Dressage in the Hill Country Classical Dressage, Western Dressage & Versatility/Trail Classes for all Ages, Breeds, and Skill Levels! Fall Clinics & Schooling Show November 1 & 2, 2014 29401 Ranch Road 12 Dripping Springs, Texas 78620 Our events celebrate Classical Dressage & the United States Equestrian Federation’s recognition of Western Dressage as an individual discipline. Our mission is to cultivate a better understanding of how the elements of classical equestrian training, Dressage in both its disciplines, enhance the versatility & performance of sport, show & working horses. FALL OFFICIALS Dressage Judges Leslie Cummings “L” Versatility/Trail Judge TBD Show Manager Connie Brownson (512) 569-2095 [email protected] Classical Dressage Intro through 2nd Level Western Dressage Intro through Level 2 Versatility/Trail 9 to 12 Natural & Man-made Obstacles Entry & Rules www.drippingspringsranchpark.com AWARDS (JR & SR DIVISIONS) ROSETTES awarded 1st through 6th Place BUCKLES awarded to Overall Champions Overall Champion & Reserve Champion Awards for HIGHEST combined score of ANY Dressage Test + Versatility/Trail Test CLINICS by our judges on the Saturdays prior to Schooling Shows on Sunday! Visit www.drippingspringsranchpark.com for information & registration. Photography by Transcendent Photography: www.shadistp.com Dressage in the Hill Country Classical Dressage, Western Dressage & Versatility/Trail Clinics & Schooling Show November 1 & 2, 2014 Entries close: 7 p.m. Thursday, October 30, 2014 Dressage Judge: Ms. Leslie Cummings “L” (USDF) Versatility/Trail Judge: TBD Event Schedule Friday: Facility opens @ 3:00 p.m. for open schooling Saturday Clinics: Ms. Leslie Cummings (Classical & Western Dressage) & TBD (Versatility/Trail) Sunday Schooling Show: o Dressage classes begin @ 8:00 a.m. o Versatility/Trail begins @ 9:00 a.m. Show Manager/Secretary: Connie Brownson Phone: c. (512) 569-2095 * e-mail: [email protected] Our event celebrates Classical Dressage & the USEF’s recognition of Western Dressage as an individual discipline. Our objectives are to raise funds for Dripping Springs Ranch Park & to bridge the disciplines of English & Western riding. Our mission is to cultivate a better understanding of how the elements of classical equestrian training, Dressage in both its disciplines, enhance the versatility & performance of sport & working horses. Address: Dripping Springs Ranch Park 1042 DS Ranch Road Dripping Springs, Texas 78620 www.drippingspringsranchpark.com Directions from the (South) intersection of Hwy 290 & Ranch Road 12 in Dripping Springs: Turn north onto Ranch Road 12. About 1.7 miles down on the left, turn into Dripping Springs Ranch Park via DS Ranch Road; Dripping Springs Elementary School will be on your right. Directions from the (North) intersection of Hamilton Pool Road & Ranch Road 12: Turn south onto Ranch Road 12. About 5.6 miles down on the right, turn into Dripping Springs Ranch Park via DS Ranch Road; Dripping Springs Elementary School will be on your left. Show Information & Rules Show Organizer/Manager's Rights: The Show Organizer/Manager retains the right to cancel any activity or refuse any entry. The Organizer has the right to prohibit, stop, or regulate any action during the course of the activity or occurring on the site of the activity that the Organizer deems improper, unsafe, inhumane, or contrary to the best interests of horse sports, and that might violate the USEF’s and its affiliates’ principles. Judges’ and management’s decisions are final. Entries: Please use the attached entry form; submit one entry per horse/rider combination. Entries are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Faxed or phone entries will not be accepted, but arrangements for timely entry receipt can probably be made with the Show Manager. A minor rider’s parent or legal guardian, not a trainer, must sign for entrants under the age of 18. A complete entry is comprised of a signed entry form, proof of negative Coggins (within the past 12 months including all dates present at event venue), and complete payment. See entry form for fee schedule. There is a $50 fee for checks returned NSF. Closing Date: The closing date for Dressage classes without penalty is 7 p.m. on Thursday, October 30, 2014. Late entries are accepted per below. Late Entries – See Entry Form for fees: Adding tests to an existing paid entry does not incur a late fee; Dressage class entries will be accepted until 7:30 a.m. on show day with late fee; Versatility/Trail entries will be accepted until 8:30 a.m. on show day with late fee; and “Overall” entries/additions can be added until 7:30 a.m. on show day for no late fee! Late fee is per horse/rider combination entry regardless of number/type of entry added as a new entry. Proof of Negative Coggins Required: Per the Texas Animal Health Commission, “Equines being transported to assemblies must have had a negative EIA test within the previous 12 months. The EIA test document, called the "VS 10-11" is proof of testing and must be presented when entering the assembly.” This is required of all horses on the property regardless of