CONTENTS As an Academic Science 1) Presently : Korea Research Foundation (2012) SC1007, sub-division of marketing 2) Truely : multi-disciplinary science. → Need marketing, MIS, HRM, IT, accounting, Social, etc. 3) Direction : Independent classification. -3- Research Trends : Theory-Driven, Conceptual, Metrics [1] Theoretical Studies Sujeong Choi, KiJu (KJ) Cheong, Richard A. Feinberg, "(2012), Moderating effects of supervisor support, monetary rewards, and career paths on the relationship between job burnout and turnover intentions in the context of call centers", Managing Service Quality, Vol. 22 Iss: 5 pp. 492-515 SJ Gwak, KJ Cheong, SJ Choi, A Study on the Effects of the Job Burnout on the Customer Orientation, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover Intention of Customer Service Representatives at Customer Centers Management Research Vol 39, No3, 2010. 06. Hyun Chul Park et al.(2012), "A Study on Determinants of Organizational Commitment, Service Quality, and Turnover Intention of Customer Service Representatives in a Call center - Based on Social Exchange Theory and Internal Marketing, Marketing Mgt. Research, 17(4), 23-54 -4- Research Trends : Theory-Driven, Conceptual, Metrics [2] Conceptual Studies Jon Anton, (2000) "The past, present and future of customer access centers", International Journal of Service Industry Management, Vol. 11 Iss: 2, pp.120 - 130. K. J. Cheong (2012) “Major Issues and Challenges of Korean Customer Center Industry,” Journal of Customer Center Services, Vol. 2, No1, September. [3] Relational Studies of Internal Matrices Richard A. Feinberg, Ik-Suk Kim and Leigh Hokama, Ko de Ruyter and Cherie Keen "Operational determinants of caller satisfaction in the call center, "International Journal of Service Industry Management, Vol. 11 No. 2, 2000, pp. 131-141. -5- Promising Research Area 1) Turnover (Attrition), Leadership, 2) Classification of Customer Center KPI by call flow direction and operation type 3) SERVICE QUALITY of Customer Centers 4) Relationships among Internal Matrix 5) Upgrade of e-lang C Formula: Call & Staff Forecasting -6- Perspective:Narrow Business Service (KIET, 2004) [SIC] Information Processing and Related Business (72) Narrow Business –supporting Industry Research Development (73) Business Service (M) Business Consulting (7422) Specialized Science & Technology Services (74) Market & Opinion Research (7421) HR-support Business (75121) Industry-support Service (75) Telemarketing Services (75942) -7- Standard Industry Classification(SIC;CIRC, 2007) Call center Services (75942) Self-Operating(759421) App. 3,300 Outsourcing (759422) App. 100 (759423 ) App. 100 tech-support Training/Consulting. (759424) App. 50 Telemarketing Services Callcenter ( 7 -8- and 5 , Telemarketing 9 9 Services 1 ) Estimated Market Size-Inbound only (CIRC, 2013) 1.7 Bill. USD$ 140,000 1.1 Bill. USD$ 120,000 Annual Growth Rate: 8% 100,000 80,000 60,000 Slow Growth 40,000 Decreased application, Domesticated Market 20,000 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Unit : (Billion USD$) -9- 2008 2013 Estimated CC Distribution by Industry (CIRC, 2011) Centered around telcom, financial, insurance, spread into Public, hospitals, government sectors and others. 10.40% 12.00% 7.60% 10.00% 8.00% 6.00% 4.00% 2.00% 9.80% 9.60% 4.20% 4.00% 3.60% 0.40% 0.60% 7.60% 7.00% 4.90% 4.70% 2.50% 2.10% 0.80% 0.00% - 10 - 1.70% 5.30% 4.20% 2.80% 1.30% 1.30% 0.80% CC Distribution by Regions around 70~80% are located in the Seoul area, but spreading into regions with ample agent supply and incentives provide incentives as it is clean, non-polluted, knowledge-generating business and job creating industry. <Seat Numbers by Major Regions> Gwangju 42 companies 52 centers 8,500 seats Daegu Daejeon Busan Jeonnam Jeju 45 centers 93 centers 60 centers 9 centers 6 centers 8,135 seats 12,171 seats 15,000 seats 1,300 seats 800 seats source : 2012 Prime Economy - 11 - Need to recognize value from CC Valued low despite of its contribution to enhancing QOL and creating wealth to companies and nation. Type Contributing Value Correction Job Creation (3.5%, Industrial workers) Customer or CitizenBased National/ corporate development Support market oriented industry(VOC) Develop consumer oriented P&S (VOC) Better Political Care/ Recognize The Value Secure Competitive adv. thru CS/delight Improve communication with customers Improving QOL Serve as problem resolvement channel Offer Ideas to Improve SQL - 12 - Empathize Predicament Of agents Need to Use Unified Terminology ISSUE : Different Terminology Use by Major Institutions Insttution Situation Korea Standard Industry Classification ASCS (Academic Society) KMAC Terminogy Call