Program Forskningsdagen 2015 Det Sundhedsfaglige og Teknologiske Fakultet Onsdag den 23. september 2015 Sigurdsgade 26 2200 København N Program Overordnet chair for dagen: Anders Blædel Hansen, FoU-konsulent, SUNDTEK Stab Overordnet ansvarlig for dagen: Linda Schumann Scheel, Prodekan, Det Sundhedsfaglige og Teknologiske Fakultet 8.30-9.00 Let morgenmad og networking (området omkring hovedindgangen og kantinens 1.sal) 9.00-9.15 Velkomst og orientering om Forsknings- og udviklingsmiljøer og FoU-aktiviteter på Metropol v/ Linda Schumann Scheel, Prodekan på Det Sundhedsfaglige og Teknologiske Fakultet (Lokale B056) 9.15-9.45 Fælles oplæg: Promoting Food Security of Low-Income Women in Central Uganda v/ Lekunze Ransom Nambuanyi; Vanmala Sunder Hiranandani; Runa Midtvåge; Ecaterina Elena Lazau; Mira Lundsgaard; Bachelor’s Degree in Global Nutrition and Health (Auditorium B056) Chair: Anders Blædel Gottlieb Hansen, FoU-konsulent, SUNDTEK Stab 9.45-10.00 Pause 10.00-11.15 Oplæg Spor 1*, Auditorium B056 1 2 3 4 5 Oplæg Spor 2*, Auditorium C060 6 7 8 9 10 11.15-11.30 Pause 11.30-12.30 Oplæg Spor 3*, Auditorium B056 11 12 13 14 Oplæg Spor 4*, Auditorium C060 15 16 17 18 12.30-13.15 Frokost (området omkring hovedindgangen og kantinens 1. sal) 13.15-14.30 Posterpræsentationer i to hold (sideløbende servering af kaffe, the, kage og frugt) 13.15-13.50 Hold 1 præsenterer posters. Gymnastiksalene E016/E017 og klasselokale C051-55 13.50-14.30 Hold 2 præsenterer posters. Gymnastiksalene E016/E017 og klasselokale D023-33 og C051-55 14.30-14.40 Pause 14.40-15.25 Keynote speech. Closing the Gap: the Role of Research in Professional Education v/ Dr. Philip Moons, Professor in Nursing Science – University of Leuven (Lokale B056) 15.25-15.30 Fælles afrunding af forskningsdagen v/ Linda Schumann Scheel, Prodekan på Det Sundhedsfaglige og Teknologiske Fakultet. Auditorium B056 * Oplæg præsenteres på det sprog, det er angivet med i programmet/ Oral presentations will be held in the same language that is indicated in the programme Spor 1: Samfund og Læring: Fra professionsforskning til samfundsmæssig gennemslagskraft Lokale: Auditorium B056 Chair: Gitte Wind, Docent, Sygeplejerskeuddannelsen 1 Udvikling af sygeplejerskers og sygeplejestuderendes kompetencer til at anvende en klinisk retningslinje i den kliniske beslutningstagning Anne-Marie Voss Schrader, Lektor, MPH / Gitte Rom, Lektor, cand.mag. / Helle Vedsegaard Lektor, cand.mag., Institut for Sygepleje 2 Helbredsrelateret livskvalitet og tilbagevenden til arbejde efter brystkræft Marie Høyer Lundh, Lektor, RN, MMSc, ph.d., Institut for Sygepleje 3 Oversættelse og validering af Canadian Occupational Performance Measure Anette Enemark Larsen, Lektor, MScOT, Ergoterapeutuddannelsen, Institut for Fysioterapi og Ergoterapi 4 Fra højrisiko til lavrisiko – når stofbrugere benytter stofindtagelsesrum – en undersøgelse af betydningen af etablering af stofind-tagelsesrum (SIR) Nanna Kappel, Lektor, ph.d., Institut for Sygepleje 5 Perspektiver for ”reflection-in-action” - læring fra hverdagens operative indsatser Mikkel Bøhm, Adjunkt, ph.d.-studerende, Katastrofe- og Risikomanageruddannelsen, Institut for Teknologi Spor 2: Teknologi og Sundhed: Fra molekyle til samfund Lokale: Auditorium C060 Chair: Lars Holm Rasmussen, Adjunkt, Laborant- og Procesteknologuddannelserne 6 Leaching of the Carcinogen Ptaquiloside from Bracken Ferns (Pteridium sp.) and Fate in Danish Surface Waters Lars Holm Rasmussen, Lecturer, Ph.D. / Dan Nybro Lindqvist, Senior lecturer, chem. eng. / Janni Sandersen, Lecturer, cand. pharm., Academy Profession Degree Programme in Chemical and Biotechnical Science, Department of Technology 7 HER2 antigen ekspressionen blandt cirkulerende tumorceller er heterogen hos brystkræftpatienter Julie Smith, postdoc, adjunkt,, ph.d., Bioanalytikeruddannelsen, Institut for Teknologi 8 Strukturelle markører for sclerosetræthed målt med magnetisk resonans (MR) Christian Bauer, MS.c., ph.d. studerende, Radiografuddannelsen, Institut for Teknologi 9 Neurobiological