Discovering How You Learn The VARK Learning Styles Inventory O VARK Inventory focuses on how learners prefer to use their senses O Knowing your VARK score can help you develop your own study strategies and do better in college O Visual O Prefer to learn information through charts, graphs, other visual means O Aural O Prefer to hear information O Read/Write O Prefer to learn information displayed as words O Kinesthetic O Prefer to learn through experience and practice Complete the VARK Questionnaire Visual – Aural – Read/Write - Kinesthetic The Kolb Inventory of Learning Styles O Focuses on abilities we need to develop in order to learn O Effective learners need four kinds of abilities: O O O O Concrete experience Reflective observation Abstract conceptualization Active experimentation O Opposite styles of learning: Abstract-concrete and Active-reflective O Four discrete group of learners: O Divergers, assimilators, convergers, and accommodators The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator O Represents a “psychological type” on the combination of four different scales O Extraversion (E) vs. Introversion (I) O Indicates where you direct your energy and attention O Sensing (S) vs. Intuition (N) O Indicates how you perceive the world and take in information O Thinking (T) vs. Feeling (F) O Indicates how you prefer to make your decisions O Judging (J) vs. Perceiving (P) O Indicates how you characteristically approach the outside world Multiple Intelligences O Theory of multiple intelligences developed in 1983 by Dr. Howard Gardner O Proposes eight different intelligences to describe how humans learn O O O O O O O O Verbal/Linguistic Logical/Mathematical Visual/Spatial Bodily/Kinesthetic Musical/Rhythmic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalist Complete the Multiple Intelligences Inventory When Learning Styles and Teaching Styles Conflict O Instructors tend to teach in ways that conform to their own styles of learning O When you recognize a mismatch between how you best learn and how you are being taught O Take control of your learning process O Don’t depend on your instructor O Employ your own preferences, talents, and abilities to study and retain information Learning with a Disability O Different learning disabilities affect people’s ability to interpret what they see and hear O Attention disorders O Daydream excessively, easily distracted O ADD, ADHD O Cognitive learning disabilities O Dyslexia—a developmental reading disorder O Learning disabilities are not related to intelligence Tech Tip: Branch Out O Finding ways to adapt to teaching techniques that lie outside your comfort zone O For auditory learners O Read your notes and textbook passages aloud as you study O For visual learners O Take notes and illustrate them O For hands-on learners O Build models or spreadsheets, take fieldtrips to gather experience
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