Paper N Northamptonshire Workforce Team supporting the Northamptonshire LETC Northamptonshire Local Education & Training Council Friday 20 February 2015 - 09:30 to 12:30 Fusion Meeting Room NHS, Francis Crick House, Moulton Park, Northampton, NN3 6BF MINUTES Present Name Position Organisation Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust (NGH) Health Education East Midlands (Northamptonshire) (HEEM) Sonia Swart (Chair) (SS) Chief Executive Karen Adcock (KA) Workforce Lead Jane Bell (JB) Head of Nursing Donna Bray (DB) Head of Nursing & Quality Penny Brett (PB) Deputy Director of Nursing Maggie Coe (MC) Head of Professional & Practice Development Bronwen Curtis (BC) Director of Human Resources Charles Marson (CM) Associate Director for HR Alex O’Neill-Kerr (AOK) Bryan Timmins (BT) NHS Nene & Corby CCGs Medical Director Director of Medical Education The University of Northampton (TUoN) Kettering General Hospital Foundation Trust (KGH) Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust Northampton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (NHFT) Kettering General Hospital Foundation Trust Northampton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Northampton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Apologies Name Name Name Akeem Ali, NCC Janet Doran, NCC Moira Ingham, TUoN Janine Brennan, NGH Tamsin Hooton, Corby CCG Martin Kersey, SAH Tracey Carstairs, HEEM Kate Howard, NHFT Blanche Lentz, EMAS In Attendance Name Name Name Ashley Knights (AK) Lead Nurse, Practice Development Francine Woolf (FW) Admin Assistant Item 1. 2. Subject Welcome, Introduction and Apologies Minutes of previous meeting and Matters Arising Kettering General Hospital Foundation Trust (KGH) HEEM, Northamptonshire Workforce Team Description Action SS welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made. The Minutes dated 14/11/14 were accepted as an accurate record; no matters arising which did not already appear on the agenda. 1 of 5 Northamptonshire LETC Meeting 20 February 2015 Northamptonshire Workforce Team supporting the Northamptonshire LETC Item Subject 3. Update from Chair Description Action 3.1 Healthier Northamptonshire (HN) SS provided an update on: The workstreams within the HN Transformation Programme and the current vanguard application. The Collaborative Leadership Development Programme for senior system leaders in Northants had commenced. The new Programme Manager was now in post. Meeting in place with KA to progress alignment of HN workforce workstream and LETC. Update from HEE/HEEM 3.2 HEE Beyond Transition KA updated the LETC on the Beyond Transition Programme with HEE and the new local structures which were currently being implemented. 3.3 HEEM Governing Body Ref Paper C issued with the agenda; KA summarised the key areas of discussion. 3.4 HEE Mandate Refresh This was due to be published in the near future. 3.5 LETC Partnership Model Ref Paper D. KA introduced the proposed new HEEM LETC Partnership model which had been developed to strengthen alignment between the LETC and local Transformation Programmes, in particular the introduction of a Strategic Workforce Group. It was agreed it would be helpful to arrange a LETC Development session to explore the new model. KA 3.6 Community Education Provider Networks (CEPN) KA updated the LETC. Bids had been invited from general practice for an allocation of £50k per county to establish a CEPN as a pilot, with a view to this model becoming sustainable and rolled out across the East Midlands. A further £10k was available to CCGs to support a review of how the model might be rolled out. The main focus at this stage was expansion of multi professional practice learning opportunities in general practice. Additional funding was also being made available to HEIs in support of the project. 3.7 Care Certificate 4. Northamptonshire LETC Collaborative Workstreams KA raised awareness of the Care Certificate launch in March 2015. Further discussions to take place in the Education Group. Ref Paper E, LETC providing an update on the Collaborative Workstream Programme issued with the agenda. KA and other leads highlighted the key issues. 2 of 5 Northamptonshire LETC Meeting 20 February 2015 Northamptonshire Workforce Team supporting the Northamptonshire LETC Item Subject Description Action LETC SRO required to feed workforce impact into LETC discussions. BC to take back to Northants HRDs. BC 1. 7 Day Services 2. Making Northamptonshire an attractive place to work and learn Agreed to take this workstream forward in conjunction with TUoN. Proposed MI as LETC SRO. Link with Enterprise Zone, University Campus and Social Work Academy developments. DB/KA 3. Mental Health Awareness To be pursued with new Director of Nursing at SHA. KA 4. Apprenticeship Development 5. 6. 