EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH & INNOVATION Policy and Inter-governmental Relations 2011 Background information •DECS Research & Innovation Framework released 2010 •DECS is invited participant in OECD project Innovative Learning Environment (ILE) : 7 SA schools met international criteria •DECS Innovations website Context: Why innovation, research and learning re-focus? •Knowledge is recognised as central in transforming societies and economies •New educational possibilities are arising from ICTs •Measuring learning outcomes highlights need for finding new ways to change outcomes and re-focusing on the learning environment •Traditional schools not necessarily delivering well for 21st century agendas & for some students/groups Innovation may result from ‘new approaches through continuous improvement processes, adapting ideas from elsewhere or futures-oriented and transformative change’ (DECS Research and Innovation Framework, citing OECD) South Australian ‘Research & Innovation Framework’ aims •High quality research activities using open, transparent accountable processes •Priority areas for research established, shared & used in policy decision-making •Resources focused on strategic priority areas •DECS staff research capacity enhanced •Communication improved between DECS, external researchers and funding providers Collaboration fostered with education institutions & research bodies Elements of DECS Research & Innovation Framework • agreed strategic research priorities & key areas of potential innovation • governance arrangements providing oversight, quality assurance, accountability and review processes • business systems, including planning for research & innovation & investment partnerships • research process: research proposals, approvals and reporting for those undertaking research involving DECS • dissemination of research results and capacity-building to learn from research undertaken & influence policy & implementation. Final_v.doc Governance Dissemination & Capacity Building Strategic & Innovative Research EvidenceInfluenced Culture Research Processes Business Systems OECD project How can today’s schools be transformed so as to become environments of teaching and learning that makes individuals lifelong learners and prepare them for the 21st Century? Goals: • Analysing and synthesising current international research findings on learning, teaching and learning environments • Identifying and analysing examples of innovative learning environments from all over the world • Engaging with the community of policy reformers, innovators and learning scientists to discuss how to make better use of these findings to make OECD education systems learning driven. OECD International Project: Innovative Learning Environment (ILE) • 26 countries involved (Austria, Chile, Denmark, Finland, Hungary, Israel, Korea, Finland, Mexico (2 systems), Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Slovenia, Spain, Germany, US (Ohio), NZ, Switzerland (2 systems) • Victoria & ACT (Australia) + South Australia • Practical Cases: 120 case studies accepted as meeting international criteria: 7 sites from South Australia • 35 detailed academic case studies undertaken including Australian Science & Mathematics School in South Australia OECD Research on Innovative Learning Environments • Making learning central & encourage engagement: learner-centred • Ensure learning is social & collaborative: social, connection to community & resources • Being attuned to learner motivations & emotions: structured & well-designed for inquiry & autonomous learning • Being sensitive to individual & group differences and prior knowledge: inclusive approach • Being demanding for each learner without being excessive; assessments involving formative feedback: personalised approach including tailored feedback SA sites in international innovation project • Alberton Primary School • Birdwood High School Academy of Middle Schooling • Bridgewater Primary School • Mypolonga Primary School • Open Access College Middle Years Program • Learning Together, Fraser Park (Murray Bridge) • Australian Science and Mathematics School (ASMS)* *ASMS also selected for detailed academic case study research SA Innovative sites: Alberton PS Profile: 300 students: 80% + low socio-economic, 30% Indigenous • • • • • • • • • • ‘Home classes’ in R-7 multi-age groups Multi-age ‘Discovery Time’ each afternoon: multi-disciplinary choices, inquiry, staff prompting and questioning Daily balance/wellbeing activities after lunch Student Learning Plans within school-wide common theme/big question with integrated focus: developing skills for learning, communicating, assessing against agreed criteria, and linked to graduate outcomes Collaborative staff planning & team teaching Student voice committees & Children’s Parliament in 8 Ministries Weekly reflection time journals mapping learning over several years ‘Staff Tenet ‘ re expectations about performance, attitudes, understandings Learning and learners as central focus Engaging learning environments: e.g. Aqua Science centre, ‘the Shed’ workshop, Deadly Designers’ Studio’, ‘The Café’ Birdwood HS Academy of Middle Schooling Profile: 160 students in year 8, 75% in MS Academy (& 25% choosing traditional year 8) • • • • • • • • • • 120 students & six teachers within cross-curriculum team Generally, about 80 students work within individual learning plans & choose