Temple Beth Torah NEWS FOR YOU November 2014 Cheshvan - Kislev, 5775 Shabbat Dinner Friday, November 7, 6:30 PM Rabbi Dan Gordon SPIRITUAL LEADER BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND CHAIRPERSONS George Owens PRESIDENT Susan Pollard VICE PRESIDENT Dan Kullman TREASURER David Askin DELEGATE Lawrence Heyman DELEGATE Joni Levy DELEGATE Michael Miller DELEGATE Shawna Kullman RITUAL Hy Penn MEMBERSHIP Rachel Claret SOCIAL Carrie Keith EDUCATION Stacey Blumin BUILDING Joy Fields CARING COMMITTEE Barbara Heller SISTERHOOD PRESIDENT Michael Miller MEN’S CLUB PRESIDENT Stacey Blumin ADMINISTRATOR AND NEWSLETTER EDITOR Our next scheduled Shabbat Dinner will be Friday, November 7 at 6:30 PM. Please RSVP to [email protected] or mark the sign-up board at TBT by November 3 to bring a salad, side or dessert to share. The main dish will be turkey & gravy. Be sure to include the number of people coming with you! We also need volunteers to help set up and clean up and/or families to underwrite the cost of the main dish served. The theme at this dinner will be Social Justice, and TBT’s own S.A.L.T. (Social Action Leadership Team) will be sharing information about how you can get involved. Also, the Hebrew school students will have an opportunity to become involved by helping to set up tables and chairs, and set places on the Wednesday night before. (Parents, watch for an email from Carrie with more information). “A Houston Favorite”: Cantor Vadim Tunitsky Visits TBT - Sunday, November 9, at 11:00 AM Cantor Vadim Tunitsky comes to TBT twice in one week! On Sunday morning, he will offer an entertaining and informative talk entitled, “Jewish Music: From King David to Today.” Cantor Tunitsky will bring his beautiful voice, knowledge and his violin and tambourine! Please do not miss this wonderful learning opportunity! Lecture begins at 11:00 am. Lunch will follow the program. Please RSVP to [email protected] by Friday, November 7 if attending the Lunch. No R.S.V.P. needed if you are just attending the class. Friday, November 14, at 7:15 PM Cantor Vadim Tunitsky will join us again! He will bring his musical talent, spirit and enthusiasm, introducing new melodies and “old favorites”, as he joins Rabbi Dan Gordon in leading Shabbat Services. Cantor Tunitsky comes to Temple Beth Torah thanks to generous grants from the Houston Jewish Community Foundation and the Tom Theriot Memorial Program Fund. Cantor Vadim Tunitsky is a native of Russia and served as Cantor at Congregation Emanu El in Houston for 17 years and now serves part-time as Cantor-in-Residence at Houston Congregation for Reform Judaism. He has made a major impact in the community with his infectiously joyous spirit for Jewish music. He is an expert in musical history and the nuances of liturgy and song. An accomplished musician, (violin, piano and tambourine) Cantor Tunitsky blends his talent, knowledge and spirit to inspire the soul. Social Action Weekend – November 14-16 TBT will have activities going on all weekend focused on social action, including a service project on Saturday November 15th from 3-6pm. For details about the weekend’s activities please see the article on Page 3. 1 RABBI’S MESSAGE The Season of Gratitude Sometimes, after the High Holidays, I feel a little sense of letdown. The anticipation and working toward the “Big Days,” including the nervousness: Will I deliver the right message? Will my words hit home? Will people be inspired by the prayers, the music and the camaraderie? The sanctuary and social hall are full for a few days. I get to see people whom I haven’t seen in a while and catch up with their lives. I meet new people, coming to the temple for the first time, perhaps reconnecting with Judaism after a long break. And then, back to the same old, same old… I don’t feel that kind of letdown this year. There’s nothing “same old” about Temple Beth Torah these days. There is so much going on, it is hard not to be excited. Our Religious School is at an all-time high enrollment, with an enthusiastic, experienced and dedicated faculty. Our teenage teachers and tutors bring a beautiful sense of continuity, showing the younger children that learning and devotion to the synagogue do not end with bar and bat mitzvah. Outside