Making Children Safer EARLY HELP AND PREVENTION MENU OF SERVICES January 2015 IF YOU HAVE CONCERNS THAT A CHILD IS AT RISK OF HARM, YOU SHOULD CONTACT THE MULTIAGENCY SAFEGUARDING HUB (MASH) FOR ADVICE AND/OR SUPPORT Early Help And Prevention Delivered And Commissioned Services Directory January 2015 INDEX 1. Early Help and Prevention offer Page 1 2. Children’s Centre Services (Universal) Page 6 3. Children’s Centre Services (Targeted) updated Page 7 4. Community Connecting support for Disabled Children Page 9 5. Early Help for Disabled Children Service Page 9 6. Early Years Entitlement (free childcare and education for 2, 3 and 4 years olds) Page 10 7. Family Group Conferencing Page 10 8. Family Intervention Project (FIP) Page 10 9. Intensive Intervention Programme (IIP) Page 11 10. Multi Systemic Therapy Service (MST) Page 11 11. National Citizen Service NEW Page 12 12. Post Adoption Counselling NEW Page 13 13. Short breaks and Sleep Services for Disabled Children Page 14 14. Social Care Support for Disabled Children updated Page 15 15. Supporting Services Page 16 16. Targeted Prevention Service Page 17 17. Targeted NEET Support Service (aged 16 – 18 years) Page 18 18. Targeted NEET Support (aged 16 and 17 years, not receiving out of work benefits) NEW Page 18 19. Teen Triple P Page 19 20. Tier 3 Step Down Targeted Support Service updated Page 19 21. Youth Clubs and Youth Club Support NEW Page 20 22. Youth Clubs for Disabled Children and Young People NEW Page 21 Appendix A (Supporting Services provision descriptors) Page 22 For other services, including those described in the early help and prevention offer that are not delivered or commissioned by NCC, please see: Children and Families Service Finder Voluntary Impact Northamptonshire’s Members Directory (please note that this is not currently available; this directory will be re-issued once it is restored). 1|P a g e Early Help And Prevention Delivered And Commissioned Services Directory January 2015 1. Early Help and Prevention Offer The quality of the interventions we offer to the children, young people and families that we work with is critical to our success. We want to make sure that as far as possible, the interventions offered are evidence-based and have achievable outcomes for the family. Interventions may be commissioned within the community or provided directly by the Local Authority Early Help and Targeted Prevention (EHTP) teams. We focus on the outcomes for the family and match the skills and experience of a skilled practitioner to the family’s needs. Each EHTP team will be tailoring its offer to the needs of the family in their community in partnership with other local services through the CAF process, the Complex Case discussion process and the work of the Locality Forums. The table below gives an indication of the types of interventions that might be provided which are linked to a more detailed description that includes referral routes, within this document. More information about Early Help and Prevention pathways, processes and policies can be found in the in the Thresholds and Pathways document and Children and Families Service Finder. WHAT DO WE KNOW MAKES THE DIFFERENCE THE OFFER WHAT MIGHT IT INVOLVE? Relationships with the lead professional Individual, home based and community based. A consistent lead professional and intensive home visiting and home / school liaison with a lead professional. Triple P (the Positive Parenting Programme) which has been judged nationally as an effective parenting programme. Triple P an be offered at a number of levels, through: - Relationship between parents and children Effective management home. Parenting support and group parenting support. behaviour in the Positive self-esteem and resilience. Ability to form positive relationships. Safe, non-stigmatised places for parents and children to meet other parents and children, in libraries, Children’s Centre venues and other venues. Seminars, leaflets and the internet (for Level 1) Group and one-to-one work (for Level 2). Triple P is also available for eligible teenage parents. Baby Massage and Northamptonshire Parent Infant Partnership (NorPIP) to help parents understand early attachment, bond with their children, learn how to interact positively, and to look after them effectively in the first few months. Solihull Programme supporting communication between parents, addressing adult behaviours that impact on children’s well-being and development (Level 2 and 3) 123 Magic supporting parents to explore relationships with their children and the purpose of children’s behaviour (level 2 and 3). 