WELCOME TO SIXTH GRADE at GEORGE FOX MIDDLE SCHOOL MISSION STATEMENT George Fox Middle School Students will be prepared for the 21st century with the MINDTOOLS and TECHNOLOGICAL SKILLS needed to be successful and productive citizens and understand that they will need to be lifelong learners. VISION Positive learning environment Technology oriented unit and lesson plans Performance driven instruction Positive test scores Staff must MODEL and STUDENTS Demonstrate the Following: Excellent Attendance Positive Attitudes Acquire Skills and Knowledge Necessary to Improve All Test Scores STRIVE FOR THE THREE A’S A Attendance A Attitude A Achievement George Fox Middle School Academic or Core Classes English/Language Arts – reading, writing, vocabulary development, grammar and usage. Mathematics – fractions, decimals, percents, integers, measurement, probability, and statistics. Science – Matter & Energy, Environment Social Studies – Ancient World History and Cultural Geography Each Core Class meets Every Day GFMS Encore or Wheel Classes (Each class meets for Seven Weeks) Art or True Colors FACS – Building Blocks for a Healthy Lifestyle TE - Exploring Technology Education (Shop or Industrial Arts) World Language Connection – The introduction to Chinese, French, and Spanish Strategies for Success with Computers George Fox Middle School Elective or Encore ABC Classes *Physical Education – Focus on Fitness and Health through conditioning and skill building exercises. *Required class for all students Fine Arts –Band, Percussion, Strings, Chorus, and Music Goes Global Other Classes include Passport to the World, Box Score, Dance, Project Runway, and AVID Note: All students take PE plus two other classes the same encore period in a three day cycle. Academic Interventions Reading Interventions – Currently offer Wilson, Spell Read, and SOAR to Success PAR and WI Reading Support Classes Box Score Math Support Classes Each of these classes will replace an encore class for those students who are NOT proficient in MSA reading or math. PE Uniforms Grey Heavy T-Shirt = $10.00 Maroon Mesh Shorts = $12.00 Shirt and Shorts = $22.00 Also available but Not required: Sweat Pants = $15.00 AACPS’ Promotion Policy Students must pass three of four core classes each year. (Academic) Students must pass a majority of Encore classes each year (Elective) In middle school, students fail if they fail the same core class more than once. Maryland State Department of Education's Testing Schedule Maryland State Assessments are given to all students in grades 3 through 8 and grade 10 for reading. Maryland State Assessments are given to all students in grades 3 through 8 for math and for Algebra for high school. MSA Reading and Math Testing are scheduled for two days each in the month of March. MSA Science Testing is scheduled for the month of April for grade 8 using computers. Regular Bell Schedule for Grade Six 7:30 7:40 7:50 7:56 8:00 9:00 AM AM AM AM AM AM – – – – – – Staff and Breakfast Bell Entering Bell for students Late Bell and Announcements Dismissal Bell to Period One 9:00 AM Period One - Encore 10:00 AM Period Two Regular Bell Schedule (continued) GRADE SIX 10:00 – 11:00 Period 3 11:00 – 12:00 Period 4 - Encore 12:00 – 12:30 Lunch - 5 12:30 – 1:30 Period 6 1:30 – 2:35 Period 7 2:35 Dismissal for Bus Students 2:40 Dismissal for All Others Cafeteria Breakfast $1.35 (2 Program: Starts 7:30 AM Regular $0.30 Reduced food items) Muffins, cereal, cinnamon rolls, pop tarts, bagels, biscuits plus juice, milk Note: All students will use their school six digit identification number to purchase food from the cafeteria Cafeteria (cont.) Lunch $2.85 Regular; $0.40 Reduced Hot Steak Sub Chicken Nuggets Cold Ham/Bologna Sub Crispy Chicken Sandwich Pizza Regular, Pepperoni, Mexican Cafeteria A la Carte Items (various prices) Pies Soup Donuts Funnel Cake Nachos & Cheese Chips Bagel and Cream Cheese George Fox Middle School Before and After School Clubs and Activities Examples: Ukulele Club Intramurals Band Practice Art Club Strings Practice