7. Northamptonshire Education Investment Five Year Forward View/Workforce Plan Process 2015/16 Medical Workforce KA presented the current position against target and highlighted the potential risk of achieving the required targets by March 2016. BC highlighted problems with recruitment and CM of ongoing discussions with staff side representatives at KGH. KA to discuss further with LH, LETC SRO in order to ensure that robust plans were in place including: o ongoing promotion of apprenticeships and sharing good practice to health employers; o expansion within primary care, exploring opportunities for apprenticeship frameworks to be in place aligned to current education programmes, e.g. foundation degrees; o careers advice to improve recruitment.. Ref Paper F issued with the agenda; focus on impact of investments. An allocation of £27k funding remained available. Suggestions for utilisation included outstanding demand around staff working in prisons within NHFT and Education for Health agreed. Support for overseas students at NGH and KGH also agreed. MC/PB to inform KA of organisational needs by 23/02/15. FW to forward education plan template to BC, MC and PB. Ref Paper G issued with the agenda; KA highlighted the importance of aligning the workforce plan and workforce transformation to the Five Year Forward View strategy. KA also presented a proposed approach to refreshing the Northamptonshire Workforce Plan and an update of the HEE/HEEM processes which would be confirmed in April 2015. KA and the Workforce Team to liaise with provider organisations and CCGs to take this forward. LETC Confirm and Challenge meeting to be incorporated into process. Medical workforce meeting held, SS updated the LETC. SS and KA reported on the medical workforce strategy meeting which had taken place on 28/01/15. The discussion had covered the following areas and how these could be taken forward as a collaborative strategic approach: KALH MC/PB FW KA AJ/KA 3 of 5 Northamptonshire LETC Meeting 20 February 2015 Northamptonshire Workforce Team supporting the Northamptonshire LETC Item Subject Description Action Which specialties and pathways are the priority Future profile of our medical workforce Shifting the balance between the specialist and generalist Opportunities for new and different portfolio/joint hospital/community/GP roles Developing our specialty doctor workforce Return to Practice – potential GP educator roles Physician Associate roles Expansion of Advanced Practitioner and other nonmedical roles Fellowships Increasing the county’s share of postgraduate medical posts and undergraduate student placements Enhancing the learning experience Enhancing our research offer and reputation SS stressed the importance of full engagement from all organisations in order to ensure that progress was made. 8. Primary Care Workforce LETC Sub Group 9. Presentation: FALLS Positive 10. LETC Update for HEEM Governing Body There was a current opportunity to develop fellowships across general practice/community/secondary care. AJ to take this forward with MDI DME colleagues with a focus on integrated care/frail elderly. Ref Paper H issued with the agenda; KA updated the LETC. Meeting took place on 20/01/15. National 10 point plan developed to support primary care workforce. The potential to identify physician associates (PAs) in general practice was highlighted. Leics and Northants involved in HEE supported project. Awareness session at Northants LMC AGM scheduled. AK delivered a presentation on Falls Positive, a cascade training package supported by Northamptonshire LETC and developed by TUoN in collaboration with stakeholders for those who work with older people. The package focuses on the identification of falls risk, intrinsic and extrinsic factors and modifiable actions to reduce risk. The philosophy is promotion of independence and wellbeing, person and value centred care and preventing injury and frailty fracture. The package had been trialled and a roll out plan being implemented across acute, care home and community settings. An evaluation was being undertaken by the Institute of Health and Wellbeing at TUoN. Plans for future development of the Falls Positive training package include specific programmes on falls in relation to Living with Dementia, Neurological Conditions, Your Life and Community. AK to forward presentation and patient evaluation through to KA for circulation to the LETC. Ref Paper I issued with the agenda; to be reviewed for next HEEM Governing Body: Key challenges – ongoing challenges with recruitment of adult, children and mental health nurses. Best Practice – CM in collaboration with trade unions launch of learning agreement and learning day. AJ AK/KA 4 of 5 Northamptonshire LETC Meeting 20 February 2015 Northamptonshire Workforce Team supporting the Northamptonshire LETC Item Subject 11. LETC Risk Register 12. HEEM Northamptonshire Business Information Report Future Sharing Good Practice presentations at LETC meetings LETC Development Session Any Other Business 13. 14. 15. 16. Meeting Evaluation Description Graduations of clinical apprentices. BC highlighted the risk of releasing capacity within the current workforce to deliver change and transformation due to increasing complexity and demands of service delivery. Highlighted a need to build a network for international nurses, language and adaptation, education support. Preparation for IELTS, ‘Being Brilliant’ philosophy. To be pursued further with nursing leads across organisations. Ref Paper J issued with the agenda; Ref 21. Raised at SAH, need to expand to NHFT. Ref 4 Practice learning supply due for review, still at risk. Ref 1. Need to review risk and issue of having leadership to take forward issues. Ref 13. and 19. still relevant. Ref 20. Childrens social work – no change. Issue around staff survey – how to take this forward. Ref Paper K issued with the agenda; To be reviewed in line with collaborative workstreams. The LETC were asked to consider ideas for future subjects and included a suggestion for a presentation on physician associates. Action MC/KA /PB SS To be arranged April 2015. Pre degree care pilot evaluation available, KA to circulate link. KA CM highlighted that there was no specific focus on scientists at the HEEM visit to the Trusts. KA to feed back. A good meeting, no suggestions made. KA 5 of 5
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