Theme Development How To Develop The Overall “Attitude” of Your Yearbook

Theme Development
How To Develop The
Overall “Attitude” of
Your Yearbook
What is a Theme?
• Consider the theme as the attitude or personality of the
year for your school
• It is a perfect medium to tell a story that will be
remembered by all in a positive or spirit-related format
• Your yearbook should record the events of the year and
celebrate the milestones of the year under the unified
story format of your the theme.
• Themes come in different shapes and sizes based upon
the attitude of the year.
• Themes are discussed and portrayed in all sections of the
yearbook, especially on the cover, endsheets, title pages,
opening pages, closing pages, and division pages for each
section of the yearbook
Possible Themes…
The key to developing a theme is making sure you address
the theme in every section of the yearbook. Here are a
few themes you can consider just for starters:
• A Cut Above
 A Day in the Life
• A Flash from the Past
 A New Awakening
• A New Point of View
 A Season of Change
• A Step Above the Rest
 A Touch of Class
• Anyway You Slice It
 Attention to Detail
• Between the Lines
 Breaking Thru
• Built to Last
 Capture the Magic
• Catch the Moments
 Caught in the Act
Choose a theme and begin to develop it…
Example of a Theme
The key to developing a theme is making sure you address
the theme in every section of the yearbook as well as the
cover and endsheets (if applicable).
Consider playing off words of the theme as titles for each
section or work on conceptual themes that play of an idea
vs. words.
Consider working with a theme like: “Inside & Out...”
• Stud. Life: Inside our Walls
• Sports: On the Sidelines
• Clubs: Siding with Others
• Portraits: Side by Side...
• Acad.: Sides of Success
• Ads: Outside our walls...
Note how a word that is part of the theme is developed and
ties to theme as well?
Developing A Theme…
Answer these questions:
I chose the theme of ________________________________
because _________________________. Key words that
come to mind that are close to the theme title are…
____________ ____________ ____________ __________
____________ ____________ ____________ __________
• The sports sections will be called…__________________
• The portrait section will be called …__________________
• The student life section will be called …_______________
• The academics section will be called …_______________
• The clubs section will be called …___________________
• The ad/community section will be called…_____________
Another Theme & Its Development
Answer these questions:
I chose the theme of PIECING IT ALL TOGETHER because
our school just combined with another school for a year as
the other school goes through renovations. Key words that
come to mind that are close to the theme title are…
Sports sections will be called PLAYING TOGETHER
Portrait section will be called STANDING TOGETHER
Student life section will be called JOINING TOGETHER
Academics section will be called LEARNING TOGETHER
Clubs section will be called CELEBRATING TOGETHER
Ad/community section will be called BEING TOGETHER
Example of a Theme
Introducing the theme on the cover is critical…
Example of a Theme
Continuing the theme on the endsheet is optional…