2|P a g e Early Help And Prevention Delivered And Commissioned Services Directory January 2015 WHAT DO WE KNOW MAKES THE DIFFERENCE THE OFFER WHAT MIGHT IT INVOLVE? Building Bridges, for parents in need of help and support to build their positive relationships (level 2 and 3). Families give and receive support from family, neighbours and community. Out of school activities and wrap around care for children and young people. Mental Health Improvement supporting improvements in mental health of children under11 years (level 2 and 3, Kettering). Starting Young supporting parents to give their children healthy, active lifestyles (level 2 and 3, Kettering). Systemic Family Therapy, systemically working with families to improve family communication and agree solutions (level 2 and 3, Kettering) The home environment learning Parental engagement in education. Group work programmes for parents and for organisations. Parents Involvement in their Children’s Learning (PICL), supporting the home learning environment by working with parents to develop co-educational relationships about children’s learning. Uses the frameworks of involvement, well-being and schemes to analyse children’s learning and development. Inspire to Aspire Project for parents / carers of children under 11 years, helping them to engage with their child’s learning and school attendance (level 2 and 3, Kettering). Attendance at school. Problem solving and life skills programmes: Freedom Programme supports those who are or have been in abusive relationships, to build self-esteem and confidence (levels 2 and 3). Families are strong enough to manage stress over money, poverty and unemployment, and have a positive outlook. Stay Free Programme, for survivors of domestic abuse helping them to remain free of abusive relationships (level 2 and 3, Kettering). Personal resilience offer. You and Me Mum helping mothers to understand the impact of domestic abuse (level 2 and 3). Your Power to Change, offering group work for heterosexual men who are perpetrators of domestic abused (level 2 and 3). 3|P a g e Early Help And Prevention Delivered And Commissioned Services Directory January 2015 WHAT DO WE KNOW MAKES THE DIFFERENCE THE OFFER WHAT MIGHT IT INVOLVE? Choosing to Change, offering one to one work with perpetrators of domestic abuse. (level 2 and 3, Kettering). Choose to Change, offering group work for young people (13-24) who have been perpetrators of domestic abuse (level 2 and 3). 1:1 Programme to help parents and carers who have been or who are victims of domestic abuse (level 2 and 3). Volunteering opportunities in libraries, Children’s Centres and with Supporting Services providers (providing peer support to other parents). Debt Management advice and guidance. Families are strong enough to manage stress over money, poverty and unemployment, and have a positive outlook. Debt management and budgeting advice and guidance. Maximising Income offering increased awareness, skills and tools to help families maximise their income (level 2 and 3, Kettering). Family learning and adult education provision to support skills development, self confidence and personal efficacy delivered by Adult Learning Services. Breastfeeding support and nutritional advice. Health and Well-being offer. Youth Work and counselling to support vulnerable young people on preventing teenage pregnancy, Chlamydia and other sexual transmitted diseases. Group and one-to-one coaching to address obesity through the Healthy Schools Programmes. Educational achievement offer. 4|P a g e Nuture Groups and Targeted NEET (Not in Education and Training) Support (Connexions) advisors to support transitions from nursery to primary, primary to secondary and secondary to further education. Early Help And Prevention Delivered And Commissioned Services Directory January 2015 WHAT DO WE KNOW MAKES THE DIFFERENCE THE OFFER Children and Young People Stay Safe. WHAT MIGHT IT INVOLVE? CRUSH Programme works with 13-19 year olds who have witness, experience or are at risk of domestic violence either as a victim or a perpetrator (level 2 and 3, Kettering). DAAY Programme offer two groups, for 11-14s and 14-19s, enabling them to recognise and protect themselves from abusive behaviours (level 2 and 3, Kettering) Help me to Stay Safe, for children aged 7-11 who have experienced or witnessed domestic abuse (level 2 and 3, Kettering). Helping Hands, for children aged 10-14, with their parents / carers, giving an opportunity engage in positive activities together (level 2 and 3, Kettering). E-safety Programme helping children and young people to stay safe on the internet (level 2 and 3, Kettering). 1:1 Support Programme, for children and young people, focusing on their issues and helping them to be safe, happy and to thrive. (level 2 and 3). Families are strong enough to manage stress over money, poverty and unemployment, and have a positive outlook. Children and Young People Stay Safe. FRIENDS Programme helping childr4en and young people to develop and maintain emotional resilience (level 2 and 3, Kettering). MARS Anger Management supporting 11-19s to develop skills to reduced destructive behaviours (level 2 and 3, Kettering). Protective Behaviours Programme building safety awareness and self-est4eem in children and young people aged 7-19 (level 2 and 3, Kettering). Targeted Activity Programmes, offering group work for children and young people, focusing upon their issues and helping them to be safe, happy and to thrive (level 2 and 3). 