Foto: Peter Therkildsen Autumn Program 2015 Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering MARINE COATINGS PPG Protective & Marine Coatings udvikler marine produkter og malingssystemer til beskyttelse af kundeaktiver i hele verden under navnet SIGMA COATINGS.® PPG Coatings Denmark A/S Agent for PPG Coatings SPRL/BVBA. Gladsaxevej 300, DK-2860 Søborg Tlf: 5664 2800 E-mail: [email protected] The program folders Ad prices: Frontpage foto incl. company logo: . . . . . 5.800,30 mm: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.600,50 mm: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.400,80 mm: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.400,½ page: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.000,Backpage foto incl. company logo: . . . . . . 4.500,Backpage ad: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.000,- Danske Maritime Brancheorganisation for den danske maritime industri Standard width is 85 mm except in ½ and full page All prices are ex. tax Next program: End january 2016 Contact the company’s secretariat at: Skibsteknisk Selskab Amaliegade 33 B, 2. sal, DK – 1256 Copenhagen K Att. Kirsten Weede, Tel.: +45 33 33 74 88, [email protected] Støtte til innovation og udvikling ... Interested in advertising? S Søfart øfart N News ew s a about bout and and for for tthe he Da Danish nish m maritime aritime iindustry ndustr y Contact Kirsten Weede [email protected] TOPICALITY INSIGHT BACKROUND 1 2 3 4 Autumm 2015 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 D a n i s h So c ie t y f o r Na v a l A rc h i t e c t u re a nd Ma ri ne E ng i ne e ri ng Welcome to the autumn season 2015 operation in the past year 2014. It provides the Danish maritime industry with a very strong network that inspires and creates new business relationships. SØFART The weekly newspaper SØFART has been our media partner and ensured the dissemination of information both before and after the meetings and conferences. For this valuable cooperation, I am also grateful. Erik Ingolf Tvedt Secretary-General of DSNAME Welcome to a busy autumn with excellent opportunities to share knowledge and know-how. Take the opportunity to network with your colleagues in the Blue Technical Denmark The Society’s network of contributors Our network of contributors, which may be seen in this publication, is a major factor in ensuring the financing of the Society’s work and enables the Society to employ an effective secretariat. Additionally the financing is a prerequisite for the topical activities that enable essential knowledge sharing, idea generation and network activities mainly in the technical and environmental fields. Once again it is a great pleasure for the Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (DSNAME) to welcome you to an exciting fall season with new professional and knowledge-intensive events. Society Planning Group The Planning Group of the Society, which consists of a wide range of "stakeholders" in the Blue Denmark, has selected some interesting and topical events for the program in the autumn season 2015 and have even put some in stock for the 2016 program. I thank all contributors for their support. Your benefits from our meetings and conferences Do you want to share knowledge, take part in professional networks and be inspired by interesting people in the Blue Denmark? We salute the members of the planning group for their great commitment and the efforts put in to ensuring good knowledge sharing within the company’s professional areas. Then it is a good opportunity to show up to the many activities in the upcoming fall 2015 program. Here you can learn, maybe go home with a new business contact, freshen up an old contact, get a new idea or find a solution to a challenge in your business. The planning group is fully in support of the government’s maritime growth plan for the Blue Denmark and the future challenges for Danish shipping and maritime production. The possibilities are many, and you are encouraged to be active and inquisitive during the presentations and dialogue. IDA Maritim (The Maritime Society of Denmark) I also extend my gratitude to IDA Maritim for a very productive and forthcoming co- 1 2 3 4 Autumm 2015 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 D a n i s h So c ie t y f o r Na v a l A rc h i t e c t u re a nd Ma ri ne E ng i ne e ri ng Welcome to the autumn season 2015 The transition to English as working language Many people in the Blue Technical Denmark do not have Danish as their native language, and the Society’s Board has therefore decided that the future Society bi-annual publication will be in English. This will also ensure that the magazine can be used abroad for