Email: [email protected] ~ Web: Facebook:UmcofRanchoCordova Pastor: Rev. Tina Ballagh; Administrative Assistant: Sonya Auer November 2014 Edition UMW Holiday Faire November 1, 2014 10:00am to 2:00pm You are invited to our annual Holiday Craft Faire of unique gifts, baked goods & Luncheon UMCRC ANNUAL CHARGE CONFERENCE SUNDAY NOVEMBER 23, AFTER WORSHIP PASTOR EVA MARTIN WILL BE PRESIDING EVERYONE IS INVITED! *Luncheon at 12:00noon - by ticket only $12.00 per person Contact Louise Underwood for tickets Thanksgiving volunteers sign ups begin November 3 at Loaves & Fishes Faith Matters The Season After Pentecost From the Sunday after Pentecost all the way up to the season of Advent after Thanksgiving weekend we are on a faith journey in a long season called....well simply “The Sundays after Pentecost.” Also referred to as Kingdomtide, the gift of the Holy Spirit prompts and guides the response of the Christian community through growth in our discipleship and service, utilizing our gifts and graces in giood stewardship of all that is God’s. We , the Church -the Body of Christ here on Earth - has been gifted with all that it needs to proclaim and participate in God’s mission to and for the world. We are freed of fear, our hearts and wills formed by the compassion and love of the Triune God first experienced at the Lord’s Table. We are all called to take a deeper step and commitment in faith in this season, practicing the Five Fruitful Practices: Intentional Faith Development, Radical Hospitality, Extravagent Generosity, Risk-taking Mission and Passionate Worship that we may stay in love and relationship with God and serve our neighbors in all the ways, places, times and ways you can. In order to be considered for volunteer placement, you must be at least 14 years old and have attended a Volunteer Orientation. To register or to find out more information, please call 916-637-2444 or email [email protected] Daylight Savings Ends November 2, 2014 Along the Way ... page 2 Table for Six ... page 6 Sunrise Circuit News... page 8 Hanging of the Greens ... page 10 1 walking together in faith “D-i-s-c-i-p-l-e-s” ... It’s a calling and a lifestyle! Can the practice of faith be a true adventure? Just routine? Or even a struggle? Well, it could be any of those and no doubt when considering the wide range of experiences we humans bring to the practice of faith, we need Jesus’ ministry to remind us that the practice of faith is indeed a true adventure. The early disciples were regularly confounded by the directions that Jesus would lead them. The saints of the church over the centuries have shown us that to step out deeply in faith is an awesome and risk-taking adventure. Theologian Alfred North Whitehead once said, “God is the great adventurer of the universe.” To follow the path of Jesus that leads to a deep and profound relationship with God takes us into the heart of faith adventure. Such a journey is not for the lazy or disinterested or the faint-hearted. The journey takes commitment and investment every step of the way. The journey also leads to deeper enjoyment or richer fulfillment and learning. com·pas·sion kem/paSH/en: noun plural noun: compassions Sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. Synonyms: pity, sympathy, empathy, fellow feeling, care, concern, solicitude, sensitivity, warmth, love, tenderness, mercy, leniency, tolerance, kindness, humanity, charity . Antonyms: indifference, cruelty Origin: Middle English: via Old French from ecclesiastical Latin compassio(n-):‘to suffer with.’ There are several ways such a journey can come alive for you. One is to join a small group like FEAST or the Sewing or Craft Groups. Another is to become a part of one of our many Bible- based sudies, the UMW Circle “Susannah/Friendship”; our Middle School or our Senior High Youth groups, La Bella Notte Chime Ensemble, the Wind Ensemble, Chapel Choir, or our newest Children & Youth Choir beginning November 2nd after Worship/ Sunday School. Our Interfaith Food Ministry ‘Cordova Food Locker’ team, Loaves and Fishes Ministry, and working quarterly with Family Promise as hosts & meal preparers is a vital mission reach of UMCRC close to home as well as our “Be Our Guest” 3rd Wednesday hospitality. Our Traveling Missions teams are forming and planning their preparations for next June and July to Utah and Arizona, There are so many opportunities here ....just take a look at the church calendar and our newsletter ‘The Circuit Rider”. Sonya and I are happy to help you connect. To realize such an extraordinary adventure, one has to be