what they work on, assisted by 4 teacher mentors (while about 40 students/2 teachers work on specialised areas within Master Classes) Integrated themes & units of work Students do daily journals recording learning successes & set goals daily Learning Circles three times weekly with mentors: focus on learning progress Creative passions units of work available for immersion for individuals Technology: podcasts, software applications, wireless, Apple Macbook laptops Focus classes – Technical Studies/Home Economics, Music, Art, Languages Literacy & numeracy: cross curriculum & explicit leaning activities and instruction in small groups according to ability level Explicit criteria for assessment & flexible presentation formats & resubmissions of work, also self- & peer-assessment Bridgewater PS Profile: 150 students R-7, living locally in ‘hills’ area but with 1/3rd travelling up to 30km, also including children from Inverbrackie seeking asylum in Australia • • • • • • Multi-age organisational grouping of students according to individual learning support needs Personal learning plans, with core skills (literacy, maths, science, ICT) negotiated according to interests Enrichment topics ‘Widening Horizons’ coordinated by parents, teachers, other specialists Peer facilities sessions ‘Creative Ideas’, providing leadership opportunities Focus group sessions between students and teachers for explicit learning according to student needs Planning meetings with mentors who assist students in understanding their learning progress and provide planning advice Mypolonga Primary School Profile: 120 students R-7, 100 km from Adelaide including about half from Murray Bridge • Mypolonga PS Shop is a business run weekly for tourists from Murray River paddle steamer • Interdisciplinary curriculum involves all classes in business, craft, tourism, oral/written language, mathematics, hospitality • Multi-age & leadership opportunities with senior students mentoring junior students in the shop, school tours & in literacy work • Governing Council committees have student reps • Community partnerships in environmental issues & events focus for hospitality Open Access Middle Yrs Program (yrs 7-9) Profile: Around 150-200 year 7-9s, low socio-economic plus significant health, isolation issues • • • • • • Collegial teacher teams of 3-4 teachers for every 21-24 students (operating in groups of 8 students, small groups, or individually) [rather than weekly telephone lesson with specialist teacher] Teachers taking responsibility for developing teaching materials rather than a specialised unit Integrated, interdisciplinary curriculum based on student interests and linked to state curriculum Increased focus on technology role in student learning including using Centra and online integrated learning programs, personalised learning materials (DVDs, CDs etc) More personalised approach in learning with individual learning plans, involving negotiation & flexible approaches to teaching and assessment Face-to-face workshops, mini schools, visits from teachers, camps Learning Together: Murray Bridge Profile: Systems wide project in eight SA sites (low-socio-economic), operating since 2003: Children aged 0-4 and parents (aged from 14 years), learn simultaneously with secondary and early childhood teachers involved. Fraser Park program has 239 adults (18 are under 19 yrs) • • • • • Parents/carers re-engaged in learning through focus on own children’s learning and development (supported playgroups, parents making books for and about their children, cooking groups, Learning Dispositions groups, SACE eg Integrated Learning) Children’s learning (and adults) guided by ‘Early Years Learning Framework: Belonging, Being, Becoming’ SACE units : Community Studies independent study projects such as ‘Welfare to work’, or ‘A teenage mother’s story’ interactive book; Integrated Learning SACE unit has focus on Learning Dispositions eg curiosity, purposefulness SACE Community Studies or Integrated Learning involved one day a week focused on Learning Dispositions, Independent study, and structured skill based work such as writing contracts for learning Community partnerships is a key aspect ASMS innovation features Profile: 325 students in yrs 10-12, with special interest/aptitude for maths & science • • • • • • • • Purpose-built flexible & ICT-rich learning space Collaborative relationships with teachers/students & student/student supporting the learning process Daily 45 minute multi-age tutor group support systems for Personal Learning Plans, individual skill building, Partnerships with external stakeholders (Flinders Uni & others) Commitment to ongoing professional learning within distributed learning model Interdisciplinary curriculum focused around math/science Holistic structures for learning Personalisation & self-directed learning Extensive PD offered for other SA teachers, interstate, overseas Some Outcomes of SA Innovations • • • • • • • Low socio-economic students achieve above total state mean in literacy & numeracy results Increased attendance & significantly less behaviour issues More student engagement & detailed assessment responses, also reflecting higher order thinking Staff surveys indicating increased collegiality, professional sharing, enthusiasm for teaching Parent/student surveys show increased satisfaction with teaching and learning Student journals/self- & peer- assessment indicate