commercial and common benefit. We hope that it will be well received and will contribute to our international colleagues feeling well received. Society of Denmark). The good cooperation that has been built up over a number of years, will continue. Presentations from the various lectures will, pending the permission of the individual presenters, also be available at DSNAME’s website in PDF format. Registration and meeting venue Participation in meetings of the DSNAME is usually free. Meetings are held at IDA’s conference center on Kalvebod Brygge, Copenhagen, in collaboration with IDA Maritim. Autumn 2015 The program for the fall of 2015 is shown on pages 5 and 6. Our cooperation with IDA Maritim also means that IDA Maritim offers refreshments (sandwiches and drinks), usually at 18:00 in connection with evening meetings. WMTC 2015 World Maritime Technology Conference (WMTC 2015) will be held in the United States on the 3rd to 6th of November. Please reserve the dates – early bird reservation is already available. On account of refreshments and the size of the room, we kindly ask you to sign-up for the individual arrangements through the IDA website We hope that there will be a number of Danish presentations at the conference, and it surely will provide plenty networking opportunities with international colleagues. If you have questions about the Society, please call the Society’s secretariat at +45 3333 7488 and ask for Kirsten Weede Or send an email to [email protected] The website and news The Society’s website is available in both Danish and English: With all my wishes for another exciting season! Here it is possible to subscribe to the electronic version of our newsletter. You will find this under the tab “Newsletter” on the website. You will automatically receive the latest news, including detailed information of the upcoming events in DSNAME. Erik I. Tvedt, FRINA Secretary-General of DSNAME Finally meetings will still be announced at the webpage of IDA Maritim (The Maritime 1 2 3 4 Autumm 2015 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 D a n i s h So c ie t y f o r Na v a l A rc h i t e c t u re a nd Ma ri ne E ng i ne e ri ng Autumn Program 2015 Monday 7 September from 1600 to 2000 hours - arrangement no. 314750 Maritime Risk Management Risk is a difficult topic to handle. In order to manage it, it must somehow be made concrete. The traditional way for regulation to address risk is to prescribe measures. For some time, regulators and industry have been striving to introduce a more flexible approach. Recently, in some classification societies experiences gained inter alia in the offshore field have led to new ideas on regulation based on risk. Speakers (to be announced) with background in classification and in developing IMO regulation Monday 21 September from 1600 to 2000 hours - arrangement no. 314751 EEDI and the risk of under powering of ships New ship designs are emerging along with stricter and stricter limits for the ship’s Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI), which is regulated by IMO and already enforced to limit the energy consumption of the propulsion plant of ships. In the coming years the EEDI limits will be further tightened according to an agreed plan and inevitably lead to lower propulsion power installed. For this reason new regulation of IMO dealing with the needed minimum power for safe navigation and manoeuvring of ships is evolving as the safety of lives and protection of the environment must be kept at top priority. Background for the regulation as well as practical experience and research within the field will be key themes of the program. Monday 5 October from 1600 to 2000 hours - arrangement no. 314752 Ship Stability Since the time of Archimedes, the topic of stability of ships has fascinated eminent scientists, engineers and sailors throughout the centuries. Despite great efforts, the field remains relevant and of high focus, it combines deep theoretical basis with practical and ethical concerns from a continually changing industry and society. Stability represents one of the primary topics within naval architecture – both damage and intact stability regulation remain at the forefront at IMO. The topic ship stability will be illustrated by those who are involved in and are working with stability – the authorities, the classifications societies, the naval architects and finally also the practical approach from the loading computer developer and the navigator on board the ship. Monday 26 October from 1600 to 2000 hours - arrangement no. 314753 Big Data in Shipping and Cyber Security Big Data is a new buzzword in the shipping community – promising great results, and a concept