educators are also enhancing our learning for children, teens and adults. The Jewish Federation has provided Israel education for older students, Institute of Southern Jewish Life brings community engagement and TORCH (Torah Outreach Resource Center of Houston) gives a weekly class to adults interested in a variety of Jewish topics. We also have music education, emphasizing the joyful spirit of Judaism and Chai Mitzvah, the adult engagement program to enhance connections with our learning, practice and community involvement. Shabbat dinners provide a sense of community, and our SALT (Social Action Leadership Team) group brings community to service. We’re delighted that the temple’s still-new social hall has been able to host bar mitzvah luncheons, allowing us to go straight from a service to the celebration. At the risk of sounding like a commercial, this is the perfect season to bring us into Thanksgiving. Anyone looking for ways to connect should be able to find them. At the same time, are we finding you? At the end of Yom Kippur, those who were still at services stood together in candlelight, singing the Havdalah service that “separates the holy from the ordinary.” I suggest that the holiness doesn’t end when the candle is extinguished, but lingers on into the rest of the year. What we may think of as “ordinary” can become extra-ordinary…when we notice. Shortly after Sukkoth this year, my friend, colleague and teacher, Rabbi Judy Abrams passed away suddenly. Rabbi Judy liked to emphasize the importance of brachot (blessings). There are blessings for everything, and one of her favorites was the blessing for learning. She said that you could say this blessing -thanking G-d for making us holy with the commandment to engage in sacred study – any time during the day, and it would count retroactively for anything you had learned earlier in day. Saying a bracha for performing a mitzvah (sacred obligation) gave the mitzvah more weight, helping us get more “mitzvah points.” “It’s like telling G-d your frequent flyer number,” she would say, hinting that reciting brachot gives us a spiritual focus that makes the mitzvah more meaningful. At her memorial service, Rabbi Judy’s daughters said their mother would see the sun rise in the morning and say, “G-d gets a 10 today!”….regardless of how nice the sunrise was. The sun came up, didn’t it? Gratitude includes challenges. Rabbi Judy Abrams lived with a great amount of illness and pain; yet she still expressed her gratitude every day. When we lose a loved one, we say “Baruch Dayan Ha-Emet” – Blessed be the Judge of Truth. The Mourner’s Kaddish is about praising G-d even when we are missing our loved ones, because of our gratitude that they were a part of our lives. When one day seems filled with difficulties, we are challenged to appreciate the all of what life offers: the good and the bad, the easy and the difficult, the comfortable and the uncomfortable and the hard lessons we’re meant to learn. Rabbi Abrams’ daughters admitted they were not feeling grateful that their mother had died. They did, however, express deep gratitude that she had lived to be their mother, their rabbi and their friend. Ruth and Hannah Abrams offered a blessing to those gathered at the memorial: “If you take the time to be habitually grateful even when you don’t feel it, you’ll realize there is good and bad in everything; and no matter how good or how bad it may be, there is always a truth to be blessed in everything.” October to November takes us from the Jewish holiday Sukkoth, the festival of the harvest, to the American holiday Thanksgiving, a celebration of the bounty. This year, I pray for the strength to embrace joy and challenges with equal enthusiasm and gratitude, knowing that all these blessings help me grow. L’shalom, To see previous monthly messages from Rabbi Dan Gordon, visit Rabbi Dan Gordon http://temple-beth-torah.org/our-rabbi/rabbis-monthly-message-archives/ 2 Shabbat Service Schedule for November: 7th: 6:30pm Shabbat Dinner 14th: 7:15pm service with Cantor Vadim Tunitsky and ISJL st 21 : 7:15 service: Guests Strawbridge UMC Confirmation Students 28th: No Services - Happy Thanksgiving Calling All Women: TBT Sisterhood Event Hanukkah Sales and Pot Luck Dinner Wednesday, November 