increasingly becoming independent learners Surveys indicate increased confidence and behaviour changes related to valuing learning and education SA Innovations within ILE context • includes birth -19 year olds • intentional departure from traditional approach to better meet learning needs - innovative • setting(s) provide optimal learning and development in cognitive, meta-cognitive and socio-emotional • aims at learning and educational needs • not reliant only single innovator (or 2 or 3): has broader organisational foundation, for sustainability • involves formally or informally evaluating own practice for continual improvement • Operating within state/national curriculum • Stimulating learning environment, ICT use, active students DECS Innovation Website • • • • • Innovation Characteristics: reasons project is innovative Learner Profile: link to website profile or indication if innovation relates to substantially different group) Background/Processes & challenges/ advice: major steps involved in implementing the project Project Outcomes: specific structured data to indicate project outcomes (e.g. NAPLAN, SACE results, attendance improvement, satisfaction survey results, ther data) Attachments: (photos, student work samples etc -no larger than 2MBs) OECD Research on Effective Learning Environments • • • • • Making learning central & encourage engagement: learner-centred Ensure learning is social & often collaborative: social, connection to community & resources Be attuned to learner motivations, the importance of emotions: structured & well-designed for inquiry & autonomous learning Being sensitive to individual & group differences and prior knowledge: inclusive approach Being demanding for each learner without being excessive with assessments having strong emphasis on formative feedback: personalised approach including tailored feedback Using the ILE framework to understand innovations Innovative approaches to scheduling, groupings, pedagogies, assessment, guidance Innovations in the profile of the learners Learners Content Organisation Innovations regarding those engaged in teaching and orchestrating learning ‘Teachers’ Resources Offering new foci for content, competences and knowledge Innovative uses of infrastructure, space and technology LEARNERS: Innovations in the profile or role of the learner: • New groupings or profiles of learners (e.g. novel age mixes) • Targeted approaches for specific groups of learners (e.g. populations on the move) • Learner active in defining the goals TEACHERS: Innovation of those engaged in teaching and orchestrating learning • • • The “teacher”/coach/ facilitator, building trusting relationships with social justice focus Innovations in how teaching resources are combined or organized (e.g. team or multi-disciplinary teachers) Bringing in different experts or adults or peers to work with (e.g. members of the community or non-school specialists). CONTENT: New foci for content and knowledge (state, school based or mixed curriculum) • • Shifting focus of what is the primary objective of the learning (e.g. values, multi-disciplinary approaches, creative expression, 21st century competences) Innovations in who defines legitimate knowledge (e.g. co-constructed “curricula”, learner or other group definitions of content). RESOURCES: Innovative forms and uses of infrastructure, resources (including the community) and technology • • • • Innovative educational space and infrastructure Novel pedagogical materials, sources of knowledge Non-traditional resources applied in the learning environment (e.g. community resources of different kinds), extra curricula Innovative technology e.g. using innovative technology or using technology in innovative ways (online classes, radio stations, digital platform). ORGANISATION: New or innovative approaches to organizing learning (method, setting, diversity, technology, student responsibility, pedagogy) • • • • • New forms of scheduling: day, week, month or other Innovative groupings e.g. abilities or size of working groups (use of lectures, tutorials etc.) Experimental or non-traditional pedagogical approaches, with active learning focus (e.g. Steiner, Waldorf, Montessori) & reflecting theoretical models such as Vygotsky, Piaget Innovative assessment: formative assessment, in combination with portfolios, self assessment Particular approaches to individualisation, guidance, student responsibility etc. Current Action & Next Steps in SA • Build research within SA Innovation network through initial workshop (March), establishing innovation website & SA submissions, newsletter communication, Regional meeting presentations, additional workshops & school visits • Interstate/international networking: Victorian school innovation links, United States conference presentations/ participation, International coordinators meeting attendance the nature of innovation ….? Incremental Innovation Radical Innovation •Minor modifications to existing product •Significant breakthrough representing major shift in design •Swims with the tide •Swims against the tide •Starts with the present and works forward •Starts with the future and works backwards School improvement ? Transformation ? From presentation by Valerie Hannon, Innovations Unit More Information DECS Innovations website Dr Susanne Owen Principal Officer, Strategic Research & Innovation [email protected]
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