Introductions South London Lifelong Learning Network: An Overview Denise Cooper What are LLNs ‘The aim of the LLNs is to guarantee progression for learners on vocational programmes: to establish the same clarity, coherence and opportunity for those learners as is enjoyed by their counterparts following academic routes’. HEFCE – ‘Lifelong Learning Networks: progress report and next steps, Spring 2005 Lifelong Learning Networks 29 networks across the country – most are regional – some are national like the National Arts Network and Vetnet 5 funded LLNs in London: Linking London, Thames Gateway, South East London, West London and South London Widening participation – supporting the learner journey Awareness raising, information and guidance Supporting retention & success Better preparation Ensuring open and fair access Flexible progression Enabling effective transition HEFCE Strategic Plan South London Lifelong Learning Network Abbreviations RACC: Richmond Adult & Community College RUTC: Richmond Upon Thames College London South Bank University West Thames College South Thames College Goldsmiths College RUTC Royal Holloway St Mary’s Univ. College University of Greenwich Roehampton University St George’s University of London Kingston College of FE Hillcroft College Carshalton College Bromley College KU Merton College John Ruskin College Orpington College Croydon College RACC Coulsdon College South London LLN: Aim The South London Lifelong Learning Network (SL LLN) will focus on the needs of the vocational learner and will widen participation. It will increase learner progression, attainment and success and open up access to targeted vocational courses by providing information and advice, appropriate pathways, support for learners’ employers and institutions, backed by the necessary supporting infrastructure. The LLN will engage employers and meet their higher level skills requirements. SL LLN: Objectives To increase the numbers of learners from vocational routes and non-traditional backgrounds studying at higher levels To increase the retention and success rate of learners from vocational routes and non traditional backgrounds To increase the progression within higher education of those completing Foundation degrees and equivalent qualifications to honours degrees and post graduate study SL LLN: Objectives To meet the specific higher level skills requirements of employers in three target sectors To further improve collaboration and sharing of best practice between higher education institutions, further education colleges, work based learning providers and other bodies and partnerships To improve the regional skills base and quality if the workforce, and contribute to regional skills strategy priorities. Focus of the SL LLN Three sectors Health, Social Care and biomedical science Construction/engineering Sport and Leisure Young people and adults in learning Work based learners Adults engaging in CPD Some Current Activities Development of Progression Agreements The common modules Staff development Engaging with employers Evaluating the pilot projects and seeking ways to role out across the region Identifying and disseminating good practice Disseminating ASNs across the region Using LLN funds to do all of the above Some Current Activities Establishing baseline data – to determine impact Course mapping Congress TV Sector Groups – making links to SSCs & Employers HEFCE funding to be Diploma Pathfinder – working between Diploma Gateways and HEIs – IT Examples of initiatives Examples that exemplify characteristics: RuTC/Roehampton & St Mary’s – Sport transition module Kingston College & LSBU – Engineering bridging course including maths, science and research skills University of Greenwich – Health transition to honours course West Thames College & Roehampton University & Kingston University – ESOL transition module Kingston University & St George’s – Enhancing Progression: Furthering Career Opportunities Greenwich University – Credit transfer short courses SL LLN & the SLLP SL LLN funding for a 0.5FTE Project Manager post based at KU through to March 2008 Align and increase joint working Working on defined projects: SL LLN & the SLLP Communication of the LLN Promotional material with case studies, activities for training providers in private, public and VCS that raise awareness Integration of IAG Services Include HE reps on IAG Task Group Awareness raising event with HEIs on the role of the SLLP SL LLN & the SLLP Evaluation Evaluate impact of IAG activities in current LLN pilot projects Development of LLN Resources Staff Development and Training CPD activities for those delivering IAG to employers and vocational learners. Network of HE admissions staff. Appoint and prepare IAG champions Contacts Denise Cooper Director [email protected] 020 8547 8792 Sarah Adibi Sector Manager – Health, Social Care & Biomedical Sciences [email protected] 020 8547 7783 Kerry Baker Sector Manager – Construction & Engineering [email protected] 020 8547 7803 Hazel Manley Sector Manager – Sport, Leisure & Tourism [email protected] 020 8547 7760 Contacts
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