~FFIJE oj TIlE CHIEF METROPOllTAN MAGISTRATE, CENTRAL, DISTRlCT, DELHI. " ORDER ,, Pursu' nt to guidelines of Hon'ble High Court of Delhi, vide letter bearing No. 20147/G-8/Gaz./Spl.MM dated 18-09-2008 anf consequent upon superannuation of Sh. S. R. Maheshwari, Spl. MM CLittering), Karol Bagh Zone, Delhi on 17-10-2014 and as approved by Ld. District & Sessions Judge (HQ), Delhi, the following postings/transfers are hereby made ·...nth effe t from 18-10-2014. "~ l:~ , ' I, ," '~~~: d~ame " 'f Spl. MM From To Number and name Mpl. wards aSSigned] lul. ,jl~'.,;:,' ,......f'~S-o-h-.R--a-~il-'iKi~·!~-h-o-re--+s--p-I-.-M-M--C-Ll-·tt-e-ri-n-g)-,+-spl. h MM (Littering), 74-Inderlok Colony Karol Bagh Zone 92-Dev Nagar West Zone ~4-W'" P",\ N,g~, \. 96-New 91-Karol Bagh J 93-Baljit Nagar ! 95-£"'t P,,,\ Naga<- I Ra~~a~ ~?-Kirti Nagar 1, 98-Mansarover Garden 99-Moti Nagar r----~-----'--- I - - - " ~?Karampur~"",.___ ~_9-R~jender Naga~ I I i I IS0-Pusa ISI-lnder Puri t-- -+ ! -~iS-p-l-.-M-M--(L-it-te-r-in-g-)-t,I Spl. West Zone MM West Zone Total 14 Wards (litter~;)" 111-:-;i;iNa;;~2-=S;:;-b~Vihar'- i----t+--r----t----------,--------t-----'------"-----r---,-------- Sp1. MM (Littering), Spl. MM (littering), 113-Mahavir Nagar West Zone West Zone 4 ,! I ~l,:;~, ,i: l Sh. R. . S. Verma Spl. MM (Littering), Spl. MM (Littering), 114-Tilak Nagar •West Zone West Zone ~ L--_--'_____,,____-+-_ _ _-'--______,______ . Total 01 in addition to the wards already assigned. llS-Major Bhupender Nagar 116-Vikas Puri East : 1[..I: 117-Janak Puri East ! Total 04 in a.ddition toCe ~ards alre~dy I I assigned. ...L__________ ..L ____, _,____ ~___.._. _._,_ -~JiJ-~~Lf (POORAN CHAND) Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Central District, Delhi Dated, Delhi the ................................ .. ~.f.~.:.~g.~.[CMM/Central/spl. NO... MMj2014 Copy forwardl:1d for information & necessary action to: • 01.... The Ld . Registrar General, High Court of Delhi. : (ThrO'fl,gh Ld. District & Sessions Judge (HQ), Delhi) 02: I Ld. D strict & Sessions Judge (HQ), Delhi. 03'~ ~The D' strict & Sessions Judges, all Districts, Delhi/New Delhi. 04; The R . rar (Vigilance), High Court of Delhi. 05: The C .ef Secretary, Govt of NCT of Delhi, IP Estate, New Delhi. 06. The p' incipal Secretary (Home), Govt ofNCT of Delhi, IP Estate, New Delhi. I The P incipal Secretary (W & LA), Gave. or NCT of Delhi, IP Estate, New Delhi. 07. 'The C Ms, THC, PHC, KKD, Rohini, Dwarka & Saket Courts... Delhi/New Delhi. 08 09 The A¥ministrative Civil Judges, THC, PHC, KKD, Rohini, Dwarka & Saker Courts, Delhi. 10 The R gistrar-cum- Secretary, to Hon'ble Chief Justice, High Court of Delhi. 11 The A R cum PA to Registrar General, High Court of Delhi 12;' I The C! mmissioner, MCD, North, South and East, Delhi. '! 1~:.".1't The C ncerned Deputy Commissioners; MCD, Delhi. ,(Thro gh Concerned Commissioner of MCD, Delhi) I The C' airperson, NDMC, Palika Kendra, New Delhi. 14: 15 The D rector ( Revenue), Delhi Jal Board, Govt. of NCT of Delhi Varunalaya Phase-II,Karol Bagh, Delhi. 16 The Joint Director (SW), Department at Social Welfare, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, GLNS Complex, Delhi Gate. 17. The Officers concerned. 18. The Director of Prosecution, Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi. ~ The Registrar (Computer), High Court ot'l?elhi for being displayed on the website of High Court of Delhi. 20 The Account Officer, Accounts Branch, Central District, THe, Delhi. 21. The Secretary, Bar Association, THC, KKD, PHC, Rohini, Dwarka & Saker Courts, Delhi. 22., Website Committee, Room No. 234, Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi. ~ 23. The PRO/AFRO, all Districts, Delhi. 24. The DIIaling Clerk with Inquiry and Statement, CM 'tce (C((lltral), Delhi. 25; liThe D aUng Clerk with C.R., Administration Br ~bi~ riet, Delhi. 26.: Reade to Chief Metropolitan Magistrate t~,~. 27, tOffice' file. ~'" (~9 I ~f:;. Q~......... Q'" Chief Metropolitan Magistrate, S y\\ Central District, Delhi I ~ , ~---- l' ::::~~"'::::-:/:'illi./'> fU-1 V~'~ u"i:: v . . :•Tota l 02'm a dd'lhon to th e ward s a--l-d--l rea y assigned.
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