5th, 6:00PM Barbara Heller's Home We have mezuzahs, Star of David necklaces, menorahs, and much more! Bring a dish and enjoy shopping for friends and family in a relaxed atmosphere. Come any time during the evening. I am saving space especially for the parents and teachers of "Wednesday Night" Hebrew students. If you have any questions, please call the temple at 281-446-5611 Please RSVP if attending to Barbara Heller at: [email protected] FALL BACK!!! Don’t Forget – Sunday, November 2nd – Daylight Savings – Set those clocks one hour back Social Action Activities November will bring many opportunities for social action. At the Shabbat Dinner on November 7th, the program will focus on the agencies that partner with TBT. Come and learn more about FamilyTime, Aishel House and Oaks Elementary School, while enjoying a wonderful Shabbat meal. During the weekend of November 14th, 15th and 16th, Alanna Kleinman of the Institute for Southern Jewish Life will be here. On Friday evening, November 14th, Alanna will teach the confirmation class and then participate in our Shabbat service and give a D’var Torah, a special teaching. The evening will be even more special as Cantor Vadim Tunitsky joins us and provides beautiful music as our cantorial soloist. Saturday, November 15th 3:00PM – 6:00PM we will have a service project with local families with economic challenges. Members of TBT will join families in the community for an afternoon of crafts, games and food. On Sunday, Alanna will teach during the Religious School, finishing up a great weekend. For more details or if you are interested in participating in our special Saturday activity, please email Susan Pollard at [email protected] or call 281-446-5611 and leave a message. Welcome New Members SAVE THE DATE: December 12 - TBT favorite Josh Levine will join us for Shabbat services! December 19 – Hanukkah Service, 6:45 PM, bring your Menorah! Follow Rabbi Dan on Twitter! Rabbi Dan is on now on Twitter @RabbiDanGordon. Break up the mundane routine of the week with his tweets of words of wisdom from Torah and comments on TBT events. Can Rabbi Dan do it in 140 characters? Follow him to see! We welcome you to Temple Beth Torah and look forward to getting to know you. Gerry Cousins Sally and Joe Kullman Debye Lurie Kim and Stephen Levy and family Marissa and Scott Stein and family Shirley Stumpf Marsha and Norm Weiss Sharyn and David Harris and family Are You on Facebook? So is Temple Beth Torah! TBT has its own Facebook page. Find us at www.facebook.com/TBT.Humble and click “Like” to receive up-to-date news, photos and pictures. 3 MISSION STATEMENT Temple Beth Torah is a congregation that embraces the philosophy and values of Judaism in the following ways: Spiritually, by celebrating the richness and traditions of Torah, prayer, holidays and life cycle events; Educationally, by encouraging learning, increasing Jewish knowledge and enriching understanding for children, teenagers and adults; Compassionately, by caring for our members and others in the Jewish community in times of need while also fostering positive relationships with our non-Jewish neighbors. Temple Beth Torah embraces the spirit of inclusion for Jewish individuals and families who represent a variety of backgrounds and family compositions. PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE THANK YOU!! NEXT MONTH, A SLATE OF OFFICERS AND DELEGATES WILL BE PRESENTED TO YOU FOR YOUR VOTE. IF ELECTED, THIS NEW LEADERSHIP TEAM WILL LEAD OUR CONGREGATION IN THE COMING YEAR. THIS IS AN EXCITING TIME FOR TEMPLE BETH TORAH! AFTER ALMOST 20 MONTHS AS YOUR BOARD PRESIDENT, I WANT TO TAKE A MOMENT TO THANK YOU FOR THE WONDERFUL COMMUNITY WE ALL HAVE CREATED AND FOR THE OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE THE CONGREGATION AS PRESIDENT. THANKSGIVING HAS ALWAYS BEEN MY FAVORITE HOLIDAY. THE TRADITIONS…THE FOOD…THE FAMILY… AND THE OPPORTUNITY TO TAKE STOCK OF WHERE WE ARE---TO THINK ABOUT WHAT IS IMPORTANT. I AM SO THANKFUL FOR THIS COMMUNITY. YOU TOOK MY FAMILY IN SO MANY YEARS AGO WHEN WE FIRST ARRIVED, AND I NEVER IMAGINED I WOULD EVENTUALLY BE SELECTED TO LEAD THIS SYNAGOGUE. I AM VERY PLEASED WITH WHAT HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED DURING MY TENURE. THIS