5|P a g e Early Help And Prevention Delivered And Commissioned Services Directory January 2015 WHAT DO WE KNOW MAKES THE DIFFERENCE Families are strong enough to manage stress over money, poverty and unemployment, and have a positive outlook. THE OFFER WHAT MIGHT IT INVOLVE? Turnaround Plus offers support for 11-19s at tisk of exclusion from education, family and the community (level 2 and 3, Kettering), Children and Young People Stay Safe. What’s Life Plus, supporting 11-19s with health, personal safety and wellbeing (level 2 and 3, Kettering). Young People Friendly Neighbourhoods, where young people work on projects to build positive community relationships (level 2 and 3, Kettering). Training, advice and consultancy. Bespoke support to schools to develop their parenting offer to families. Building confidence and capability in the workforce in universal services. Recognising and assessing risk and responding to families’ needs 3early. Northamptonshire Targeted Mental Health in Schools (TaMHS), a co-ordinated multi-agency approach for building capacity within schools, delivering through the model of Building Blocks for Building Mentally Healthy Schools. Multi-agency integrated working training on Northamptonshire’s Thresholds and Pathways / CAF process. Professional advice via the MASH and CAF Helpdesks. Bespoke training, advice and guidance to professionals, and Complex Case discussions and meetings, from the CAF Co-Coordinators. Advice and support on development schools’ family / pupil assessment, around early intervention and attendance, including children with emotional and behavioural difficulties. Regular updates developments. on relevant national RETURN TO INDEX 2. Children’s Centre Services (Universal) Universal Children’s Centre services are provided by LibraryPlus Information, advice and guidance around a variety of issues including debt and employment Activities such as Stories, Songs and Rhymes 6|P a g e Early Help And Prevention Delivered And Commissioned Services Directory January 2015 36 libraries around the county and 2 mobile libraries Some can be accessed 7 days a week All are open on Saturdays and Sundays Eligibility All families with children under 5 are eligible for these services Referrals No referral is necessary however families are encouraged to register their children for Children’s Centre services at a library RETURN TO INDEX 3. Children’s Centre Services (Targeted) A commissioned service building upon the Universal Children’s Centre services and delivered by Action for Children (Daventry, Kettering, Northampton Central, Northampton East, South Northamptonshire and Wellingborough), Spurgeons (East Northamptonshire, Northampton North and Northampton West), and Children’s Centres in Corby focussing on: 0 to 4 years 11 months Locality based support in the Centre, community venue or at home Provision of early intervention to both child and parent/carers as follows: Information and Advice Services Supplying information about a range of services, including childcare and employment support Stay and Play Services Supporting parents in their role as their children’s first educators School Readiness Services Working in partnership with parents and childcare providers to improve outcomes for children Health, Lifestyles and Well Being Services Universal and targeted activities to improve outcome for parents and children. Includes ante-natal and post natal support delivered in partnership with midwives and health visitors Improved Parenting and Family Support Services Targeted support and Early Help services for families that need extra support; this may be via a CAF, or for Looked after Children, or children on ‘Children in Need’ or ‘Child Protection’ Plans. Includes access to victim and perpetrator domestic abuse interventions (at Level 3). Services to improve adults personal skills, education and employability Links to benefits and debt advice, adult learning opportunities and JobCentre Plus Intended outcomes 7|P a g e De-escalation of problems through provision of early help Early Help And Prevention Delivered And Commissioned Services Directory January 2015 Children are ready to begin school, and the transition to school is made easier CAF is used to enable the whole family to be engaged and to work with a range of professionals to provide support Eligibility Services are provided at Universal, Levels 2 and 3; the identified need should therefore have been assessed to be at this level. Families may choose to go to any centre and their choice is not limited by their residential address. Referrals Referrals should be made directly to the Children’s Centre provider chosen by the family. To find the contact details search on the Children and Families Service Finder. Referals from Social care for activities only should be made directly to the Children’s Centre provider chosen by the family. To find the contact details search on the Children and Families Service Finder. Referrals from Social Care to step down a case to a Children’s Centre (who will case manage) Referrals should be made using the Carefirst Case Closure Summary form; for more information see the Transfer Protocol. LOCALITY Map of Children’s Centre services venues, including libraries (for universal services) RETURN TO INDEX 8|P a g e Early Help And Prevention Delivered And Commissioned Services Directory January 2015 4. Community Connecting Support to disabled