NOVEMBER 4 ELECTION DAY NOVEMBER 11 VETERANS DAY NOVEMBER 27 THANKSGIVING DAY 1 Manager’s Report: Carl Romano Park Manager We are starting to feel the cool days of autumn and our seasonal Shareholders are flocking back to Venice Isle. The erosion control project for Lake Bello has already started and work on Lake Placido should be starting soon. We also have Sarasota County working in the Park on what they refer to as the “water loop project”. Their sub-contractor, De Jong Excavating have been digging along Via Veneto. They are replacing some of the underground incoming domestic water lines. We plan on re-finishing the hot tub surface at Clubhouse # 2 as the surface has become stained. We were also able to get the Men’s Sauna at the bathroom working. I am happy to report that VIHO sold the last vacant lot that we owned, which was located at 701 Roma Road. We are looking at replacing the Gazebo across Cortina Blvd from Clubhouse # 2. The present structure in made of wood and a lot of the wood is starting to rot. We will also be adding a step on the courtesy bus to make it easier for residents to get off and on the bus. The Beautification Committee has been working on a new flowering plants for the front entrance of the Park and also for the front entrance of Clubhouse # 2. NOTES FROM NEVILLE: I STILL NEED HELP!! I am almost out of homes to sell and I have buyers lined up and waiting. We have had a great summer and home values are increasing. If you are thinking of selling please call me to discuss what your values have increased to. We dropped again to only 3 homes for sale in the whole Park. If you are looking to buy, do not wait too long. This is a small number for sale in our Park and they are going fast, as fast I list them. We are in need of homes to sell since our inventory is so low. If you are thinking of ending your stay in paradise, I am sorry, but give me a call and I will be glad to talk with you about how I can help. If you have any questions, we will be glad to offer our expertise in the Venice Isle real estate market. We are the number one Home seller in Venice Isles and do not take your buyers to other Parks. Don’t forget Venice Isle Real Estate is your company! When Venice Isle Real Estate Sales makes a sale (buying or selling) 30% is paid to the park, keeping your maintenance fees lower. When an outside real estate company sells a home in our Park (buying or selling), None of their commission goes back to the Park. So whether you are buying OR selling, use your company to help support your Park. Our sales commission is a low 5 and 1/2 % of the sale price, so call me about how I can help. If I list and sell a home for $70,000 then the commission is $3,850.00, 30% of that goes back to the park ($1,155) in expenses and paid rent. If you are interested in the homes we have, please stop by the office and I would love to show you around the Park. Neville Demo, Broker for Venice Isle Real Estate 1-941-920-4598 anytime cell 2 Maintenance Report October 2014 Repairs and Installations - in addition to regularly scheduled maintenance activities. This has been a very busy Summer for the parks employees I will recap our activities to date for the record. All out buildings at CH#1 were painted with white Olympic outdoor Semi Gloss paint after power washing. This project includes the Bus Stop, Pool Side Cabana, Shuffle Board Courts shade shelter and Picnic shelter. We also resided the Shuffle Board and Horse Shoe pit's storage building with Hardy Board, trimmed it out with Vinyl boards and painted the structure. Power washing of both pool decks were completed and power washing of the stone on CH#2 has been completed along with sidewalks, ramps and stairs. An area at CH#1 called the News Paper vending area was constructed with crushed shells and landscaping bricks for a better foundation for the vending machines and aesthetic appeal. Some of the hand rails and pool gates at CH#2 were also repainted along with the blue light posts. 23 trees were planted around CH#1 and CH#2 they are the Royal Poinciana and Jacaranda trees. 5 trees in front of CH#2 were removed and roots dug up in preparation of re-landscaping, many of the shrubs and plants were 25-30 years old. We have installed 9 new palm trees in front of CH#2 and had landscape drawing done by Edgewood Nursery. This will give us an up to date look, and a great enhancement to the building exterior. The clearing out of this area was a task in its self as it took us over two weeks to clear the area and remove the root structures. New Irrigation was install and final hookup was completed by Tom Miller Irrigation. The old fire pits at CH#1 were removed, we replaced these pits with Park Style charcoal grills. We installed a metal garbage can complete with whisk broom and dust pan and wire brush to clean the grates and ashes. By the time you read this report in the Islander the landscaping in the front of CH#2 should be completed. We installed new sewer venting at CH#2 laundry and bath house to help with slow draining sewage water. We rewired the men's 3 Sauna because of water being put on the rocks. Remember we have dry heat Saunas not steam Baths. I am sure there will not be a fix if this practice is continued as I had to be very creative in rewiring it to work safely. These units are all computerized and computers don't like water. We have installed 8 new LED spot lights at CH#2 and 1 at CH#1 This will save us money for electricity and bulb replacement over the coming years. Contractor repairs and installation Tom Miller Irrigation installed a new Pressure Control Valve at CH#1 Tom Miller Irrigation Installed Control system for CH#2 landscape project Bob's Electric installed a 50 amp plug at CH#2 