WAS A NEW EXPERIENCE FOR ME TO LEAD A RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATION. I HAVE BEEN SO IMPRESSED WITH HOW MANY PEOPLE VOLUNTEER SO MUCH OF THEIR TIME TO MAKE TEMPLE BETH TORAH WHAT IT IS TODAY. A BIG THANK YOU GOES OUT TO ALL OF YOU. TO OUR MEMBERS, IT HAS BEEN AN HONOR TO SERVE YOU. TBT HAS A UNIQUE MISSION TO SERVE NORTHEAST HARRIS COUNTY AND THE SURROUNDING AREAS, AND WE HAVE BECOME SO MUCH STRONGER OVER THE LAST SEVERAL YEARS. OUR BUILDING ALSO LOOKS SO DIFFERENT THAN IT DID JUST TWO YEARS AGO THANKS TO THE FLAME IGNIGHTED BY MY PREDECESSOR, DAN KULLMAN, WHO DID A WONDERFUL JOB SETTING THE STAGE FOR THIS TRANSFORMATION. DAN MADE MY JOB SO MUCH EASIER WITH HIS PATIENCE, COUNSEL AND PARTNERSHIP. TO MY VICE-PRESIDENT,SUSAN POLLARD, WHO DOES SO MUCH BEHIND THE SCENES, AND TO THE ENTIRE BOARD OF DIRECTORS-–I THANK YOU FOR YOUR DEDICATION, LOVE AND ENERGY THAT YOU PUT INTO TBT EVERY DAY. TO PATRICIA AND MATTHEW, MY WIFE AND SON--YOU ALWAYS HAVE MY LOVE. I THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT. I HAVE SAID MANY TIMES, TBT IS A FAMILY TO ME. I LOOK FORWARD TO SERVING ON THE 2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS AS PAST PRESIDENT AND HELPING THE CONGREGATION CONTINUE ITS IMPORTANT MISSION. SHALOM, George Owens 4 RELIGIOUS SCHOOL CORNER This month we are happy to have Jessica Yellen, community educator, from the Jewish Federation of Greater Houston, teaching several units of study about Israel with the 6th-7th grade class and the 8th-10th grade class. She is bringing these interactive and informative modules on Israel as part of a Federation grant for Israel engagement in the Houston area. The students were excited to use their iPhone’s and tablets in class! We are also excited about our music program with Janice Rubin which begins this month. She will be teaching Hanukkah songs for the Hanukkah/Shabbat service on December 19th. Look for more information to come home with students about participation in this service. Also in November, Lonnie Kleinman, from the Institute of Southern Jewish Life, will present a lesson to all the students on social justice. Lots of exciting Jewish learning opportunities for all of our students. L’Shana Tovah!! Carrie Keith CONFIRMATION CLASS / YOUTH GROUP The confirmation class participated in 2 of 3 special classes focusing on Israel taught by Jessica Yellen of the Jewish Federation of Greater Houston. We appreciate Jessica’s visits, and the kids really enjoyed the hands on aspect of the classes. The sessions will finish up in early November. In addition, we are looking forward to our first service project of the year helping local families on Saturday, November 15th. CHAI MITZVAH IT’S NOT TO LATE TO JOIN!!! CELEBRATE AND ENHANCE YOUR JUDAISM WITH CHAI MITZVAH NEXT GROUP MEETING, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 10:00 AM Temple Beth Torah is engaging in an exciting new program for adult learning and connecting personally with Judaism and the community. “Chai Mitzvah” is about “stepping up a notch” with your personal relationship with Judaism by doing just a few little things that have the potential to make a big impact. Chai Mitzvah participants will take on three activities of their choosing, based completely on their own interest level and ability. The expectation is for everyone to choose one activity from each of the following three categories: 1. Learning: choose one Jewish topic that you want to understand more 2. Ritual: practice one Jewish ritual that you haven’t tried before 3. Social action: participate in one activity that enhances the community Rabbi Dan Gordon will help guide all participants in choosing their areas of interest and Andrea Eoff will be coordinating the logistics. Participants have nine months, October through June, to try these three activities. Once a month, all participants will gather for a group learning discussion facilitated by Rabbi Dan. It’s that easy! In June, we will have a celebration for all. The schedule for the monthly sessions has yet to be set, as it will depend on the convenience of the interested participants. Watch your weekly email updates for schedule. For more information, contact Andrea at [email protected]. For information on the national