Economy of Ireland (EC2020) Tutorial 4 – MT Term Teaching Week 6

Economy of Ireland
Tutorial 4 – MT Term Teaching Week 6
Plan for today
Any issues/questions?
B1 (iv) Examine critically the concept of competitiveness and why it
matters so much for a small regional economy like Ireland’s.
C1 (i) What is the rationale in principle for government in a market
C1 (ii) Why must some of these functions be applied increasingly at a
global and in particular in recent years at an EU level?
Class Test
B1 (iv)
B1 (iv) Examine critically the concept of competitiveness and why it
matters so much for a small regional economy like Ireland’s.
Two questions here:
• Examine critically the concept of competitiveness
• Why competitiveness matters so much for a small regional economy
like Ireland’s
B1 (iv)
Examine critically the concept of competitiveness
Narrow sense:
• Prices out of line, relative to others
Broader sense:
• Think of all the things that go into being competitive in any field:
B1 (iv)
Examine critically the concept of competitiveness
• The ‘right’ goods
• High quality products
• Selling at a competitive price
• Having reliable supply
• Marketing
• Amount and type of human capital in the country
• Infrastructure
• Legal, tax, patents, transport…
• High up the value-chain if you want to be a ‘rich’ country
• E.g. apple products
B1 (iv)
Why competitiveness matters so much for a small regional economy
like Ireland’s
NB issue for a regional economy as a policy instrument
Regional economy prices taken over the long-term - importers of price
If prices & productivity rise together it’s not an issue
Deviations (short-run) can cause damage – prices get out of line:
• With productive and less productive sectors wage pressure will raise
costs and prices
• Exchange rate and the amount of trade outside monetary system
can impact prices
B1 (iv)
• When prices/costs rise relatively you lose competitiveness
• i.e. exports more expensive and imports relatively cheaper (deficit)
• Borrow to finance deficit – which will need to be repaid
• With monetary policy you can devalue exchange rate for a sortterm solution
• But, raises domestic prices and pay claims
• Small economy & no Monetary Policy - can’t effect currency
• Rising prices and pay claims mean export sales fall and imports rise
• Lose export markets, growth and labor demand fall
• Painful mean reversion/internal devaluation and repayment!!!
C1 (i)
C1 (i) What is the rationale in principle for
government in a market economy?
• Think of the absurdity of no government!
• Anarchy
• Hobbesian state of nature
C1 (i)
• (a) Referee - sets the rules of the game.
• i) A central authority and legal system are needed
for contracts that govern economic activity - - design
and enforce rules that allow economic activity to
take place
• Property rights etc.
• ii) Empirical evidence
• no rule of law leads to poor economic performance (insights
from institutional economics)
C1 (i)
• (b) Correct Market Failures/efficiency
• i) Pure public goods (non-rival and non-excludable)
• infrastructure, military etc.
• non-excludable prevents market provision – pay for with tax
• ii) Externalities
• Positive: rival & somewhat excludable - under produced
• Negative: producer isn’t paying (all?) costs - over produced
• iii) Monopoly power
• Firm maximizing behavior - prices too high, output too low
C1 (i)
• iv) Imperfect information
• Risk assessment - - incomplete credit/insurance markets
• Provision or subsidization
• - But, government failure?
• It’s not clear that there is a more efficient outcome - electoral
pressures, lobbying, inefficient public sector
• (c) Redistribution:
• Efficient outcome is not not necessarily the ‘fair’ outcome
(general equilibrium theory).
C1 (i)
• i) Success as a random walk
• Distribution depends on luck e.g. A lot of economic
outcomes are random. E.g. weather.
• Hence voters demand redistribution
• ii) Caveats:
• E.g. too high taxes can distorts incentives
• E.g. mobile factors may move (EU).
C1 (ii)
C1 (ii) Why must some of these functions be applied
increasingly at a global and in particular in recent years at an
EU level?
• If you had the power to solve one issue in the world what
would it be? Could this issue be dealt with at a national level,
or does it require a level of super-national power?
• Always ask what is the best level of governance for a particular
issue to be dealt at – e.g. global, supra-national (EU), national,
local, individual – subsidiarity principle and efficiency
arguments (bi-lateral VS multilateral and scale economies)
• Lots of information here you have to choose what to use!!!
C1 (ii)
• a) A global marketplace needs global rules
• Trade
• Banking
• Investment
• Health and Safety
• Airline Regulations
• Infections and Viruses
• b) Easier to achieve common goals
• E.g. Competition policy in Europe
C1 (ii)
• c) Co-ordination issues
• E.g. Tax
• d) Externalities
• Environmental policy (has common goals but incentive
• Nuclear power
• Market solution?
• e) Free rider problem
• Definition
C1 (ii)
• Some Other International Issue Areas
• 1) Global foreign policy issues
• Stateless Wars
• Global sanctions
• E.g. Russia/Ukraine, Iran, Syria
• 2) Regulations for ‘common areas’ – e.g.
international waters and space
• 3) Migration policies
C1 (ii)
• 4) Global inequality and poverty
• High global inequality can be bad for its own sake (Rawls)
• Can lead to global instability
• Can lead to migration issues
• EU case study: The Crisis
• European Bailout Fund - ESM/EFSF - Crisis resolution
mechanism. Needed to prevent ‘runs’ on Eurozone countries
• Joint banking supervision - ECB as EU-wide financial regulator
• However, it can be difficult to find a consensus on many issues!
Slow policy response one-size doesn’t always fit all
C1 (ii)
• Finally:
• Although there is no international government to regulate and
enforce rules, there are some supra-national bodies
• EU
• UN
• How do they enforce rules?
• Globally there is a reliance on norms and peer pressure.
However, some bodies (EU, WTO) can enforce rules through
punishments/fines etc.
Exam Information
The Class Test takes place on November 11th at 15.15 in the Burke Theatre.
Test is worth 25% of your overall grade.
There will be 5 questions on the test (from the possible 9 we have covered in tutorials
-- 3 in A2; 4 in B1; the first 2 in C1). Please make sure to answer all 5!
You will have approximately 15 minutes per question
Prepare answers in advance and practice writing them out
Remember your answers shouldn’t be information driven. You should be using
information to tell a story/make an argument.
And please, please structure your answers for clarity!
Finally… surveys