Regler ved stedprøver Rules at on-site examinations

Generelle retningslinjer ved stedprøver
Aarhus BSS
Regler ved stedprøver
Følg altid eksamensvagtens anvisninger.
Al kontakt til eksamensvagterne skal ske ved håndsoprækning (hvis du ønsker mere papir, ønsker at forlade
eksamen, ønsker at aflevere din bevarelse etc.).
Alle former for kommunikation eller forsøg på kommunikation med andre eksaminander i eksamenslokalet
eller med personer udenfor eksamenslokalet er forbudt.
Der skal være stille i eksamenslokalet og mobiltelefoner, musikafspillere etc. skal være slukkede og
opbevares i din lukkede taske under eksamen.
Det er ikke tilladt at låne noget fra andre eksaminander under eksamen.
Det er ikke tilladt at forlade eksamenslokalet for at ryge.
Ingen må forlade eksamen den første time af eksamen.
Ingen må forlade eksamen de sidste 15 minutter af eksamen.
Når eksamensvagten meddeler at eksamen er slut, må der ikke skrives yderligere på eksamensbesvarelsen.
HUSK at trykke aflever, når du har uploadet din eksamensbesvarelse, ellers er den ikke afleveret.
Husk at skrive studienummer på alle håndskrevne sider, du afleverer.
Ønsker du at aflevere blankt, skal du trykke på “Aflever blankt” knappen og ikke uploade noget.
KUN relevant ved FLOWlock eksaminer: Aflevering er, af hensyn til de andre studerende, ikke muligt de
sidste 15 minutter af en eksamen. Her skal du istedet vente til eksamensafslutningen, hvor
eksamensvagterne vil offentliggøre en afleveringskode.
Ønsker du at aflevere før eksamensafslutning, skal du kontakte tilsynet, der vil udlevere en afleveringskode
(kun FLOWlock) og registrere dit afleveringstidspunkt.
Overtrædelse af ovenstående vil medføre øjeblikkelig bortvisning fra eksamen og vil blive rapporteret til den
ansvarlige enhed for beslutning om yderligere sanktioner.
Rules at on-site examinations
Always observe the instructions given by the exam supervisors.
All contact to exam supervisors must be done by raising your hand (if you need more paper, if you wish to
leave the examination, if you wish to hand in your answer etc.).
Any kind of communication or attempts to communicate with other examinees in the room or with any
persons outside the examination room is not allowed.
Silence in the examination room is required and mobile phones, music players etc. have to be switched off
and kept in your closed bag during the exam.
It is not permitted to borrow anything from other examinees during the exam.
It is not permitted to leave the examination room to smoke.
No one is allowed to leave the examination during the first hour of the exam.
No one is allowed to leave the examination the last 15 minutes of the exam.
When the exam supervisor announces the end of the exam, you must immediately stop writing your answer.
REMEMBER to pres the ”Hand in” button, when you have uploaded your exam paper, otherwise it is NOT
handed in correctly.
Remember to write your student number on all hand written pages you hand in.
If you wish to hand in a blank paper, you should just press the ”Hand in blank” button. Please do NOT upload
a blank paper. Afterwards the exam supervisors will register your time for leaving the exam room.
ONLY relevant at FLOWlock exams: For the sake of the other students in the room, it is not possible to hand
in your paper during the last 15 minutes of the exam. Please wait until the finish of the exam, where the
exam supervisor will publish a pass code to finish the submission of your assignment.
If you wish to hand in your assignment before the finish of the exam, you must contact an exam supervisor,
who will provide you with a pass code (only FLOWlock) and register your time of leaving the exam.
Violations of the above stated rules will lead to immediate removal from the examination room and will be
reported to the responsible authorities for decisions on further sanctions.
Version 1.2
Maj 2015