The Classroom Learning Environment Chapter 4

The Classroom
Learning Environment
Chapter 4
Minimum of Classroom Distractions
◦ Apply your knowledge of your students to
create a pleasant classroom experience
◦ Initiate, practice and develop model behaviors
that facilitate learning
◦ Create a conducive learning environment
 Based
 Based
 Based
 Based
what you have learned
what you prefer
school/district mandates
educational ethics and law
Become an Effective Teacher
Emotionally safe
 Important content and skills
 Value content and participation
 Single, most important factor influencing
student learning
Conducive Classroom Learning
 Believe in yourself
 Believe in your students
◦ If you think they cannot learn, they will not.
What do good teachers do?
◦ Know, when given support that all students can
◦ Expect the best
◦ Establish an environment that motivates
◦ Manage efficiently
How much you know will not matter
unless students perceive that
The classroom environment is supportive.
You care about their learning.
You respect them as human beings.
They are welcome in your class.
Expectations are challenging but not
◦ Outcomes are worthy of their time and effort.
Discipline, punishment
Few finished 4th grade
Theory assumed that all children were bad.
Inappropriate behavior was students’ fault and
must be punished
Classroom Control
◦ Students still misbehaving.
◦ Punitive measures did not work.
◦ Era of progressive behavior
 Children learn through play, experimentation,
 Children should have a voice in what they learn
◦ Teachers’ job was to provide rich learning
Classroom Control
◦ Classroom control, not discipline
◦ Best teachers are in control of the events
taking place in the classroom.
◦ Classroom management and organization
 Prevent inappropriate behavior.
 Help students develop self control.
 Have procedures in place to take care of
◦ Eclectic philosophy
Classroom Control
Behavior Modification
◦ Identify the behavior to be modified
◦ Record how often and when that behavior
◦ Change by reinforcing desired behavior with
positive reinforcement
◦ Choose appropriate reinforcement
 Use of computers for creativity (monitored)
◦ A PowerPoint instead of a paper
 Choices of how to use free time
 Passes for missed homework, extra points, etc.
B. F. Skinner
Assertive Discipline
◦ You have professional rights as an educator
◦ Students will choose how to behave in your
◦ Clearly state expectation in firm voice and
explain boundaries
◦ Plan a system of positive consequences
 Positive call/letter/e-mail home
 Certificates of award
 Special privileges
◦ Follow through
Logical Consequences
◦ Be fair, firm and friendly.
◦ Involve students in developing and
implementing rules.
◦ Logical consequences for misbehavior
 Graffiti
Peer pressure
Show respect for self and others.
Reason to belong.
Recognize/encourage student achievement
Recognize, but do not reward, students seeking
attention, power or revenge.
Reality Therapy
◦ Conditions of the present rule!
◦ Students have a responsibility to learn while at
school and to maintain appropriate behavior.
◦ Students can make appropriate choices.
◦ Class meetings
◦ Students need to feel like they belong, are
loved, in control, have freedom, can have fun.
◦ If they do not, they will fail.
Communication Model
◦ Send messages about the situation, not about
the child.
◦ Model the behavior you want.
◦ Send positive messages.
 Express feelings appropriately.
 Acknowledge student feelings.
 Give appropriate direction.
 Invite cooperation.
Jones Model
◦ Properly structure your classroom so that
students understand the rule and procedures.
◦ Maintain control by selecting appropriate
instructional strategies.
◦ Build patterns of cooperative work.
◦ Develop backup methods for dealing with
inappropriate student behavior.