CHAPTER ONE FUNCTIONS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES 1.1 Basic Concepts i) A relationship between two variables and assigns to each value of a unique value of . Examples: . ; Consider the relation So this is not a function. is called a function if there is a rule that . Note that to each value of . When , then there is a unique value of . The value of is not unique. ii) The values that may assume are called the domain of the function. Those are the values for which the domain is defined. Consider two functions . an . These may be represented by ; 1.2 Functions of Several Variables Like functions of a single variable, these functions have domains(the sets of allowable inputs pairs, triples etc of real numbers) and range (their sets of output values). a) Definition Suppose is a collection of tuples of real numbers with domain is a rule that assigns to tuples . The function’s range is the set of The symbol is called the dependent variable of , and independent variables . . A function a unique value values the function takes on. is said to be a function of the Example Consider the formula for calculating the volume of a circular cylinder from its radius and height . The independent variables are and , ie . 1|Page b)The convention about domains In defining functions of more than one variable we observe the same convention that we do for values of a single variable. We never let the independent variables takes on values that require division by zero. Also the outputs are real numbers unless we specifically say otherwise. Examples 1) If , then 2) If , then . . 3) Except for these and other restrictions, the domain of functions unless otherwise stated are assumed to be the largest possible sets for which their defining rules assign real numbers. Examples: 1)Sketch the domain of and determine the function’s range. Solution: . Therefore is the set of points that lie above and on the parabola . So that 2|Page range set of non-negative numbers . 2) What is the domain and range of ? Solution: We see that . Therefore all points in the plane except on the points on the lines ie and . . range the entire set of real numbers, ie 3) Find the domain and range of the function defined by . . Solution: A point is in the dom and ------------------------------------------ (1) and ----------------------------------------- (2) OR Case I and ---------------------------------------- (a) OR and ---------------------------------------- (b) Combining (a) and (b) to get ----------------------------------------(c) Note: Now verify (c): If , then (which is (b)) also 3|Page if , then (which is (a)) So from (c) dom So dom consists of all points of the plane and . Since plane that lie between the graphs take all the positive values, and it does its reciprocal Thus range . . 1.3 Limits and Continuity a) Limits i) If the values of a function can be made as close as we like to a fixed number by taking the point close to the point , but not equal to , we say that is the limit of as approaches . In symbols, we write . 4|Page For to be ‘close’ to is small in some sense. Since means that the Cartesian distance and , the inequality ie and means . ii) Two equivalent definitions of limit The limit of such that for all (a) (b) as either: is a number if for any , there exists OR and Examples: 1) 2) 3) , where is a constant. Theorem 1 If and , then 1) 2) 3) 4) , provided Examples: 1) 2) 5|Page (b)Continuity The definition of continuity for functions of two variables is analogous to the definition of functions of a single variable. In one variable, if , then is continuous at function is said to be continuous at the point if , otherwise In fact is discontinuous at is said to be continuous at a point (i) (ii) (iii) . In two variables a . if: is defined at exists Remarks If is a continuous function of and , and , then the composite is also continuous. is a continuous function of Examples: 1) Given , how close to (0,0) should we take to make if Solution: Since , then . The question here is how close to (0,0) we should take to make Since the denominator is never less than 1, we have (by Cauchy inequality) = , which is less than if 6|Page Therefore, the original the inequality will hold if the distance from ie we may choose out in the definition of limit to be number to (0,0) is . . 2) Show that the function is continuous at every point except the origin. Solution: i) is defined at any point . ii) limit exists for all points iii) for all . Proposition 2 The Two-Path Test for Discontinuity If a function has different limits along the different paths as does not exist. , then Examples: 1) By using the two-path test, show that the function is continuous at every point except the origin. Solution: If along the line , but , then = Since value of values, there is no unique limit exists and is not continuous at (0,0). as . So the limit fails to 7|Page 2) Examine the limits of , and along the parabola as . Does along the line have a limit as ? Solution: Along the line , . Therefore, . The fact that the limit taken along all linear paths to (0,0) exists and equals to 0 may lead you to suspect that exists. However, along the parabola , . For to have a limit as , the limit along all paths of approach would have to agree. Since we have different limits i.e 0, and on different paths, we conclude that limit as has no . 1.4 Partial Derivatives Partial derivatives are the derivatives we get when we hold constant all but one of the independent variables in a function and differentiate with respect to that one. i) Two Independent variables If is a point in the domain of a function with respect to at is defined as at The limit is called the partial derivative of , the derivative of provided the limit exists. with respect to at the point . Notation: or is a partial derivative of with respect to at . 8|Page Examples: 1) Find if . Solution: . 