intentional and open to new experiences. Our 1st Sunday Taize service is a new evening opportunity to connect with God in a quieter, more contempletive way. Disciple/apostle Peter writes in the Message Bible by Eugene Peterson: “So roll up your sleeves, put your mind in gear, be totally ready to receive the gift that’s coming when Jesus arrives. Don’t lazily slip back into those old grooves of evil, doing just what you feel like doing. You didn’t know any better then; you do now. As obedient children, let yourselves be pulled into a way of life shaped by God’s life, a life energetic and blazing with holiness. God said, “I am holy; now, you be holy.” Peter is calling us, as did Jesus, to a life full of faith adventure: knowing, loving and serving God and others. The cool part: we get to take the journey love and mercy and forgiveness. WOW!! 2 ~Love in Christ, Pastor Tina In the moments and times when putting compassion into action seems hard and at times even impossible, perhaps we might take inspiration from Nike, Inc., which says, “Just do it.” Or from Marian Wright Edelman, who wrote, “If you don’t like the way the world is, you go change it. You have an obligation to... and You just do it one step at a time, one person at a time, one dsy st s time.” Perhaps we might receive inspiration from Nelson Mandela, who said, “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” And we won’t forget Walt Disney, who said, “It’s kind of fun to attempt to do the impossible!” Susannah/Friendship Circle Wednesday November 5 in Snyder Hall. Ladies, please join us the first Wednesday of each month at 9:30am for refreshments followed by the meeting at 10:00am. This will be our World Thank Offering, please bring the money you have collected all year long This is a great time of fellowship, worship and doing the work God has in store for us. We welcome all women of the church to all meetings. Our United Methodist Men’s Fellowship (UMM) includes several possibilities for young and older men to come together for fellowship, prayer and study together. We meet the second Saturday of each month at Brookfields on Folsom Blvd. in Rancho Cordova. This month we will be meeting on November 8 at 7:30am. All men 18-100 are invited to have breakfast with us, share devotional time, and discuss up-coming events. Women’s Spirituality Group Tuesday November 11 at 7:00pm at UMCRC in the Fireside Room For more information, please contact Louise Underwood Our Weekend Warriors working a little overtime.... Our Wednesday morning breakfast fellowship gathers at McDonald’s on Folsom Blvd (near See’s Candies) on the 2nd Wednesday at 8:00 am. Our next gathering will be November 12! You are Welcome! RCUMC SNAP SHOT Operational Expenses Only Income & Expense September 30, 2014 Income Expenses Profit(Loss) Apportionments Actual Budget YTD % of Budget $107,234 $118,772 90% $125,015 $135,967 92% -$17,781 -$17,195 Owed $10,726 Paid $4,510 Due $6,216 Join us on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month at 7:00pm for our United Methodist Men’s Bible Study. We will be meeting at the Salmon’s home this month. Contact Mike Hughes for more information. 3 Umbr breel la New Newss Yellow Umbrella: Mission and Outreach Ministries FAMILY PROMISE WEEK IS NOVEMBER 23-29! *That is during Thanksgiving* Let’s all work together to give them a warm and special holiday! Red Umbrella Music & Arts, Celebrations Beginning Sunday November 2! UMCRC Children’s Choir 11:30am-12:00noon Snyder Hall All children are invited to come and sing along! It is sure to be lots of fun! Sunday November 2 at 5:30pm “Be Our Guest” Dinner & Fellowship for everyone in our community November 19 , 2014 from 5:00 to 6:30pm Disciples are always in need! Contact Barbara Leard to find out how you can help. Also, Invitations are available in Adams Hall for you to share with the community. Blue Umbrella: Evangelism, Christ Care, Membership Christ Care Team Meeting Sunday November 16 at 4:30pm Our next Emmaus Reunion meeting will be Wednesday, November 5th at 7:00 pm in Adam’s Hall. Reunion groups help keep the feeling of the Walk to Emmaus alive in our hearts, and also serve future pilgrims. Please join us! If you have any questions, please contact Tom or Julie Steinbach. De Colores! 