Flexible MHD tools for 3D boundaries and resistive wall coupling in fusion devices By Chris Hansen*, Jeff Levesque, John Schmitt and Thomas Jarboe *- University of Washington, [email protected] Topics- D (A, C) Presentation- Yes Purpose: This whitepaper proposes the further development of simulation tools that enable macroscopic modeling of full fusion devices through geometric flexibility and multiphysics capabilities for coupled models of relevant physical regions (plasma, resistive wall, etc.). Motivation and background: Macroscopic MHD modeling of fusion devices is a crucial tool in understanding observed plasma phenomenon in existing experiments and predicting performance for future designs. However, the majority of existing codes used in fusion modeling are tailored to model a single plasma region within an axisymmetric geometry. While this provides desirable numerical properties when modeling the Tokamak and other nominally axisymmetric devices, it limits study of physical phenomenon related to or requiring 3D boundaries. For example, devices that inherently contain complex 3D boundaries, such as the Helicity Injected Torus with Steady Injection (HIT-SI)1 and stellarator devices, cannot be fully represented within an axisymmetric boundary code. Even in nominally axisymmetric devices, such as the Tokamak, the 3D structure of nearby conducting walls may have a significant impact on feedback response, RWM torque and the resulting locking behavior2. 3D boundary effects are especially important in small devices, such as the Lithium Tokamak eXperiment (LTX)3 and the High Beta Tokamak – Extended Pulse (HBT-EP)4, where the impact of toroidal asymmetries in the first wall can have first order effects on plasma equilibrium and mode structure. Wall asymmetries are currently investigated using linear theory, where the impact of 3D conductors on growth and vacuum field structure of a single toroidal mode number is considered5. Extending study to the full, coupled wall-plasma magnetic interactions requires multiphysics frameworks that support general 3D geometry and allow the model description of the physical system to change from region to region. This type of framework also enables simulations of a broader range of devices with plasma regions that possess complex boundary shapes. Opportunity: Significant research opportunities exist in the development and application flexible simulation tools. Foundational research within the fusion community has produced tools with some of the desired capabilities for these studies, which been applied successfully to university scale fusion devices6,7. To leverage the existing capabilities we propose further development of these tools to support application to resistive wall mode studies and other coupled multiphysics problems. As stated above university scale experiments are well suited for initial investigation of these phenomena, utilizing the existing simulation capabilities within this community most efficiently. In order to support broader development of flexible multiphysics tools for fusion modeling, research into the use of modeling frameworks from the broader computational physics community should also be considered along with integration of leading numerical techniques for multiphysics simulations from other fields into fusion community tools. This research can benefit significantly from connection between the fusion modeling community and the broader ASCR community. Impact: Resistive wall modes and 3D plasma boundaries are an important area of current research for the advanced Tokamak (high beta, ELM/disruption-free operation). Improved theoretical understanding of the governing dynamics of these phenomena in existing devices will significantly aide in the development of advanced operating scenarios required for economical reactor scenarios. In small devices, the ability to model accurate machine boundaries can significantly improve the understanding of eddy current and other geometric effects that can play an important role in plasma dynamics. This understanding can in turn improve the interpretation of experimental results directly relevant to larger devices (where wall/geometry effects may be secondary to the studied physics). ! Figure 1- Unstable mode structure in the presence of a non-axisymmetric first wall similar to HBTEP as computed by the Plasma Science and Innovation center TETrahedral mesh code (PSI-TET) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1!T. R. Jarboe, et al. “Spheromak Formation by Steady Inductive Helicity Injection” Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 11 (2006).! 2!M. Baruzzo, et al. “3D effects on RWM physics in RFX-mod”, Nuclear Fusion 51, 8 (2011)! 3 J. C. Schmitt, et al. “Magnetic diagnostics for equilibrium reconstructions with eddy currents on the lithium tokamak experiment”, Review of Scientific Instruments 85, 11E817 (2014) 4!J.P. Levesque, et al. “Multimode observations and 3D magnetic control of the boundary of a tokamak plasma”, Nuclear Fusion 53, 7 (2013)! 5!J. Bialek, et al. “Modeling of active control of external magnetohydrodynamic instabilities”, Physics of Plasmas 8, 2170 (2001)! 6!C. Hansen, et al. “Simulation of injector dynamics during steady inductive helicity injection current drive in the HIT-SI experiment”, Physics of Plasmas 22, 042505 (2015) 7!S. Knecht, et al. “Effects of a Conducting Wall on Z-Pinch Stability”, Plasma Science, IEEE Transactions on (2014)
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