children and young people A commissioned service, provided by Delos, focussing on: The provision of a community connecting social care support to children and young people with disabilities Intended outcomes Reduced isolation of the child/young person and their family Increased socialisation of the child/young person Eligibility Evidence of disability at Level 3 of the vulnerability matrix (Thresholds and Pathways) Referrals Referrals are made only by the Early Help for Disabled Children Team. RETURN TO INDEX 5. Early Help for Disabled Children Service NCC service (within Early Help and Prevention Division) focussing on: 0-18 years with a disability or additional need Children with a need that affects more than one area of development and requires support from two or more agencies using the CAF Referrals from Social Care and MASH Interventions of 6 months duration Intended outcomes Disabled children are safe, equal, included, and supported to participate in their communities Services are co-ordinated around the family information and guidance is provided Eligibility Evidence of disability at Level 3 of the vulnerability matrix (Thresholds and Pathways) Referrals All children services referrals come in to Northamptonshire County Council’s Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) where they are screened and passed to the relevant service or team. An outcome of a discussion through the Complex Case discussion process may result in a referral to the Early Help for Disabled Children team. RETURN TO INDEX 9|P a g e Early Help And Prevention Delivered And Commissioned Services Directory January 2015 6. Early Years Entitlement (free childcare and education for 2, 3 and 4 years olds) For information about eligibility for free childcare and education for 2 year olds see the Northamptonshire County Council website here. For information about free childcare and education for 3 and 4 year olds see the Northampton County Council website here. RETURN TO INDEX 7. Family Group Conferencing A commissioned service focussing on: A time limited intervention for families with children up to 18 Family members, relatives and friends come together with professionals to produce a family plan that is agreed and supported by professionals Advocates offered to parents, children and young people in presenting their views Particularly relevant for children on the edge of care or returning home Intervention length 8 weeks Intended outcomes Child is supported to remain in the family home, return home, or no longer be subject to a child protection plan Family functioning and support within wider networks is improved Eligibility Priority to families open to social care Referrals Email TFTeam who will advise of the referral process. RETURN TO INDEX 8. Family Intervention Project A commissioned service focussing on: A longer-term, intensive intervention for families with children aged 5-18 years old Key worker to work with the whole family for as long as it takes Can address highly complex/deeply entrenched issues and those families who have failed to previously engage Intervention length 6 months + and often up to 12 months Intended outcomes Helped to prevent entry to the social care system Reduction in criminal activity In school/working/training/improved educational attendance Improved family functioning and family relationships Improved health 10 | P a g e Early Help And Prevention Delivered And Commissioned Services Directory January 2015 In work/improved progress towards employment Address housing problems Eligibility Funded by Troubled Families and available to eligible families only. Please contact TFTeam if you need to check a family’s eligibility. Referrals Email TFTeam who will advise of the referral process. RETURN TO INDEX 9. Intensive Intervention Project (IIP) A commissioned service focussing on: A longer-term intensive intervention for families with 8 – 18 year olds Key worker to work with the whole family Particularly relevant for young people with education or crime-related problems Intervention up to 6 months + Intended outcomes Helped to prevent entry to the social care system Reduction in criminal activity In school/work/training Improved educational attendance Improved family functioning and family relationships Improved health In work/improved progress towards employment Address housing problems Eligibility Funded by Troubled Families and available to eligible families only. Please contact TFTeam if you need to check a family’s eligibility. Referrals Email TFTeam who will advise of the referral process. RETURN TO INDEX 10. Multi Systemic Therapy Service A commissioned service focussing on: A time limited, therapeutic–based intervention for families with children aged 11 to 17 Intensive home-based therapy Works mainly with the parents or carers of a young person to support positive change in relation to the referral behaviours Particularly relevant for children in care, on the edge of care, who plan to return home or are at risk of custody 11 | P a g e Early Help And Prevention Delivered And Commissioned Services Directory January 2015 Priority referral if imminent risk of out-of-home placement Intervention