43 An hour-long meditative candle-lit service that centers around music, prayer, scripture and silence, to quiet the mind, open the heart and feed the soul… Taize is a time of prayer and praise, Thanksgiving and assurance practiced in community in the presence of God. Some share that this service expresses for them a basic reality of faith that can be grasped quickly by the heart and intellect, gradually penetrating the whole being. Come and see and experience if this practice of prayer feeds and fills your own heart and spirit. Invite a friend for whom our Sunday morning worship is not at a time that works for their life or for whom the quiet centering is a better fit! This Fall there our growing breadth of musical expressions at UMCRC continue. You are invited to come be a part in one that will stretch and grow your skills or just offer the blessed tapestry of ‘the joy of music and being with others’ in community. Vocal Choir: Thursdays at 7: 00 p.m. Praise Band Thursdays at 5:15 p.m. The Wind Ensemble: Wednesdays at 6: 45 p.m. The Chime Ensemble: Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. Children’s Choir: Sundays at 11:30 a.m. The Green Umbrella Christian Education & Stewardship FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT BIBLE STUDY This group meets twice each month - on the first and third Tuesdays of the month in different homes. Our first meeting in November will be held on Tuesday, November 4, 2014 at 9:30 a.m. at the home of Ver Joyce and Mike Salmon. Bill Ballagh will leading the discussion and snacks will be provided by the Salmon’s. This group is studying a six-session series titled Dealing With My Problems and we will be focusing on Matthew 6:25-34 and the subject of Worry. On Tuesday, November 18, 2014 at 9:30 a.m. we will meet in the home of Judith Kummer where we will conclude our discussions on Dealing With My Problems, focusing on Matthew 27:11-26 which deals with Moral Dilemmas. Ver Joyce Salmon will be facilitating the discussion and Bill Ballagh will provide snacks. If you’d like to join a Bible Study group that meets during the day, twice a month, please consider joining this group. Please call Ver Joyce Salmon at 853-9976 to get on the group mailing list. Your presence would be a gift. THE SEEKERS BIBLE STUDY This group will be meeting on Monday, November 3, 2014 at 9:30 a.m. at the home of Florence Harmor. Mike Salmon will facilitate the discussion and Eileen Andersen will provide snacks. At our November gathering we will be focusing on Mark 4:1-20 which is the “The Sower” aspect of Discovering the Deeper Life. This group meets once a month and everyone is welcome. DISCIPLE II BIBLE STUDY Wednesdays at 10:00AM and Thursdays at 7:00PM in Adams Hall, Room 5 This walk through the Bible by themes encompassing the entire library of Genesis, Exodus, Luke and the Acts of the apostles. Each 8 week segment will end with a break. The first break begins November 27. ADVENT STUDY BEGINS On December 4, we will begin a 4 week Advent study called UNDER WRAPS: The Gift We Never Expected. LIVING THE QUESTIONS Continuing Mondays at 7:00pm, thru November 24 in the Fireside Room Join us for a 5 part discussion about Islam, called “The Jesus Fatwah”. This is an open invitation to anyone who would like to understand more (or anything) about this religion that is making news headlines daily. Organizer, Pastor Eva Martin, admits to being ignorant but has a lot of questions. It will be a journey together. We will meet weekly, ending Monday November 24, just before Thanksgiving. WATCH FOR A NEW IN FOCUS BIBLE STUDY GROUP for those looking for a simpler walk throught the Bible... Our next group begins in January 2015. If this interests you, tell Mike or VerJoyce Salmon whether a weekday or a Saturday morning might work for you. 5 Words from Wesley A Bible Study of Spirituals and “Songs of Zion” by Andrew Davis, Wesley Theological Seminary, Washington, D.C. Spirituals are a timeless piece of the fabric of human history. Ranging from songs of freedom from captivity during the human slave trade, to the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, to the struggles of marginalized groups today, spirituals are a powerful way of seeking God’s deliverance and pointing to the hope of a brand new day. This four-week study may be used any time of the year and may bring new light to the struggles of those facing persecution today, including immigrant families, women, people of color and the LGBT community. At the same time, this study could also provide a framework for ways in which spirituals can be incorporated into our weekly worship services. JOIN THE FUN! New Group Being Organized! Friends Eating And Sharing Together Tuesday November 11 at 11:30am This month, Ver Joyce and Mike Salmon will be coordinating our outing. We will be enjoying the food at WONDERFUL CHINESE located at Sylvan Corners in Citrus