Substrates for Treatment Resistance in Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Christina Kjær, Lecturer, Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Biomedical Laboratory Science, Department of Technology 10 Gll. parotideae efter stråling i hoved-halsområdet. Fysiologiske og funktionelle forandringer detekteret ved brug af diffusions-vægtet MR scanning (DWI) Maja Bruvo Lazovic , Adjunkt, ph.d., Radiografuddannelsen, Institut for Teknologi Spor 3: Nutrition and Health in Different Contexts Lokale: Auditorium B056 Chair: Chalida Mae Svastisalee, Senior Associate Lecturer, Bachelors Degree in Global Nutrition and Health 11 Implementation of Multi-Level Approaches across EU: Hurdles and Facilitators Ann Fenger Benwell, Ph.D., Bachelor’s Degree in Global Nutrition and Health, Department of Nutrition and Midwifery 12 Optimized Food Baskets for Romania: Implementation of a Fully Nutritious, HealthPromoting and Affordable Diet with Linear Programming Alexandr Parlesak, Ph.D., Dr. Habil, Bachelor’s Degree in Global Nutrition and Health, Department of Nutrition and Midwifery 13 Hospitable Meals in Hospitals Lise Justesen, Lecturer, cand. brom, EH, Ph.D., Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Nutrition and Health, Department of Nutrition and Midwifery 14 Fostering children’s food literacy through school gardens in Denmark Pernille Malberg Dyg, Lecturer, Ph.D., Bachelor’s Degree in Global Nutrition and Health, Department of Nutrition and Midwifery Spor 4: Sundhed, Krop og Træning Lokale: Auditorium C060 Chair: Mette Kreutzfeldt Zebis, Docent, Fysioterapiuddannelsen 15 The Effect of NIR Light and the Light-Activated Antimicrobial Agent on Wound Pathogenic Biofilms; Implication for Nonpharmacologic Chronic Wound Treatment Ghada Said Mohammed Omar, Ph.D. in Medical Sciences, Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Physiotherapy, Department of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy 16 Patientpræference og adherence-rate for træningslokation i træningsbaseret hjerterehabilitering – data fra Copenheart studierne Lars Tang, MS.c., ph.d.-studerende, Fysioterapeutuddannelsen, Institut for Fysioterapi og Ergoterapi 17 Early Physical Training and Psycho-Educational Intervention for Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting. The SheppHeart Pilot Randomised Clinical Trial Ida Elisabeth Højskov, Cand.cur., PhD student, Department of Nursing 18 Patient Reported Shoulder Function in Patients with Subacromial Impingement: The Role of Maximum Isometric Force, Range of Motion and Pain (note that the presentation is in Danish) Mikkel Bek Clausen, MS.c., PhD student, Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Physiotherapy, Department of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Hold 1 Posterpræsentationer 13.15-13.50. Gymnastiksalene E016/E017 og klasselokale C051-55 Gymnastiksal E016 19 De levede erfaringer ved idiopatisk lungefibrose set fra et patient- og pårørendeperspektiv – et kvalitativt framework studie. Dorthe Overgaard, Ingrid Egerod, Gudrun Kaldan, Institut for Sygepleje 20 Stratification of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes in a Specialised Out-Patient Clinic – a Cross-Sectional Study. Lene Munch, Department of Nursing 21 I Don´t Want to Grow Old - Old Age Simulation in Nursing Education. Hanne Selberg, Marie-Louise Sharp Johansen og Lotte Evron, Department of Nursing 22 Hvorfor fravælger KOL patienter lungerehabilitering? Helle Mathar, Pernille Fastholm og Niels Sandholm Larsen, Institut for Sygepleje 23 Metoder til Optimering og Vurdering af patienter med bipolar sindslidelses funktionsevne: MOVE. Lone Decker, Ergoterapeutuddannelsen 24 Effect of Rater Training on Scoring Performance and Scale-Specific Expertise Amongst Occupational Therapists Participating in a Multi-Centre Study: a single-group pre-posttest study. Tina Hansen, Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy 25 Force steadiness målt ved elektromyografi og dynamometri hos personer med subacromial impingement syndrom