length 3-5 months Intended outcomes Prevented care entry/child living with family or kinship care In school/working/training improved educational attendance No new arrests/reduction in criminal justice activity Improved family functioning and family relationships Eligibility Available to families eligible for Troubled Families and families open to social care Referrals Email TFTeam for eligible families For families open to social care email [email protected] or [email protected] in the south of the county, or [email protected] or [email protected] for families in the north of the county RETURN TO INDEX 11. National Citizen Service Service commissioned by national government focussing on: Enabling young people aged between 15 and 17 to build skills for work and life, while taking on new challenges and adventures, making new friends, learning new skills and contributing to their community Includes a residential ‘adventure’/ activity element, as well as skill development and a community project. Takes place for 3 weeks (full time) during the summer, and also in the Autumn (October) and Spring (February) half-term breaks followed by participation at weekends Intended outcomes Increased confidence and self-esteem Skills for work and/or a UCAS (higher education) application Community awareness Eligibility Any young person aged between 15 and 17 years in is eligible for the National Citizen Service Providers are required to make adjustments to enable young people with special needs to participate 12 | P a g e Early Help And Prevention Delivered And Commissioned Services Directory January 2015 Referrals The referral process is summarised in the document entitled “EM1-Referral Process V1” embedded below, and should be made using the document entitled “EM1-Referral Form V1”, also embedded below. EM1-Referral EM1-Referral Form Process V1 30.9.14.pdf V1 30.9.14.pdf RETURN TO INDEX 12. Post Adoption Counselling NCC delivered service (within Safeguarding Division) focussing on: The provision of independent, confidential and free counselling for individuals related to adopted children (by birth or adoption) and for adopted adults, long-term foster care and/or Special Guardianship Orders(see eligibility below). Intended outcomes Help individuals to recognise and understand feelings and emotions associated with the adoption process Help to prevent adoption breakdown and improve outcomes for adopted adults Eligibility Birth Parents (aged 13+) where the decision has been made for permanence (for their unborn/child). (This can include Adoption, long term Foster Care or Special Guardianship Order). The point of referral is when the Social Worker is completing the child’s permanence plan Birth parents who are planning to relinquish their baby (unborn or born) Family members affected by the adoption process 13+ Foster Carers/Adoptive Parents/Special Guardian’s Adopted Adults – aged 18+ Referrals Complete the form embedded below, and return to the address shown or email to [email protected] Referral and Risk Assessment Form for Counselling.doc RETURN TO INDEX 13 | P a g e Early Help And Prevention Delivered And Commissioned Services Directory January 2015 13. Short Breaks and Sleep Services for Disabled Children A commissioned service focussing on: Provision of enrichment and activity to disabled children out of school, and also to provide respite to the family Provided by organisations who have the specialist knowledge and skills to support children and young people with specific disabilities Provision / providers Short breaks with Autistic Spectrum Disorder, provided by the National Autistic Society o [email protected] 01933 653 200 Short breaks with Profound and Multiple Learning Disability - East Northamptonshire, provided by Papworth Trust o [email protected] 0800 952 5000 Short breaks for children and young people with Autistic Spectrum Disorder, provided by Autism Concern o [email protected] 01604 239 404 Short breaks for children and young people with Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities, provided by Guideposts Trust o [email protected] 01993 899 980 Short breaks for disabled children and young people in North Northamptonshire, provided by Papworth Trust o [email protected] 0800 952 5000 Short breaks for disabled children and young people in Daventry, provided by Guideposts Trust o [email protected] 01993 899 980 Farm based short breaks (Kettering / Corby) for disabled children and young people provided by Groundworks o 01536 526 453 Intended outcomes Increased engagement and socialisation of children and young people with disabilities Opportunity for respite from caring responsibilities for families Eligibility Evidence of disability at Level 3 of the vulnerability matrix (Thresholds and Pathways) Please note that evidence of specific disabilities and/or residence may also be required depending upon the service and/or provider. Referrals Referrals should be made directly to the provider, using the contact details shown above. RETURN TO INDEX 14 | P a g e Early Help And Prevention Delivered And Commissioned Services Directory January 2015 14. Social Care Support for Disabled Children and