Heights. This restaurant was written up in the Sacramento Bee a few years ago and their food continues to be enjoyed by many. If you would like to carpool, we will be departing from the church at 11:00 a.m. Or if you prefer, you can meet us at the restaurant at 11.30 a.m. Please call Ver Joyce and Mike at 8539976 if you would like to join the group on the 11th as reservations will be made on the 10th. Want to Co-ordinate a FEAST Outing? Contact the restaurant, asking them if we can have separate checks for lunch. If the restaurant will not provide separate checks the host has the task of coordinating payment at the end of the meal. Host calls the restaurant with the final number of reservations for lunch the day prior to our dining out. Folks have the choice of either meeting / carpooling at the church or going directly to the restaurant. 6 F.E.A.S.T. (Friends Eating and Sharing Together) has been meeting monthly since July 10, 2012 and it has been a great adventure. We meet on the second Tuesday of each month with a member of the congregation selecting a restaurants for us to visit for lunch. We’ve enjoyed the following cuisines, to name a few: Persian, Thai, Mexican, Japanese, Italian, Chinese, Russian and Korean. All were wonderful! We’d like to start up another fellowship/dining group that will meet on the weekends or in the evenings for those who are not retired. There will be six people in each group; hence the title: Table for 6. Once we have a list of individuals who would like to participate, we will set up groups who will meet on the dates and times of their choosing for three months. The group may choose to go out for brunch after worship, get together for breakfast on Saturday morning or meet in some someone’s home to enjoy a potluck meal. After three months of fellowshipping together, the groups will be reformed. Our plan is to have group assignments in place starting in January 2015. What a great way to start the new year! If you participate in F.E.A.S.T. please consider joining “Table for 6” as well. Everyone is welcome! Celebra tions THIS MONTH Celebrations 2 3 6 9 13 Dana Huppert Phyllis Hall Lindsey Drake Christopher Sullivan Becky Celaya Lois Powers 15 Jane Gebhart Jeanie Strathdee 17 AJ Abdulla 18 Bill Ballagh Rod Ellenberger 22 Lucas Haas-Tan Scott McKinney 24 Ed Martin 26 Benjamin Bautos Michael Fris Joe Pearce 28 Larry Fordham Herb Powell 30 Kay RIchardson 11 Nancy & Jay Harmor 14 Arnella & Benjamin Bautos 22 VerJoyce & Mike Salmon Do you know of a birthday or anniversary that should be listed here? Please let our office staff know :Youth Ministry News: A Shepherd’s Story Our New Children’s & Youth Choir Begins Sunday November 2 - December 21 Sunday morning November 2nd is a special for several reasons: It’s the start of Pacific Standard time ( ‘fall back’ Saturday evening by turning your clocks and watches BACK one hour when you go to bed). It is also ‘All Saints Sunday’ as we remember those who have come before us in faith, inlife and in witness and rest in God now from their labors. And it is at last, the beginning of our Children’s Music Ministry with choir director Betty Karamatova. Children and Youth from age three to twelve are invited to come be a part of this new musical experience. The choir will choose their name and begin readying a special song for Thanksgiving Sunday November 23. They will also be learn four songs as part of their Christmas gift to the congregation on Sunday December 21st called “A Shepherd’s Story”. Our Middle School Youth Group will be learning the speaking roles of the play while all the children learn the role of the shepherds and angels, prepare the props and backdrops, and announcements that will be Preparing the Way of the Lord during Advent season. All children and youth and their friends beyond our walls are invited to be a part of an exciting Advent season. A CIRCLE of FRIENDS A new group is forming here at UMCRC for Young Adults who live with challenging and varied abilities every day and who are looking for creative expression, genuine friendships, warm welcome and fun with others! Our first get together of 2014 will be in December. Listen for more news and watch for your personal invitation! This wonderful Nativity play is also a children’s curriculum as the girls and boys learn in a fresh new way about the many participants in the story of Jesus’ birth and what bringing Good News is all about. Each Sunday during Sunday School we will be focusing on a different aspect of the Good News story, while also making props and backdrops, learning our character’s