kitchen and installed a new light ballast and bulb for the parking lot security light at CH#1 Mail Boxes 0 Set-ups – 33 Monthly safety Carelessness topic – General Safety- Sale of Home ReminderIf you are selling your home personally or through an outside Real Estate Agency, please contact the Administration Office or have your agent come into the Administration Office for the proper procedures. Venice Isle Estates Family Overnight Use of Member or Tenants Unit Temporary Policy Change Effective May 1, thru December 31, 2014 Members or Tenants, who may want to allow family members to stay in their unit without them being there, must supply the Park Manager a list of the names of all family members who may stay in the unit. Any updates to the list, once approved, will need to be approved. We define “family members” as your parents, grandparents, children, nieces, nephews, grandchildren, brothers, sisters and in-laws (mother, father, sister, brother). Information on the list must show the name, date of birth and relationship to the member or Tenant making the request. The list must be received and approved by the park Manager, acting on the authority of the VIHO Board of Directors, prior to any family member(s) being allowed to use the Member of Tenant’s unit. If approved, the Member or Tenant will receive a copy of the original list signed by the Park Manager Identification and/or proof of age will be required when the family members check in with the office. Failure to report in with the office may result in the family being asked to leave the Park. Family members, while present, must follow the rules of Venice Isle Estates. Members of Tenants are still held responsible for the actions of their family members even though they are not present. Family members cannot stay for longer than 14 days at a time. Also, family members under the age of 21 cannot stay in the unit without a family member who is over 21 being present. The Member or Tenant, by submitting names on the list are certifying these persons are family members and are not felons. You must also notify management as to when we can expect your family members to arrive. Members or Tenants who abuse this policy in any way risk losing the family overnight use privilege. Family Guest Registration Use this form to register your family members who may come to stay in your unit in your absence. Please note that the cumulative amount of time the family members can use your unit is two (2) weeks in a calendar year starting January 1, 2014. You need to list their names, ages and family relationship. Your 4 guest must register with the management office on their arrival and departure. At least one of your family guests must be 21 years old. We define “family members” as your parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, brothers, sisters and in-laws (mother, father, sister, brother) Name (Relationship) Date of Birth _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ As the Shareholder of your unit you are certifying that the listed family members have not been convicted of any felony offense and acknowledge that you are responsible for their actions while visiting Venice Isle. Shareholders who abuse this policy in any way risk losing the family visitation privilege. This form must be approved by Venice Isle at least 2 weeks prior to the arrival of your guests. We also ask that you call or send notice as to when we should expect your family guest to arrive. The Islander: The deadline for The Islander articles is the 11th of the month at noon. I would appreciate receiving the articles as early as possible. Forms are located in a file holder on the Clubhouse 2 veranda wall by the Bulletin Board, pool side. Please follow the guidelines and instructions so that your announcement will be printed. E-mail articles to [email protected] or put in the box under the file holder. ******Starting with the May Islander, please take all written articles to the office or deposit them in the drop box in front of the office on Roma Road. I will be doing the Islander from home in Kentucky until I return. Thank you, Sharyn Morgan – 859-907-2960 GUIDELINES FOR ISLANDER ARTICLES, MESSAGES & INPUT (The purpose of the Islander is to provide information to our residents, renters, and guests regarding Venice Isle Estates’ interests and activities) All copy is subject to editing (punctuation, grammar, spelling, etc.) by the Editor. No complaints, opinions, or personal political messages will be accepted for publication. The Islander is not a forum for letters to the Editor. The Editor shall determine the appropriateness of any submitted material. If the suitability of material is questionable, the Editor will confer and defer to the President of the VIHO Board of Directors or his/her designee’s decision. Except for volunteer services, all commercial advertising must be placed through the publisher (On Trac Publishing). The Advertising Sales Manager sets the rates by contract and is responsible for determining acceptance. Articles/Messages/Input will be acceptable in the following formats: Trouble with a Utility- Call the utility company you are having a problem with, not the Administration Office. You will receive better service calling yourself. Questions will be asked that only you can answer. COPIES FOR VIAC ACTIVITIES: The VIAC copier is located in the Lido Room (Poker Room) in CH2. The request folder is now located on a shelf placed on the copier cabinet. The folder with copies is placed on the second shelf located on the copier cabinet. Please include a contact name with your request. VIAC will not reimburse anyone for copies made elsewhere. Priscilla Conklin- 485-9295 -printed on standard paper – printed