Young People A commissioned services focussing on: Sibling Support Provided by Action for Children, this service provides support to the siblings of disabled children through provision of a closed eight week group work programme that demonstrates an understanding of siblings needs and how these can be addressed. o [email protected] 01327 311683 Telephone 01327 705063/Fax Social Care support for hearing impaired people Provided by Deaf Connect, this is a service for people of all ages throughout Northamptonshire who are hearing impaired, deaf, deafened and hard of hearing providing support across a range of needs, and through individual and group-based work, and community activity o [email protected] 01604 589 011 / SMS 07817 006 817 Support services for blind and visually impaired in Northamptonshire Provided by Northamptonshire Association for the Blind, this contract provides social care support service to people of all ages with visual impairment, with a view to improving the quality of life for blind and partially sighted people in Northamptonshire o [email protected] 01604 719 193 Special Needs Advocacy Previously provided by Right Resolution, this contract provides for advocacy services to children and young people with disabilities in receipt of social care services; arrangements are being made for this service to be provided by NCC’s Children’s Rights. o Contact form for the Children’s Rights team. Sleep Service Provided by Scope this contract provides access to an appropriate family centred sleep service which works with families and local practitioners to identify and address sleep disorders, improving outcomes for children, young people and their families. Sleep Practitioners are employed by the provider to work individually with families and run training events for parents and professionals on overcoming sleep problems. o [email protected] 07875 575 354 Intended outcomes Improved independence and socialisation for children, young people and their families Eligibility Evidence of disability at Level 3 of the vulnerability matrix (Thresholds and Pathways) (excepting Sibling Support where evidence of a sibling with a disability at Level 3 of the vulnerability matrix will be required) Referrals Referrals should be made directly to the provider, using the contact details shown above RETURN TO INDEX 15 | P a g e Early Help And Prevention Delivered And Commissioned Services Directory January 2015 15. Supporting Services A commissioned service focussing on: 5 to 18 years, up to 25 years for young people with additional need Delivered in the local community, or in the home Support relating to parenting support, domestic abuse and young people with challenging behaviour Intended outcomes De-escalation of problems by providing help early Children and young people have improved school attendance and attainment CAF is used to support provision of early help Eligibility A full list of the services available from these contracts, along with eligibility criteria, is attached at Appendices A and B Referrals Referrals should be made as per the flowchart on page 16 Please note that tier 2 and 3 referrals will take priority Contact Details for Supporting Services Providers: 16 | P a g e Early Help And Prevention Delivered And Commissioned Services Directory January 2015 KETTERING REST OF COUNTY Telephone: 01536 519169 Telephone: 01933 226615 (Portal Manager) Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] A request for intervention form will need to be completed by hand or via email, and returned with the CAF/Initial Assessment/Core Assessment as appropriate If you are allocated an intervention, a referral form will need to be completed and returned via secure email with the CAF/Initial Assessment/Core Assessment as appropriate RETURN TO INDEX 16. Targeted Prevention Service NCC service (within Early Help and Prevention Division) focussing on: 0 to 18 years Focussed on families who have identified that they want to change behaviours Lead worker who works with whole family, using a CAF Intensive support usually at home Out of hours support offered Utilises the CAF process Interventions of 6 months duration Intended outcomes De-escalation of problems through provision of early help that works with the whole family, led by a skilled Practitioner Eligibility Evidence of needs at Level 3 of the vulnerability matrix (Thresholds and Pathways) Referrals All children’s services referrals come into Northamptonshire County Council’s Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) where they are screened and passed to the relevant service or team. An outcome of a discussion through the Complex Case discussion process may result in a referral to the Targeted Prevention Team. RETURN TO INDEX 17. Targeted NEET Support A commissioned service focussing on: The provision of support, advice and guidance to eligible young people at risk of being NEET (not in education, employment or training at 16+) based on priority groups School or Further Education / work-based learning based support for eligible young people, in years 9 and above 17 | P a g e Early Help And Prevention Delivered And Commissioned Services Directory