roles and meeting some of the special guests who will join us week by week to teach us about living in those times and bringing Good News to the world! Don’t miss out on these six special Sundays!! Calling All Senior High Youth You are invited tocome share the journey deep in faith and in mission response with Sr. High companions in Christ. As well, come learn and get better acquainted with congregational mentors that you will choose to journey through 2014 and 2015 alongside. And, we’ll be preparing these next nine months for our return trip to our Sierra Service Project site at Tsaile, AZ while serving here in the Sacramento area in mission to our neighbors from God. Invite a friend! Join us each 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. 7 Sister Swing Concert AF amily P romise Event Family Promise Father Tony Flannery, a native of Galway, Ireland will speak at St. Mark’s UMC on Sunday November 16 from 3:00 to 5:00pm Fr. Tony has been ordered to remain silent and forbidden to minister as a priest because of his refusal to sign a document that violates his conscience; namely that women cannot be priests and that he accepts all Church stances on contraception, homosexuality, and refusal of the sacraments to people in second relationships. After a year during which he attempted to come to some accomodation with the Vatican without successs, he has decided to take a public stance on the need to reform the Church. Fr. Tony Flannery is an example of what a priest should be: a pastoral, thoughtful, inclusinve and engaging leader, yet he has been bullied by the Vatican for working to revitatlize our wounded Church. UMC Night at Sacramento Kings A United Methodist Night to Imagine No Malaria with the Sacramento Kings will be held on Friday, February 20, with their game against the Boston Celtics. A portion of California-Nevada Conference ticket sales will benefit the conference’s Imagine No Malaria initiative. The game begins at 7 p.m. Persons who purchase UMC tickets will gain exclusive access to watch program warm-ups beginning at 5 p.m. For more information, contact the UMCRC Church Office or Angela Franklin, (916) 374-1525, or [email protected]. 8 Saturday, November 1 at 7:00pm at Fair Oaks UMC 9849 Fair Oaks Blvd., Fair Oaks $10 adults $5 children *All proceeds go directly to Family Promise Sister Swing is a trio of voclaists dedicated to fun and frivolity while preserving the vintage jazz sounds of the girl groups of the 1930s and 1940s. Sister Swing has had the honor of receiving the Best Swing Band title from the Sacramento News & Review Magaizine in 2005, as well as the distinct honor of singing for Bob Hope and his wife at the Wings Over Stockton Air Show. Join our sister church and help people in our community, while enjoying an evening of music and fun! The Circuit revival movement is open to all persons who are exploring what it means to live as Jesus calls us to live. In addition, we will be planning quarterly events such as attending Christian concerts, movies, etc.,along with a local summer missions project for 2015. The best way to learn more is to visit our website at NOV 7th 7pm Circuit Revival Fair Oaks UMC Nov 9th 3pm Circuit Excursion – Winter Jam 2014 at Sleep Train Arena – Featuring Hill Song United, Jeremy Camp, Francesca Battestelli and more… DEC 5th 7pm Circuit Revival Rancho Cordova UMC Praying we will see you at the Circuit Revival! Invite family and friends to come along! 9 A Weekend with Sam Kauffman A Servant’s Heart Ministries If you are interested in helping hang the greens and preparing the chapel for Advent, please let us know! Perhaps 11/27 or 28 or 29? What time shall we get together to Deck the Halls?? 9:30 am - 12:30 pm Saturday November 15 Storytelling & Drama Workshop for Sacramento Churches Session 1: “Music, Movement, Prayer and Song” Session 2: “Once upon God’s Time - Let Me Tell You a Story” Session 3: “Living Word” *Lunch will be served in between Sessions 2 & 3. Please make sure the Church Office has your current contact information as well as the preference of how you wish to receive mailings and notices. Sam will also be with us at Worship Sunday morning at 10:00am. Come for a unique time of storytelling and music with the theme “Celebrate the Harvest” ...for December 2014 is Friday, November 20th The UNITED METHODIST CHURCH of RANCHO CORDOVA 2101 Zinfandel Drive, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670-5227 Web: / Facebook: UmcofRanchoCordova Address Service Requested 10 November 2014 Edition
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