FBA AND BIP 1 EFFECTIVE BEHAVIOR PLANS FOR STUDENTS Created by: Amelia Owen Jacquelynn McDonough-Dority Patti Wilson David Martin Department of Exceptional Children's Services Let’s look at the WIKI 2 http://FBA/-behaviorsupport.wikispaces.com Norms 3 Ask questions – please Minimize side bar conversations Cell phones on vibrate, computers closed 4 Today Participants Will… 5 Review the basic components of the FBA/BIP Discover Collaborative Problem Solving Learn to recognize linkages between function – strategy – reinforcement Review examples/non-examples Practice writing components of an FBA/BIP Explore the WIKI page Collaborative Problem Solving 6 Paradigm shift Kids do well if they can Check your lenses Plan B A Non-example http://www.livesinthebalance.org/solving-problemscollaboratively Work of Dr. Ross Greene New Example 7 New Example 8 Strengths 9 WHAT DOES THE STUDENT DO WELL? STUDENT’S STRENGTHS, GIFTS, & TALENTS. WHAT ARE THERE INTERESTS? WHAT DO THEY LIKE TO HELP OTHERS? Strengths – Our Example 10 This is how we would identify the strengths of our example student. Let’ Practice 11 See the Document Camera Strengths - Activity 12 Now, take your example and review the identified strengths. Make modifications at this point. Please be prepared to report out. INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR 13 OBSERVABLE, MEASURABLE TERMS Defining Inappropriate Behavior 14 This is how we defined the disruptive behavior in our example. Let’ Practice 15 See the Document Camera Inappropirate Behavior - Activity 16 Now, take your example and review the identified inappropriate behavior. Make modifications at this point. Please be prepared to report out. Inappropriate Behavior - Activity 17 Everyone gets a chance to write a target behavior! Make the following into measureable and observable “target” behaviors Noncompliance Task Refusal Aggressive Difficult to Manage Seeks Power / Control Disrespectful Disruptive Why Isn’t it working? 18 FAILURE TO ADEQUATELY DEFINE INNAPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR? Antecedent Triggers 19 WHAT ARE THE ENVIRONMENTAL TRIGGERS? Identifying Antecedent Triggers 20 This is how we defined the Antecedent Triggers in our Example. Let’ Practice 21 See the Document Camera Antecedent Triggers – Activity 22 Now, take your example and review the identified antecedent triggers. Make modifications at this point. Please be prepared to report out. Response of Others to Inappropriate Behavior 23 WHAT IS THE IMMEDIATE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT WHEN THE BEHAVIOR OCCURS? Response of Others 24 The events or interactions that occur immediately or shortly after the behavior or as a result of the behavior What does adult typically say/do when the behavior occurs? What do peers typically say/do... How is classroom activity impacted? What is student’s reaction? Response of Others 25 Why is this section important? We need to reframe – think about what we as adults can control We need to focus on the environment – this is not about student behavior, but about how the environment sets the stage for the presence/absence of behavior Focus on intended and unintended consequences – we need to find the payoff Response of Others 26 This is how we described the Response of Others to in the environment. Let’ Practice 27 See the Document Camera Response of Others – Activity 28 Now, take your example and review what you have identified as the response of others (Environmental Impact). Make modifications at this point. Please be prepared to report out. Function 29 WHAT IS THE PAYOFF? WHY DOES THIS WORK FOR THE STUDENT? WHAT REINFORCES THE BEHAVIOR? Function 30 This is how we identified Function. Let’ Practice 31 See the Document Camera Function - Activity 32 Now, take your example and review what you have identified as Function. Make modifications at this point. Please be prepared to report out. Why Isn’t it working? 33 Is function misidentified? Inappropriate Behavior 34 Why do we need data on the inappropriate behavior? The initial data gives us the baseline to compare with data Collected after interventions have been implemented. Without this data, we won’t know if our interventions have the intended impact. Data on Inappropriate Behavior 35 Data on Inappropriate Behavior 36 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 Data Sources 37 The Behavior Intervention Plan 38 PREVENTION STRATEGIES REPLACEMENT BEHAVIOR TEACHING STRATEGIES Prevention Strategies 39 HOW WILL THE ENVIRONMENT BE MODIFIED? Prevention Strategies 40 These are our prevention strategies for Timmy Madd. Let’ Practice 41 See the Document Camera Prevention Strategies - Activity 42 Now, take your example and review what you have listed as Prevention Strategies. Make modifications at this point. Please be prepared to report out. Teaching Strategies 43 BASED ON THE FUNCTION, WHAT WILL WE TEACH? Teaching Activities 44 • These are our Teaching Strategies for Timmy Madd. Let’ Practice 45 See the Document Camera Teaching Strategies - Activity 46 • Now, take your example and review what you have listed as Prevention Strategies. Make modifications at this point. • Please be prepared to report out. Reinforcement Strategies 47 WHAT DOES THE STUDENT LIKE? WHAT WILL THEY WORK FOR? Reinforcement Strategies 48 • These are our Reinforcement Strategies for Timmy Madd. Let’ Practice 49 See the Document Camera Reinforcement Strategies - Activity 50 Now, take your example and review what you have listed as Reinforcement Strategies. Make modifications at this point. • Please be prepared to report out. • Why isn’t it working? 