2) Find if . Solution: ii) More than two Independent variables Examples: , we may have , , . Examples: 1)Three resistors of resistances given by and . Find connected in parallel produce a resistance . Solution: We treat and constants and differentiate both sides with respect to . So . This implies that -1. 2)If . Then . , find . Solution: 3) Given , find . 9|Page Exercise: Notation: ; Higher order partial derivatives and . Here and and . . Remarks: If then is defined in a region at this point. and if and exist and are continuous at a point of , 1.5 Chain Rule The rule for calculating the derivative of the composite of two differentiable functions is, roughly speaking, that derivative of their composite is the product of their derivatives. This rule is called the chain rule. i) One variable functions Example: A particle moves along the line in a such a way that its coordinate at time is . Calculate Solution: As a function of , However, chain rule may also be used as: and So by chain rule (in one variable) = 15. (as before). 10 | P a g e Rule: The Chain Rule Suppose that is the composite of the differentiable functions is a differentiable function of whose derivative at each value of is and . Then . ii) Chain Rule for Functions of two variables The analogous formula for a function differentiable functions of is given by: , where and are both Theorem 3: If has continuous partial derivatives differentiable functions of , then the composite and and and , and are is a differentiable function of or . Example: Use the chain rule to find the derivative of . with respect to along the path , Solution: , Therefore, OR Therefore (as before) iii) Chain Rule for Functions of three variables If has continuous partial derivatives, and functions of , then , , are differentiable 11 | P a g e . Example: Express as a function of if and , and . Solution: . = = = = = iv) Chain Rule defined on surfaces For example, we might be interested in how the temperature some sphere in space. varies over the surface of If the points of the sphere are given in terms of their latitude the temperature on the sphere as a function of and . and longitude , then we can think of So if , then , and and Example 1: Find and as functions of and if , where , and . Solution: = 12 | P a g e = = and = = Example 2: Show that any differentiable function of the form partial differential equation , where (where , is a solution of the is a constant). Solution: Using the chain rule ----------------- (1) But , ie ----------------------(2) Combining (1) and (2), we get v) Non-independent variables In finding partial derivatives of functions like so far we have assumed independent. However, in many applications this is not the case, as the variables are dependent. be Example: The internal energy of a gas may be expressed in terms of its pressure , volume , and temperature , such that . These variables are dependent. In this situation, finding partial derivatives can be complicated. For example: Find if and . Solutions: (i) with and So Therefore, independent variables: = ------------------------ (1) 13 | P a g e (ii) with and independent variables: So = ----------------------------- -- (2) Therefore, (iii) with and independent variables: So Therefore, ------------------------- ---- (3) Remark: So when the variables are not all independent the meaning of depends on which of the variables are assumed to be independent ones. Notation: ; with and ; with and independent ; with independent independent Example: If and (a) , find (b) Solutions: (a) So = (ie involves and ) 14 | P a g e (b) So to get we need to substitute Suppose that and to get , ie . We wish to express in terms of the derivatives of and . Since , we may regard all three of and . So Here: as functions of the two independent variables . ; (as is independent of ). Therefore, -------------------------------------------- (1) Examples: 1)Given ; . Calculate . Solution: = Therefore, Or using (1), we see that = = 2)Suppose that and and that determines , as above. as a differentiable function of the independent variables . Show that 15 | P a g e . Proof: Since , then Using (1) above, ie , . This gives . 1.6 Gradient, Directional Derivatives and Tangent Planes Recall: If the pde of are continuous, then the rate at which the values of differentiable curve is . change with respect to along a ----------------------------------------------------------- (1) So at any particular point interpreted as the rate of change of direction of unit vector . , the derivative at By varying , we can find the rates at which in different directions. in (1) above is with respect to increasing , and depends also on the changes with respect to distance as we move through These ‘directional derivatives’ are useful in science and engineering. We develop a simple formula for calculating them. 16 | P a g e 1.6.1 Calculating Directional Derivatives , , = 0 , 1 + 2𝑗 + 3 , 𝑂 , so the equation of the line ie , and Eliminate to get . This is a parametric equation of the line. Example: The equation of the line passing through the point (1,-2,4) and parallel to the vector 𝑗 is given by . 