When you get your packet, write your name and class... A DBQ for the second nine weeks.

A DBQ for the second nine weeks.
When you get your packet, write your name and class period on the top line.
Buttons have been a tool in political campaigns for over
A fact is something you
 An inference is something
one hundred fifty years.
can read or see about each
you can assume from a
 When you look over these buttons, you will need to write
facts and inferences about them.
 Read each button’s words
 An inference is like
reading between the lines.
Look at the pictures on
each button carefully.
What are the words and
pictures trying to make
you think?
Turn to page 391 and follow along with the pictures as we click through
I hate you!
I hate you!
Ike For
(click me!)
Skim the background essay for these words and use context clues and nearby
student to come up with approximation definitions. You have 8 minutes.
 political campaign
 propaganda
 tricks of the trade
 slogans
 endorsements
 testimonials
Check your definitions. Did you get close? Add as much as you need to
from these definitions.
 political campaign: Organized effort to win an election for
public office
 propaganda: Communication aimed at convincing others
of a particular idea or position
 tricks of the trade: Strategies or methods employed for a
particular purpose
 slogans: Catchy phrases conveying the goals of a campaign
 endorsements: Statements of support
 testimonials: Statements about a person’s idea’s worth
Please follow along with your finger as I read the background essay aloud.
 political campaign: Organized effort to win an election for
public office
 propaganda: Communication aimed at convincing others
of a particular idea or position
 tricks of the trade: Strategies or methods employed for a
particular purpose
 slogans: Catchy phrases conveying the goals of a campaign
 endorsements: Statements of support
 testimonials: Statements about a person’s idea’s worth
• Your group is based on your row (so no more than 4 per group).
• Move your desks together and keep apart from other groups.
• Re-read the background essay on page 387 and 389 together.
• The group leader (the person whose birthday comes up next) will
start by reading the first paragraph.
• Everyone in the group will then share their first impression starting
with the person to the left of the group leader.
• Everyone will write one of those quickthinks in the margin of the
Turn to page 391 again.
As a group, answer the
background essay
Check your work: do your answers have this information?
• I will read the answers in the teacher’s
guide out loud.
• Please put a checkmark next to the ones
that you feel you “got right.”
• If you need to see the teacher’s guide,
come see me later.
What is the analytical question asked by
this mini-Q? see title page
What terms in the question need to be
defined? campaign, propaganda, strategies
Rewrite the question in your own words.
If you were a campaign manager and wanted your
campaign to be informative, effective, and ethical, what
techniques would you use in your candidate’s ads?
What techniques would you use?
Technique #1
Technique #2
Technique #3
Technique #4
Technique #5
Technique #6
Document number or letter ______
Title of Document (if present)
Source (Where did the document come from?)
Date of document
Author of Document
Primary Source
Possible Author Bias / Point of View
Secondary Source
What important facts can I
learn from this document?
What inferences can I make
from this document?
How does this document help
answer the question?
Overall, what is the main idea
of the document?
Analytical category
Document number or letter ______
Title of Document (if present)
Source (Where did the document come from?)
Date of document
Author of Document
Primary Source
Possible Author Bias / Point of View
Secondary Source
What important facts can I
learn from this document?
What inferences can I make
from this document?
How does this document help
answer the question?
Overall, what is the main idea
of the document?
Analytical category
For each document, look over the ads in the document and
write at least one fact and one inference for each ad.
Document A has three ads
(so you need 3 facts/observations and 3 inferences)
Document B has one ad
Document C has two ads
Document D has two ads
Document E has four ads
Document F has two ads
For each document, you must also answer the questions at the
bottom of the page. I will help you with the first question.
Document A: Mondale and Ferraro, 1984
Document B: Ronald Regan, 1984
Stacking the Deck
Document C: Eisenhower vs. Stevenson, 1952
Plain Folks
Document D: George H.W. Bush, 1988 and 1992
Negative or Attack Ads
Document E: Obama vs. Romney, 2012
Glittering Generalities
Document F: Nixon vs. Humphrey, 1968
Guilt by Association/Coat-tailing
What techniques would you use?
Technique #1
Technique #2
Technique #3
Some documents may use multiple strategies,
so make sure you put as many documents as you can in each bucket!
I would distribute
my one million
dollars as follows:
strategy 2, $300,000
 Remember, you are writing a letter.
 How would you start a letter?
 Who are you writing to?
your imagination
is okay for this part.
 What are the strategy choices?
 What is propaganda?
Restating the question with key terms defined:
 Copy what you wrote for page 393, #3.
Thesis and road map:
 Turn your chicken foot into a sentence.
I would distribute
my one million
dollars as follows:
buy two cars for $300,000
I would distribute
my one million
dollars as follows:
buy two cars for $300,000
I would distribute my one million dollars as follows: donate
$600,000 to charity, buy two cars for $300,000, and use
$100,000 in dollar bills for wallpaper.
Baby Thesis:
 ________ is my number one, $600,000 strategy.
 ________ is my number two, $300,000 strategy.
 ________ is my number three, $100,000 strategy.
 Evidence:
 Bush used this strategy in 1984 (Doc A).
 Kerry’s slogan was “A Stronger America”.
 Clinton and Dole used this strategy in 1996 (Doc E).
 Argument:
 Write about why the ad used was informative.
 Write about why the ad used was effective.
 Write about why the ad used was ethical.
Conclusion: “Although” statement:
 Write about strategies that would be a bad fit for your
Conclusion: convincing restatement of the main idea.
 For the reasons above, strategy 1, strategy 2, and
strategy three are informative, effective, and ethical.
 They are informative because ________. They are effective
because ________. They are ethical because ________. I
recommend these for our campaign.
Remember, you are writing a letter. What does a letter end with?
Show me your outline when
you are finished.
Once I have checked your
outline, you may start writing.
If you need assistance, raise your hand and wait for me to come to you.
You may also come to the front table to scroll through this presentation
for help on your outline.
Good luck!
¡Buena suerte!
If you have reached this slide, please
decorate your DBQ folder.
Every slide after this refers to another
DBQ. The answers after this will be
wrong for this DBQ.
Don’t forget your home prep!