Chai Mitzvah program, visit www.chaimitzvah.org. ADULT EDUCATION - TORCH (TORAH OUTREACH RESOURCE CENTER OF HOUSTON) Come to TBT at 9:30 AM for bagels and coffee and then join us for class at 10AM led by Rabbi Wolbe from TORCH Sunday, November 2, Hebrew: the holy Language Sunday, November 9, The music of Cantors: From King David to Today (Cantor Tunitsky) 11:00 AM Sunday, November 16, Eternal Sunshine for the Spotless Soul Sunday, November 23, God and Man: The delicate balancing act of faith and Personal Responsibility. Temple Beth Torah to Host Confirmation Class Students from Local Methodist Church – Friday, November 21, 2014 Every year, some of our local churches bring students to visit Temple Beth Torah to experience a Shabbat service and learn a little about Judaism. Strawbridge United Methodist Church, who opened their doors to TBT when we needed a space during our renovations, has been visiting annually for over 15 years. During Shabbat services on November 21st, the students from Strawbridge UMC will join our Jewish community for a dynamic learning experience. It is always an enjoyable service; as the students ask enlightening questions and our congregants often learn something new as well! We hope you will join us in hosting our friends and neighbors. 5 DONATIONS DONATIONS Lee Denbina –In Memory of Mildred and William Denbina Gloria and Raymundo Mendez Lynn Gordon and Hy Penn – In Honor of the B’nai Mitzvah of Azriel and Gil Velasquez Marsha and Jerry Friedman – In loving Memory of Vicki Mautner and Sam Woinsky Making a donation to TBT is a perfect way to honor a joyous occasion, like a birthday, anniversary, wedding/engagement, new home, job change, or retirement. It is also appropriate to honor someone who has passed away with a donation in his/her memory at the time of the passing or on the yahrtzeit (anniversary) of the passing. All donations to Temple Beth Torah are tax deductible. You can choose where you would like your donation to be applied. GENERAL FUND RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY FUND Jean Maria Donatto – In appreciation of the excellent work, talent and kindness of Rabbi Dan Friends of Sherwin Kershman – In Loving Memory of Sherwin Kershman MORE WAYS TO DONATE!!!! Looking to avoid capital gain taxes on appreciated stock? TBT has the solution. You can donate your appreciated stock held in taxable accounts directly to TBT. TBT is a 501c3 charitable organization and can sell the stock without taxes. So whether you are making general or membership donations, you can send your stock in lieu of cash to minimize your taxes. Please contact our treasurer, Dan Kullman, at [email protected] for instructions. Easy Ways to Give Please visit our website at www.TBThumble.org or the link http://temple-beth-torah.org/easy-ways-to-give-to-tbt/ to learn more about: Randall’s Good Neighbor Program” Kroger “Neighbor to Neighbor Program” Amazon “Smile Program” “iGive” “Vacation 4 a Cause” GENERAL FUND Any donation that is not specified to another specific fund goes to the General Fund, which helps maintain the operating budget of the temple. Building expenses, insurance, staff salaries and all program expenses that are not underwritten come out of the General Fund, as well as support for the Religious School. RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND This separate tzedakah fund enables the rabbi to make confidential contributions to help individuals and causes that may be in crisis. The rabbi may also use this fund to help support unbudgeted programs that will benefit the temple or community. BURT LEVY MEMORIAL LIBRARY FUND This fund maintains the library and helps purchase new books. Our library, located in the back of the sanctuary, is named after TBT’s founding president, Burt Levy, who was a major inspiration in starting Temple Beth Torah. TRACY TOBIN JOHNSON MEMORIAL EDUCATION FUND This fund provides scholarships to Jewish summer camps for children and for educational conferences for teachers. It also helps support special educational programs that are not in the general budget. The fund honors Tracy Tobin Johnson, who was an active TBT member, volunteer and teacher before passing away at a young age. TOM THERIOT MEMORIAL PROGRAM FUND This fund supports