name, signature, phone number and date required -typed on standard paper – material typed in all capital letters will not be accepted -e-mailed or email attachment to [email protected] – typed name, phone number and date required NO MESSAGES BY PHONE WILL BE ACCEPTED. Completed “inputs” should be enclosed in a sealed envelope addressed to the “Islander” and placed only in the “Islander Box” outside the West entrance to Clubhouse #2 (poolside) Deadline for submission: Noon on the 11th of every month. Thank you. Your cooperation in using these procedures is most appreciated. VIHO, Inc. Board of Directors Sharyn Morgan – Editor 859-907-2960 5 Need Sound for Your Event? Please remember to give five (5) days’ notice for your event or function. This includes all weekly or monthly events. In addition, your performer(s) must contact me before they perform to insure that sound, lighting and musical selections are discussed fully before the performance. Skip Martinek- 483-3516 Rob Holsgrove- 244-7757 Are you a New Home Owner? If you have purchased a home in Venice Isle In the past 6-10 months, give me a call so I can set up an appointment to bring you some information about the park and own town of Venice. Give me a call so we can get together. Thank you. Janet Keckler VI Greeter 941-488-5511 Venice Isle Name Tags It's that time of year again to order your name tag, if you would like one. It can be worn at all Venice Isle activities. Please wear your name tag to introduce yourself at any and all of the many activities you attend. Prices are as follows: Pin - $5.75---tax included Magnet - $6.00---tax included Please contact Marna Corbus @941-4129213 if interested. Habitat for Humanity Aluminum Can Bin I AM so sorry to report that our Bin will be taken out from the Maintenance Yard. The price of Aluminum has gone down and it;s not paying enough for them to come and pick up the cans. Not enough Volunteers too. If you would still like to help out, please take the cans over to the Habitats Building on Ogden Rd. and leave them in the Bin out front. Thank You, Joyce Clark 484-0780 (Please note that aluminum cans can be brought to 280 Alligator Drive or 1400 Ogden Road in Venice. These are two places where Habitat for Humanity still has collection boxes for the aluminum cans.) Islander Mailing Service: Betty Murphy has the remaining envelopes submitted and will continue to mail the Islander to these folks but will discontinue this service when the remaining envelopes have been mailed. The Islander can be viewed on the VIAC web site which is If anyone would like to volunteer to continue this service, please contact Betty Murphy at 941-484-4807 Waste Management/Trash: All garbage, yard waste, and recycles will be picked up on Thursdays only. If you are in doubt as to what goes in the red and blue bins, if something should be bagged or bundled or how long or heavy it is supposed to be- call Waste Management – 493-4100. Remember: The dumpster in the Maintenance Compound is not for disposal of appliances, carpeting, flooring, etc. Call Waste Management for an appointment. 6 PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE Ticket sales at V.I. Volunteers are the lifeblood of this park. Let's show them how much we appreciate them. Please be considerate and do not call them or visit them at their homes before 9 am or after 9 pm. Ticket sale times are listed in the Islander and on the bulletin board and on channel 195. Thank you for supporting our activities. Channel (195) Announcements: Currently only channel 195 is available for in-house dissemination of information. Comcast has removed all other channels for their use. If you wish to input any information on the VIC channel, please note that forms are available in the San Marco Room (Billiard Room) at CH2. There is a pocket with blank pink sheets that must be used to submit articles for the channel. Completed forms should be put into the slot adjacent to the blank sheet pocket. Only pink forms will be accepted. Please, no phone calls or e-mails. Information is provided on the back of the forms. There are several VIC channel coordinators processing these sheets so please print legibly and include your name and phone number. If you have any questions, please drop a note into the slot and one of the coordinators will call you back as soon as possible. Venice Isle Courtesy Bus Our bus leaves from both Clubhouses at approximately 9:30 am, 11:30 am, and 2:30 pm., Monday through Thursday except for Holidays. You may arrange with the driver, Don Black, for the pickup or your return trip. However, if you leave the Park on a 2:30 pm bus, you will need to provide your own transportation back to Venice Isle Estates. Note: The Wednesday 11:30 am bus only goes to the Venice Village Shops and Wal-Mart if requested. On request, passengers will be taken to Venice Beach, Venice Library, Venice Regional Medical Center and Health Park, downtown Venice, grocery stores, Doctor’s offices, etc. Please call the Administration Office, 488-9648, for further information and to make special requests. There is no charge to the residents for this service. Friday Courtesy Bus Outings Clubhouse #1 Bulletin Board: To keep the Bulletin Board orderly and to have available space to post as many notices as possible, please do the following: 1. Use 3x5” index cards or paper. 2. Mark the date you are posting the notice on the right bottom corner. 3. Post it in the area assigned: ‘Rentals, Want to Rent, For Sale, Services, etc.’ 4. Notices will remain for 30 days. You may re-date, if needed. 