Civics Club Choral Practice Dance Club Environmental Club Yearbook Club Student Government Association Positive Behavior Intervention Strategies (PBIS) Recognizes Appropriate Behavior Emphasizes Respect for Self, Others, Property, and Learning Students earn FOX PAWS from Staff Raffles, Incentives, Assemblies, Purchase Items from PAW CART and School Store Lanyards and Picture ID’s Promotes School Safety Promotes School Security First one free to sixth graders then $3.00 Everyone in the school is asked to wear their ID’s and Lanyards each day WEB LINKS These web sites provide valuable educational information. Visit one SOON! Anne Arundel Co. Public School www.aacps.org GFMS www.aacps.org/aacps/gfms/index.html School Notes www.schoolnotes.com (type in Pasadena zip code 21122 to see George Fox Middle School and list of individual teachers) MD State Board of Education www.mdk12.org MD School Performance Program www.mdk12.org/mspp/index.html Student Led PARENT Conferences in Teacher Classrooms Each November Setting Parent Goals Attend PTO/CAC Meetings generally held the 3rd Tuesday each month. Visit the school for a morning, lunch or afternoon and sit in a class or two. Talk with your child 15 minutes each day about what they learned in school. Look for and read the Agenda Book (daily) and the Online Newsletter (monthly) VOLUNTEER in the school Volunteer Involvement Volunteers work in the cafeteria during lunches Volunteers copy materials for classroom use any time during the school day Volunteers work in the Media Center Workroom Volunteers count Grocery Receipts at home or in school Visitor Parking Seven Parking Spaces available in front of school by flag pole for visitor use DO NOT park in semi-circle Morning Drop Off Front of school in semi-circle Afternoon Pick Up Choice of Parking lot in Havenwood Park across from school (usually for 7th and 8th Graders) OR Back section of parking lot near old tennis courts where sixth graders exit the building each day. George Fox Middle School Supply List for 2010-2011 Four one inch Binders each with a sheet protector Red - Language Arts Grey - Math Green - Social Studies Navy – Science with At least 4 different pocket folders for Encore Classes AVID – One Large Binder Pencil Case with: Pencils Colored Pencils Highlighter Blue/Black/Red Pens Metric/Standard Ruler Glue Stick Paper Notebook Dividers Sixth Grade Orientation to Middle School Agenda Book ($5.00) Student Handbook School Packet (store) You need to purchase a Combination Hall Lock Activity Buses for Wed. and Thurs. Afternoons Appropriate Dress Emergency Forms Email Addresses for Parent Connect Grade Book and Connect Ed Medications Online Monthly Newsletter * PTO/CAC – Need Volunteers to Help Sixth Graders’ First Day Tuesday, August 23rd Sixth Graders meet in Student Activity Center on Day 1 Homeroom teachers will greet students Agenda, Review Schedule, Hall Locker Sixth graders will meet their teachers Bus riders need to ride the bus in the AM to know their correct Bus number in PM. Parent Connect Grade Program 1. 2. 3. Complete Application Form with updated parent email address Bring form completed to the Main Office with a picture ID – like a Drivers License where we verify that you are the parent of the child as determined by our SASI computer program You will receive an email with you user ID and password Picture Day Second Week of School All students have pictures taken through their Science Classes Picture purchase forms are mailed but extras are in main office or check school website to download form Free Student ID cards and pictures used for yearbook Make up pictures in early October Back To School Night Please Plan to Join Us on Thursday, September 1st, the second Thursday of the school year for Back To School Night. Come and follow your child’s schedule to learn about the sixth grade curriculum and the content standards for each subject. Program will start promptly at 6:00 PM. GEORGE FOX MIDDLE SCHOOL Thank you Any Questions?
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