special dynamic programs, often related to the arts. It is named after Tom Theriot, a lover of the arts, who was a constant presence at TBT and supported every cause. DONATIONS NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE You can now make donations online for any fund donation except for dues payments. Now there is an easy way to honor the memory of loved ones or acknowledge a joyous occasion by giving tzedakah. Tell your friends and family to visit our newly named website, www.tbthumble.org, to make use of this mitzvah. Or SEE THE DONATIONS FORM ON PG 10 6 November 2014 Torah Portions Compiled by Rabbi Dan Gordon October 31-November 1, Lech L’Cha, Genesis 12:1-17:27 G-d speaks to Abram for the first time, establishing both blessings and covenants. Abram shows his faith to G-d by leaving his home and following G-d’s plan. It is unclear from the Torah why Abram was chosen, but midrashic stories hint the Abram had a special connection, believing in one G-d when others worshipped idols. G-d changes his name to Abraham, which means “father of many,” and promises that he will be blessed by all nations, and will have a legacy of many offspring. November 7-8, Vayeira, Genesis 18:1-22:24 There are many tests in this Torah portion. Visitors come to see Abraham, and he welcomes them with extraordinary hospitality. Sarah and Abraham learn that, despite their advanced years, they will have a son together. G-d consults with Abraham about His plan to destroy Sodom and Gemorrah, and Abraham negotiates a plan to try to save the city. Later, Abraham is tested by being asked by G-d to sacrifice Isaac. Abraham is prepared to make this ultimate sacrifice before an angel of G-d stops him. From the many tests described, we contemplate the tests we experience in our own lifetimes, wondering how we would respond and what would constitute a positive outcome. November 14-15, Chaya Sarah, Genesis 23:1-25:18 Almost immediately after the near-death of her son, Sarah dies at 127 years old. Abraham wants to make sure she has an honorable burial. Though the landowner offers to give him burial land for free, Abraham insists on paying the full price. He then sends his servant to look for a wife for Isaac. Rebecca, a distant cousin, is chosen because her kindness to humans and animals indicates a unique sensitivity. November 21-22, Toldot, Genesis 25:19-28:9 The most volatile sibling rivalry since Cain and Abel begins with the twins, Esau and Jacob, battling in the womb. Mother Rebecca is told by G-d that the greater of the two shall serve the younger. Esau sells Jacob his birthright for some soup, and Jacob collects the blessing of the firstborn with Rebecca’s help. Having built a brotherly relationship based on trickery, deceit and manipulation, Jacob and Esau realize that the town isn’t big enough for both of them. Both brothers go to uncles. Jacob travels to Rebecca’s father’s house (where he will marry both of Laban’s daughters), and Esau finds himself a wife from the daughters of Uncle Ishmael. November 28-29, Vayeitzei, Genesis 29:10-32:3 Along his journey, Jacob experiences G-d’s presence through dreaming of a ladder with angels ascending and descending from heaven. He pledges himself to G-d and continues to his uncle Laban’s home. He falls in love with Laban’s daughter, Rachel and asks to marry her. He promises to work for Laban for seven years to marry his daughter, but is surprised to find the older sister, Leah, in his wedding bed. Laban informs him it is customary to marry the older child first, so Jacob pledges another seven years of labor to marry Rachel. Leah is more fertile, bearing six sons and a daughter. Rachel pleads to G-d for children, and eventually bears Joseph and Benjamin. Lunch & Learn with Rabbi Dan Nourishment for the Body, Mind and Soul Once a Month Wednesday, November 19 – 12:30-1:30 PM The “Lunch Bunch” group has been gaining new learners each month. People have found that Wednesday, the middle of the week, is great time to re-charge for Shabbat. Rabbi Dan Gordon facilitates a relaxed discussion on a variety of topics, including mitzvoth, Torah, holidays, current events and Jewish practices. Each month is a different topic and everyone gets a chance to participate. Bring your own lunch, and