17 | P a g e 𝑗 Let be a unit vector, and let equations are , Then the motion along be the line through point and whose parametric ------------------------------------ (2) in the direction of increasing is the motion in the direction of . Also, the distance from to any point on the line is = = = = (as is a unit vector) So from (2), , like wise and So from (1) ----------------------------------------- (3) Notation: 𝑗 , we call grad or nabla. This gives 𝑗 So from (3), (dot product) = scalar product of and the gradient of at a certain point. Example: Find the derivative of at in the direction of 𝑗 . Solution: 18 | P a g e 𝑗 Therefore, and at point (1,1,0); at point (1,1,0); at point (1,1,0) 𝑗 Therefore Hence the derivative of 𝑗 . at (1,1,0) is 𝑗 𝑗 = 1.7 The Jacobian Matrix and Determinant 1.7.1 Implicit functions In general an equation such as defines on variable, say , as a function of the other two variables and . Then is an implicit function of and , as distinguished from a so- called explicit function , where . In differentiating the implicit functions independent variables need to be kept in mind. 1.7.2 Jacobian Definition: If , (or simplt the Jacobian), of defined by are differentiable functions in a region , the Jacobian determinant and with respect to and is the second order functional determinant , likewise of the third order determinant we have , with respect to . This can be extended further. (a)Partial Derivatives Using Jacobians 19 | P a g e Jacobian are useful in obtaining pdes of implicit functions. That is if , we consider as functions of and . Then This can be extended to , . Theorems on Jacobians We assume all functions are continuous differentiable. i) ii) If in a region . are functions of while are functions of , then . This a chain rule for Jacobians. iii) If , the form , then a necessary and sufficient condition that a functional relation of exists between and is that 1.8 Taylor Series Recall: Tayor’s Theorem (in one variable): If and its first differentiable on derivatives are continuous on and if , then there exists a number a point between and such that: The last term is the remainder term is . 20 | P a g e 1.8.1 The Taylor series expansion of the function about a point If is continuous and has partial derivatives of all orders throughout a rectangular region centered at a point , then throughout , where is the remainder term. Example: Expand in powers of and . Solution: We see that and and , so that . So and Given , and , and all higher derivatives are 0. Thus ; ; By Taylor’s theorem, + . 21 | P a g e In this case the remainder is 0. Substituting the values of the derivatives obtained above, we find that . This can be verified directly by algebraic process. Check. 1.9 Maxima and Minima i)A point ), for is called a maximum point or local maximum point of if is called a minimum point or local minimum point of if . Likewise , for ii) A necessary condition that have a local maximum or minimum is ; ------------------------------------------------ (1) iii) Local maxima and local minima together comprise the local extreme values Theorem 4: If has a local extreme value at 𝑗 Note: , then either or does not exist. . Theorem 5 (The Second Partial Test): Suppose that . Let has continuous second order partials in a neighbourhood of , i) If , then ii) If , then , ; and that and form the discriminant is a saddle is a saddle point (= point of inflexion in one variable function). has: 22 | P a g e a) Local minimum at b) Local maximum at if if iii) No information is obtained if Note: Saddle point means . In this case further investigation is necessary. is neither maximum nor minimum. Examples: 1)Consider . Then ; . 𝑗 Therefore 𝑗. We see that . Solve this to get . The point (1,4) is the only stationary point. Note: Points at which or does not exist are called critical points. However, critical points at which are called stationary points. The stationary points that do not give rise to extreme values are called saddle points. Now ; . Thus Since , is a local minimum. 2) A rectangular box, open at the top, is to have a volume of 32 cubic meters. What must be the dimensions so that the total surface is minimum? Solution: Let length be , width be the box. So and height be . So volume . Since . Let be the surface area of , then and 23 | P a g e and Solve (1), to get Hence . . The point Now at ---------------------------------------------- (1) is the only stationary point. , ; ; . These give Since , it follows that from the second partial test that at (4,4,2) we have a local minimum value. Hence the dimensions gives the minimum surface. Exercise: Find the extrema of: i) ii) iii) iv) 1.10 Quadratic Surfaces 1.10.1 Introduction: In three dimensions, the graph of a second degree equation in case consider cases . So we consider is a quadratic surface. In our . There are three types of quadratic surfaces: i)ellipsoids -(traces in planes parallel to coordinate planes are ellipses). ii) hyperboloids – (traces in planes parallel to coordinate planes are hyperbolas) 24 | P a g e iii) paraboloids – (traces in palnes parallel to coordinate planes are parabolas). i) Ellipsoid: , where O ii) Hyperboloid: , where O 25 | P a g e iii) Parabolid: , where O 1.10.2 Langrange Multipliers Illustration to the method: -Let -Let temperature at point curve that has the equation -We want to find the points on on the flat metal plate (see figure above) . at which the temperature is maximum or minimum. -This amounts to finding the extrema of subject to the constraints of . 26 | P a g e The technique we use to do that is to apply the Theorem 6: (Lagrange’s Theorem) Let and have continuous first partial derivatives, and suppose has an extremum when is subject to the constraint . If , then there exists a real number such that . Example: Find the extrema of if is restricted to the ellipse (ie ). Solution: The constraint is Now setting we get 𝑗 𝑗 . By comparing the components, we find that --------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) ----------------------------------------------------------------------(2) and ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (3) Solve (1), (2) and (3) to get ;ie Use Thus Use or in (3) to get Thus the points . are possibilities for extrema of . , then . Use . ---------------------------------------------------- (4) , to get 27 | P a g e . So from (4), . Thus the points , ie and The value of are possibilities for extrrema of . found are listed below: (0,2) 0 Thus 0 1 takes on a maximum value 1 at either -1 or -1 1 . See an ellipse shown in the figure below: Remark: The Lagrange’s theorem may be extended to functions of more than two variables such that# , and . 28 | P a g e
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