that cannot be separated from requirements for Cyber Security. This meeting will deal with both; giving a broad overview of new projects within the roam of Big Data, and an update on what is going on with regard to Cyber Security. Monday 16 November from 1600 to 2000 hours - arrangement no. 314754 The use of LNG as an alternative marine fuel is becoming increasing popular Duel/multi fuel gas engines are now available on the market, and the challenges related to LNG bunkering are being solved through innovative solutions. It is now even a realistic and viable alternative to consider retrofitting an existing vessel to run on LNG. These topics and more, including updates on ongoing research projects, will be presented by experts and pioneers in the field of maritime LNG applications. 1 2 3 4 Autumm 2015 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 D a n i s h So c ie t y f o r Na v a l A rc h i t e c t u re a nd Ma ri ne E ng i ne e ri ng Autumn Program 2015 Monday 23 November from 0900 to 1700 hours (whole day conference) - arrangement no. 314789 In recent years the passenger shipping and ferry industry have been under steady pressure due to increasing competition from alternative traveling and vacation possibilities, rising fuel costs, and new stricter environmental regulations, especially the requirement for low sulphur content in fuel. This has resulted in many new initiatives, to reduce both costs and the environmental impact of passenger ship operations and design. Alternative fuels, such as LNG, are now being used successfully onboard ferries, but also other energy sources are being introduced, such as electric propulsion - either by 100 % electric supply from shore or by a combination of electric power supplied by diesel-generators and large battery packs – i.e. hybrid solution. Weight reduction of passenger ship is always of interest to Naval Architects and ship operators. One of the areas being investigated is in the use of lightweight materials to replace steel, which is the subject of a number of different research projects currently underway at several universities and research institutes. Cruising in the arctic is becoming an ever increasing popular segment of the cruise industry, but such offerings in polar waters results in many new challenges for passenger vessel operations, including requirements for the newly ratified Polar Code at the IMO. The small domestic ferries connecting different parts of Denmark are under steady development, and focus on this ferry segment will still be an important task for the Danish maritime industry. Come and hear about all these issues and more, including an update of the latest developments on new rules and regulations, which will be presented and discussed at this one day conference. Monday 7 December from 1600 to 2000 hours - arrangement no. 314755 DSNAME annual Christmas event with the famous ‘Bruce Peter’, who will give his version of the past history about our great passage ship company DFDS. Including DSNAME Award celebration of a skilled and young naval architects student. ATTENTION! Please check the Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering’s website regarding the final date of the events. The dates shown above are only indicative. The exact date, along with the program will be posted on the website about 6 weeks before the event. On the website you can also sign up for the Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering’s newsletter and be constantly informed about the meetings and events. Details of the individual events will be announced in Ingeniøren and Søfart magazines about two weeks before each meeting. Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering welcomes any ideas and suggestions for lecture topics, conferences and other activities that you think the association should address. Note: Unless otherwise stated, Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering meets at IDAS MEETING CENTER BY KALVEBOD BRYGGE 31-33, COPENHAGEN Entry is free, but remember to register via IDA’s website ( - alternative telephone registration with network’s secretary Helle Borch, IDA, tel. +45 3318 4650. General questions regarding Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering and its activities can be addressed to Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering’s head of administration, Kirsten Weede on tel. +45 3333 7488. 