Social Medier & Digitale Strategier & Pernille Rydén, Lektor og Studieleder Center for Continuing Education Technical University of Denmark (DTU) Torsten Ringberg, Ph.D. Professor, Department of Marketing Copenhagen Business School Ringberg & Rydén Service Platforms Årskonference 2015 Digital Maturity “ They must succeed in creating transformation through technology, or they’ll face destruction at the hands of their competitors that do.” Source: MIT Research Report 2013 Sloan Review Most companies lack experience with emerging digital technologies. Beginner companies probably use email, Internet and various kinds of enterprise software. But they have been slow to adopt, or are skeptical of, more advanced digital technologies like social media and analytics. Conservative companies deliberately hang back when it comes to new technologies, although their management has a vision and effective structures in place to govern technology adoption. Fashionista companies are very aggressive in adopting new technologies, but do not coordinate well across departments or have an effective vision in place for dealing with digital business. Digirati companies have executives that share a strong vision for what new technologies bring, invest in and manage digital technologies quickly and effectively, and gain the most value from digital transformation. Ringberg & Rydén Service Platforms Årskonference 2015 “The rise of the tech-savvy, connected consumer across all facets of society changes the expectations consumers have of companies” Source: MIT Research Report 2013 Sloan Review Ringberg & Rydén Service Platforms Årskonference 2015 Source: MIT Research Report 2013 Sloan Review But business model transformation is also elusive. A mere 7% of respondents said that their company’s digital initiatives were helping to launch new businesses, and only 15% said new business models were emerging thanks to digital technology. Ringberg & Rydén Service Platforms Årskonference 2015 Leadership: Defining the Agenda Source: MIT Research Report 2013 Sloan Review Many managers feel no urgency to achieve digital transformation. This may be because so few leaders offer a vision and a road map for digital transformation, leaving managers with little motivation for achieving it. Ringberg & Rydén Service Platforms Årskonference 2015 DIVERGENTE FORSTÅELSER Ringberg & Rydén Service Platforms Årskonference 2015 “The further down the organizational ladder one goes, the less satisfied workers are with the pace of digital transformation at their organizations” Source: MIT Research Report 2013 Sloan Review Ringberg & Rydén Service Platforms Årskonference 2015 George Westerman on managing for transformation George Westerman Ringberg & Rydén Service Platforms Årskonference 2015 Lori Beer on turning things upside down WellPoint’s Lori Beer recalled that when she ran operations for the company, it could only begin to transform customer service when it stopped looking at traditional service metrics like average speed of answer, and instead started asking meaningful questions like why customers who had talked to customer service would then call back. Reframing questions about the business is a real challenge, because doing so requires a company to challenge its own assumptions about itself. In other words: It necessitates a reframing of core assumptions which managers and leaders hold about the customer-business interaction. Lori Beer Ringberg & Rydén Service Platforms Årskonference 2015 Cultural barriers to digital transformation Source: MIT Research Report 2013 Sloan Review Ringberg & Rydén Service Platforms Årskonference 2015 Technology Disruptive Earnings Neglective management (ex. Kodak overlooking its digital camera opportunities ) Pioneering, innovating fast moving high tech management (entire industry) (ex. Google) Innovative Ignorant management (ex. Hollywood Video) Status Quo Status Quo Creative agencies Innovative New ideas within management an existing framework by of(project operation. project) but stuck in old technology Innovative Mindset Ringberg & Rydén Service Platforms Årskonference 2015 Disruptive FAKTA • Mere en én milliard mennesker er på sociale medier • 85 % af kundeskaren foretrækker at virksomheder interagerer med dem via sociale medier • Ledere antager, at sociale medier skaber positive virksomhedsresultater Ringberg & Rydén Service Platforms Årskonference 2015 Afgørende barrierer er topledelsens manglende forståelse for sociale mediers potentiale er: • strategisk refleksion omkring implementering af sociale medier I SÅ FALD HAR VI BRUG FOR AT FORSTÅ: 1. Hvilke faktorer, der påvirker denne meningsskabelse (mentale modeller) og strategiske beslutninger? 2. Hvilke forskellige uartikulerede antagelser om hvordan en virksomhed bør interagere med dets omverden? Ringberg & Rydén Service Platforms Årskonference 2015 Mental Context Our mental mindset is extremely influenced by subconscious processes MENTALE MODELLER: Vi ser, hvad vi forventer at se • Vores mentale modeller er baseret på tidligere erfaringer og viden • Vi forventer, at nye input tilpasser sig vores mindset • Vi er ‘villige’ til at forvrænge korrekte informationer • Mentale modeller kan være svære at ændre Ringberg & Rydén Service Platforms Årskonference 2015 OPVARMNINGSSPØRGSMÅL 1. Hvordan vil du i ét ord beskrive din organisations interaktion med jeres kunder (brugere/borgere/klienter)via sociale medier? 