Project: Cronalaght demonstration - Energy calculation Description: Licensed user: This project primarily illustrates how to calculate energy production, based on either EU-Wind Atlas data, or on local measurements. Also ATLAS contra WASP is illustrated, and the powerfull VISUAL module for excact positioning of the WTGs, measuremasts etc. And the Auto optimization of the camera propertied - try the Air View photo, this would be impossible to find the exact photo point without this feature. The data is fully renewed in WindPRO 2.8 - it turned out the coordinate system was NOT Irish Grid, but Irish Transverse Mercator. And the turbine positions thereby also some wrong - they was found exact on Google map. These modifications brought many "not too well fitting" photomontages to an exact fit. Lesson learned: If things do not fit fully, something is wrong with your data! Also the ned 2.8 elevation grid object is demonstrated. EMD International A/S Niels Jernes Vej 10 DK-9220 Aalborg Ø +45 9635 4444 Per Madsen / [email protected] Calculated: 10-06-2015 14:59/3.0.621 RESOURCE - Main result Wind statistics IE 30,0 m Cronalaght met mast.wws Calculation uses following MAP files: Name Type X min Y min X max Y max C:\...\WindPRO Data3.0\Samples\Cronalaght_Ireland\Cronalaght roughness WAsP roughness file 565.958 906.062 595.962 935.490 C:\...\WindPRO Data3.0\Samples\Cronalaght_Ireland\Heightcontours Cronalaght.wpo windPRO orography file 578.932 917.917 591.802 926.820 Calculation setup Radius from site for roughness maps Radius from site for orography maps All obstacles used Radius [m] 20.000 5.000 RSF file Name C:\...\WindPRO Data3.0\Samples\Cronalaght_Ireland\Cronalaght demonstration - Energy calculation_Res_25_Hub_40,0_2.rsf windPRO 3.0.621 by EMD International A/S, Tel. +45 96 35 44 44,, [email protected] X min Y min X max Y max Area Resolution Tile Heights size [km²] [m] [m] [m] 585.422 923.652 586.788 924.870 1,7 25 1000 40,0 10-06-2015 21:21 / 1 windPRO Project: Cronalaght demonstration - Energy calculation Description: Licensed user: This project primarily illustrates how to calculate energy production, based on either EU-Wind Atlas data, or on local measurements. Also ATLAS contra WASP is illustrated, and the powerfull VISUAL module for excact positioning of the WTGs, measuremasts etc. And the Auto optimization of the camera propertied - try the Air View photo, this would be impossible to find the exact photo point without this feature. The data is fully renewed in WindPRO 2.8 - it turned out the coordinate system was NOT Irish Grid, but Irish Transverse Mercator. And the turbine positions thereby also some wrong - they was found exact on Google map. These modifications brought many "not too well fitting" photomontages to an exact fit. Lesson learned: If things do not fit fully, something is wrong with your data! Also the ned 2.8 elevation grid object is demonstrated. EMD International A/S Niels Jernes Vej 10 DK-9220 Aalborg Ø +45 9635 4444 Per Madsen / [email protected] Calculated: 10-06-2015 14:59/3.0.621 RESOURCE - Map Resource Mean wind speed [m/s] 40,0 m 0,0 - 2,4 2,4 - 4,8 4,8 - 7,2 7,2 - 9,6 9,6 - 12,1 0 250 500 750 1000 m Map: Gweedore , Print scale 1:25.000, Map center ITM East: 586.223 North: 924.262 Site Data windPRO 3.0.621 by EMD International A/S, Tel. +45 96 35 44 44,, [email protected] 10-06-2015 21:21 / 2 windPRO
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