1 2 3 4 Autumm 2015 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 D a n i s h So c ie t y f o r Na v a l A rc h i t e c t u re a nd Ma ri ne E ng i ne e ri ng Funds distribution Funds distribution usually takes place twice a year, in April and November. Here the Board of Directors consider incoming applications and processes for possible support in cases based on own operations. In spring 2014, the Foundation received nine applications for financial support, and out of these, the Board desired to support 7 applicants. Stella Goldberg applied for financial support for student exchange at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Her interest is within ship design and construction. The fund granted DKK 20,000 on the condition that money will be refunded, if she applies for grants from other funds and the total amount achieved exceeds the applied amount. Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Fund is a foundation founded by Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering since January 6th 1994. The fund’s objective is to disseminate vessel’s technical knowledge including providing support to individuals who are wishing to be trained in the marine engineering discipline, and also to scientific researches or other developments within the marine engineering. In addition, the fund’s aims to provide support for the society and other purposes related to shipbuilding and shipping. On behalf of Associate Professor at DTU Mechanical Engineering Ulrik Dam Nielsen there was applied for financial support for a research visit in Tokyo, Japan. The purpose of the visit is to discuss common research of DTU and Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology (TUMSAT) and the possibilities of student exchange. The granted amount is DKK 10,000. Ph.d. student Esben Orlowitz, applied for financial support for attending the conference International Conference on Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology. He is committed to perform a presentation of an article that he has written about ship vibrations. DKK 10,000 was granted to cover participation fee, transport, and accommodation. The Foundation’s resources are provided from conferences’ profits, returns of investment and contributions, which are granted from different sources. The Foundation welcomes any applications for financial assistance for purposes, which fall under the Fund’s act. On behalf of the board of Nul-Kryds, Christian S. Nielsen applied for financial support for students attending the annual congress Nordiske Tekniske Højskolers Skibsbyggerkongres (NTHS). The annual congress takes place at the maritime student’s organization LRK at Aalto University in Finland. The granted amount is DKK 10,000. If you are interested in more information about the Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Fund and the Fund’s activities, you can find us at: STF (Søfartsteknisk Forening) applied for financial support for the publication of an anniversary publication. The granted amount is DKK 25,000. Irene Rosberg, Executive MBA in Shipping and Logistics at CBS Executive, applied for financial support for 5 free seats for students at Short Sea Shipping Conference. The conference is hosted by European Shortsea Network (ESN) in cooperation with CBS Executive. The Fund granted the covering of 3 free seats under the condition, that the seats are given to students attending maritime technical university programs at the schools of mechanical engineering or the School of Navigation (Navigationsskolen). Ingrid Marie Vincent Andersen Head of Centre at DTU Maritime applied for 20 free seats for Masters Students at the conference 10th IFAC Conference on Maneuvering and Control of Marine Craft. The Fund granted a maximum of 10 free seats under the condition that the seats are given to students attending maritime courses at DTU Mechanical Engineering. The granted amount is DKK 23,515. 1 2 3 4 Autumm 2015 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 D a n i s h So c ie t y f o r Na v a l A rc h i t e c t u re a nd Ma ri ne E ng i ne e ri ng Future performance depends on today’s decisions Discover more at Logimatic Your maritime professional partner Stadionvej 4 · DK-3390 Hundested · Danmark Telefon +45 47 93 71 17 · Telefax +45 47 93 99 02 E-mail: [email protected] t 'MFFU.BOBHFNFOU4PGUXBSF t "VUPNBUJPOTPMVUJPOT t &MFDUSJDTBVUPNBUJPODPOTVMUBODZ Det Det nye nye S Søfart øfart +45 96 34 70 00 [email protected] www S øfart har har fået fået mere mere Søfart ffokus okus p å shipping, shipping , teknik tekn på o gk arriere. og karriere. Du er ikke én i flokken Prepress • Offsettryk • Digitaltryk • Logistik Grefta Tryk A/S · Markedsgade 41 · 8500 Grenaa · Tlf. 8632 2922 · Sektion for Fluid Mekanik, Vandbygning og Maritim Teknik Support DSNAME and advertise in our program folder Contact Kirsten Weede · [email protected] 1 2 3 4 Autumm 2015 5 6 7 8 • Uddannelse af diplom- og civilingeniører • Forskning på internationalt niveau Sektion for Fluid