get ready to nourish both your mind and your body! Future Lunch and Learn dates: November 19 and December 17 No RSVP necessary; feel free to just show up! 7 Simchas in November Birthdays 2 Vitaly Aizenberg 4 Rosalind Mandell 7 Mike Stark 9 Brian Eoff 10 Larry Rhines 11 Thomas Claret 16 Sharon Heyman Aaron Winter 17 Bradley Heller 21 Arthur Aizenberg James Eoff Alex Swaim 23 Chris Baur Alice Kaufman Emily Levy 24 Liz Smith Arielle Harris 25 Rachel Pollard 27 Isaac Couch Mindy LaCour Matthew Owens 30 David Askin Anniversaries 1 Mike and Penny Stark 7 David and Sharyn Harris 8 Marvin and Maxine Sussman Ken and Bernice Troxclair 19 Eddie and Sussie Christman 28 Bob and Debbie Swaim ONEG INFORMATION Thank you to everyone who has provided an oneg recently. They have been delicious and a highlight to every Shabbat. Thank you also to those who have sponsored an oneg with your generous donations. Preparing an oneg is a wonderful way to celebrate a special event. It is also a way to commemorate a yahrtzeit for a loved one. If you would like to do an oneg, please leave a message for Carrie Keith at 281446-5611. November Yahrtzeits The following names will be read each week during November to acknowledge those who have passed away who were connected with our community. If there are mistakes or omissions, please e-mail the temple at [email protected] or leave a message at 281-4465611. Solomon Block, Frances Strizzi, Freda Rae Cahn, Morris Schalet, Nathan Lee Rubin, Dr. Marvin P. Farber, M. Paul Farber, Bill Gaile, Pincus Silverman, Ernest Graf, Esther Kaufman, Yakov Royzengurten, Lenore Greenbaum, Tony Sulpezio, Marie Rackmil, Alfred Lubin, Joseph Scwartzberg, Lena Wallach, Myron Gross A TBT Member has Passed Away Robert Lipstet passed away Wednesday morning after his long battle with a lengthly illness. The funeral will be on Friday, October 31st at 10:30 am at Beth Israel cemetery in downtown Houston, 1207 West Dallas Street, Houston, TX 77019. Robert's sister, Sandra Bomze, and her husband Paul, want Temple Beth Torah to know how appreciative they are for the support temple members have provided to Robert throughout his illness. They would like to welcome those attending the funeral to join them for a brief luncheon reception after the ceremony. Rabbi Dan will be officiating at the service. THE CARING COMMITTEE The Caring Committee can help in stressful times, such as family illness, death, birth, etc. We can provide a meal and offer sympathy, transportation, childcare, or congratulations for simchas. If you know of a congregant who could use a little caring, contact Joy Fields by e-mailing [email protected] or by leaving a message at TBT, 281-446-5611. Food for HAAM TBT collects food for HAAM on an ongoing basis. Whenever you attend services, classes, or events at TBT, please remember to bring nonperishable items with you to help stock HAAM's pantry. Every item helps! We are collecting for the Seasons of Sharing food donation so let’s start the new year of 5775 off right by bringing donations of Stuffing Mix, Canned Green Beans and Sweet Corn, Instant potatoes, Jiffy Cornbread-box, Turkey Gravy- can or mix, Canned Fruit or Brownie Mix. 8 Building Renovation Plaque to be Installed It’s hard to believe it has been a year since the completion of our renovation project at TBT. We are in the process of honoring our donors that helped to make this possible with a plaque that will hang in our new space. Please take a moment to review your name on the list—we want to make sure we have all the individuals and families listed correctly that made a donation. If you have not made a donation to the project, this will be the last chance to do so and get your name on the plaque. Please contact Dan Kullman by November 20th with any corrections or to make a donation. Judi and Ian Adler Ruth and Ken Arnold Melinda and David Askin Rhani and David Babendure Susan and Gary Bain Fortuna and Philippe Bellande Marilynn and Mike Bloom Stacey and Jeremy Blumin Terry and Norman Buchalter Susan and Michael Cahn Sandra and Lorry Charak Susie and Eddie Christman Rachel and Tom Claret Shirley K. and Alan M. Cohn Carole and Tony Curtis Lael and Allan Daniels Ellen and J.Q. Delap Frieda and Melvin Dow Joanne Epstein Elsy and Mauricio Fainboim