Plan › Opgavens afsæt › Det gode spørgsmål!! » Afklaring af værdier › Brainstormregler INTERACTIVE Aarhus School of Architecture Peter Gall Krogh 4-fase (iterativ) ideproces 1. 2. 3. 4. Formulere udfordring Åbne for muligheder Indføre kriterier Lukke med valg 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 INTERACTIVE Aarhus School of Architecture Peter Gall Krogh 1 Observation and empathy INTERACTIVE Aarhus School of Architecture Peter Gall Krogh Recording on distance... - Fly on the wall Fly in the soupe Fly away... - Other types of insight INTERACTIVE Aarhus School of Architecture Peter Gall Krogh What to look for… • work-arounds INTERACTIVE Aarhus School of Architecture Peter Gall Krogh What to look for… • surprising behaviour INTERACTIVE Aarhus School of Architecture Peter Gall Krogh Formulere udfordring/ spørgsmål Undren Behov Opgave Idé Hvordan... Udfordring/spørgsmål Fokus Mangel Problem Mulighed Barriere INTERACTIVE Aarhus School of Architecture Peter Gall Krogh Det gode spørgsmål indeholder › › › › Kontekst Værdier Brugere Muligt mål... INTERACTIVE Aarhus School of Architecture Peter Gall Krogh Opgave › Stil spørgsmål med afsæt i empiri » Spørgsmålet skal danne baggrund for jeres brainstorm › Det gode ved spørgsmål er at de afkræver svar INTERACTIVE Aarhus School of Architecture Peter Gall Krogh Brainstorm regler INTERACTIVE Aarhus School of Architecture Peter Gall Krogh Brainstorming • a semi-structured team based method of rapid idea generation INTERACTIVE Aarhus School of Architecture Peter Gall Krogh Brainstorming rules (1) – – – – Promote free flow of ideas - fluency Promote synthesis of ideas Prevent derailing of effort Prevent descent into chaos – Chose a facilitator INTERACTIVE Aarhus School of Architecture Peter Gall Krogh Defer judgement INTERACTIVE Aarhus School of Architecture Peter Gall Krogh Build on the ideas of others INTERACTIVE Aarhus School of Architecture Peter Gall Krogh Stay focused on the topic INTERACTIVE Aarhus School of Architecture Peter Gall Krogh One conversation at a time INTERACTIVE Aarhus School of Architecture Peter Gall Krogh Encourage wild ideas INTERACTIVE Aarhus School of Architecture Peter Gall Krogh Be visual INTERACTIVE Aarhus School of Architecture Peter Gall Krogh Go for quantity over quality INTERACTIVE Aarhus School of Architecture Peter Gall Krogh Rules • • • • • • • defer judgement stay focused on the topic build on the ideas of others one conversation at a time encourage wild ideas be visual go for quantity over quality INTERACTIVE Aarhus School of Architecture Peter Gall Krogh Aflevere efter idag › Beskriv i 6 punkter: › Aktiviteter i har gjort for at forstå jeres kontekst › Værdier i vil efterstræbe jeres spil skal indeholde › Hvilke ressourcer er vigtige › Mind map over idéer INTERACTIVE Aarhus School of Architecture Peter Gall Krogh
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