Our Favorite Games: (Dibs on Candy Crush!) Applying Lessons of “Fun Games” to the Classroom May 13, 2014 Elizabeth Pyatt [email protected] Such as Candy Crush Match 3 candies to clear Match 4 = striped Match 5 = bomb Like “Bejeweled” but with more sucrose What I like Casual No can die (each round is short) Except my iPad Many gameboard variations Blockers: Jelly, Licorice Cage, Chocolate, Meringue, Chocolate Meringue… Goals: Points, Clear Jelly, Get combos Board layouts (w/ portals) Ooh a RAINBOW Now some Pedagogy Mastery Learning Collaborative Learning Combined with individual learning Mastery Learning Achieve Minimal Score before moving to next Lesson AKA complete level 1 before level 2 Scaffolding Each level introduces new element Zone of Proximal Development Adding a touch of difficulty adds interest Too little is boring Too much causes gamers to quit Classic Leveling Up Pac Man Maze levels Pac Man 5D which presents a variable 3D grid. Invented by a Russian gamer. Planning Levels Some introduce new obstacle Level groups often focus on one new obstacle in different combos Most COMBINE obstacles Like real life STEM problems Requires tactical thought And CHANGING strategies per level Level 181 Goal: Bring 2 cherries to bottom Need to blast 4 rows 18 times Also need to clear board of meringues first to make moves Collaborative Learning No direct team play BUT Many discussion boards, wikis, YouTube videos Almost no official instructions Your Favorite Games? Other Lessons Physics (Ballistics) http://technobento.ca/angry-birds-and-teaching-part-2-assessment-feedback-andmotivating-mastery/ Team Playing (Neverwinter Nights) Group Learning World of Warcraft Discuss strategy, plan missions Make trades Compile notes http://www.wowwiki.com/ Practice English grammar Econ in Outer Space A game in which students build a modern economy from scratch post spacecraft wreck ECON 201, UNC Greensboro Role Play Empathy/Affect What’s it like to be another person? “Warrior” is a common role BUT Business Administrator Bucket of Beans (S. Pacific Reciprocity) Sims & ECON 102 Sims (Campus) Players learn the value of “cashing in” favors StarPower Establish an arbitrary upper class via trades This class can establish new rules BEWARE http://www.stsintl.com/schoolscharities/star_power.html Quests and Missions Pot Assembly Required PBL/Challenge Based Learning Games are often won by solving problems AKA “Quests” or “Missions” Educational Quests Beer Distribution Game (used in Smeal) Oregon Trail Rare educational game that was a commercial success Simulation Genres God Game Game in which players control parameter of universe (e.g. Sim Games) History Sims Age of Empires Trial of Lizzie Borden (U Mass) Science Simulations Flight Simulator, Spore Oregon Trail Goal: Teach about life on the Oregon Trail Life on the Oregon Trail is very hazardous, requires careful planning, and crosses a variety of terrain SimHealth Played as part of HPA 101 Shoot To Kill “Drill and Kill” Games encourage practice And automaticity of skills Such as pattern recognition But with fun graphics & music Failing can be Funny When games are required… Survive annihalation. Win free nail polish for life? Can we still have fun? Low Stakes vs High Stakes Students do enjoy Games (low stakes) + reflection (higher) Change from lecture/quiz Leader Boards (when low stakes) Games if logistics not too burdensome A certain level of goofiness or joie de vivre Game may teach crucial skill So maybe we do require it anyway Can we allow more “failure”? Games Because they allow resets Games teach via mistakes are “better than reality” Although we may need to teach about reality as well…. Thinking Game Goals Games can allow for: Strategic/Systems thinking Experience as a different person Add motivation Practice of low level skills/knowledge Games don’t Convey content (except in the “narrative”) Quick Starts Casual Games Hangman/Peril/Typo http://gaming.psu.edu PowerPoint Templates ANGEL games (crossword/match) Gamification Badges? Quests? Case Studies (gussied up)? Fun Play Find the challenge “sweet spot” Not too easy or too difficult Challenging gun for faculty ≠ fun for students Allow Graphics, sound effects, puns Allow for goofiness for some “low stakery” Can activities be replayed? What do you mean “goofy”? Many use great cartoons but do we Show warriors fleeing the scene after a mistranslation? Simulate explosions in engineering? Turn ourselves into an avatar? Turn homework into “quests” or “missions? Add game graphics to assignments? Allow students to earn points towards late assignment submissions? Explaining Functions w/Subs Using cash register buttons as metaphors for algebraic functions in Math 21 Starring Deb Mirdamadi, Mont Alto Campus Angry Bird Refs The ‘Angry Birds’ Guide to Online Lesson Design http://tedcurran.net/2011/02/14/angrybirds-guide-to-online-lesson-design/ Angry Birds and Teaching Part 2: Assessment Feedback http://technobento.ca/angry-birds-andteaching-part-2-assessment-feedback-andmotivating-mastery/ Some References McGonigal, Jane James Paul Gee What Video Games Have to Teach Us about Learning and Literacy Koster, Ralph Reality is Broken: Why Games Make us Better. A Theory of Fun Bartle, Richard (player types) Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds, Spades: Players who Suit MUDs
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