Mekanik, Vandbygning og Maritim Teknik DTU Mekanik Nils Koppels Allé, Bygning 403, 2800 Kongens Lyngby 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 D a n i s h So c ie t y f o r Na v a l A rc h i t e c t u re a nd Ma ri ne E ng i ne e ri ng Recommendations for the 2015 Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Foundation honorary award Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Foundation’s honorary award of DKK 25.000 is given every autumn to a student who exhibits extraordinary commitment to the maritime sector. DTU, SIMAC, The Copenhagen School of Marine Engineering and Technology Management, Aarhus and Fredericia, University of Southern Denmark (SDU) and MARTEC have the option to award the students with an honorary grant. The recommendation shall include arguments for why the students have made scholarship merits and has to be received by the Fund no later October 1st, 2015. 1 2 3 4 Autumm 2015 5 6 7 The honorary grant will be awarded at Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering’s Christmas party in December. Send the recommendations to: [email protected] in PDF format Or by letter to: Skibsteknisk Selskab/ Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Amaliegade 33 B DK-1256 Copenhagen 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 D a n i s h So c ie t y f o r Na v a l A rc h i t e c t u re a nd Ma ri ne E ng i ne e ri ng Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Skibsteknisk Selskab The Board of Directors 1 2 3 Erik Ingolf Tvedt Secretary General of DSNAME Special adviser and principal ship surveyor, Danish Maritime Authority Tel.: +47 52 74 52 68 [email protected] Thomas S. Knudsen Senior Vice President MAN Diesel & Turbo Tel.: +45 33 85 12 86 [email protected] Per Winther Christensen Deputy Technical Director Denmarks Shipowners Association Tel.: +45 33 48 92 52 [email protected] Bjarne Mortensen Area Development Director DNV GL Telf.: +45 30 36 29 13 [email protected] Bo Cerup-Simonsen Director, Center for oil and gas - DTU Technical University of Denmark Tel.: +45 21 78 94 03 [email protected] Ulrik Dam Nielsen Associate professor DTU Mekanik Tel.: +45 45 25 19 70 [email protected] Peter Bjerregaard Chairman The Association for Promotion of Shipping Tlf.: +45 33 48 92 10 [email protected] Hans Otto Holmegaard Kristensen Consulting Naval Architecht Rugvænget 204 DK-2980 Kokkedal Tel.: +45 40 45 90 20 [email protected] Anders Ørgård Hansen Managing Director and owner of OSK - ShipTech A/S Tel.: +45 86 17 80 99 [email protected] Hans Henrik Petersen Søfartsteknisk Forening Tel.: +45 40 45 11 04 [email protected] 4 Autumm 2015 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 D a n i s h So c ie t y f o r Na v a l A rc h i t e c t u re a nd Ma ri ne E ng i ne e ri ng Secretariat DSNAME & Foundation Maritimt Selskab DSNAME partner Valdemar Ehlers Chairman IDA Maritim Nordic Area Environmental and Statutory Advisor Lloyd’s Register EMEA Tel.: +45 32 96 18 00 [email protected] Kirsten Weede Head of Administration Amaliegade 33 B, DK-1256 Copenhagen K Tel.: +45 33 33 74 88 [email protected] Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Founadation The Board of Directors: Claus Kruse Chairman of DSNAME Foundation Naval Architect Tel.: +45 40 45 33 88 [email protected] Front page foto: OSK - Foto: Peter Therkildsen Editorial: Erik Ingolf Tvedt (chief) and Steen Sabinsky Peter Bjerregaard, Per Winther Christensen, Anders Ørgård Hansen, Ulrik Dam Nielsen, Bjarne Mortensen Print: Grefta Tryk A/S, Grenaa Members of DSNAME: Environment friendly Diesel Engines From 76 to 4000 hp Foreningen til Søfartens Fremme Amaliegade 33B, 1256 København K Granly Diesel A/S Hovedvejen 233 B, Osted - DK-4320 Lejre Fiskerihavnsgade 34 - DK-6700 Esbjerg Tlf. (+45) 46 42 35 50 1 2 3 4 Autumm 2015 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 D a n i s h So c ie t y f o r Na v a l A rc h i t e c t u re a nd Ma ri ne E ng i ne e ri ng Income Statements Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (DSNAME) Income statement from 1 January to 31 December Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (DSNAME) Engineering Fund. Statement of accounts 1 January to 31 December INCOME INCOME 2014 2013 Membership fees Business Contributions Interest income Advertisement Income -Printing of folders 0 184.500 3.028 182.487 -51.565 0 183.000 2.815 238.303 -50.588 Total Income 318.450 373.530 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 EXPENSES Staff costs Payroll taxes Quota for Danish Employers' Association Staff costs Administration Negotiations Seminar Secretariat services Consultant Postage Office supplies, printed materials Informatics Board meetings