October 2014 World Missions Bearing Precious Seed “ H O L D I N G T O T H Dear Pastor and Prayer Partners, C O N T A C T U S : Samuel & Barbara Martin Sent out by: Maranatha Baptist Church Pastor Keith Carnahan 200 Acorn Drive Saint Robert, MO 65584 Phone: 573.433.6593 Email: [email protected] Website: www.worldmissions.org Is 55:11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth; it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. What a blessing to hear from church planters, in the United States, as well as foreign missionaries of the lost souls that have been saved as a result of the Gospel of John and Romans. PRAYER REQUEST: Traveling Safety Rolls for Souls Cargo trailer to haul scriptures Health throughout all our upcoming travels Loading the container of Tamil John/Romans at Crossroads Baptist Church in Girard, KS We had a great meeting the 17th of October at Crossroads Baptist Church in Girard, KS. Pastor Mike Buckamneer and the people of Crossroads Baptist Church hosted the shipment of Tamil for Bro. Justus Banuel in India. We loaded 228,010 John and E O R I G I N A L Romans in the container. We had over 60 people help with the loading of the container. The ladies fixed a wonderful lunch followed by a preaching service. Pastor Paul Rooks of Grace Baptist Tabernacle in Ft. Scott, KS brought the first message and then Pastor Mike Buckamneer P A T H ” Prayer dedication of the scripture. God already has a name for each John/ Romans. As one man puts it, “One Book, One Soul”. year to the Philippines. Seedline churches are currently working on Spanish for Honduras and Mexico. We are also working personalized English for New Zealand and three churches in Texas and Missouri. A great group of people showed up for the loading of Tamil John/ Romans for Bro. Justus Banuel preached. Both messages focused on the importance of getting God’s Word out to the world. The whole day was such a blessing and to top it all off the churches in attendance gave generously towards our next printing project. So far this year we have shipped; three containers of scripture (767,000), four shipments of Spanish to Mexico (200,000), and English to Germany (20,000). We have one more container of Ilocano to ship this Working hard to get the New Zealand project completed. Shipping date is October 31st. We have been extremely busy in the print shop at our home church. I am so thankful for good, faithful men who are willing to spend many hours a week working in the shop. Cont’d from Page 1 They have collated, printed, boxed and shipped in my absence. All of this is done mostly by retired veterans who volunteer their time for the Lord. It is always a challenge to raise the funds for all the printing requests but especially these past 6 months. We are very appreciative of the recent paper support received so we could complete the projects I just listed. We are in need of What a blessing it is to have men in a church with just the right equipment to make the job easier! This was a huge blessing in the loading of the container in Girard, KS. $14,500.00 for another truck load of paper for more Spanish as well as W o r l d funding for a Parallel Japanese and English John/Romans that we have been asked to print. As I travel and listen to pastors tell of events in their city, I can’t help but think about the Rapture. We are definitely seeing evil on every side of us. “Good is being called evil and evil is being called good”. God’s Word is what is needed to settle the issues and to settle each one’s eternal destination! I have enclosed with our prayer letter a flyer for our annual “Rolls for Souls” campaign. We greatly appreciate your generous offering to purchase more paper to meet the many requests. Would you please prayerfully consider what God would have you do this year to meet the goal of $17,000.00 in paper money. This would allow us to purchase a truckload of paper. M i ss i o n s Work, for the night is coming, Work through the morning hours; Work while the dew is sparkling, Work ’mid springing flowers; Work when the day grows brighter, Work in the glowing sun; Work, for the night is coming, When man’s work is done. -Lowell Mason (1792-1872) In His Service, Samuel E. Martin ROLLS FOR SOULS It’s that time of year again for our annual “Rolls for Souls” paper fund campaign. In years past we have been able to raise enough money to purchase one hundred rolls of paper which has printed approximately 1,500,000 Gospel of John and Romans. What a blessing it would be to raise enough money this year to purchase another truck load of paper consisting of 40 rolls of paper meeting the requests for scripture to Japan, India, Honduras, Philippines and church planting efforts in the United States. Please pray and give as God leads you to do so. His Word will not return void, but will accomplish that which HE pleases. I know for a fact from listening to testimonies of people who have been saved as well as from the missionaries we have sent scripture to that this effort is working. Hundreds of thousands are being saved! Praise the Lord for those who are faithfully giving to reach lost souls around the world. I appreciate your prayerful response to this great need.
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