5. Please remove or have someone remove your posting when your property is rented or sold. If you have any questions, please call me. Winnie O’Loughlin- 486-1374 7 In order to be fairer to all who wish to participate, you may only reserve a seat for yourself, or yourself and your significant other or your friend or guest. NO ONE will be signed up before the trips have been put on channel 195 “VIC”, unless you were the person requesting the trip. These trips will be placed on the in house television the Monday of the last full week of the month. Please mark your calendar once you reserve your seat for the date and time of the trip. If you have to cancel, please do it as early as possible so we may contact those on the waiting list. The bus goes on trips every Friday during business hours. The range is from Ellenton to the north, south to Punta Gorda. We try to send a full bus and to keep the trips low cost to you. Requests for trips will be considered. These trips are for park residents, their guests and Seasonal Renters alike. The bus picks up about 15 minutes before departure at CH2 then departs from CH1. Office488-9648 Picture Directory If you had your picture taken this past winter for the Park Directory, the books are available for pick-up. Call Diane Tarr at 941-486-0816 or e-mail at [email protected] for availability. Park Directory The Park Directories are in and available for pick up during office hours, 9am – 2pm. One per household please. Bar Code Stickers/Gate Passes: Will be placed on your vehicles on the following days and times from October 1st through May 1st: Mondays 8:00 – 8:30am The following obituary was published in the Herald Tribune from Sept. 28 to Sept. 29, 2014: Sharon Nicole (Coby) Maresch married her high school sweetheart, Robert Maresch, September 22, 1962. They started their marriage and their family in Janesville, WI, moving to Venice Florida in 1977. Survivors include her soul mate and husband Robert L. Maresch. Children; Kimberley Watson, Laura (Doug) Ward, Stephen (Tamara) Maresch, Eric Maresch, 9 grand children and 10 great grand children. Sisters Carol Frase, Dennis Goodwin, and Jean Fossedal. Condolences to the family and friends of Helen Stich who passed away September 14, 2014 Wednesdays 11:00-11:30am Fridays 3:00 – 3:30pm Bar codes are issued as stated in the Gate Policy. UPCOMING EVENTS PARK BREAKFAST Thank You Notes & Condolences Saturday, November 8 – 8:00-10:00am Sharon Nicole (Coby) Maresch Jul. 18, 1943 - Sep. 12, 2014 Choice of:Blueberry Pancakes, or Biscuits & Gravy, or Scrambled Eggs & Ham ’Tis a loss to the community of Venice Isle Estates for such a lovely and pleasant lady to leave us all to be with the Lord in Heaven. Her many years as a helpful, dedicated, and cheerful staff member has been extremely important in the success of the Venice Isles Homeowners, Inc. I will always appreciate the effort and cooperation of Sharon and her family in making Venice Isles such a “paradise” to live in and enjoy. Sharon Maresch will certainly be missed by family, friends, and everyone who knew her. May God bless her soul. 8 $4.00 per person Dennis 0 488-4113 MOVIE Sunday, November 23, 7:00 pm CH 2 TO BE ANNOUNCED Watch Channel 195 Skip - 483-3516 NOVEMBER PARK DINNER Something New!!! First Park Dinner is Friday, November 7th 5:30PM - CH # 2 This will be a catered dinner. $12.00 pp will include roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, salad, apple pie and beverage. Plus great entertainment after dinner - "The Palm Strings Quartet." Catered by Affordable Custom Catering. No muss, no fuss. Plates and table utensils included. Tkt sales: Saturday, Oct 11th - CH 2 8-10 am. Also on Saturday, Nov 1st - CH 2 8-10 am. Shirley - 419-561-1432 2015 VENICE ISLE COMMUNITY SALE The 2015 Venice Isle Community Sale will be Chaired again this year by Noreen Rash & Diana Ross. It will be held on SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, 2015 from 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. at Clubhouse #2. Cost to each participant will be $3.00 per table & maximum number of tables is 3 per household/club. We received feedback last year that many residents are not here until January and did not see the information for early signup. So, this year we are not taking early reservations until January. Information for early sign up will be available in the January Islander. Thank you in advance. Noreen Rash & Diana Ross ENTERTAINMENT SHOWCASE Friday, December 5th - 10 am - 4:30 pm ATTENTION CRAFTERS OLD AND NEW. Annual Craft show is Nov.15, 2014 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM If you are interested call Faith VanZanten 815372-1055 or 630-853-7621. We are always looking for new crafters. Sorority will have a bake sale again and all proceeds goes to Cancer Research. We would appreciate anyone who would like to help bake for the cause. Thank you Faith A NEW PROFESSIONAL ACT EVERY 15 MINUTES! $ 6. PP Beverages, Lunch and Snacks available for purchase all day Tkts: Gen - 483-3339 Joan - 483-3516 VIAC APPROVED CASINO TRIPS Trip #1 – November 18 Location: Hard Rock Casino in Tampa COUNTRY COOKOUT ON THE OASIS Sun. November 2nd Noon $ 7.00 pp Hot Dog, Sloppy Joe, Potato Salad and Dessert Entertainment by Glenn Johnson Please bring your own chairs Gen - 483-3339 Joan - 483-3516 9 Price: $25 per person If Over 32 people attend each event, free bingo (3 - $50 prizes). Bus leaves CH#2 (by bocce courts) @ 9AM Latest. (Arrive by 8:30AM). Bus returns CH#2 around 4:45PM. Sign - up sheet at CH#1. For more information or signup call Joe Zalewski – 486-4257, or Claude LeVassuer – 484-0421 NEW YEARS DANCE 2015 STAR ENTERTAINMENT Dec. 1 is the cut-off date for current Season Ticket holders to purchase their 2015 season tickets. If you have not already paid and picked up your tickets for next season, please mail me your check over the summer. Unpaid seats will not be