South Northants Local Partnership Group

South Northants
Local Partnership Group
Interested in Learning Disability issues?
Want to get involved with helping to change
your area?
Then your local group needs you!
At this meeting we will be talking about
Education and Employment.
So come and have your say!
Wednesday 26th May 2010
Towcester Leisure Centre
Spring Fields
NN12 6UW
10:00am to 12:00noon
For more information please contact;
Ashley Poulton
Participation and Development Officer
Northamptonshire Learning
Disability Partnership Board
The Henley Day Centre
Tel: 01536 532888 Mob: 07595 090237
Email: [email protected]
Local Partnership Group
Interested in Learning Disability issues?
Want to get involved with helping to change
your area?
Then your local group needs you!
At this meeting we will be talking about
Education and Employment.
So come and have your say!
Monday 7th June 2010
Bishop Crewe House
North Street
NN11 4GH
6:30pm to 8:30pm
Ashley Poulton
Participation and Development Officer
Northamptonshire Learning
Disability Partnership Board
The Henley Day Centre
Tel: 01536 532888 Mob: 07595 090237
Email: [email protected]
Local Partnership Group
Interested in Learning Disability issues?
Want to get involved with helping to change
your area?
Then your local group needs you!
At this meeting we will be talking about
Education and Employment.
So come and have your say!
Tuesday 8th June 2010
The Broughton (Mencap) Centre
Ransome Road
Far Cotton
9:30am to 12:00noon
For more information please contact;
Ashley Poulton
Participation and Development Officer
Northamptonshire Learning
Disability Partnership Board
The Henley Day Centre
Tel: 01536 532888 Mob: 07595 090237
Email: [email protected]
Local Learning disability
Partnership Groups
Interested in Learning Disability issues?
Want to get involved with helping to change
your area? Then your local group needs you!
Find out about the Northamptonshire
Learning Disability Partnership Board
Local groups will be a way to make sure that
the ideas of local people are heard by the
Learning Disability Partnership Board and
Local Partnership Groups will be a place where
local people can talk about things that are
important to people with a Learning Disability
Come join us for some refreshments and tell us
what you want to see happen in your area!
For more information about your local meeting
Ashley Poulton
Participation and Development Officer
Northamptonshire Learning
Disability Partnership Board
The Henley Day Centre
Tel: 01536 532886 Mob: 07595090237
Email: [email protected]