their entry status! Stabling: Brand new, spacious stalls are available within the event center. All stalls must be clearly marked with the horse’s name and the rider/owner’s emergency contact information. Tack stalls are permitted. Bedding is “BYOB”: “Bring Your Own Bedding” Grounds Fee: Please note that there will be a nominal grounds fee charged for all horses attending this event even if not stabled to defray event costs. ALL horses on the property must check-in with the show office, show proof of negative Coggins, and receive a number for identification that must be worn at all times (e.g., on stall, halter, bridle, saddle, etc.) while on the grounds. Volunteering/Working for Reduced Fees: One two-hour block of work is expected of each entrant to secure reduced fees for a maximum of three tests. Substitutions of horsey and non-horsey family members and friends are allowed. No experience is necessary - we train on-the-job!! Show management does the very best it can to accommodate riders’ needs in fulfilling the volunteer assignment(s) of competitors. Please contact the Show Manager if you experience a conflict for speedy resolution! We LOVE our volunteers & THANK Y’ALL for making this fundraiser horse show happen! Arena Size/Type: 2011 USEF/USDF & 2013 USEF Western Dressage tests will be ridden in a 20m x 60m arena within an indoor, lighted arena with sand footing. A second, outdoor 20m x 40m grass arena and USDF judge will be added if entries warrant. Classes: All components of this horse show can be entered “a la carte”; there is absolutely no requirement to enter any classes in combination! This show is intended to accommodate your training/showing needs. Individual and overall class options are: Classical Dressage: Entries will be divided into level/test/division as follows: o USDF Intro A through Intro C for Junior & Senior divisions Tests: http://www.usdf.org/downloads/forms/index.asp?TypePass=Tests o o USEF Training Level, Test 1 through 2nd Level Test 3 for Junior & Senior divisions Tests: http://www.usef.org/_IFrames/breedsdisciplines/discipline/alldressage/2011dressageTests.aspx Higher level USEF tests, Freestyle, Eventing, and Rider tests are welcome to be ridden Hors Concours (HC). Western Dressage: Entries will be divided into level/test/division as follows: o USEF Western Dressage rules & all tests for Intro Level 1, Test 1, through Level 2, Test 4, are available at: https://www.usef.org/_IFrames/breedsdisciplines/discipline/allWesternDressage/WesternDressageTests.aspx o Divisions will be for Junior and Senior at each level and test o Western Dressage Freestyle tests are welcome to be ridden Hors Concours (HC) Versatility/Trail: o The Versatility/Trail component consists of nine to 12 challenges/obstacles a horse and rider might realistically encounter on any trail ride in the local area. o Obstacles may be of any type officially sanctioned by AQHA, ACTHA, and/or SHOT. o Versatility/trail course will be ridden on varied terrain with varied footing. o The rider always retains the option to “pass” an obstacle and receive appropriate deductions. o Classes will not be combined. o Class & division of courses are as follows: Walk-trot course for Junior & Senior Three gaits (walk-trot/jog, & canter/ lope) course for Junior & Senior o Each horse/rider combination may enter only once for placings. The first versatility/trail score of the day counts for overall awards. Specifically, a rider may not ride the same horse on the course multiple times to potentially receive a higher score; additional rides may be paid for and ridden HC after all competitors have completed their runs. o Horses may not walk the course, in hand or mounted, before an official attempt. o Versatility/Trail rides will be ride up, not assigned. Note: If competing for Overall, Dressage must be first! Overall Champions & Reserve Champions: To be considered for Overall Champion & Reserve Champion awards, a single horse/rider combination must successfully complete both of the following tests: (1) at least one (1) Classical Dressage or Western Dressage test – MUST be ridden 1st; and (2) the Versatility/Trail course displaying the corresponding two or three gaits – MUST be ridden 2nd Overall Awards Rules: You cannot add “overall” after you ride a Dressage test. “Overall” will be divided into: Walk-Trot & Three Gaits, as defined above, separately judged and separately pinned for both Junior & Senior divisions in the categories of Classical Dressage & Western Dressage. If multiple Dressage tests are ridden, the highest Dressage score achieved (regardless of level/test) will be considered for an overall award. A single horse/one rider combination may compete only once in any “Overall” group. A horse competing for overall cannot be ridden by two riders at Dressage, Versatility/Trail, or both. Multiple horses are welcome; however, separate entries must be completed and paid for each. Any single horse/rider combination may not compete for both the English and Western Dressage overall awards. Only Champion and Reserve Champion will be awarded for “Overall” classes. Due to the extended time duration