Document uncontrolled when printed Procedure ID no 0480/05 MANUAL HANDLING PROCEDURE This procedure is applicable to: All Department of Education and Children's Services employees. DOCUMENT CONTROL Managed by: Phil O’Loughlin Responsible position: Executive Director Human Resource & Workforce Development Version: 1 Contact person: Voula Panayotopoulos Approved by: Chief Executive File number: 0480/05 Contact position: Director, Health and Safety Services Date approved: 11 September 2011 Status: FINAL Contact number: 8226 0949 Next review date: 10 September 2014 Security classification: Health and Safety Services Manual Handling Procedure 20/04/11 Page 1-8 CONTENTS 1. TITLE...............................................................................................................................3 2. PURPOSE .......................................................................................................................3 3. SCOPE ............................................................................................................................3 4. OBJECTIVES ..................................................................................................................3 5. PROCEDURE DETAIL ....................................................................................................4 6. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES .................................................................................5 7. MONITORING, EVALUATION AND REVIEW ................................................................5 8. DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS...........................................................................6 9. ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS .........................................................................................7 10. REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................7 APPENDIX 1 MANUAL HANDLING RISK ASSESSMENT ..........................................8 REVISION RECORD Date Version Revision description 4/12/10 1 H&SS Consultation Manual Handling Procedure 20/04/11 Page 2-8 1. TITLE Manual Handling Procedure. 2. PURPOSE Assist site managers and employees to develop and implement safe systems of work by: 2.1 Complying with relevant legislation and codes of practice on manual handling, and the South Australian Public Sector Code of Practice for Crown Self-Insured Employers. 2.2 Complying with the DECS Occupational Health, Safety & Welfare and Injury Management Policy. 2.3 Maximising organisational health and wellbeing while delivering high quality service and learning outcomes for students and children. 2.4 Satisfying the requirements of the Safety and Wellbeing in the Public Sector 2010 - 2015 Strategy (SWIPS). 2.5 Managing the risks associated with manual handling tasks. 3. SCOPE This procedure applies to all DECS activities where hazardous manual handling tasks may be present. 4. OBJECTIVES 4.1 To develop and facilitate best practice manual handling procedures. 4.2 To reduce the incidence of workplace injury and illness. 4.3 To assist site managers to identify, implement and review manual handling control measures. Manual Handling Procedure 20/04/11 Page 3-8 5. PROCEDURE DETAIL Manual Handling Procedure 20/04/11 Page 4-8 6. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES POSITION SITE MANAGER EMPLOYEES AND OTHERS ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Site managers are responsible for integrating DECS occupational health, safety, welfare and injury management policy and procedures in their operations and they must: As far as is reasonably practicable, provide safe systems of work to either prevent or minimise manual handling risks in the workplace. Must, in consultation with employees and their representatives, systematically identify hazards, and analyse, evaluate and control risks associated with manual handling. All employees are responsible for their own health and safety (Section 21 OHS&W Act 1986), and shall: Identify manual handling risks. Follow all reasonable instructions in relation to this procedure. Engage in the consultative process. Report manual handling hazards to the site manager. Undertake manual handling training and apply that training appropriately. HSRs present manual handling concerns to the site manager on behalf HEALTH AND of the workgroup. Their roles and responsibilities are governed by the SAFETY REPRESENTATIVE Occupational Health Safety and Welfare 1986. (HSR) 7. MONITORING, EVALUATION AND REVIEW 7.1 The state-wide consultative system, including this procedure will be evaluated for effectiveness every 3 years by a sub-committee of the State OHS&W Consultative Committee. 7.2 Individual sites shall review and evaluate the effectiveness of their processes annually. 7.3 Site managers must ensure that employees are consulted and provided with any necessary instruction, training and supervision to ensure that control measures are effectively implemented. Manual Handling Procedure 20/04/11 Page 5-8 8. DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS TERM DECS MEANING Department of Education and Children's Services. EMPLOYEE A person who is employed under a contract of service, or who works under a contract of service. EMPLOYER The Department of Education and Children’s Services, viz. Chief Executive or delegated Responsible Officer (such as the principal or site manager). HAZARD Any condition or behaviour that has the potential to harm a person, the environment or damage property. MANUAL HANDLING MANUAL HANDLING HAZARD MUST Any activities requiring the use of force exerted by a person to lift, lower, push, pull carry or otherwise move, hold or restrain a person, animal or