center Key Inbound/outbout centers CIRC Customer center KCCA Contact center Customer respect & center phylosophy Customer Contact is key Revised “telemarketing services”to “call center and telemarketing services” from public hearings in 2007 Revised “Academic Society of Korean Call Center Services” to “Academic Society of Korean Customer Center Services”in 2011 Confusion from varying use of Terminology - 13 - Perspectives from CIRC-KOREA Call Center Not valid due to Increasing mobile and internet channels, decreasing telephone channel usage, Telemarketing Damaged Image from the market due to “push” and “deceptive marketing”conducts. Contact Center Vendor-oriented rather than customer oriented. Customers are more than simple channel. Somewhat dis-regarding customers CIRC – Korea suggest to adopt the terminology of “Customer Center”reflecting Customer–Respect Phylosophy, Recommendations from the ASCS And Market Trends to the industry. - 14 - How do you call your operation? 41% (159) Call Center 8% (32) Contact Center 44% (172) Customer Center 1% (5) TeleMarketing Center 3% (11) Others 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% CIRC (2012.01.20~2012.03.07) Market Categorization, Method, & Size(Unit: USD Billion $) Categorization : self-operating, tech-support, outsourcing, training & consulting Method of Calculation: (1) Sales based, (2) Budget Based. ▶self - operating Total Budget (1.7 bil), tech – support (0.17 bil.), outsourcing (0.6 bil.) Large 3,000 center x 10% x 10 bil. = app. 0.3 bil. Medium 3,000 centers x 30% x 5 bil. = app. 0.5 bil. Small 3,000 centers x 60% x 0.5 bil. = app. 0.9 bil. ▶ telemarketing - outbound : app. over a few hundreds bil. ▶ Training : 33 million, Consulting: (300 million.) - 16 - Urgency of enacting CC Industry Promotion Act Essential to support CC Industry from Taxes due to large Job Creation & Regional development Effect, No Law exist so far. Laws of Other Industry Ranationale Examples Industry Characteristics • Pro –environmnet , No pollution • Insect Industry Promotion Actt • Knowledge concentration • International conference Promotition Act • contribute to IT development • Fisherry Promotion Act Regional Economy Revitalization • Fishing Industry Promotion Act • Promote relocation to locals Increase local taxes and • Horse Industry Promotion Act improve financial soundness • Socialy-disadvatageous support Act Equal Employment • No discrimination by sex, • .. physicaldisadvantage, age If Rational and request from Industry, support is necessary • Nonfacial customer interaction - 17 - Draft of CC Industry Promotion Act Art 1 : Purpose Art 2: Definition of terminologies Art 3 : Obligation of the government, Art 5 : Deginating and instaliing the organization in charge of CC Industry Art 6 : Planning Principles of CC Industry Art 7 : Support for CC EXPO/Conference, Art 8 :: Building Infra for Promoting & supporting CC Industry Art 9 : iBuilding CC related Infra and setting guideline of operation Art 10 : Training and educating Professional CC HRM Art 11 : Prromoting gIobal cooperation, Act 12;: e-CC building and infra Art 13: : Promoting Exchange of CC Industry Information Art 14 & 15 : Degiignating and supporting major CC city Art 16 : Finaicial Soiurces for executting the Acts Art 17: : Relations with Other Laws - 18 - Majority located around Seoul: 80% Confronting Issues Benefits for relocation • Seriously low pool of agents relatively high rent • Low popularity of CC as a job • 3D(dirty, difficulty, dangerous) => Utilization of ICT CSI (clean, Safe, Interesting) • High turnover rates • Low concern/supports from metro government • Lack of CC training institutions, colleges Planned relocation of government offices & public companies - 19 - Reduction of Operation Cost Stable supply of agents Resolved distance issues with ICT (Phillipine, India) Real time monitoring and processing operational situations and statistics Subsidies from local governments Low rent => Low cost Low HRM cost Low competition for HRM Possible to create training programs with local educational institutions Proposed Measures 1. Escape from 3D Image => Strengthen promotion 2. Terminology Unification => Compare Logics and evaluate 3. Develop scientific methods for estimating market size 4. Legislate CC industry Promotion law 5. Diffuse CC cluster to local and overseas 6. Partnering with APCCAL for A-P market Entry - 20 - Expected Results from taking Masures 1. Fair competition of outsourcing industry from price to service quality 2. Governmental supports for the industry growth 3. Stable supply of quality agents 4. Reduced operational expenses of CC industry - 21 - Q&A
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