With AARHUS Hvilken rolle spiller TRÆ i fremtidens Aarhus? Dansk Træforening Stadsarkitekt Stephen Willacy 28. maj 2015 Bæredygtighed 360◦ Miljø – Social/samfund - Økonomi Business Region AARHUS GOVERNANCE BÆRDYGTIGE VÆKST 325000 320000 315000 310000 305000 300000 295000 290000 285000 2008K3 2009K3 2010K3 2011K3 2012K3 2013K3 Source: Statistics Denmark Aarhus – Demografi › Numbers from 2011 Kilde: Transit and Density af Alain Bertaud and Harry W. Richardson Source: Newman & Kenworthy 1989 Atlas Environment du Monde Diplomatique 2007 Byfortætning og arealanvendelse • • • Med udsigt til 9 mia. mennesker på jorden i 2050 har vi behov for at indskrænke vores arealmæssige fodaftryk og genskabe natur og landbrugsarealer Boligernes arealmæssige fodaftryk reduceres væsentligt ved byfortætning. Mindre arealaftryk giver mindre pres på natur, biodiversitet, grundvandsressourcer og landbrugsarealer Eksempel på fodaftryk pr. beboer Felt 5.2 A-C, Bynære Havnearealer Skjoldhøjparken Ca. 50 m2 pr. person Ca. 4,6 m2 pr. person Skjoldhøjparken, Aarhus Forudsætninger: Et gennemsnitligt parcelhus har ca. m2 fodaftryk og 3 beboer De De bynære havnearealer, Felt 5.2 A-C 150 Forudsætninger: Bebyggelsens fodaftryk: 1.544 m2 Bebyggelsesprocent: Samlet etm2: 13.500 etm2 Forudsat etm2 lejlighed pr. person: 40 etm2 ARCHITECTURE POLICY 5 Themes:: Community participation - Open processes, dialogue, holistic multidisciplinary approach New Sustainable development -towards a denser and more sustainable society Architecture - Aarhus an Internationaly known architecture city Efficient use of resources - energy renovation In existing buildings Infrastructure and accessibility - Better interaction between roads, buildings, and landscape 2 hovedprincipper for fysisk byudvikling – nye byer og byomdannelse Neye Lisbjerg Harlev Malling Overview Map 1 2 Projects outside the city center 1 6 1 In Lisbjerg a new city will be constructed with room for 25.000 people 3 4 2 In Elev a new city area is built with room for 4.000 – 7.000 citizens 5 8 11 7 Projects in Skejby: The New University Hospital, Vestas new headquarter, Agro Food Park, Via University Campus and a new domicile for the company Atea 4 In Risskov a new residential area is constructed with more than 900 houses. 5 9 10 7 The Marselis Tunnel: The project supports the infrastructure in the city by creating a direct connection between the highway system and the harbor. 8 3 6 The residential area of Gellerup will be reconstructed and modernized to become a new attractive city area. At Viborgvej a business- and conference building is constructed The Danish Bank & Moneyservice is building a top modern contactcenter in Brabrand 9 The residential areas of Rosenhoej and Soendervang will be modernized and reconstructed 10 The Museum of Moesgaard will be expanded by 15.000 sqm. 11 The Port of Aarhus is expanding in several stages up until 2022 LISBERG byfælleden landskabsparken Neye Overview map 2 Projects in the city center 1 1 1 7 Aarhus University is expanding up until 2028 by 250.000 sqm. 2 Modernisation of the residential neighbourhood of ”Ringgaarden” 3 2 3 12 4 6 5 7 10 11 The Ceres Area: The old brewery site will be modernised. The project includes a project that covers 140.000 sqm. 4 8 8 A new school will be built on Frederiksbjerg 9 The former component workshop will be transformed into office- and shopping environment 10 The river houses: The project consist of 9 buildings. 9 The shopping mall ”Bruuns Gallery” will be expanded and a new bus terminal will be built Business & conference project in Vaerkmestergade. 11 5 The Freight Yard Project: The former fright yard will be transformed to a new cultural production centre. Business project at Aaboulevarden 12 High-rise building at Europaplads 16 6 Scandic will open a hotel in Oestergade in 2012 13 The Aarhus Docklands Godsbane Aarhus K Mellem Armen Turbinhallen Rutebistation Filmbyen Kulkrane Værkmestergade Slagteri området DGI Byen Side 60 Kommnikationsemne Kommnikationsemne Side 62 CITY LAB Innovation og bærdygtige design C.F.Møller
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