МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ РЕСПУБЛИКИ САХА (ЯКУТИЯ) МУ «МИРНИНСКОЕ РАЙОННОЕ УПРАВЛЕНИЕ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ» МКОУ «ПОЛИТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ ЛИЦЕЙ» Декада иностранных языков «LEARNING ENGLISH DOESN’T HAVE TO HURT » Участники: учащиеся 10А, 9А, 7А,7В, 6А, 3А,3Б МИРНЫЙ Март 26, 2013 Куратор: Майкова Т.Н., преподаватель английского языка «LEARNING ENGLISH THROUGH VERSES, POEMS & SONGS» Motto of the Event: «It is better to have done something than not to have done anything» THE SAKHA REPUBLIC MINISTRY OF EDUCATION MIRNY REGIONAL EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT POLYTECHNIC LYCEUM Lingua Poetic Contest “Language Kaleidoscope” Part I “Reciting Contest of Poems by Authentic Authors” Part II “Dramatic Interpretation of O.Henry’s Short Story” Part III Translators’ Contest “Please, Mrs. Butler” Poem by Alison Chisholm” Mirny April 26, 2013 PARTICIPANTS “Reciting Contest of Poems by Authentic Authors” Хочуровская Надежда, 10а PARTICIPANTS “Reciting Contest of Poems by Authentic Authors” Гибало Екатерина, 10а PARTICIPANTS “Reciting Contest of Poems by Authentic Authors” Герасимова Валерия, 10а PARTICIPANTS “Reciting Contest of Poems by Authentic Authors” Трещева Евгения, 9а PARTICIPANTS “Reciting Contest of Poems by Authentic Authors” Гусейнова Юлия, 9а PARTICIPANTS “Reciting Contest of Poems by Authentic Authors” Ефремова Валерия, 9а PARTICIPANTS “Reciting Contest of Poems by Authentic Authors” Омельченко Максим, 9а PARTICIPANTS “Reciting Contest of Poems by Authentic Authors” Чернышев Вадим, 9а PARTICIPANTS “Reciting Contest of Poems by Authentic Authors” Боробов Владислав, 7а PARTICIPANTS “Reciting Contest of Poems by Authentic Authors” Левищева Ксения, 7в PARTICIPANTS “Reciting Contest of Poems by Authentic Authors” Анищенко Олег, 7в PARTICIPANTS “Reciting Contest of Poems by Authentic Authors” Чумаров Олег, 7в PARTICIPANTS “Reciting Contest of Poems by Authentic Authors” Шамова Софья, 7в PARTICIPANTS “Reciting Contest of Poems by Authentic Authors” Папиян Ольга, 6а PARTICIPANTS “Reciting Contest of Poems by Authentic Authors” Галяутдинова Юлия, 3а PARTICIPANTS “Reciting Contest of Poems by Authentic Authors” Рахимкулов Тимур, 3а PARTICIPANTS “Reciting Contest of Poems by Authentic Authors” Черкашин Максим, 3а PARTICIPANTS “Reciting Contest of Poems by Authentic Authors” Шангидаева Елизавета, 3б PARTICIPANTS “Reciting Contest of Poems by Authentic Authors” Терехова Вероника, 3б PARTICIPANTS “Reciting Contest of Poems by Authentic Authors” Костюк Вероника, 3б PARTICIPANTS “Reciting Contest of Poems by Authentic Authors” Томская Милена, 3б Guest Actors “Dramatic Interpretation of O.Henry’s Short Story” Иванова Галина as Mr.Chalmers, Newspaper Reporter Guest Actors “Dramatic Interpretation of O.Henry’s Short Story” ‘No Story’ by O.Henry, in Newspaper Office Guest Actors “Dramatic Interpretation of O.Henry’s Short Story” Гибало Екатерина as George Brown, Newspaper Contributor (alias Tripp) Guest Actors “Dramatic Interpretation of O.Henry’s Short Story” Бритяева Валерия as Ada Lowery, George’s former sweetheart Guest Actors “Dramatic Interpretation of O.Henry’s Short Story” ‘No Story’ by O.Henry, at the Berth Translators’ Contest ‘Please, Mrs. Butler’ Poem by Alison Chisholm Гусейнова Юлия 9а Translators’ Contest ‘Please, Mrs. Butler’ Poem by Alison Chisholm Ефремова Валерия 9а Translators’ Contest ‘Please, Mrs. Butler’ Poem by Alison Chisholm Кубрак Никита 9а Translators’ Contest ‘Please, Mrs. Butler’ Poem by Alison Chisholm Трещёва Евгения 9а Translators’ Contest ‘Please, Mrs. Butler’ Poem by Alison Chisholm Берестов Лев 6а Translators’ Contest ‘Please, Mrs. Butler’ Poem by Alison Chisholm Скрылёв Михаил 9а Translators’ Contest ‘Please, Mrs. Butler’ Poem by Alison Chisholm Рахимкулов Тимур 3а Guest Actors 10th Grade Students Inflammatory PASADENA song Guest Actors 10th Grade Students Inflammatory PASADENA song Guest Actors 10th Grade Students Inflammatory PASADENA song Guest Actors 10th Grade Students Inflammatory PASADENA song Guest Actors 10th Grade Students Inflammatory PASADENA song “Poetic Kaleidoscope” Ибрагинова Марина – Jury Chairman, представитель кафедры английской филологии МПТИ (ф) СВФУ J U R Y Михайлова Галина Егоровна – учитель ВК Сенькова Анастасия Александровна – молодой специалист, учитель АЯ Антропова Екатерина – представитель кафедры английской филологии МПТИ (ф) СВФУ B O A R D “Poetic Kaleidoscope” J U R Y Подведение итогов конкурсов B O A R D “Poetic Kaleidoscope” A W A R D C E R E M O N Y Ибрагинова Марина – Jury Chairman, представитель кафедры английской филологии МПТИ (ф) СВФУ “Reciting Competition” 1st Prize Winners: Гусейнова Юлия – 9А Боробов Владислав – 7А Рахимкулов Тимур – 3А 2nd Prize Winners: Гибало Екатерина – 10А Шамова Софья – 7В Галяутдинова Юлия – 3А 3rd Prize Winners: Скрылёв Михаил – 9А Чумаров Олег – 7В Черкашин Максим – 3А R E S U L T S “Poetic Kaleidoscope” A W A R D C E R E M O N Y Гордиенко Арина 3А Папиян Ольга 6А Левищева Ксения 7В Гибало Екатерина 10А “Poetic Kaleidoscope” A W A R D C E R E M O N Y Омельченко Макс 9А “Poetic Kaleidoscope” A W A R D C E R E M O N Y Ефремова Валерия 9А Черкашин Олег 3А Чумаров Олег 7В Гибало Екатерина 10А “Poetic Kaleidoscope” A W A R D C E R E M O N Y Майкова Тамара Николаевна – Project Supervisor “Translators’ Contest” 1st Prize Winners: Гусейнова Юлия – 9А 2nd Prize Winners: Ефремова Валерия – 9А 3rd Prize Winner Берестов Лев – 6А R E S U L T S “Poetic Kaleidoscope” A W A R D C E R E M O N Y Гусейнова Юлия 3А Рахимкулов Тимур 3А Берестов Лев 6А Ефремова Валерия 9А “Poetic Kaleidoscope” A P P R E C I A T I O N W O R D S Михайлова Галина Егоровна обращается к аудитории “Poetic Kaleidoscope” Poem Reciters Were Listened to with Enthusiastic Attention “Poetic Kaleidoscope” Poem Reciters Were Listened to with Enthusiastic Attention “Poetic Kaleidoscope” Active Supporters & Spectators Guest Actors 10th Grade Students Organizes & Helpers Герасимова В., Хочуровская Н., Иванова Г., Бритяева В. Guest Actors 10th Grade Students Organizes & Helpers Гибало Е., Бритяева В. Project Supervisor Майкова Тамара Николаевна учитель английского языка Hearty Gratitude to all the students involved in ‘Poetic Language Kaleidoscope’ project!
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