Document 389015

Learning style is described as a group
of characteristics, attitudes, and
behaviors that define our way of
Simply: different approaches or ways
of learning.
Different styles influence:
1. the way students learn,
2. how teachers teach, and
3. Influence the interaction between teacher /
There are many MODELS of learning styles in education.
In 1987, Neil Fleming, a high school and university teacher
from New Zealand developed the most widely used
learning style model known as the VAK (Visual, Auditory,
Kinesthetic). Years later added a fourth style:
The acronym changed to VARK.
When I SEE it then I Understand!
• Need to see the teacher's body language and facial expression.
• Tend to prefer sitting at the front of the classroom
• May think in pictures and learn best from visual displays
• Prefer to take detailed notes during lecture or classroom discussion
to absorb the information.
New concepts are easily understood when linked to
prior knowledge.
Learn by hearing
• Prefer to hear information spoken.
• Can absorb a lecture with little effort.
• May not need careful notes to learn.
• Often avoid eye contact in order to concentrate.
• May read aloud to themselves.
• Like background music when they study.
Learn by hearing
• Learn through listening
• Learn best through verbal lectures, discussion, talking things through, and
listening to what others have to say
• Interpret the underlying meaning of speech through listening to tone of
voice, pitch, speed, and other nuances
• Prefer directions given orally
• Seldom takes notes or writes things down
• Prefer lectures to reading assignments
• Often repeat what has just been said
Learn by hearing
• Talk to self
• Often benefits from reading text aloud and using a tape
• Sit where they can hear but needn't pay attention to what
is happening in front
• Hum or talk to himself/herself or others when bored
• Acquire knowledge by reading aloud
• Remember by verbalizing lessons to themselves (if they
don't they have difficulty reading maps or diagrams or
handling conceptual assignments like mathematics).
•Tactile/Kinesthetic persons learn best through a
hands-on approach, actively exploring the physical
world around them.
•They may find it hard to sit still for long periods
and may become distracted by their need for
activity and exploration.
1. Try things out, touch, feel, and manipulate objects.
1. Body tension is a good indication of their emotions.
They gesture when speaking, are poor listeners, stand very
close when speaking or listening, and quickly lose interest in
long discourse.
3. Remember best what has been done, not what they have
seen or talked about.
3. Prefer direct involvement in what they are learning; they
are distractible and find it difficult to pay attention to
auditory or visual presentations.
4. Rarely an avid reader, they may fidget frequently while
handling a book. Often poor spellers, they need to write
down words to determine if they “feel” right.
1. Walk while studying
2. Move and lecture to the walls
3. Do things as you say them
4. Practice by repeating motions
5. Dance as you study
6. Write words – use crayons, pens, pencils to see if they “feel right”
7. When memorizing, use finger to write on the table or air
8. Associate a feeling with information
9. Stretch
1. Write on a marker board in order to use gross muscle
1. Use the computer
1. Hands-on activities with objects that can be touched
1. Study in short time periods; get up and walk around
in between
1. Make study tools to hold
1. Use flash cards; separate into “know” and “don’t
know” piles
2. Use plastic letters and magnetic boards for new
1. Write and rewrite to commit to memory
Read/Write Learning Style
The read/write learning style was added to Fleming’s model after the
initial three.
Read/write learners specifically learn best through the written word.
They absorb information by reading books and handouts, taking lots
of notes (sometimes word-for-word), and making lists.
They prefer lectures, diagrams, pictures, charts, and scientific
concepts to be explained using written language. They are often fast
readers and skillful writers.
Read/Write Learning Style
Similar to visual learners, read/write learners
may struggle with verbal directions and are
easily distracted by noise.
Some may be quiet and struggle to detect body
language and other social cues.
7 Styles of Learning
In Conclusion
Each student learns differently, at different rates, using different
learning styles.
Everyone has a learning style.
Accommodating students’ learning style can result in improved
attitudes toward learning, as well as increased self esteem and
academic achievement.
Knowing and becoming familiar with your learning style will
help you become a more effective and creative teacher.