object. Examples of hazardous manual handling tasks include: Repetitive or sustained application of force. Repetitive or sustained awkward posture. Repetitive or sustained movement. Application of high force. Exposure to sustained vibration. Handling a student. Handling live animals. Handling loads which are unbalanced, unstable or difficult to move. A load (person, object, substance, animal, etc.) which needs to be moved and has the potential to cause harm. Indicates that a statement is a legislative requirement OTHERS Persons other than employees at the workplace. e.g. students, parents, contractors, visitors or volunteers. RISK The probability that a hazard will cause harm in the given circumstances. RISK ASSESSMENT The process of evaluating the likelihood and severity of injury or illness that will result from exposure to hazards. RISK CONTROL Processes to eliminate or minimise the potential for injury or illness. RISK MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK DECS guidelines, closely aligned with departmental goals and objectives, for the implementation of effective risk management programs to meet the needs of individual groups and sites. SAFE SYSTEMS OF WORK A safe system of work is an inclusive concept that covers all aspects of the organisation of work processes, including planning, consultation, policies, procedures, the methods of using machinery, plant and equipment, training and instruction. Manual Handling Procedure 20/04/11 Page 6-8 SHALL Indicates that a statement is mandatory SITE Any place where employees are working, or may be expected to work, and includes any place a person goes while at work. SITE MANAGER Any person who has responsibility and control of a DECS site or work unit. This includes, but is not limited to Executive Directors, Regional Directors, Directors and Principals. WORKGROUP A group of employees constituted as a workgroup for the purposes of Part 4 of the OHS&W Act 1986 and may include Schools, Directorates, Programs, Sections, Units, Groups and Teams. 9. ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS As a guide, records must be retained, in accordance with the following table: Description of Record Disposal Schedule Reference Records relating to hazard identification and risk assessment of foreseeable hazards in agency workplaces. Includes measures taken to eliminate or control risks Authority Number: 2006/GDS15(V7) : 11.92.1 TEMPORARY Retain until 2040, retention subject to a review at that date Records relating to the provision of training and induction programs to agency staff and volunteers on OH&S matters. Includes hazard awareness training relevant to specific workplace conditions. Also includes training for managers on their OH&S responsibilities. Authority Number: 2006/GDS15(V7) : 15.102.2 TEMPORARY Destroy 30 years after action completed. 10. REFERENCES Approved Code of Practice for Manual Handling, WorkCover Corporation of South Australia. Australian Standard Handbook 436:2004, Risk Management Guidelines. Code of Practice for Crown Exempt Employers. DECS Consultative Procedure. DECS Hazard Management Procedure. DECS Incident / Injury Investigation Procedure. DECS Risk Management Framework. DECS Training Procedure. General Disposal Schedule 15, 7th Edition, Effective 14 November 2006 to 30 June 2011. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare (OHS&W) Act 1986. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare (OHS&W) Regulations 2010, Part 2, Division 9 - Manual handling. Safety and Wellbeing in the Public Sector 2010 - 2015 Strategy, Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Public Sector Workforce Relations. South Australian Code of Conduct for Public Sector Employees. Manual Handling Procedure 20/04/11 Page 7-8 APPENDIX 1 MANUAL HANDLING RISK ASSESSMENT Manual Handling is any activity requiring the use of force exerted by a person to lift, lower, push, pull carry, move, hold or restrain a person, animal or object. Where it is reasonably foreseeable that a manual handling task may cause injury, then this form shall be completed in consultation with the Employer, Health and Safety Representative and Employee. ADMINISTRATIVE SECTION Site: Date: Work Location: Task: Assessed by: Employer Name: Position: Assessed by: Employee(s) Name: Position: Assessed by: Health & Safety Representative Name: Position: Have there been any records of injury related to this task at this workplace? If “Yes”, review section, “Analysis Of Workplace Yes No Injury Records” page 8 of the Manual Handling Code of Practice before proceeding to the Risk assessment below. If “No” proceed directly to the risk assessment below. Refer to Section 4 of the Manual Handling Code of Practice, RISK ASSESSMENT and the Risk Management Framework for guidance. RISK ASSESSMENT CONTROL SECTION IN CODE OF PRACTICE Description / Comment Review Control measures every two years or after an accident 4A: Actions and Movements (p.13) 4B: Layout of workplace (p.13) 4C: Working Posture and Position (p.14) 4D: Duration and Frequency of activity (p.15) 4E: Location of Loads and Distances Moved (p.15) 4F: Weights and Forces (p.16) 4G: Characteristics of Loads and Equipment (p.17) 4H: Work organisation (p.18) 4I: Work Environment (p.19) 4J: Skill and Experience of Employee (p.19) 4K: Personal Characteristics (p.19) 4L: Clothing (p.20) 4M: Other factors e.g. vibration RISK FRAMEWORK Likelihood of the risk event occurring Consequence of the risk event occurring Risk RISK LEVEL Note: Attach sheets if there is insufficient space to record comments and controls. Contact your Safety Consultant if you need advice when completing this form. Manual Handling Procedure 20/04/11 Page 8-8
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