held after December 1. Season tickets are $50.00 per person which includes the 4 shows listed below: “Bringing In The New Year” Wednesday, December 31st Clubhouse #2 8:30pm – 12:30am Ticket Price: $12.00 per person Dance To The Music Of Val & Neil B.Y.O.B. Sun., Jan 11-7PM-Red, Hot and Blue Sun. Jan 25-7PM-Glenn Leonards Temptations Sun. Feb22-7PM-Night of Comedy & Music (This is a 2-part show) Sun. March 8-7PM-String Fever Tickets on Sale at the November Pancake Breakfast Thank you Sandi McCulloch – 941-882-4965 Please make your check out to V.I.A.C. A warm welcome back to our northern Special Show: Wednesday, Feb 11th - 7 pm THE SHINDIGS This dynamic group comprised of all lead vocalists are guaranteed to make you feel young again! From the 50's, 60's, and 70's ... they will have you tapping your feet and swaying to the music. From the Beach Boys, Frankie Valle & The Four Seasons to the Beatles, you will be entertained from start to finish. This is an Open seating Show. Individual Tickets $15. pp. Box office opens 6 pm. No reserved seating please. (tickets will be sold at the Park Breakfast. Saturday, Nov 8, 8am-10am) Thank you Joan Martinek 510 Roma Rd Venice Fl 34285 941-483-3516 10 friends and an equally warm hello to our permanent residents. As we begin another wonderful season, set our calendars and reawaken all the activities that make the season fly past, a reminder for a very important event, The annual Tri-State/Canada Dinner. Please mark your calendars, set the date and plan to join us on Tuesday, February 24, 2015. Along with planning your calendar, we ask for any and all who would like to assist in making this great event a success to mark an additional date on their calendar. January 6, 2015, 10:00 am. There will be a planning meeting for committee members and any residents who would like to be a part of this dinner and volunteer their time and energy. All are welcome and help will be greatly appreciated. VIAC APPROVED LAS VEGAS TRIP VI Annual Las Vegas Trip, 5 days, 4 nights at your choice of 3 hotels. Stratosphere - $555, Excalibur - $599, Luxor - $639. Price includes R/T air from Tampa - nonstop, Southwest, 2 free bags. Includes transfers in Vegas to/from hotel. Book early. Space Limited. VALENTINE’S DAY SUPPER CLUB Join us for an evening of fun Saturday, February 14, 2015 Clubhouse #2 Ticket Price: $15.00 per person A light supper will be served followed by Venice Isles own “Pan’s People” in THE U.S.O. SHOW We will conclude the evening with two hours of dancing to the music of: Debonair Entertainment Tickets on sale at the January Pancake Breakfast. These are tables of 8 and only a limited number are available. Menu: Appetizer Fresh Salad Roast Chicken Potato Au Gratin Rolls Desert Coffee or Tea B.Y.O.B. and Soft Drinks Sandi McCulloch Director/Producer 941-882-4965 11 Contact Joe Zalewski at 486-4257. Dates Jan 31st – Feb 4th, 2015. AWAKEN YOUR SPIRIT Wednesday, January 14 7:00-9:00 pm The cost is FREE Did you know that Venice Isle has a Psychic Medium living amongst us? Have you ever wondered how they do what they do? I think you are going to be surprised. Come join me for a night of fun and enlightenment in this journey we all call life and be part of the final chapter of the book that I am writing called ‘LOVE TAUGHT ME HOW TO SEE”. I must warn you though, you’re going to leave seeing things a little bit differently. For two hours you’re going to laugh, dance and maybe even cry your troubles away with what I have to tell and show you. The evening will end with a concert of the angelic sounds of the Tibetan crystal singing bowls. So mark your calendar and don’t miss out. All you have to do is call Joan Martinek at 941483-3516 to reserve your seat. Arts & Crafts: VI Quilters The quilt group will officially start the season on the first Thursday of this month, November 6th. This year we will be working towards our Quilt Show which is tentatively scheduled for Sunday, March 15, 2015. If you are a quilter or would like to learn how to quilt, our meetings are open to everyone, come join us. We meet on Thursday mornings at 9:30 and on Monday afternoons at 1:30 in the Sorrento Room at Clubhouse 1. Peggy McAuliffe Venice Isle Singles Our Singles Meeting in Venice Isle is just that, every man & women that live in our Park is WELCOME. Every month come join us for our Meeting the third Thursday of every month at 1:00 in the Tuscany Room. We will have a speaker at our meetings, then we will go outside the park for a Tour of some kind. This November we will be having R.J. from Cico Gelato Ice Cream come and tell us how he makes the wonderful ice cream. Then we will also be signing up for our tour of the Venice Train Station, it’s a great tour, so you don’t want to miss it. We Hope to see you there on November 20. Joyce Clark 484-0780 [email protected] The Library Winnie O'Loughlin 486-1374 'The Chief Libra' 207-332-8670 Venice Isle Knitters Happy Knitting Dolly Richards 485-9374 Venice Isle Readers We will not be meeting again until November 2014. The list of books for next season: “Muck City” by Bryan Mealer “Into The Arms Of Strangers” by Jonathon Harris “Angry Housewives Eating BonBons” by Ioma Landvik “The Good Earth” by Pearl S. Buck ““Good In A Crisis’ by Margaret Overton “The Secrets of Mary Bowser” by Lois Leveen “Still Alice” by Lisa Genove Summer Librarian will have some of these books to loan. Mary Kennedy 941-882-4456 12 SPORTS & GAMES BINGO Dayle and Ed Kohut Rise & Shine Aerobics - Year Round The Rise & Shine exercise group meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at 8:30 am in Clubhouse #1. Feel the beat with our new sound system and work out at your own pace. We follow up with weight exercises. This is a great