Document 393132

What is the New Brunswick Securities
Crown Corporation
Established in 2004
Double role
Getting started
Know where you’re going financially
Know what you’re investing in
Know who you’re dealing with
Know where to go for help
Know where you’re going financially
See: “Investment Planning Worksheet” in your kit
Make a plan
What do I want to accomplish?
– Contribute $10,000 toward your child’s education
in 10 years
– Retire in 15 years with an income of $50,000 a
year for at least 20 years
Make a plan
How much risk am I willing to take?
Risk tolerance may depend on:
– What is more important to you – safety or higher
– When you need your money
– How you react to market ups and downs
– If you have any debts
– If you have any other sources of income
Make a plan
Am I comfortable enough to do this on my
– Always check with the NBSC to find out if the
adviser is registered, and if the individual or firm
has a record of any disciplinary action.
Make a plan
What type of investment is right for me?
– Characteristics
– Risk level
Know what you’re investing in
See: “Investments at a Glance” in your kit
Types of Investments
Cash and Cash equivalents
– Money in your bank account
– Canada savings bonds, T-bills and money market
– Safe, quick access to your money
– Low rates of return in comparison
Types of Investments
Fixed Income Securities
– Based on debt
– You are lending your money for a certain period
of time in exchange for a promise to pay you
interest and to repay the “face value”
– Relatively safe
– Better rates of return than cash-equivalent
Types of Investments
– A.K.A. “stocks”
– Part ownership
– May receive dividends (profits the company
allocates to its shareholders)
– Two ways to make money: Dividends, or increase
in stock value
– No guarantee – companies don’t have to pay
dividends, and the value can fluctuate
Types of Investments
Investment funds
Collection of investments
Focus on specific investments
Pooling your money
Invest in a variety of investments for a relatively
low cost
– Managed by a professional manager
Types of Investments
Mutual Funds
– Continually issues units or shares to investors
– Risk varies from low to very high
– Fees and expenses deducted from the fund’s
– Voting right
– Not guaranteed
See: “Understanding Mutual Funds” in your kit
Types of Investments
Alternative Investments
Foreign currencies (FOREX)
Hedge funds
– Most complicated types of investment
– Higher-than-average risk, higher-than-average
Be an Informed Investor
How will the investment make money?
What are the total fees to buy, hold and sell
the investment?
What are the specific risks?
How easy would it be to sell the investment if
you needed your money right away?
Does the investment fit with your goals and
risk tolerance
Spotting the Red Flags of Fraud
See: “Protecting your Money” in your kit
Red Flags of Fraud
Guaranteed high returns – no risk
Insider tips – get in now!
Offshore investment – tax free!
Profit like the experts!
Great investment opportunity – your friends
can’t be wrong!
See: “Investment Fraud Checklist” in your kit
What the NBSC Can Do
The NBSC can:
answer general questions about investment
products and services,
tell you if a firm or representative is registered in
New Brunswick,
tell you if an individual or firm has ever been
disciplined by the NBSC,
suggest options for pursuing your complaint and tell
you which organization may be most helpful
enforce compliance with securities legislation, and
act against market misconduct, including removing
from the market those who do not comply with the
law or who cheat investors.
What the NBSC Can Do (Cont)
The NBSC cannot:
undo a transaction,
give advice on an investment,
give legal advice, or
comment on an ongoing investigation.
How you might be approached
Boiler rooms (See: “Boiler Room Scams – Could
you be vulnerable?” in your kit)
Internet Fraud (See: “Investment Fraud and the
Internet” in your kit)
Affinity Fraud
Reporting Fraud
See: “Complaints Resource Kit” in your kit
Do a background check
Hang up on unsolicited phone calls
Never respond to spam
Use common sense
Contact us:
1 866 933-2222
[email protected]