January 2015 Intensive support to eligible young people aged 16+ who become NEET Intended outcomes Prevention of eligible young people becoming NEET at 16 Effective delivery of ‘raising the participation age’ (ensuring young people aged 16-18 remain in education or training) Eligible young people who are NEET re-enter/enter employment education or training Eligibility As per priority groups below: o Young people who have/have had a Statement of Educational Needs (or EHC Plan) o Young people who are looked after o Young people who are leaving care o Young people under the supervision of the Youth Offending Services o Young people who have been persistently absent from school (attendance of less than 80%) o Young people in receipt of Job Seekers allowances Referrals Tel: 01604 630033 Fax: 01604 633310 Email: [email protected] RETURN TO INDEX 18. Targeted NEET Support (age 16 and 17 only) A ‘pilot project’ provided by JobCentre Plus, focussing upon: The provision of a specialist work coach for 16 and 17 year olds who are NEET and not in receipt of out of work benefits Providing help with CV writing, interview skills and access to training and job matching The pilot began in November 2014 and will run for 18 months. If successful it may be rolled out as an ongoing provision Participation of young people is voluntary Intended outcomes 16 and 17 year olds move into work, training and/or education Eligibility Aged 16 or 17 years, and not in receipt of out of work benefits (e.g. jobseekers allowance) Referrals Contact Julie Haydon (specialist work coach) 07554 228427 RETURN TO INDEX 18 | P a g e Early Help And Prevention Delivered And Commissioned Services Directory January 2015 19. Teen Triple P A commissioned service focussing on: A time-limited intervention specifically for families with young people aged 12-16 Addresses mild to serious parental concerns about their child’s behaviour Group programme (8 weeks duration) or 121 programme (10 weeks duration) Intended outcomes Reduced likelihood of participating in risky behaviours Reduced incidences of challenging or disruptive behaviour Improved parent wellbeing Reduced incidents of parent-child conflict Improved parenting skills and confidence Improved use of proportionate discipline Eligibility Funded by Troubled Families and available to eligible families only. Please contact TFTeam to check a family’s eligibility. Referrals Email TFTeam who will advise of the referral process Note: Triple P is also available via supporting services and is not limited to parents of teenagers, or to those eligible through the Troubled Families programme – see here for details. RETURN TO INDEX 20. Tier 3 Step Down Targeted Support Service NCC service (within Early Help and Prevention Division) focussing on: Providing continued targeted support to children who have been open to Social Care, predominately subject to a Child in Need Plan or a Child Protection Plan Intended outcomes Risks of re-escalation to statutory services is reduced Family and children remain supported for a further period and succeed in the plan that has been put in place Eligibility Evidence of multiple needs at Level 3 of the vulnerability matrix (Thresholds and Pathways) Open to Social Care as described above, and ready for ‘step-down’ Referrals Referrals can only come from social care. Referrals should be made using the Carefirst Case Closure Summary form; for more information see the Transfer Protocol. RETURN TO INDEX 19 | P a g e Early Help And Prevention Delivered And Commissioned Services Directory January 2015 21. Youth Clubs and Youth Club Support A commissioned service focussing on: Promoting, training, supporting and facilitating youth organisations to deliver effective youth work throughout the county. The training offered includes risk assessments, leadership, recruiting and training volunteers, and programme planning. NAYC (the provider) also employs development workers who work directly groups, including one that focuses upon the provision of youth activities for disabled young people. The provision of a web-based search directory of youth clubs (see overleaf) Intended outcomes Increased self-confidence, motivation and aspiration in young people. The search facility is in the top right hand corner of the Northamptonshire Association of Youth Club’s website. Eligibility Individual clubs and activities will have their own eligibility criteria. Referrals Referrals should be made directly to the individual club or activity. Contact details can be found within the search facility as sh9wnabove. RETURN TO INDEX 22. Youth Clubs for Disabled Young People A commissioned service focussing on: The provision youth club activity for disabled young people throughout the county 20 | P a g e Early Help And Prevention Delivered And Commissioned Services Directory January 2015 Intended outcomes Opportunities for disabled young people to socialise and take part in activities with their peers. Increased self-confidence, motivation and aspiration in disabled young people. Eligibility Individual clubs and activities will have their own eligibility criteria. Referrals Referrals should be made directly to the