which the PSoC levelflexibilityprovideshardwarecapabilitiesnotavailablein device must communicate with an SPI master device. The Shift the SPI Slave component. Register component should be used in situations where its low3.2.4 Input/output Connections levelflexibilityprovideshardwarecapabilitiesnotavailablein This section describes the various input and output connections theSPIMastercomponent. fortheSPI.Anasterisk(*)inthelistofI/Oindicatesthatthe I/Omaybehiddenonthesymbolundertheconditionslistedin 3.1.4 Input/Output Connections thedescriptionofthatI/O. This section describes the various input and output connections fortheSPIcomponent.Anasterisk(*)inthelistofI/Osindicates 3.3 ON ChIP PERIPhERAL BUS thattheI/Omaybehiddenonthesymbolundertheconditions listedinthedescriptionofthatI/O. Fig. 7:OnChipPeripheralBus Fig. 6: Slave Block Diagram OPBisdevelopedbyIBM.ItissomethinglikePCIonchip. ItisanOn-Chipbusthatprovideslinkbetweentheprocessor MIT International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 2, August 2014, pp. 65–69 ISSN 2230- 7672 © MIT Publications coreandotherperipherals.OPBisfullysynchronousandnon- 4.1 Slave: multiplexed.Itsupports8-bit,16-bit,32-bit,64-bitslavesand 32-bit,64-bitmasters. ThesinglecycletransferofdatatakesplacebetweenOPBbus masterandOPBslaves.ThetransactioncarriedoutisPipelined transaction. There are separate 32-bit read write buses and it hasupto64bitaddressbus.ItisthemostusedPeripheralbus for slower devices. 3.4 MASTER AND SLAvE COMMUNICATION TheSPIprotocolbasicallydefinesabuswithfourwires(four signals) and a common ground. There is one master device controlling the activity on the bus, and one slave device. The slave is active only when one of the signals, Slave Select (SS) enables it. This signal is always provided by the master. There can be more than one slave connected to the SPI bus, but each slave requires its own Slave Select signal, see Fig. 1. The data gets transferred serially bit by bit. There are basically two signalstocarryinformation,onefrommastertoslave(MOSI, MasterOutputSlaveInput,drivenbymaster),andoneforthe oppositedirection(MISO,MasterInputSlaveOutput,drivenby slave). The last signal SCLK (Serial CLocK) assures the time synchronization between master and slave, and is always driven by master. There are streamlined versions of the SPI bus using only one signal to transfer data, but the direction of data must be reversed on request; we will not use this kind of data transfer. Fig. 9: RTL Schematic of Slave Fig. 10:OutputofSlave 4.2 MASTER Fig. 8:MastertoMultipleSlaveCommunication 4. SOFTWARE USED For Synthesis and Implementation: Xilinx ISE (Integrated Software Environment) is a software tool produced by Xilinx for synthesis and analysis of HDL designs, enabling the developer to synthesize (“compile”) their designs, perform timing analysis, examine RTL diagrams, simulate a design’s reaction to different stimuli,andconfigurethetargetdevicewiththeprogrammer. Starting the ISE Software To start ISE, double-click the desktop icon, or start ISE from the Start menu by selecting: Fig. 11:RTLSchematicofMaster 68 MIT International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 2, August 2014, pp. 65–69 ISSN 2230- 7672 © MIT Publications 69 5. ADvANTAGES AND USES Fast and easy. Fast for point-to-point connections. Easily allows streaming/Constantdatainflow.Noaddressing/Simpletoimplement. Everyone supports it. Itsupportsallfourmodes.TheMasterandSlaveareindependent of each other. It can be operated in Simplex, Duplex and Full Duplex. It can be programmed at any frequency and at any data width. Uses: Some Serial Encoders/Decoders, Converters, Serial LCDs, Sensors, etc. Pre-SPI serial devices PPC implements SPI well. The bus of choice for communicating with small peripherals. 6. CONCLUSION Fig. 12:OutputofMaster The Design of Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) with Single Master and Single Slave configuratio nh asbeen donesuccessfullyshowingthatitoperatesinSimplexMode. This SPI master is a flexible programmable logic component that accommodates communication with a variety of slaves via a single parallel interface. It allows communication with a user specifiednumberofslaves,whichmayrequireindependentSPI modes, data widths, and serial clock speeds. Thus, Designed SPI Protocol is used in Real Time application of a SoC (System on chip) in order to communicate with the PPC 440 Processor and other peripherals which is applicable for present day Avionics Systems in Defense. 7. FUTURE SCOPE Fig. 13:OutputofOPB 4.3 FINAL OUTPUT ThecapabilitiesofanewflashmemoryinterfacefromSTMicroelectronics, which uses a Serial Peripheral Interface to access serially,organizedflashnon-volatilememorydevicesoverwhat it refers to as the SPI Flash Interface. SPI is now ubiquitous in embedded designs, an integral element in microcontrollers and FPGAs, and in applications in instrument panel clusters, digitally controlled potentiometers, M2Mapplications, industrial controller area networks (CAN), temperature measurement and robotics. REFERENCES 1. SPIBlockGuideV03.06, Free scale Semiconductor. 2. SPI Adapter with support of custom serial protocols, Byte Paradigm. 3. “ Tu l w a r t e c h n o l o g i e s o ff e r s F P G A d e s i g n s e r v i c e s ” . 2013-01-21. Retrieved 2013-05-01. 4. McConnel, Toni,EETimes, “ESC - Xilinx All Programmable System on a Chip combines best of serial and parallel processing.” April 28, 2010. Retrieved February 14, 2011. 5. “Clock Generation”, Doulos, Retrieved 22 December 2012. 6. 1076-1987 – IEEE Standard VHDL Language Reference Manual. 1988. Fig. 14:FinalOutput doi:10.1109/IEEESTD.1988.122645. ISBN 0-7381-4324-3.
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