of the “overall” classes, placings and awards (including trophy buckles) may not be available the day of the event but will be distributed the following week. Placings: Rosettes awarded for 1st through 6th place in all individual level/test/division classes. Show buckles awarded for Champions in Junior and Senior divisions for Classical Dressage Overall and Western Dressage Overall. Attire & Tack: USEF rules apply. Specifically, in English tack, all riders must wear appropriate safety gear to include, at a minimum, shoes with a heel and a properly fitting and secured (with a chin strap) helmet passing or surpassing ASTM/SEI standards. Classical Dressage attire is “show casual” (i.e., shirts with a collar and sleeves). Western Dressage attire is “show casual” (i.e., long sleeve shirts with a collar, cowboy hat, etc.; tank tops are never acceptable in the show ring). This is a schooling show and “accessories” normally required (e.g., chaps, tie, and vest/coat, etc.) are optional. Versatility/Trail attire is that worn for the appropriate Dressage test(s) ridden. Schedule Posting: Dressage test ride times, established Versatility/Trail time blocks, and volunteer job assignments/times will be e-mailed to all riders and volunteers no later than 12:00 noon on the Saturday prior to the show. If you have a conflict, please contact the Show Secretary as soon as possible to resolve. Late entries will be added to the schedule at Management’s discretion. Inclement Weather/Cancellation of Activities/Refunds: Due to limited scheduling options at the Park, there is no rain date set for this event. This event will be held in a spacious indoor facility. However, if cancellation of the show occurs prior to the start date/time due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances, refunds will be given at the rate of 50% of class fees paid only to cover costs incurred in advance to put on the show (e.g., show advertising, supplies, rosettes, decorations, etc.). Stabling fees will be returned 100%. Once begun, however, the show will go on unless the weather becomes life-threatening; no refunds will be made after the show starts. Only the cancelled components of the show (e.g., versatility/trail) will be eligible for refund. Refunds for stalls or paddocks will not be given once a horse has been present in that space. If in doubt, call (512) 569-2095 before you haul! Cancellations/Scratches: If you must scratch your entry after the closing date, you forfeit all fees, including stall or paddock fee, unless an equivalent entry type can be filled from a waitlist. [In good faith, management has held this time(s) and space(s) for you, possibly to the exclusion of others. Thus, due to the costs incurred to put on a horse show and in fairness to other competitors, there can be no exceptions to this policy. Sorry!] Show Management on Site: Connie Brownson will be staying on-site beginning Friday afternoon at 1:00 p.m. to answer any questions and address any concerns you may have. Please do not e-mail after the closing date/time; Connie’s mobile number is: (512) 569-2095. Hook-ups: RV hook-ups are available at Dripping Springs Ranch Park. Please see entry form for fee. Check-in: Check-in at the Show Office is REQUIRED of ALL horses upon arrival on the property to secure a bridle number for your horse(s) and to verify all information pertinent to you and you and your horse’s entry. You must check-in before your first ride. Arena Availability & Schooling: The Dressage arena, round pen, and all open areas on the property will be available for schooling beginning at 3:00 p.m. on Friday until dusk (~6:00 p.m.). At dusk each evening, the Dressage and trail arenas will be CLOSED for watering and will remain closed until Saturday morning at ~7:30 a.m. for the clinic and Sunday morning at ~7:30 a.m. for the show. Please be advised that areas containing patterns to be ridden for the show (i.e., versatility/trail obstacle course) may be walked by humans ONLY. Riding or leading horses in an area closed for the show will result in elimination with forfeiture of all applicable fees. Schooling is an option for horses not in the show; however, paid entrants have priority use. Payment of fees for the clinic, show, or schooling only are non-transferrable to another horse! Lunging: Lunging is not permitted in the Dressage arena(s) at any time. Photography: Carla McCandless of Transcendent Photography has enthusiastically agreed to perform photography services for the show. Please visit her on site or at www.shadistp.com to view and purchase your show photos! Lodging: A ladies-only, three-bedroom, two bath bunkhouse is available for $50 per night per person. Please contact Connie Brownson if interested in staying at the bunkhouse. Additional stalls are available at the ranch house if you’d like your horse(s) close to you while bunking on the property. Other option: Sleep Inn & Suites, 2720 East US Hwy. 290, Dripping Springs, TX, US, 78620 Phone: (512) 858-2400 Dogs: Friendly dogs are welcome, but must be attached to a responsible human by a leash or be in a kennel. Dogs near arenas must not be disruptive. If