individual club or activity. Contact details can be found in the Children and Families Service Finder RETURN TO INDEX 21 | P a g e APPENDIX A Supporting Services - To check eligibility see Thresholds and Pathways Activity / Intervention Early Help Area(s) Level Domestic Abuse 1:1 Programme Parents/carers who have been/are victims of domestic abuse. Corby, Daventry, East Northamptonshire, Northampton (all areas), Wellingborough, South Northamptonshire 2, 3, 4 Choose to Change Group work for Young People (age 13 – 24) who have been perpetrators of domestic abuse Corby, Daventry, East Northamptonshire, Northampton (all areas), Wellingborough, South Northamptonshire 2, 3, 4 Choosing to Change 1:1 Programme for perpetrators of domestic abuse. Kettering 3, 4 CRUSH Programme for 13-19 year olds who have witnessed, experienced or are at risk of domestic violence either as a victim or a perpetrator Kettering 3, 4 DAAY Programme 11 – 14 year olds, and for 14 – 19 year olds, enabling them to recognise and protect themselves from abusive behaviour. Kettering 2, 3 Freedom Programme Group work for parents/carers who have been/are victims of domestic abuse (age 19+) Countywide 2, 3, 4 Help Me to Stay Safe A programme for children (7-11YO) who have experienced or witnessed domestic abuse. Kettering 3 Helping Hands A programme for children 10-14 Y0 with parents/carers to provide an opportunity to engage with positive activities. Kettering 3 Stay Free Programme for survivors of domestic abuse that have broken free from an abusive relationship (follow on from Freedom Programme) Kettering 2, 3 You and Me Mum Group work for mothers to help them understand the impact of domestic abuse upon them as a parent and their children. Corby, Daventry, East Northamptonshire, Northampton (all areas), Wellingborough, South Northamptonshire 2, 3, 4 Your Power to Change Group work for heterosexual men who are perpetrators of domestic abuse. Corby, Daventry, East Northamptonshire, Northampton (all areas), Wellingborough, South Northamptonshire 2, 3, 4 22 | P a g e APPENDIX A Supporting Services - To check eligibility see Thresholds and Pathways Activity / Intervention Early Help Area(s) Level Corby, Daventry, East Northamptonshire, Northampton (all areas), Wellingborough, South Northamptonshire 2, 3, 4 Children and Young People 1:1 Programme children and young people aged 5+ to age 19 (25 if disabled) meeting the threshold criteria. E-safety Programme A course for 7 – 11 year olds, and 12- 19 year olds focusing upon internet safety and including a session for parents on keeping children / young people safe. Kettering 2, 3 FRIENDS Programme Across the 5-7 / 8-11 / 12-17 age groups this is an emotional resilience programme. Kettering 2, 3 MARS Anger Management Supporting 11- 19 year olds to develop skills to reduce destructive behaviours. Kettering 2, 3 Protective Behaviours A course for 7 – 11 year olds, and 12- 19 year olds focusing upon safety awareness and building self-esteem Kettering 2, 3, 4 Corby, Daventry, East Northamptonshire, Northampton (all areas), Wellingborough, South Northamptonshire 2, 3, 4 Targeted Activity Programmes Group work for children and young people aged 5+ to age 19 (25 if disabled) meeting the threshold criteria. ThinkUKnow Programme YP & Parents Kettering Turnaround Plus For 11-19 year olds at risk of exclusion from education, family and the wider community. Kettering 2, 3, 4 What's Life Plus For 11-19 year olds supporting them with health (including sexual health), personal safety and wellbeing Kettering 2, 3 Young People Friendly Neighbourhoods For 11-19 year olds, working on specific projects to build positive community relationships. Kettering 2, 3, 4 23 | P a g e APPENDIX A Supporting Services - To check eligibility see Thresholds and Pathways Activity / Intervention Early Help Area(s) Level Kettering 2, 3 Corby, Daventry, East Northamptonshire, Northampton (all areas), Wellingborough, South Northamptonshire 2, 3, 4 Parenting 123 Magic 1:1 Programme Supporting parents to explore relationships with their children and the purpose of children’s behaviour. Building Bridges 1:1 Programme for parents in need of help and support, meeting the threshold criteria. Inspire to Aspire Project For parents/cares of children under 11 years helping them to engage with their child(ren)’s learning and school attendance. Kettering 2, 3 Maximising Income Offering increased awareness, knowledge, skills and tools to help families maximise their income. Kettering 2,3 Mental Health Improvement Supporting improvements in mental health of children under 11 years. Kettering 2, 3, 4 Starting Young Supporting parents to give their children healthy, active lifestyles. Kettering 2, 3 Systemic Family Therapy Systemically working with families to improve communications and agree solutions. Kettering 2, 3 Triple P Programme Group work for parents in need of help and support, meeting the threshold criteria. Corby, Daventry, East Northamptonshire, Northampton (all areas), Wellingborough, South Northamptonshire 2, 3 Countywide 2 Volunteers & Peer Support Development RETURN TO INDEX 24 | P a g e
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