Session 1:

Session 1: ANZUIAG – past, present and future
Presented by:
• Phill Armanas University of South Australia
• Phillip Draber Edith Cowan University
• Phil Procopis University of Queensland
ANZUIAG: Where have we been?
University of Tasmania
Griffith University
Place and State
Hobart, Tasmania
Gold Coast, Queensland
Organised by
Greg Connell
Jim Ellis and Dhanesh Raniga
University of NSW
Sydney, New South Wales
Dennis Taylor
University of South Australia
Adelaide, South Australia
Phil Armanas
Monash University
Curtin University
Melbourne, Victoria
Perth, Western Australia
Greg Connell
Peter Perriam and Phillip Draber
University of Auckland,
Auckland, New Zealand
Alastair Burrows and Peter Dormon
QUT and UQ
Brisbane, Queensland
Seema Patel and Phil Procopis
Uni of New England
Armidale, New South Wales
Jim Ellis
University of Technology, Sydney
Sydney, New South Wales
Barry Munns, George Gulyas, Craig
Prosser and Mark Cartwright
University of Tasmania,
Hobart, Tasmania
Greg Connell and Richard Easther
Centre for Remote Health, (Charles Alice Springs, Northern Territory
Darwin & Flinders Universities)
Greg Connell and Phil Procopis
University of Canterbury
Christchurch, New Zealand
Greg Connell
University of Western Australia
Perth, Western Australia
Phillip Draber, Vick Kristoff, Charlie
Bertoline, Brent Godfrey
University of South Australia
Adelaide, South Australia
Phil Armanas
University of the Sunshine Coast
Sippy Downs, Sunshine Coast,
Wayne Gorrie, KPMG
ANZUIAG: An ‘outsiders’ view
• Good rapport and networking amongst members
• Good benchmarking information/initiative.
• Small member base in comparison to other
administrative professional groups within the sector such
as ATEM, TEFMA (although this could be considered as
strength )
•Tightly focussed on IA in HE
• Limited functionality beyond annual conference
•Expanded focus on risk management
•Demonstrated management support
• No presence with peak bodies like UA , Go8 and UTN
etc. (IA and RM disciplines not heard or considered as a
collective when decision-makers meet)
•Voluntary contributions bring commitment
• Limited and mostly voluntary resources
•Conferences well-attended and well structured
•E-Mail list
• Scale from mergers/collaboration with AURIMS, IIA or
other similar organisations
• No ‘voice’ – sector lobbying bodies rely solely on Go8
Finance Director and Registrars group and/or Go8 Legal
group to present views on risk, governance and audit.
• Lobbying and thought leadership (potential through
• More sustained connection with international ANZUIAG
equivalents such as ACUA.
• Greater contribution to individual uni IA outcomes by
harnessing combined power of the collective.
•Sector specific training potential.
• TEQSA agenda not being informed by the relevant
•Outsourcing: Big 4 and second tier take over thought
AURIMS: An ‘outsiders’ view
• Solid and broad risk management and
insurance focus
• Leadership stability/continuity?
• Good membership base (100+)
• Recent conferences well attended
• Insurance function well accepted within sector
• No image with peak bodies like UA and Go8
• Limited financial base
• Risk management not as entrenched/accepted
as insurance.
• Staffing profile is relatively junior in comparison
with internal audit.
Threats (none of these are ANZUIAG threats)
• Scale (resources?) through collaboration with
TEFMA, ANZUIAG or other similar organisations
• No ‘voice’ – sector lobbying bodies rely solely on
Go8 Finance Director and Registrars group
and/or Go8 Legal group to present views on risk,
governance and audit. (I am not sure on this,
what evidence?)
• Lobbying (potential through UA/Go8/UTN)
• More sustained connection with international
AURIMS equivalents such as URMIA (I think this
goes out of ‘focus’ somewhat)
•Other points are somewhat ‘wish list’ rather than
specific opportunities in the here and now
• TEQSA agenda not being informed by the
relevant professionals. (Again not sure that this is
a threat, probably an opportunity)
•Outsourcing: Big 4, McKinsey, BCG etc move
into risk management in tertiary sector.
Could an ‘ANZURAI’ work?
 An Australian and New Zealand Universities Risk, Audit &
Insurance body?
 Greater scale could afford a merged entity:
 A voice! Lobbying power (through UA, Go8, UTN, NZVCC, RMIA,
IIA etc)
 Sector specific training across all disciplines.
 Higher profile events with ‘heavyweight’ speakers (bigger, better
annual conference) but still allowing for specialist streams.
 Career development and professional leadership within the sector
 Broader discussion forums
 Better sponsorship
An ability to shape rather than be shaped by those who think they
 Hasten slowly by considered co-operation, collaboration before