51 Recognizing Extinction Burst It’s going to get worse before it gets better Give it time Addressing Recurrent Inappropriate Behaviors 52 Sometimes referred to as Inadvertent Reinforcement What does this mean? Specifically address what adults will or will not do to avoid reinforcing the behavior Reinforcement vs. Punishment 53 What does the research say? Reinforcement is far more effective than punitive consequences Reinforcement builds relationships When we do utilize a punitive consequence it should Be issued immediately Be fair, fit the crime Be natural in nature, related to the offense Struggling with Strategies? 54 Intervention Trainings are offered in PLAN on: FBA/BIP Interventions (Two-Part Series) Oct 21 4:00 Oct 24 4:00 Data 55 FREQUENCY DURATION LATENCY MAGNITUDE How Many Bites? Frequency 57 Line Graphs 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 8:00 9:00 10:00 1:00 12:00 1:00 What is the duration of the second bite? Duration 59 Duration per occurrence Record each event in time and reset the clock Date: ____ Time: ____ To: ____ Setting: _________ Episode # Elapsed Time Per Episode ________ ________________________________ ________ ________________________________ ________ ________________________________ ________ ________________________________ Duration 60 Total Duration Record the length of each occurrence and add all together Date: ____ Time: ____ To: ____ Setting: _______ Total Duration Per Session: ______________ Latency 61 Begin timing at the end of the request. Stop timing when student begins to engage in requested activity Event #1 ____ Event #2 ____ Event #3 ____ MEAN LATENCY _________ Latency Game Magnitude 62 HOW BIG? HOW MUCH? HOW MUCH DAMAGE? HOW LONG? Which bite is more intense? Our Data Collection for Timmy 64 Whole Interval data will be collected weekly (twenty minute periods) to help reduce aggression. Partial interval recording data will be collected weekly (twenty minute periods) to help increase Timmy’s response rates of asking for help, sharing frustration appropriately, asking for breaks appropriately, and interacting with peers appropriately. Who is responsible? Special Education Teacher and Educational Assistants Review Date within 3-6 weeks of implementation: Data - Activity • Now, take your example and review what you have listed as in the Data Section. Make modifications at this point. • Please be prepared to report out. Trouble Shooting Data 66 Do we understand the difference between declarative knowledge and executive functioning? Knowing and Doing are in fact different He can tell me what he’s supposed to do!!! She knows what she’s supposed to do. I’ve told her and told her! She gets a note home every night. Trouble Shooting Data 67 Do strategies reinforce replacement behaviors and/or extinguish target behavior? Is data being collected to indicate a change in student responses? Is there an increase in the replacement behavior? Is there a decrease in the target behavior? Trouble Shooting Data 68 Are all adults following the plan with fidelity Observe before dumping a plan. Go back to review recommendations in an FBA/BIP and/or the Behavior Consultant recommendations. Have all adults been exposed to the plan and received needed training? Crisis Plan 69 WHEN DO WE COMPLETE THIS SECTION? Crisis Plan 70 Not all students will need a Crisis Plan Only aggressive, running behaviors Think about how your team would respond if the anticipated behavior took place Is there one person with sound rapport to de-escalate the student? Implement Nonviolent Physical Crisis Intervention? Who responds? If they run, where do they go? What are staff designated responsibilities? Notify SRO? Crisis Plan 71 Why is this section important? Plan in place in the event violent or eloping behaviors Everyone is prepared and knows what to do Crisis management has been addressed with parents and in the IEP The Review Process 72 This is an ongoing process… 73 In each meeting go ahead and set date and time for the next meeting Low level behaviors can go up to 6 weeks Severe behaviors need to be followed up on sooner Changes may not me made each time. If behavior had decreased, the best plan may be more of the same intervention. Changes to documenting the review process How Do I Access a Behavior Consultant? 74 Behavior Consultant Involvement Use the procedures Create FBA/BIP Submit request form with needed attachments HELP, PLEASE! Filing paperwork 75 Places to file IEP folder, parents, teachers, administrator Extra signatures to obtain Any teachers expected to be knowledgeable and implement the plan that were not at the meeting Uploading the FBA/BIP to EdPlan 76 It is important that we transition to the upload/paperclip method as Easyfax will soon be unavailable Look at step by step process… we are going to practice as well. Questions? 77 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
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