sammenlignet med skulderraske - et systematisk litteraturstudie. Camilla Keller og Rasmus Tolstrup Larsen, Fysioterapeutuddannelsen 26 Validation of a Protocol that Determines the Capacity to Oxidize Fat during Excercise in Obese Adults. Charlotte Præst, Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Physiotherapy 27 Nexfin Device is a Reliable Measurement of Systolic Blood Pressure Increase During Heavy Resistance Exercise. Kasper Ipsen, Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Physiotherapy Gymnastiksal E017 28 29 30 BA-projekt. Patienter med atrieflimmer kan nu tilbydes behandling med det nye lægemiddel Rivaroxaban - Derfor behøves en analysemetode til bestemmelse af lægemiddelkoncentrationen i plasma. Amalie Jesting, Bioanalytikeruddannelsen Retracing Circulating Tumor Cells for Biomarker Characterization after Enumeration. Julie Smith, Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Biomedical Laboratory Science Predicting Preeclampsia and Spontaneous Preterm Delivery by Cell Free Fetal Hemoglobin, Cell Free Fetal DNA and Maternal Obstetric History. Leif Kofoed Nielsen, Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Biomedical Laboratory Science 31 What is it to be sturdy/robust – and can it be trained? Niss Skov Nielsen, Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Emergency and Risk Management 32 Studerende. Cancerdiagnostik: JAK2 mutationsanalyse ved qPCR metoden. Kristina Steinecke og Nicoline Denning, studerende på Laborant- og Procesteknologuddannelserne 33 Bracken (Pteridium Aquilinum) is the Only Common Fern with Ptaquiloside in Denmark. Lars Holm Rasmussen og Henrik Ærenlund Pedersen, Academy Profession Degree Programme in Chemical and Biotechnical Science 34 Using Dynamic Contrast Enhanced CT (DCE-CT) to Assess the Response to Treatment of Chemotherapy of Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastases. Carsten Ammitzbøl Lauridsen, Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Radiography 40 Forskningsservice fra Biblioteket Metropol. Trine Azbi, Afdelingsleder, Koncernadministration Klasselokale C051-55 35 Barndommens betydning for den tidlige tilknytning - graviditet og moderskab. Vibeke de Lichtenberg, Jordemoderuddannelsen 36 Udviklingen fra underviser til forsker. Studerendes rolle i processen. Line Palle Andersen, Professionsbachelor i Ernæring og Sundhed 37 D-vitaminstatus hos danske elitesvømmere. Rikke Larsen, Professionsbachelor i Ernæring og Sundhed 38 39 Is Adolescent Body Weight Associated With Parental Beliefs About Overweight, Attitudes Towards Food, and the Home Environment? Alexandr Parlesak, Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Global Nutrition and Health Studerende. Hvordan kan sundhedsplejersken understøtte handlekompetence, når piger i udskoling møder udfordringer i forhold til mental sundhed i det postmoderne samfund? Julie Rothaus Voss Rathsach, Institut for Sundhedsfaglig og Teknologisk Efter- og Videreuddannelse, Specialuddannelsen til sundhedsplejerske Hold 2 Posterpræsentationer 13.50-14.30. Gymnastiksalene E016/E017 og klasselokale D023-33 Gymnastiksal E016 41 42 Involvering og egenomsorg blandt ældre kronisk syge borgere i hjemmesygeplejen. Kathrine H. Pii og Gerd Halskov, Institut for Sygepleje Constipation is Casting a Shadow over Everyday Life - a Systematic Review on Elderly People´s Experience of Living with Constipation. Nina Tvistholm and Lene Munch, Department of Nursing 43 Adult Attachment and Mental Symptoms during Rehabilitation of Women newly Diagnosed with Gynaecological Cancer. Kamila Beata Adellund Holt, Department of Nursing 45 Tilfredshed med daglige aktiviteter hos asylansøgere i Danmark. Anne-Le Morville, Ergoterapeutuddannelsen 46 Rapid Knee Extensions to Increase Quadriceps Muscle Activity after Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Randomized Cross-over Study. Louisa Wilquin, Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Physiotherapy 47 Effects of Two Different Intensities of a Single Bout of Acute Exercise Performed PostLearning on Consolidation