so, the dog and attached human will be asked to leave the area. Concessions: Available all day Saturday and Sunday from 7:30 a.m. (fresh coffee & breakfast tacos—YUM!) until ~5:00 p.m. The concession is staffed solely by volunteers, and all sales directly support Dripping Springs Ranch Park or local non-profits. Smoking: No smoking, please, in any of the event or barn areas! UNDER TEXAS LAW (CHAPTER 87, CIVIL PRACTICE AND REMEDIES CODE), AN EQUINE PROFESSIONAL OR A LIVESTOCK SHOW SPONSOR IS NOT LIABLE FOR AN INJURY TO OR THE DEATH OF A PARTICIPANT IN EQUINE ACTIVITIES RESULTING FROM THE INHERENT RISKS OF EQUINE ACTIVITIES. Dressage in the Hill Country is sponsored by: and… Dressage in the Hill Country Entry Form Classical Dressage, Western Dressage & Trail/Versatility Schooling Show November 2, 2014 [Closing: October 30 @ 7 p.m.] Dripping Springs, Texas Rider Name: ______________________________ Horse Name: ______________________________ Address: _________________________________ City: ___________________ Preferred :______________________________ E-mail: ____________________________________________ Division (circle): State: _____ Zip: ________ Junior (<18 y.o.) OR Adult (18 y.o.+) At this show, I volunteer to: Work for Reduced Show Fees Job Preference (circle): Scribe Runner Scorer OR Cannot work Paddock Master Dressage Level & Test(s) (e.g., Intro A; Intro 3, Training 2; Level 2 Test 3; etc.) Volunteer Fees NonVolunteer Fees 1. $20 $30 2. $20 $30 3. $20 $30 $20 x __ = ___ $30 x __ = ___ $10 $20 $30 x __ = ___ $30 x __ = ___ Grounds Fee (if not stalled) $10 $10 RV Hook-up $35 $35 Schooling Fee $25 $25 Office Fee – required for ALL entries $10 $10 Late Fee – after closing date of October 30 – See Official Rules. $20 $20 4. Trail/Versatility Course x # to be ridden 5. “Overall” Class Entry Fee [In addition to Dressage Test(s) & Trail/Versatility paid above] Stall x # days – Bring your own shavings. Total Fees Due: Proof of negative Coggins within 12 months (including day of the show) is required of all horses on premises. Failure to comply will result in elimination from entered events with no refund. RELEASE & WAIVER & PARENTAL/GUARDIAN CONSENT: In consideration of the City of Dripping Springs (“City”) allowing myself or my child to participate in horseback riding and other equine related activities (“Equine Activities”) at Dripping Springs Ranch Park, I hereby agree as follows: Acknowledgement of Risks – I fully understand and hereby acknowledge that Equine Activities and other outdoor related activities have inherent risks, dangers and hazards. My own or my child’s participation in Equine Activities may result in injury, illness or death. These risks may be the result of inherent risks from riding horses or may be caused by the negligence of the City, its agents, or employees, or the sponsors, if any, of Equine Activities at Dripping Springs Ranch Park. Assumption of Risks – I hereby assume all risks of danger or injury to myself and/or my child. I hereby assume responsibility for all losses or damages involving myself or my child, regardless of cause. I hereby assume responsibility for all losses or damages involving my operation of any motor vehicles while entering and exiting Dripping Springs Ranch Park. I hereby assume responsibility for all losses or damages involving any horse belonging to me or being used by me or my child at Dripping Springs Ranch Park. Release from Liability – I, on behalf of myself, my child, my personal representatives, my equipment, my heirs and assigns, hereby voluntarily waive, release, discharge, hold harmless, defend and indemnify the City, its agents, employees, and officers from any and all claims, actions, losses for bodily injury, property damage, wrongful death, loss of services, or otherwise, which may arise from my own or my child’s participation in Equine activities at Dripping Springs Ranch regardless of any negligent acts or omissions of the City, its agents, officers, or employees. Statutory Warning - WARNING: UNDER TEXAS LAW (CHAPTER 87, CIVIL PRACTICE AND REMEDIES CODE), AN EQUINE PR0FESSIONAL IS NOT LIABLE FOR AN INJURY TO OR THE DEATH OF A PARTICIPANT IN EQUINE ACTIVITIES RESULTING FROM THE INHERENT RISKS OF EQUINE ACTIVITIES. Added by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., Ch. 549, § 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1995. Venue - The venue for any dispute arising out of this instrument shall be Hays County, Texas. I have read this Release and Waiver and by signing it agree with its terms. It is my intention to exempt and relieve the City of Dripping Springs from any and all liability related to my own or my child’s participation in any Equine Activities. Signature: ____________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________ (Parent or legal guardian must sign for riders < 18 y.o.) Submit entry form, proof of negative Coggins & check payable to “Dripping Springs Ranch Park” to: Connie Brownson, 1010 Brownson Ln., Driftwood, Texas 78619-9144 Questions? Contact Connie @ (512) 569-2095 e-mail: [email protected]
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