way to start out your day. All are welcome. Water Aerobics – Year Round (time change) For those of you who have suffered through the summer heat with me as well as those who will be back in October, please note the time change. Starting October 1, water aerobics will start at 9:30 am, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays at the Clubhouse #2 pool. Hope to see you there. Billie Lindstead – 445-5170 VENICE ISLES MEN’S GOLF LEAGUE The V.I. men’s golf league plays 18 holes each Thursday from January 1st to March 31st at Oyster Creek Golf & Country Club in Englewood. It is a 4 man team competition, each team comprising a high, a high medium, a low medium and a low handicap player. New friends always welcome! Entry fee is $35 for prizes and annual dinner including spouses. November, December, and April are make-up games. Doug Jones 483-3921 Tom Gosler 441-8656 Jim Chastain 412-4142 Dan Donovan 978-853-4388 Walking Workout- CH#2- 8:30 am (Meeting Year Round) We exercise in CH#2 every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8:30 am. The session lasts 45 minutes using primarily walking fitness exercises by Leslie Sansone. Please bring your own hand weights and plan to experience a lively, energizing workout. Anyone is welcome and you can modify the exercise according to your individual abilities. Mike & June Buckley- 244-0587 Texas Hold-Em 2014 We are playing Monday at 6:30 PM and Thursday’s at 10AM sharp. We play in the Lido room in CH2. $10 buy-in and an optional $1 high hand. Come see the sharp new chips Bill Bibeault and Skip Martineck purchased thru the activities committee over the summer. Bill did a great job running the game thru the summer months - Thanks Bill. I am thinking of running another “how to play Texas Hold-um” again this January, if there is any interest. John Abbott 485-7893 Mexican Train Dominoes Shuffleboard League Officers for 2014-2015 Season President, Joe Leavy – Captain, Pat Hill – Vice President, Jerry Dick – Co-Captain, Fred Ressler – Secretary, Barb Heiman – Refreshments, Jane Akerman Joe Levy -488-3793 13 Regular play of Mexican Train Dominos starts Monday November 3. We meet at Club House 1 at 6:45 with table assignments drawn at 6:50. You must be present at 6:50 to participate that night. Domino players are welcome and encouraged. Looking forward to seeing our players back again.. Carl Risch – 445-5170 Tai Chi Welcome back. We hope everyone had a great summer and are ready for another season of Tai Chi starting Thursday, November 20th. Anyone interested can join us at Club House 2 Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:30 – 9:30 am. For more information, email [email protected] or call 941-375-2164. VI Trivia We'll be back November 19 with more questions. Get your thinking caps ready and join us for another fun season! Betty Bellany 941-244-0985 See you soon, Chris & Ellen Monday Morning Bowling Mahjongg Lessons We're playing on Wednesday nights at CH#1 in the Tuscany Room at 6:30 pm. We furnish the cards and games and will give lessons if needed. Jean DeLoreto 486-1909 We badly need new bowlers, both full time and part time. There must be bowlers out there among all our new residents in the park. Call me at 484-0421 or email at [email protected]. Our Monday morning league is the only one supported by VIAC & VIHO in the Park. Our membership is limited to Venice Isle Owners and Renters only. So come exercise and socialize with your, neighbors, co–owners, and renters. Support your park’s activitie Submitted by Claude LeVasseur 941-484-0421 Horseshoes On Wednesday morning, at 10AM we have been playing casual play at the pits beside Ch1. We make up teams with who shows up. League play will start the first week of January 2015. John Abbott 485-7893 Friday Bowling We have started this season and still need subs and could possibly need regulars for our second half which starts in January. We bowl at 10:00 am. and will end our season the last week of March . Give me call if interested. Jean DeLoreto 486-1909 14 THE SOUTH COUNTY PANTRY The VENICEISLEVINE This is another way of communicating in the Park and is a tool for buying, selling, renting or services. Once you join, you'll receive postings when they are sent or once, if this is the option you select when signing up. Yahoo no longer allows me to sign up members. You will have to sign up with a yahoo email address if you don't already have one, but once a member, you can select to have your mail sent to your regular email address by going to the main page and clicking on Membership/Edit, next to Identity click Edit Settings Icon, click or add new email and save. Email and attachments are archived on the site until deleted by you or me. Our group email address is listed in the yahoo group's directory. To post a message email: [email protected] Use this address to join: [email protected] To unsubscribe: [email protected] Group home page: VENICEISL EVINE Jean [email protected] (The Venice Isle Vine is not a function of nor endorsed by the VI Homeowners Association.) 