2. Hvad er det primære formål med interaktionen? 3. Hvilken værdi skaber interaktionen? Ringberg & Rydén Service Platforms Årskonference 2015 FORSTÅR VI SOCIALE MEDIER PÅ SAMME MÅDE? Ringberg & Rydén Service Platforms Årskonference 2015 NEJ! DER ER STOR FORSKEL PÅ HVORDAN VI BÅDE OPFATTER OG BRUGER DEM Ringberg & Rydén Service Platforms Årskonference 2015 METODE Sampling: 27 informanter (detail og service, mellem 28-70 år i USA og Europa) Interviewform: Dybdeinterview Opfølgning: Workshop og spørgeskema Ringberg & Rydén Service Platforms Årskonference 2015 ANALYSE Afkodning: Analyse af 332 siders transskriberinger Identificering: Italesættelse af tanker, følelser, værdier, holdninger omkring B-C interaktion Kategorisering: Visualisering af forståelsesmæssige ‘fællesnævnere’ Model B-to-C B-from-C B-with-C B-for-C Strategi Salg Information Relation Inklusion Kundetilgang Passiv Aktiv Proaktiv Interaktiv Forretnings tilgang Bombardere Fastholde Engagere Styrke Værdi Synlighed Loyalitet Kreativitet Transformation Tidshorisont Kortsigtet Langsigtet Projekt-baseret Uendelig Struktur Transaktion Samarbejde Samskaben Fællesskab Kausalitet Ringberg & Rydén Service Platforms Årskonference 2015 Model B-to-C Kausalitet Strategi Salg Kundetilgang Passiv Forretnings tilgang Bombardment Værdi Synlighed Tidshorisont Kortsigtet Struktur Transaktion “It [social media] is active or passive advertising: If you just display your product or brand or mention hereof, I see it as passive advertising. I see it as active advertising too, when customers talk positively about my business, my brands, and products. The point is to get some messages out” Business owner Ringberg & Rydén Service Platforms Årskonference 2015 SET FRA KUNDENS PERSPEKTIV Ringberg & Rydén Service Platforms Årskonference 2015 Model B-from-C Kausalitet Strategi Information Kundetilgang Aktiv Forretnings tilgang Fastholde Værdi Loyalitet Tidshorisont Langsigtet Struktur Samarbejde Kausalitet Information “I see social media visually as a window since I sit in front of a computer screen. I watch them, when I read what people write. It is not the words that are interesting, but the messages they convey […]. It makes it more like a hearing device.” Ringberg & Rydén Service Platforms Årskonference 2015 Partner Model B-with-C Kausalitet Strategi Relation Kundetilgang Proaktiv Forretnings tilgang Engagere Værdi Kreativitet Tidshorisont Projektbaseret Struktur Samskaben “It is ‘networking’ in relation to the work and because there are many people involved. Moreover, because I believe that part of what we can do with networks and social media is to relate globally across borders and all that. So we also relate with people whom we don’t know or see.” Ringberg & Rydén Service Platforms Årskonference 2015 Team manager Model B-for-C Kausalitet Strategi Inklusion Kundetilgang Interaktiv Forretnings tilgang Styrke Værdi Transformation Tidshorisont Uendelig Struktur Fællesskab “To me there is some kind of ideal, which is worth believing in where everybody can communicate with each other; share information, and securing information flow to the places where it’s needed – a sort of global enlightenment project. Ideally, it is about enlightening everybody in order to make the world a better place.” Ringberg & Rydén Service Platforms Årskonference 2015 Marketing manager Social media usage Managers’ mental models Socio-historical influences Ringberg & Rydén Service Platforms Årskonference 2015 KONKLUSION 1. Lederes tankeprocesser påvirker implementering af ny teknologi (vanetænkning) 2. Der er et marketing vs. forretningsstrategisk bias 3. Ledere er tilbøjelige til (ubevidst) at overføre ’offline-logikker’ til virtuel interaktion 4. Der er forskellige forståelser og ledere agerer ikke altid på det, de oplever 5. Ledere, der ikke er præget af en traditionel marketingforståelse, har lettere ved at anvende sociale medier på radikale nye måder. Ringberg & Rydén Service Platforms Årskonference 2015 LEDELSESMÆSSIGE IMPLIKATIONER • Sociale medier ændrer ikke på noget af sig selv • Brug af sociale medier som ’marketingredskab’ skaber ikke automatisk implementering på højere strategisk niveau over tid • Hvis virksomheder vil ændre deres praksis vha. sociale medier må lederne ændre deres mentale modeller • Dette er hårdt arbejde grundet etablerede rutiner og modstand mod forandringer (ubehag og forvirring) Ringberg & Rydén Service Platforms Årskonference 2015 En klassisk udfordring… OO+NT = EOO Old Organization + New Technology = Expensive Old Organization HUSK AT INTRODUKTION AF TEKNOLOGI IKKE MEDFØRER EN NY STRATEGISK TILGANG… TIL DET KRÆVES DER ET NYT MINDSET… Ringberg & Rydén Service Platforms Årskonference 2015 (from seeing new opportunities).. Ringberg & Rydén Service Platforms Årskonference 2015 Thank You Ringberg & Rydén Service Platforms Årskonference 2015 Academic paper: Pernille Rydén, Torsten Ringberg & Ricky Wilke (2015) ”How managers’ shared mental models of business-customer interaction create different sensemaking of social media,” in Journal of Interactive Marketing, Vol. 31, pp. 1-16
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