Managing the threats facing the Daintree Rainforest BIODIVERSITY UNDER THREAT What do we know already about the Daintree Rainforest? What are the threats to the Daintree? Tourism- Worth 141.7 million Australian $ a year Many partake in destructive activities there- such as fishing, 4 wheel drive tours, walking, reef diving, horse riding Ferry carries 700 vehicles across river daily 0.5 million visitors annually Increased accommodation since 1991 70% of tourists visit independently- 30% with registered coach companies Recent improvements- road tarmac increasing visitor numbers Visitors think there’s too much accommodation and enough walking tracks already in place What are the threats to the Daintree? Growth and change in Port Douglas Population 4000 Large visitor numbers have led to decline in small local shops replaced by a small supermarket Property booms 2 new resorts just nearing completion, 2 underway and 2 more in process of planning Small forest areas have been divided up and sold to developers- some have been built on and environmental concerns have been addressed others have been turned to cattle ranches Red cedar became extinct in 2000 after builder removed all If land clearing isn’t stopped 85 rare plant species stand to be lost Limits to development Ferry capacity limits traffic, population and visitor levels No Mains electric north of river- so people there have to generate own through RAPS, own generators or solar power Local services only support small local population- no mains water or sewer disposal system In 2000 planners gained permission for a McDonalds on site, but now it has been withdrawn- citing a destruction of local values and too much change as reasons Deforestation Began in late 1860’s to cultivate sugar cane production continued to early 1990s Most clearance today, for pasture (86%), with remainder cleared for crops (10%), mining infrastructure and settlement (4%) Shift from central to southern Queensland away from Daintree Tasks Add the threats faced by the Daintree to your case study Which threat/s to the Daintree do you perceive to be the biggest? Why? What are the causes of deforestation? Classify into social, economic and environmental Managing the Daintree Who is involved in the management? Key players Wet tropics management authority Douglas Shire Council (till2008) then Cairns regional council Australian Rainforest Foundation Wildlife preservation society of Queensland Australian Tropical Research Foundation Rainforest cooperative research council Tasks You will each be given a key player You must research your position using the parrot book Look at what strategies they have put in place Why they are doing it Have they been successful Tasks There are obviously conflicts in the ways different groups want to manage the Daintree How far are the conflicts a case of economic v environment? Is anything as important? Why? How would you manage it? Which ideas would you keep/ discard? Why? Other ideas? Sustainability? Wet tropics management authority Formed 1990 Based in Cairns, main functionsDeveloping and implementing plans and policies Researching and monitoring enhancing understanding of the importance of the heritage area- monitoring state of wet tropics Developing management agreements with landholders and aborigines’ Providing education through visitor centres Funding Promotion of the area Douglas Shire council Aims were to gradually reduce population in Daintree Increased ferry coasts to limit numbers, but numbers still increasing Rejected plans for a bridge across river to replace ferry and rejected another ferry option- on grounds that extra visitors and pop. Would endanger rainforest Rainforest cooperative research council Community development- 12-1400 people to live in area and be involved in stewardship and conservation of land Base employment on tourism, organic Farming, tropical horticulture and small business ops. Settle about 600 blocks of land Biodiversity conservation- adopt settlement and land management practices on private land to protect the outstanding biodiversity Identify biodiversity hotspots for conservation for no development Identify threats from wild animals 540 blocks remain unsettled Report from 2000- found unless action was taken, area would see increase in residential development, loss of biodiversity and reduction in attractiveness to tourists. They implemented these strategies to try to build a SUSTAINABLE future for the area Rainforest cooperative research council Douglas Shire Council/ Cairns regional council- Introduce planning controls for biodiversity conservation Ensure settlement densities are sustainable Electricity supply- When settlement densities are at sustainable level, use underground cables to extend supply far north as copper creek People north of copper creek remain on RAPS Indigenous people- Recognise the rights of aboriginal peoples to own land and promote their culture within the forest Water supply and waste management- Keep water extraction from streams and underground supplies within sustainable limits Use best available domestic tech for waste disposal Rainforest cooperative research council Roads and ferry Ferry to remain gateway to area as essential access Improve tourist facilities south of river and recreation facilities north of Reduce forest cut backs- the road to cap tribulation should be a green tunnel with windows through the forest to mountain and coast scenery Tourism Increase tourist numbers to 550,000 to boost and maintain local economy Increase no. of tourists staying for 7ral nights or more and revisiting area Monitor tourist impacts and ensure sustainability Use ferry income to assist community services infrastructure and conservation Establish Daintree Land trust to support land acquisition and pay compensation for lost land Meet cost of priority purchase and financial incentives for conservation Subsidise electricity supply Financing Australian Rainforest Foundation (ARF) Not for profit organisation dedicated to education, research and habitat rehabilitation- involved in variety of projects Operation Big Bird- creation of 250km wide wildlife corridor to help protect the Cassowary- path will link Cairns too southern coast town of Cardwell- these help biodiversity by enabling species movement to feed, breed and colonise Australian govt has funded ARF for range of conservation initiatives- including BUY BACK, process of buying back land from developers who previously purchased it to reduce development. Encourages remaining developers to do so in an eco way through education Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland Community based not for profit conservation group. Committed to a sustainable future for people and wildlife Support ban on development in the area Australian Tropical Research Foundation Created 1993 Oversee operation of visitor centres and education facilities at the Cape tribulation tropical research station and the wet tropics visitor centre- highlight global importance of the tropical forest ecosystem
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