Sandra and Steve Finkleman Devinah and Jordan Finn Martha and Donald Freedman Charlett and Marshall Frumin Sofia and George Gerszen Betty and Roger Givin Donna Glaser Suzanne Glazer Shayna Goldstein Baylee and Marshall Gordon Rabbi Dan Gordon Iris and Tom Graf Anne and Donald M Graubart Diana and Chris Hambrecht Sharyn and David Harris Barbara and Stephen Heller Irene and Marc Helsinger Susan and Gary Herren Donna and Aaron Karash Alice and Jeff Kaufman Carrie and Dennis Keith Ellen and Dennis Klager Saranne and J. Livingston Kosberg Shawna and Dan Kullman Sally and Joe Kullman Mindy and Greg LaCour Eve and Robert Lapin David Levine Velva and H. Fred Levine Joni Levy Kim and Stephen Levy Lisa Levy Barbara and Barry Lewis Hanna and Bernard Lewis Fran and Bryan Lipsen Martin Lorin Valerie and Peter Loth Ellen and Richard Lowe Jeanne Mandell Stephanie Manley Debra and Lee Miller Andrea and Mike Miller Shirley and Bill Morgan Karol and Daniel Musher Alla and Bart Myers Leya and Jamie Nossal Patricia and George Owens Pam and Robert Penn Lynn Gordon and Hy Penn Connie and James Perwien Elaine and James Pockmire Susan and Bruce Pollard Bernice and Peter Porrazzo Marcia and Roger Poser Paula and Irving Pozmantier Lauren and Larry Rhines John Romeo Rose Rose Linda and Jerry Rubenstein Bobbylee and John Ruskis Rozi and Jay Goldberg Tina and Barry Sachs Bobbi and Vic Samuels Susan and Edward Septimus Ellen and Richard Shaw Rosemary and Ira Shepard James Smith Liz and Steve Smith Joanie and Jeff Spalter Ellen and Steve Stapleton Jennifer Ofsowitz and Tony Sullivan Howard J. Stern Penny and Michael Stark Edith and Bernard Stolbun Julie and Bill Sukenik Maxine and Marvin Sussman Debbie and Bob Swaim Maddi Taunton Castine Theriot Gail and Howard Tobin Bernice and Ken Troxclair Deysi and Guillermo Velasquez Mandy Villarreal Karen and Joe Wadsworth Cynthia and Barry Weinberger Leslie and Sanford Weiner Lani and Bob Weirnick Marsha and Norman Weiss Carol and Simon Wellner Melanie and Rich Wiener Janie Wills Ellen and Morton Winter Barbara Wise Leslie R. Witkov Catherine Zakes Edith and Robert Zinn 9 Please consider making a donation to support Temple Beth Torah’s many worthy endeavors. You can indicate which fund you would like your contribution to support on the form below, as well as the names of those you wish to honor or remember. You may contact the Temple by calling 281- 446-5611 with any questions. THANK YOU Please mail your donation and form to the Treasurer at: Temple Beth Torah 320 Shallow Drive Humble, TX 77338 From: ____________________________________ □ In honor of □ In memory of Name ____________________________________ TEMPLE BETH TORAH Donation Form Thank You! Please apply donation to (check one): □ General Fund □ Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund □ Burt Levy Memorial Library Fund □ Tracy Tobin Johnson Memorial Education Fund □ Tom Theriot Memorial Program Fund Please send acknowledgement of the donation to: Name ____________________________________ Address ___________________________________ TEMPLE BETH TORAH 320 SHALLOW DRIVE HUMBLE, TX 77338 (281) 446-5611 WWW.TBTHUMBLE.ORG 10 Cheshvan - Kislev, 5775 November 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 Religious School 9:15 AM–Noon Mid-week Hebrew 5:00PM – 6:15 PM 10 AM Adult Ed – TORCH class Sisterhood Hanukkah Sale 6:00 PM 9 10 11 Religious School 9:15 AM–Noon 6 Shabbat Dinner 6:30 PM 12 Mid-week Hebrew 5:00PM – 6:15 PM 13 17 19 20 18 Religious School 9:15 AM–Noon Lunch and Learn 12:30 – 1:30 PM 10 AM Adult Ed – TORCH class Mid-week Hebrew 5:00PM – 6:15 PM 23 24 25 NO Religious School 8 Chai Mitzvah 10:00 AM 14 Shabbat Service with Cantor Tunitsky and Alanna Kleinman from the ISJL 7:15 PM 11 AM Adult Ed – with Cantor Tunitsky Lunch Following 16 7 15 TBT Service Project 3:00PM – 6:00PM 21 22 Shabbat Service 7:15 PM Community Guests Strawbridge UMC Students 26 No Mid-week Hebrew 27 Happy Thanksgiving 28 29 No Shabbat Service 10 AM Adult Ed – TORCH class 30 NO Religious School Dec 1 2 3 4 5 6 Shabbat Service 7:15 PM SAVE THE DATE!! Hanukkah Celebration December 19th, 6:45 PM 11 Temple Beth Torah 320 Shallow Drive Humble, TX 77338 (281) 446-5611 www.tbthumble.org 2
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