15 WELCOME BACK TO OUR NORTHERN RESIDENTS ! As you begin the new activities and start attending various functions, please remember the needs of the SOUTH COUNTY PANTRY. The gray tubs located in Clubhouse #1 under the table are waiting for your donations. The Pantry is serving so many. The homeless, seniors living on Social Security, those that have lost their jobs and perhaps their homes too, those individuals with health problems or disabled, the veterans from various wars, and many families with small children and school age youngsters that sleep in cars, motels, or in camps need your assistants. Venice Isle received a letter recently from The Pantry and their Board of Directors thanking VI for our generous donation of food from January 2014 through April 2014. During this time, The Pantry served 1,645 families for a total of 4,364 individuals. There was another e-mail sent to Mr. Romano indicating Venice Isle residents have donated $1,819 of food since January 1, 2014 to October 2014, plus $2,178 in donations from checks. This does not include those residents that sent checks/money directly to The Pantry without acknowledging that YOU live at Venice Isle Estates. We would like to continue to receive correct for our giving, so please indicate you living in VIE. THE VENICE ISLE PANTRY COMMITTEE IS VERY PROUD OF YOUR FAITHFULNESS TO THOSE THAT HAVE LESS BY YOUR DONATIONS. During the summer The Pantry moved to a new location: 247 Center Court, just off Center Road (Walgreen's, the Storage business and the next road is Center Court). This new site gave SCP 1,400 sq. feet, which includes a large warehouse for storage and processing your donations. It further includes restrooms for their clients, air conditioning, and a seating area. Let us remind you of the types of food or personal grooming items needed: Nonperishable items: canned meats: beef stew, corned beef, tuna, chicken, salmon. In addition, hamburger/tuna helper, jam, jelly, muffin mix, pancake, baking mixes, frostings, pasta, canned fruits/vegetable, canned potatoes, rice, soup, soup mixes, spaghetti sauce, sugar, flour, tea, coffee, mac & cheese, can/powdered/shelf milk, various kinds of beans, cereals, peanut butter, salad dressing, condiments, juices, soap (laundry & body), toothpaste, toothbrushes, floss, combs, sunscreen, toilet tissue, deodorant, body lotion, plastic eating utensils, can openers, paper plates/cups, and bug spray. Just remember anything YOU eat or use the clients at The Pantry can use the SAME. At these times when groceries are expensive take advantage of the SALES, BUY 1 -- GET 1 FREE, USE COUPONS, SHOP AT THE DOLLAR STORES, DISCOUNT STORES, AND DRUGSTORES. THERE ARE GIFT/PHONE CARDS AND OF COURSE, CHECKS MADE OUT TO THE SOUTH COUNTY PANTRY. If you would like your food items picked up, please call Jan Lawrence. THANK YOU VENICE ISLE...YOU ARE APPRECIATED BY SO MANY PEOPLE...VOLUNTEERS AND THOSE IN NEED. Jan Lawrence 488-2487 – 223-6202(cell) 16 Evangelical Covenant Church Web site: Pastor Liz Jensen Worship Services are held every Sunday morning at 9:20 a.m. - Clubhouse #1. Let me help! My oldest critter, 12 year old Abby, has allergies. She is allergic to pollen; there seems to be plenty of it most of the time in Florida. She encounters it not because she walks on it but because as she walks, she smells and tastes stuff on the ground. The common manifestation of allergies in people is itchy, watery eyes, runny nose, and scratchy throat. Not so for dogs. Her first manifestation was itching. Then I found lesions on her body. Her allergies cause her body to over produce oil that then mixes with bacteria on the skin. This causes lesions, itching, and odor. The Vet says it’s not a touch allergy, so even though the pads of her feet swell it is not from walking on the grass or whatever is on the grass. It’s just her immune system over reacting to her environment. To ease the discomfort of the swollen pads of her feet the Vet gave me a spray to put on them. Abby hates the spray! I was concerned by how she fights me when I spray her feet. I thought maybe the spray was too cold, or it hurt, like alcohol does when it touches an open wound, or it tickled. Can a dog even have ticklish feet? Anyway, I asked the Vet about her resistance. He said dogs generally don’t like having anyone mess with their feet, but her feet likely hurt and touching them may add to her discomfort. One day I told Abby I was going to spray her feet and she tried to run and hide. I picked her up and told her, “I can’t help you if you won’t let me.” And I thought, I wonder if God ever says that about me. Psalm 121:2 tell us, “My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” I wonder how often we resist God even though God is just trying to help us. Abby lets me help her sometimes. We walk until she’s tired or her feet hurt too much, or she stops for whatever reason “royalty” has. Then I pick her up and carry her home. She does not fight that. She lets me help with meals. Without opposing thumbs and as short as she is she can’t do much food preparation. She lets me help ease her itches by rubbing her ears, but reach for the foot spray and the battle is on. I can’t help but think how much we are like that. When it’s convenient and serves our interests we not only let the Lord help, we seek God’s help. Otherwise we try to do things the way it’s glorified in song: “My Way!” In his letter to the Philippians Paul wrote: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7). What I said to Abby God says to us: “I can’t help you if you don’t let me.” In Scripture Jesus said it like this: “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). This is the God we worship on Sundays, 9:20AM in Clubhouse 1, and the God whose Word we study on Thursdays at 2PM in the Venetian Room at Clubhouse 2. All are welcome as we seek his help together. Pastor Liz Jensen – 493-1420 17 IMPORTANT NUMBERS 911 – Emergency Only Sarasota Sheriff 316-1201 – 861-5800 (Although we have a Venice Address, we do not live within the Venice City Limits. We must rely on the Sarasota County Sheriff Dept. to handle law enforcement issues) FPL (electric) Water/Sewer 917-0708 861-6100 Venice Public Library 300 S. Nokomis Ave. 861-1330 VIE Park Office (M-F, 9am-2pm) 488-9648 Jacaranda Public Library 4143 Woodmere Park Blvd. 861-1260 VIE Real Estate Office 485-7743 Venice Hospital 485-7711 Venice Health Park (Center