ATLE 2013 - Sue Bell Education Specialists, CBE Adobe Master Teachers of Alberta & Adobe Education Leader By the end of today’s session participants will: • Be aware of the elements of the provincial Adobe Enterprise License Agreement • The software • The PD supports • Home Use • Certification • Be able to articulate how the tools in the Adobe collections can be used to personalize instructional content • Be able to identify the appropriate tool(s) to address various needs • Be able to articulate how to access available supports including • Total Training, the Adobe Education Exchange, 2Learn Society, more… CORE, and • • • Me and why I’m here Introduce yourself to your elbow partner Share your purpose in coming today and identify one student or specific learning challenge you would like to be able to address as a result of coming this session or one question you hope to have answered about Adobe software. “Inspiring Education…identifies the competencies of a successful Albertan: an engaged thinker who is ethical and entrepreneurial – and lays the groundwork for how to promote those values in our youth and the learning community. /ministermsg.aspx The goal is to prepare students so they not only have the knowledge to succeed but also the skills and competencies demanded of their future world – a world that will have different types of jobs that require new skills. To get students ready, you will probably notice your child’s education is a bit different than when you were in school.” From Jeff Johnson’s letter to grade 1 parents, September 2013 nistermsg.aspx As we go through the session we will focus on the guiding questions: • How can tools that enable visual communication, such as PS, Premiere, Illustrator, InDesign, Fireworks, etc., support diverse learners in expressing their understanding or sharing complex messages? • How can planning and designing audio and visual communications become a catalyst for getting students thinking more deeply about how they communicate? As we go through the session think about the following questions: • How can tools that enable visual communication, such as PS, Premiere, Illustrator, InDesign, Fireworks, etc., support diverse learners in expressing their understanding or sharing complex messages? • How can planning and designing audio and visual communications become a catalyst for getting students thinking more deeply about how they communicate? • How can we as a school or district support teachers in taking advantage of the access we have to these tools? Overview: Alberta Education and Adobe Enterprise License Agreement •Alberta Ed and Adobe - 3 year agreement •Professional learning and train •Home Use Licenses for educators •Certification for educators CS6 Master & Digital School Collections Adobe Creative Suite 6 – Master Collection for 7-12 environments includes a wide range of applications for creativity and communication including: Adobe Digital School Collection for K-6 provides simplified interfaces for video editing and image processing. 8 PL and Training Included • Total Training – self-directed online • (you need to contact your district technology lead to get the password to create your own user account in Total Training. • Adobe Master Teachers of Alberta • • • • • • Provided by the provincial agreement 21 school/district based teacher leaders (Contact me for a list of members [email protected] Representatives from 4 of the Provincial Professional Development Consortia Now expanding to include 20+ additional leaders Purpose is to support teachers and jurisdictions in taking up the tools in the classroom Certiport Certification Training • • All teaching staff are able to get certification through Certiport Testing Centres More Adobe PL, Training & Support Adobe TV • Video tutorials on all Adobe products Adobe Education Exchange • • • • Professional Development Opportunities Examples of lessons from classroom teachers Student work samples Tutorials Adobe for Academics • Learn by doing – learning tasks for your students based on real world products Adobe Youth Voices • Media for Social Action projects, contests, examples Adobe Help • Each application provides some GREAT help resources and tutorials from right inside the application – click help menu Adobe Youth Voices CS6 and Digital School Collection Learning Lifelong Learning Skills Authentic Learning Tasks Technology Infusion Creativity Communication Imagination In this example, students in a English 30-2 created a visuals representation of both the externally projected personae and the private, internal characteristics of main characters in the Shakespeare's Othello. After careful reading, research, and analysis, students used colour choice, font faces, layering, custom brushes, and the posterization filters in Photoshop to create an image that captures the essence of the character. (can be achieved in both Elements and CS6 versions) Students learn the real world publishing and graphic arts concepts in the process of constructing a product that reflects what people who work in the field might do. Taking on the role of an publisher or advertiser, students In grades 5-8 choose how to promote a book they are reading: create a promotional poster, new book jacket design, or create a mock “trailer.” Students learn about and practice skills of visual communication as they use images, colour, placement, font face, movement and/or word choice to capture the essence of the mood, communicate the main aspects of a character, or generate interest in reading. Create a movie poster with Photoshop Task design inspired by : Create “movie” trailer for a book you are reding using Premiere Elements HOMESICK-Movie-Site/2860309 Create an Alternative Book Jacket Using InDesign Grade 3-4 Class at Cranston School System Software Roll-Out Software becomes available New versions released Build & Test Deployment Packages Teacher/student uptake Installation at School Sites Training Made Available lessons learned – “less” may be more Photoshop Elements • Very powerful image editor Digital School Collection • all schools can have it • simple graphic heavy interface • can do almost everything CS6 versions can do • grows with the learner • takes less processing power • easy to use Acrobat Pro • ePortfolios • feedback 4 learning • accessibility • interactive forms Premiere Elements • Very powerful video editor with intuitive interface lessons learned in implementation Training & Professional Learning Technical Operations Teacher vs Student Use/Need Time to Learn with Support Access to Educational Examples Think back to the student or implementation question you brought to mind at the beginning of the session: • Can you see how any of these examples could meet needs in your own classrooms/schools? • Is there a specific challenge you need to address that has not been talked about? • What other questions remain? Thank you for participating in today’s session.
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