Representations, gifts, etc. Subsidies for DSNAME Revision Administration others Total expenses -29.302 0 -8.808 0 -36.698 0 -2.803 0 -3.768 -41.878 -2.390 -41.891 Note 2013 107.000 145.913 252.913 176.000 72.407 248.407 EXPENSES Conferences and meetings Administration Total expenses -11.989 -37.340 -49.329 -14.320 -35.759 -50.079 Result before financial posts 203.584 198.328 Financial income Financial expenses 40.659 -25.281 47.749 -22.107 Result before taxes 218.962 223.970 Taxes of annual result -95.000 -95.000 -30.000 -30.000 -14.030 -14.318 -9.526 -10.244 -18.278 -24.681 -5.799 -1.817 -2.880 -500 -83.000 -110.000 -5.900 -5.900 -4.755 -4.470 -269.168 -296.930 Other expenses Speakers etc. Printing of blue cards Travel, transport Seminar, courses Dining with lecturers Additional costs 2014 sponsorships and operating grants Conferences and meetings Total income 0 0 Annual Result 218.962 223.970 Net profit Distribution Reversed distribution for previous years Transferred to distributions frame Used by other free reserves 232.729 329.405 -4.388 0 325.000 0 -334.379 -105.435 Balance Note ACTIVE Current assets Receivables Receivables Other receivables Securities Liquid assets -311.046 -338.821 218.962 223.970 2014 2013 16.875 475.881 492.756 45.000 806.920 851.920 1.035.491 699.522 604 563 Annual result before taxes 7.404 34.709 Total Current assets 1.528.851 1.552.005 Taxes for annual result Reg. taxes for previous years -6.909 0 -13.925 0 TOTAL ACTIVE 1.528.851 1.552.005 495 20.784 2014 2013 Liquid assets Debtors Danish Shipowners Association DSNAME Engineering Fund Income taxes received Received VAT Stock of guest gifts Prepaid expenses 10.843 60.075 222.348 0 3.113 0 14.400 1.525 3.656 11.437 325.652 0 0 716 3.420 940 Total Active 312.304 345.821 Annual result after taxes Balance PASSIVE Equity Base capital Distribution frame Other distributable reserves Balance by 31 December ACTIVE 202.961 495 203.456 182.177 20.784 202.961 Debts DSNAME Engineering Fund Maritime Development Center of Europe Accrued expenses Corporation tax Accrued VAT Prepaid expenses Total debts 73.032 6.187 21.797 0 7.832 0 108.848 92.393 3.561 40.754 6.152 0 0 142.860 Total Passive 312.304 345.821 2 3 4 Autumm 2015 5 6 7 8 9 2013 300.000 300.000 325.000 0 752.574 1.086.953 1.377.574 1.386.953 Debt obligation current liability Trade creditors Other debt 0 151.277 300 164.752 Total debt obligation 151.277 165.052 Total Passive 1.528.851 1.552.005 Notes Equity Capital account balance by 1 January Annual result Total equity, by 31 December 2014 1 Total Equity PASSIVE 1 Note 1 Equity Base capital Balance 1 January / 31 December Distribution frame Balance 1 January Transferred result Distribution frame 31 December Other distributable reserves Balance 1 January Transferred result Other distributable reserves 31 December Total equity 31 December 2014 2013 300.000 300.000 0 325.000 325.000 0 0 0 1.086.953 -334.379 752.574 1.377.574 1.192.388 -105.435 1.086.953 1.386.953 A share of the securities constituting the Fund's basic capital with kr. 300.000. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 D a n i s h So c ie t y f o r Na v a l A rc h i t e c t u re a nd Ma ri ne E ng i ne e ri ng Business Contributors Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering’s events are financed by contributions from companies and institutions which are registered as business contributors. All business contributors freely receive our program released every spring and autumn. Also blue meeting announcements with information of the companies’ events will be sent out via newsletters. Donations to the Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering’s work are welcome. Business contributions are 1.500 DKK excluding VAT per year. The following companies and institutions provide financial support to the Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering’s efforts to safeguard common professional interests of vessel engineers in Denmark; GE Power Conversion Germanischer Lloyd Denmark A/S Granly Diesel A/S Grontmij A/S H. J. Hansen Genvindingsindustri A/S Hans Buch A/S Hans Jensen Lubricators A/S Hansen Maritime Agency Aps Hauschildt Marine A/S Herning Shipping A/S HH-Ferries Hundested - Rørvig Færgefart A/S Hundested Propeller A/S Hydra-Grene A/S International Farvefabrik A/S J. Lauritzen A/S J. Poulsen Shipping A/S Karstensens Skibsværft A/S Knud E. Hansen A/S Københavns Maskinmesterskole og Elinstallatørskole (KME) Lauritzen Kosan A/S LF Ventilation A/S Litehauz ApS Lloyd’s Register Consulting A/S Lloyd’s Register Marine Logimatic Engineering A/S Lyngsø Marine A/S MAN Diesel & Turbo Marco Marine A/S Marcore Consult ApS Marine Alignment A/S Marine Travel A/S Maritime