Rd. & Jacaranda) 497-7800 -Lab work 6:30am-3pm – no appt. necessary -X-ray 8am-5pm – some appts necessary Center for Wound Care (Health Park, M-F, 7:30am-4pm) 486-6027 Urgent Care 483-9760 Gulf Coast Medical Group 1700 E. Venice Ave. (M-Sat, 7:30am-6pm) (Sun. 10am-3pm) Gulf Coast Medical Group Internal Medicine 1720 E. Venice Ave. (M-F 8:30am-5pm) 483-9700 Walgreen’s Pharmacy Hwy 41 Bypass & Center Road 493-3925 Walgreen’s Pharmacy Pinebrook Rd. & E. Venice Ave. 488-8122 CVS Pharmacy Hwy 41 & E. Venice Ave. 484-8814 Walmart Pharmacy Hwy. 41 & Jacaranda, S. Venice 493-5902 Waste Management 493-4100 Comcast Cable 484-0602 18 THURSDAY NOVEMBER DAILY SCHEDULE MONDAY 8:30am 8:30am 9:00am 9:00am 9:30am 9:00am 11:00an 12:30pm 1:00pm 1:00pm Anytime 6:30 6:45 7:00pm 7:00pm Walking Workout – CH2 Rise & Shine – CH1 Art Group (all medias) – CH1 (Tuscany) Open Tennis League Comp - Courts Water Aerobics – CH2 (pool) PJ Mahon Bowling - AMF Lanes Musical Theater Jazz Dance – CH1 Ladies Pinochle – CH1 (Sorrento) Quilt Group – CH1 (Tuscany) Shuffleboard Practice – CH1 courts Billiards – CH2 (San Marco) Texas Hold’em – CH2 (Lido) Mex.Train Dominoes – CH1 Duplicate Bridge – CH1 (Sorrento) Line Dancing/Fun Night – CH2 8:30am 9:00am 9:00am 9:00am 9:30am 11:00am 11:00am 11:30am 12:30pm 1:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Tai Chi – CH2 Bocce – CH2 Bocce Courts Open Tennis League Comp. - Courts Teddy Bear/Pine Needle Crafts – CH1 Water Aerobics – CH2 (pool) I Pad Class – CH2 (Rialto) Golf Mixed League – Venice Lake GC Golf-Gentlemen’s League – Venice Isle GC Computer Help – CH2 (Rialto) Ladies’ Bridge – CH2 (Venetian) Poker – CH2 (Lido) Euchre (everyone) – CH1 (Sorrento) Bridge (everyone) – CH2 (Venetian 8:30am 8:30am 9:00am 9:00am 10:00am 10:00am 10:00am 11:45am 2:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Walking Workout – CH2 Rise & Shine Group – CH1 Bocce – CH2 Bocce Courts Open Tennis League Comp. – Courts Horseshoes – CH1 – Horseshoe Pits Mens Glee Club – CH1 Pickleball – Foxworthy Park Hand & Foot – CH1 (Tuscany) Church Choir – CH1 Poker – CH2 (Lido) Mahjong – CH1 (Tuscany) Pinochle –CH1 (Sorrento) Cribbage – CH2 (Venetian) TUESDAY 8:30am 9:00am 9:00am 9:30am 9:30am 12:30pm 2:00pm 2:00pm 6:30pm 6:30pm TaiChi – CH2 Bocce – CH2 Bocce Courts Open Tennis League Comp - Courts Water Aerobics – CH2 (pool) Quilters – CH1 (Tuscany) Line Dance Instruction – CH1 Clogging – CH2 Bible Class – CH2 (Venetian) Poker – CH2 (Lido) Bingo – CH2 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 1:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Walking Workout – CH2 Rise & Shine Group – CH1 Ladies’ Coffee Klatch – CH1 (Tuscany) Open Tennis League Comp. - Courts Water Aerobics – CH2 (pool) Fri. Bowling – AMF Lanes Shuffleboard – CH1 courts Hand & Foot – CH1 (Tuscany) Bridge (everyone) – CH2 (Venetian) Euchre (all cards) – CH1 (Sorrento) 9:00am 9:30am 12:00pm 6:45pm 7:00pm Open Tennis League Comp. - Courts Church Set-up – CH1 Pickleball – Foxworthy Park Pinochle – CH1 (Sorrento) Bridge – CH2 (Venetian) 9:20am 12:00pm Church Service – CH1 Pickleball – Foxworthy Park FRIDAY SATURDAY WEDNESDAY 19 SUNDAY ***Billiards room available Saturday 8:00am – 10:00pm anytime Monday thru Call Rita Klintworth (485-8997) to reserve CH1, CH2 or the Tiki Hut NOVEMBER SPECAL EVENTS Country Cook Out Sunday, November 1, Noon VIHO Workshop Tuesday, November 4, 1pm Park Dinner Friday, November 7, 5:30pm VI Breakfast Saturday, November 8, 8:00am Church Council Tuesday, November 11, 9am VIHO Board Meeting Tuesday, November 11, 1pm VI Readers Wednesday, November 12, 10am Craft Show Saturday, November 15, 9am Let’s Play Trivia Wednesday, November 19, 7pm VI Singles Thursday, November 20, 1pm Movie Night Sunday, November 23, 7pm VIAC Board Meeting Tuesday, November 25, 9am VI Readers Wednesday, November 26, 10am Thanksgiving Thursday, November 27 20 FIND AN ACTIVITY (some activities are seasonal) (please check monthly schedule) Activities Art Groups/All Media – Mon 9a Bible Class – Thursday 2p Billiards – Mon thru Sat 8a-10p Bingo – Thursday 6:30p Bocce – Tues, Wed, Thurs 9a Church Choir – Wed 2p Church Service – Sun 9:20a Church Set-up – Sat 9:30a Clogging – Thur 2p CH1-Tuscany CH2-Venetian CH2-SanMarco CH2 CH2-courts CH1 CH1 CH1 CH2-Venetian Coffee Klatch/ladies- Fri 8:30a Dancing/Line Instr. – Thur 12:30p Dancing/Fun Night – Mon 7p Dancing/Theatre Jazz – Mon 11a I-Pad Class – Tues 11a Mex.Train Dominoes – Mon 6:45p Glee Club/men – Wed 10a Horseshoes – Wed 10a Mahjongg – Wed 6:30p Pickleball – Wed 10a, S&S 12p Quilt Group – Mon 1p Quilter’s Class – Thur 9:30a Shuffleboard Practice – Mon 1p Shuffleboard – Fri 1p Tai Chi – Tues/Thur 8:30a Teddy Bear/Pine Needles – Tues 9a Tennis/Open League – Tues-Sat VI Singles-3rd Thurs-1p Water Aerobics – M/T/T/F 9:30a CH1-Tuscany CH1 CH2 CH1 CH2-Rialto CH1 CH1 CH1-Pits CH1-Tuscany FoxworthyPark CH1-Tuscany CH1-Tuscany CH1-courts CH1-courts CH2 CH1-Tuscany Tennis Court CH1-Tuscany CH2-pool Cribbage – Wed 7p Euchre – Tue/Fri 7p Hand & Foot – Wed 11:45a, Fri 6p Pinochle/ladies – Mon 12:30p Pinochle/everyone – Wed/Sat 6:45p Poker – Tues/Wed 6p Texas Hold’Em – Mon 6:30p Texas Hold’Em – Thur 10a CH2-Venetian CH1 CH1-Tuscany CH1-Sorrento CH1-Sorrento CH2-Lido CH2-Lido CH2-Lido Exercise (workouts) Rise & Shine – M/W/F 8:30a Walking Workout – M/W/F 8:30a CH1 CH2 Golf Bowling PJ McMahon – Mon 9:30a Mixed Bowling League – Fri 10a AMF Lanes AMF Lanes Cards Bridge/everyone – Tue/F/Sat 7p Bridge/duplicate – Mon 7p Bridge/ladies – Tue 1p 21 CH2-Venetian CH1-Sorrento CH2-Venetian Golf/Mixed League – Tues 11:00a Men’s Golf League – Thur 10a Gentlemen’s Group – Tues 11:30a Venice Lakes Oyster Creek Capri Isle
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