They are a mechanical device
that stimulates the movement
of the mandible
Principles of using articulators
The mechanical replication of the path of
movement of the posterior determinants ,
the TMJ .
Then an instrument are used to fabricate a
fixed or removable dental restoration .
Classification of articulators
According to the accuracy of reproducing
the movement of the mandible
According to the shape
(1) Non-adjustable articulators
Only a hinge opening
Distance between the
teeth and axis of rotation
is shorter
Affect the morphological
Lead to : restoration with
occlusal discrepancies
which may lead to
neuromuscular disorder
According to the movement
( 2) semi-adjustable
Larger in size allow a close
approximation of the anatomic
distance between the axis of
rotation and the teeth
Intercondylar distance Similar to
that in the average patient
Adjustable condylar inclination ,
and incisal inclination ;
Used in most single units and
Accepted face bow transfer.
(3) Fully adjustable articulators
Most accurate. Has great accuracy in the
reproduction, both horizontal & lateral
inclination are adjusted according the the
records taking from the patient’s mouth .
Used for extensive treatment
Required high skills & understanding.
Required a lot of time to represent 3 records:
Fully adjustable articulators
According to the shape
1_arcon articulator
Condylar element are placed on lower
member ,the mechanical fosse are placed
in the upper member simulating the
position of glenoid fosse in the skull
Arcon type
According to the shape
2_nonarcon articulators
The condylar element are placed in the
upper member while the mechanical fosse
are placed in the lower member
Arcon type are widely used in fixed
restoration because their accuracy and
easy with which they disassemble to
facilitate the occlusal waxing
Non-arcon type
To evaluate the patient occlusion , we
have to place the diagnostic casts in the
articulator in the same relationship to the
TMJ as exist in the patient .
This is done by using face bow to mount
the maxillary cast and interocclusal wax
record to mount the lower cast .
Face bow
It is an instrument used to record the
position of maxillary arch relative to
opening and closing
Two types :
Types of face bow
(1) Arbitary Type:
Whip mix face bow
Denar face bow
Hanau face bow
Whip mix face bow
Denar face bow and articulators
Hanau face bow and articulator
Mounting the maxillary cast
Mounting the mandibular cast
Examine the casts and the
The condyles is in the retruded position in
its condylar track mechanism (against the
posterior and superior walls of the
condylar guide
Both casts are completely seated in the
interocclusal record
Mounting stone is securely attached to
both casts and mounting plates
Custom anterior guidance
Setting the mechanical incisal