Danmark ApS Marstal Navigationsskole Maskinmestrenes Forening Mekanord Metalock Denmark A/S Mols-Linien A/S MS Engineering A/S MSR-Consult ApS Nakskov Havn Nielsen Marine ApS Nordic Tankers Marine A/S Norisol Isoleringsteknik A/S Novenco Marine & Offshore A.C. Lemvigh-Müller A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S A/S Dampskibsselskabet TORM A/S Hvide Sande Skibs- og Baadebyggeri A/S Jørgen Petersen - Rådgivende Skibsingeniører A/S Kelvin Hughes A2SEA A/S ABB A/S ABS Europe Ltd. Alfa Laval Aalborg A/S AREPA Danmark A/S BAC Corrosion Control BIMCO Blue Water Shipping Bureau Veritas Denmark Burmeister & Wain Scandinavian Contractor A/S C.C.JENSEN A/S Cargotec Castrol Marine Danmark ClassNK (Nippon Kaiji Kyokai) Copenhagen Malmö Port AB Corral Line ApS Dampskibsselskabet NORDEN A/S Danmarks Rederiforening Danmarks Skibskredit A/S Danske Maritime DESMI A/S DFDS Seaways DHI - Institut for Vand og Miljø DIAB ApS DNV GL (Det Norske Veritas) DTU Mekanik, Institut for Mekanisk Teknologi EMRI A/S ERRIA A/S ERRIA Consulting Falck Formco A/S Fjord Line Danmark A/S FORCE Technology Forsvarets Materieltjeneste Fournais A/S FURUNO DANMARK A/S Færgen 1 2 3 4 Autumm 2015 5 6 7 8 9 10 OSK-ShipTech A/S Persolit Entreprenør A/S PJ Diesel Engineering A/S Pon Power A/S PPG Protective and Marine Coatings Danmark A/S Pres-Vac Engineering ApS Propulsion Dynamics Europe PumPac A/S PureteQ A/S Rockwool A/S Rolls-Royce Marine A/S Roxtec Denmark A/S Royal Arctic Line A/S Rådgivende Skibsingeniører Jens Kristensen A/S Scandlines Danmark A/S SeaMall Sejerøbugtens Færger SELCO A/S Siemens A/S SIMAC Skibstegnestuen ApS SKULD Sperry Marine, Northrop Grumman Strömma Danmark A/S Survey Association LTD. A/S SVITZER A/S Syddansk Universitet, Inst. for Teknologi og Innovation Søfartens Arbejdsmiljøråd Søfartens Ledere Søfartsstyrelsen Søværnets Officersskole Teknologisk Institut Tuco Marine ApS Ulykkesforsikringsforbundet for dansk Søfart Uni-Safe A/S Viking Life-Saving Equipment A/S Wencon ApS Wärtsilä Danmark A/S Wärtsilä Svanehøj A/S 11 12 13 14 15 16 D a n i s h So c ie t y f o r Na v a l A rc h i t e c t u re a nd Ma ri ne E ng i ne e ri ng Is your company a contributor of the Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering? If you can say yes to this, then you are a member of the core and the vast network of companies contributing to our technical specialist association, Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering. The association aims to safeguard common professional interests of their members and affiliated associations and contributors. By being a contributor, you will receive several offers regarding technical specialist’s events and belong to a powerful network. We thank you very much for supporting the protection of important knowledge dissemination, exchange of experiences, ideas generation and innovation development within the marine engineering and the maritime environment area. Become a contributor to the Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, if you can answer yes to the following: You have a • Desire to support, improve, and develop the vessel technical knowledge level in Denmark. • Desire to take home new and important knowledge for your company’s development in marine engineering; environment and innovation. • Desire to support the future young vessel engineers’ development and knowledge. • Desire to make sure we have a forum and a network of Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, where we can meet with peers and share experience and knowledge. Then become a contributor of Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering! The contributors are the focal point of the activities of the association. The contributions, together with donations, form the economic basis of the association. Business contribution is DKK 1.500 per year. See more at or contact the secretariat and ask for Kirsten Weede tel: +45 33 33 74 88. 1 2 3 4 Autumm 2015 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 D a n i s h So c ie t y f o r Na v a l A rc h i t e c t u re a nd Ma ri ne E ng i ne e ri ng Tilmeld Tilmeld d dig ig S Søfarts øfarts n nyhedsbrev yhedsbrev R Read e ad m maritime aritime n news. ews. E Every ver y d day ay o on n VISION To be the preferred provider of safe tanker shipping solutions to the oil and chemical industry, known for the best people and operational excellence. Alfa Laval Nordic A/S • Krondalvej 7 • DK-2610 Rødovre Phone +45 44 57 62 00 • Fax +45 44 57 62 44 1 2 3 4 Autumm 2015 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 D a n i s h So c ie t y f o r Na v a l A rc h i t e c t u re a nd Ma ri ne E ng i ne e ri ng
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