and Retention of Motor Memory. Marie Henriette Kraft, Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Physiotherapy 48 Association between Maximal Hamstring Muscle Strength and Hamstring Muscle Pre-Activity during a Movement Associated with Non-Contact ACL Injury. Mette Zebis, Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Physiotherapy 49 Comparison of Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing and Oxygen Consumption in ArmCranking and Ergometer Cycling: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis . Rasmus Tolstrup Larsen, Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Physiotherapy Gymnastiksal E017 50 51 Karakterisering af fuldgenomsekventering af Methicillinresistente Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) med fokus på mobile genetiske elementer specielt pathogenicity islands SaPI. Lone Dons, Bioanalytikeruddannelsen BA-projekt. Resistensbestemmelse af gærsvampe – En metodesammenligning af Sensititre YeastOne og Epsilometer test. BA-projekt. Danilo Kalezic og Sandie Nhatien Vu, Bioanalytikeruddannelsen 52 Detection/Characterization of Tn5801-like Mobile Genetic Elements in Tetracycline Resistant Staphylococci from Pets and Humans in Denmark. Lisbeth Elvira de Vries, Academy Profession Degree Programme in Chemical and Biotechnical Science 53 Optimering af produktion af koldpresset juice ift. vitamin, mineral- og bakterieindhold. Merete Norsker Bergsøe, Lamia Mohamad Saad, Pernille Sebnem Salvarli og Lars Holm Rasmussen, Laborant- og Procesteknologuddannelserne 54 BA-projekt: Evaluation of STIR and T2 FAT SAT in Bone Bruise Imaging in Occult Scaphoid Fracture. Louise Meincke, Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Radiography 61 Forskningsservice fra Biblioteket Metropol. Trine Azbi, Afdelingsleder, Koncernadministration Klasselokale D023-33 55 BA-project: Comparison of STIR and T2 FAT SAT in Bone Bruise Imaging for Occult Scaphoid Fracture. Kevin Brow and Simon Munch Jensen, Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Radiography 56 NKR-Dystoci – udforskning af baggrund, antagelser og effekt af en evidensbaseret klinisk retningslinje. Lena Mariann Eriksen, Jordemoderuddannelsen 57 Students. Hospital Meals Experiences and Appetite – Findings from a Danish Study Using Qualitative Visual Methods. Louise H. Nielsen, Bithe Poulsen and Danielle Søndergaard, students, Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Nutrition and Health 58 Hvad er sundhedsvidenskabelig evidens? Udkast til en integral-perspektivisk evidensmodel. Ulrik Houlind Rasmussen, Professionsbachelor i Ernæring og Sundhed 59 Student. The Consumption of Energy Drinks Amongst 14-17 Year Old Danish Adolescents: An Examination of the Top Two Brands Consumed by this Target Group. Maria Juul Nielsen, Graduate from Global Nutrition and Health 60 Studerende. Hvordan oplever førstegangsforældre at deltage i forældreuddannelse? Og hvilken betydning har sundhedsplejersken i forhold til at øge forældrenes handlekompetence? Julie Ingvardsen, Institut for Sundhedsfaglig og Teknologisk Efter- og Videreuddannelse, Specialuddannelsen til sundhedsplejerske Klasselokale C051-55 44 Præsentation af studerendes projekter fra Sommerskolen 2015. Anette Enemark Larsen , Ergoterapeutuddannelsen Dr. Philip Moons is Professor in Nursing Science at the Center for Health Services and Nursing Research at the KU Leuven - University of Leuven (Belgium); research coordinator in Congenital Cardiology at the University Hospitals Leuven (Belgium); guest professor at the Heart Centre of Copenhagen University Hospital (Denmark); and visiting professor at the Institute of Health and Care Sciences of University of Gothenburg (Sweden) and the author of more than 200 Publications in international, peer-reviewed journals. He is mainly conducting quality of life and outcomes research, and has a special interest in transitional care. In his presentation, he will focus on the rationale and need for research in professional education.
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