VTT TECHNICAL RESEARCH CENTRE OF FINLAND LTD Fusion research activities in Finland and VTT Serpent Workshop, Cambridge UK J. Leppänen and M. Airila 1 Overview FinnFusion Consortium Academy of Finland Linked third parties: Aalto, HY, LUT, TUT, ÅA VTT TEM Program owner/ Tekes Fusion for Energy F4E / ITER Industry National Advisory Board Consortium Steering Group Program manager/ VTT EUROfusion Consortium / IPP Euratom/Commission Organigram of Finnish Fusion Research Community in 2015-2020 3 Fusion technology research in Finland – DTP2 Edge plasma physics and plasma-wall interactions are our focus area since 2004 Background in Simulations of energetic particles, transport and RF heating Simulations of plasma-material interaction and materials modifications Experimental plasma-wall interaction research How it all started Edge and PWI modelling identified as the link between existing expertises Collaboration with FZ Jülich from 2004: Simulations with and development of the ERO code Presently about 20 active scientists (graduate, post-doc, senior) E.g. PSI 2014 conference: 45 contributions, 4 orals (out of 60) 6/16/15 5 ASCOT code for 2D/3D tracing of fast plasma ions “Accelerated Simulation of Charged particle Orbits in Tori” ITER contract: Simulation of fusion alphas, neutral beam ions, RF heated ions will they destroy the wall? Limiters receive the highest loads and protect the wall elsewhere Assessing critical design issues High reliability requirements for model Several PhD theses completed on ASCOT related topics during the past year 6 Edge and SOL plasma modelling L. Aho-Mantila, M. Groth, A. Järvinen, J. Karhunen, D. Moulton JET experiments and interpretation with EDGE2D-EIRENE Interpretation of N and Ne seeding experiments in JET-ILW Radiation and detachment physics in JET-C and JET-ILW Neutral dynamics and pumping including subdivertor ASDEX Upgrade experiments and interpretation with SOLPS Measurements of scrape-off layer flows at the HFS midplane Development of DEMO power exhaust scenarios within the Power Plant Physics and Technology Programme JET and ASDEX Upgrade experiments at high radiated power, SOLPS validation and scaling laws 6/16/15 7 Impurity migration modelling L. Aho-Mantila, M. Airila, C. Björkas, M. Groth, A. Järvinen, A. Hakola, T. Makkonen, J. Miettunen Tools: 3D Monte Carlo impurity transport code ERO ASCOT – recently extended to global impurity tracing in realistic geometries 2D impurity transport code DIVIMP Plasma codes for plasma background generation Case examples: 10Be, 13C and 15N tracer experiments (JET + AUG) AUG SOL flow measurement by carbon injection Erosion probes exposed to AUG plasmas Significant efforts also in ERO code developments MD data, BeD, ITM work, plasma background handling, synthetic diagnostics and geometry 6/16/15 8 Experimental plasma-wall interaction studies A. Hakola, K. Heinola, J. Karhunen, J. Likonen, J. Räisänen Tools: SIMS facilities at VTT and University of Helsinki Beryllium handling facility at VTT Ion-beam analysis (RBS, NRA, ERDA) laboratory at University of Helsinki Access to different microscopes (optical, SEM, TEM, AFM) at VTT and Aalto University Case examples: In situ monitoring of deposition and retention Long-term and tracer samples (JET + AUG) Erosion probes exposed to AUG plasmas Dust investigations at JET in view of ITER Arc-discharge and plasma cleaning 6/16/15 9 Multi-scale modelling of plasma-wall interactions K. Nordlund, T. Ahlgren, M. Airila, C. Björkas, L. Bukonte, K. Heinola, A. Lasa, E. Safi Long traditions in top-level research at UH Increasing integration into the EFDAEUROfusion programme during past ~5 years Academy of Finland project ”SimITER” in 20102013 boosted domestic networking (Aalto, UH, ÅA, VTT & CSC) Networking with FZJ, CCFE, IPP, MEdC (incl. Staff Mobility & JOC Secondment) 6/16/15 10 Plasma-wall interactions and edge plasma studies Divertor Test Platform DTP2 • VTT and TUT are hosting the DTP2 facility since 2007 • Crucial facility for testing and training remote handling operations for ITER • More recently also analyses for remote handling of DEMO 12 Starting activities in neutronics Coupling Fusion neutron and 3D neutron transport models – Overview Time scales of transients are affected by the thermal inertia of cooled components that receive neutron (and decay) heat It is possible to account for this effect by computing the neutron heating during various states of plasma operation (ramp-up, full-power, rampdown, dwell) Describe the neutron source geometry using 1D plasma transport modelling + the contribution of fast ions (NBI, RF; dominant in JET!). The neutron source model can be refined progressively: thin annulus → thermal plasma profile → thermal profile + fast ion contributions Neutronics calculation gives the volumetric heating of each component The heat source can be interfaced to Apros as an external module 14 6/16/15 14 TECHNOLOGY FOR BUSINESS
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