NOVEMBER 2014 DELIVERED MONTHLY TO 6,000 HOUSEHOLDS THE INSIDE EDGE THE OFFICIAL EDGEMONT COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER When winter hits, we’re ready. You can count on city employees to keep our neighbourhoods safe and clear — in any weather. Big storms often don’t give you much warning. A city like Calgary needs a team in place that can hit the streets with a few hours notice. Fortunately, that’s just what we have. When the snow flew early this year, Calgary’s city employees were prepared: plowing streets and sidewalks, clearing downed branches, trees and other debris, salting and sanding. We’re your reliable, dedicated team. So when some politicians talk about replacing experienced public employees with for-profit contractors, know that it comes at a price. When your family’s safety is on the line, cutting corners isn’t worth it. Edgemont Community Association 33 Edgevalley Circle NW Calgary, AB – T3A 4X1 Phone: 403.239.1211 | Fax: 403.547.5799 [email protected] | President’s Message 5 What’s Happening at ECA 7 LEAF 9 Edgemont Real Estate Update 28 My Babysitter List 28 NEWSLETTER AD SALES Y E ARS 25 Great News Publishing Ltd. 403.720.0762 | 403.263.3044 [email protected] | GREAT NEWS PUBLISHING HAS BEEN PROUDLY SERVING EDGEMONT FOR 7 YEARS! T h e O ff i c i a l E D G E M O N T C o m m u n i t y N e w s l e t t e r I NOvember 2014 3 Edgemont Community Association 33 Edgevalley Circle NW, T3A 4X1 Phone 403-239-1211 Fax 403-547-5799 Email [email protected] Web Business Hours: Monday to Friday 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Board & Staff Elaine Scobie Barb Elms Terry Wong Bev Johnson Karen Wallace Jeff Edwards Elspeth Kirk Barbara Meehan Jennyffer Louis Bev Johnson Henry Chan Bill Kirk Terry Wong Nadia Reid Norma Becker Chelanne Murphy President Building Administration Area Planning Treasurer Secretary Social / Volunteers Communications Office Administrator Office Administrator Director at Large Director at Large Director at Large Director at Large Director at Large and Sports Rep Edgemont Elementary School Liason Mother Mary Greene Liaison Community Police Liaison Web Page Basketball Soccer Cst. Roy Moe Cody Giles Heather Finch Competitive Soccer Karate Casino Scouts Hockey/Ringette Tom Baines Jr. High Rep Tom Baines Jr. High Rep Sir Winston Churchill High Rep Nadia & Doug Doug Vacant Neil James Gary Miller Michelle Choi Sabina Wong Riya Garg & Fazeela Mulji [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 403-239-1211 403-239-1211 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Other Contacts [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 403 560 4508 403 288 2705 403 241 7928 Edgemont Community Centre Need a special event room? The Panorama Room Capacity 200 Beautiful mountain view Landscaped gardens Full kitchen facilities attached Round tables, upholstered seating 4 The Mountain View Room Capacity 70 Mountain view Wood floor Upholstered seating For more information call 403-239-1211 NOvember 2014 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Are you ready for November? I can tell you for sure that I am not. November is the month that feels like Winter even though it’s still Fall. And Spring is so far away, probably until April, the month that’s Spring, but often feels like Winter. ECA has tried to organize a few things to make it more bearable. My second least favourite part of November, right after the winter part, is the getting ready for December part. We can help! The approximately (we’ve lost count) 20th Annual Craft Sale is on Saturday, November 15th, 10AM – 3PM. We have 81 venders, including many exciting new artisans. Everything is handmade locally, so there are lots of very unique items. This is a great opportunity for you to make serious inroads into that gift list, and maybe get some of your Christmas baking in the freezer. You can meet up with neighbours you haven’t seen in a while. You can make your contribution to our Hamper Program with a food or cash donation. This brings us to another way to bring some sunshine into the short, dark days – the Hamper Program. Sign up to help, either by talking to Barb & Jenn in the ECA office (403-239-1211) or emailing Jeff ([email protected] ). This might be a good time to think about community projects you’d like to get involved in – you can be prepared with your New Year’s resolution. Possibilities include existing programs, like the LEAF initiative or Casino Volunteer Coordinator, or others we ideas such as Little Free Libraries, a community garage sale, community fence painting day, or a community garden. If you’re ready to make an ongoing commitment, we are in need of a Treasurer on the ECA Board of Directors. This could be just the thing for someone at the beginning (needing experience) or end (transitioning into retirement) of a career in accounting, but we’re happy to hear from you wherever you are in your journey. It’s do-or-die time for the Playground fundraising. At the end of the month we have to submit our application for matching Grant funds. We can apply for as much as we’ve raised, so donations prior to the end of the month are effectively doubled. Now’s the time – tax receipts are issued for donations over $25, and there is special recognition for donations of $1000 or more. Here’s a big “thank you” to Qoola Frozen Yogurt Bar in Market Mall for their kind donation to the Breakfast Club and their ongoing commitment to supporting community. Remember to support the businesses that support our community! You’ve probably noticed the new signs in our School and Playground Zones. Times for reduced speeds have been standardized to reduce confusion and make pedestrian crossings safer for all, but especially for children. You might be interested in learning the penalties for speeding in a school zone, and better here than from a police officer at roadside. They range from $196 for 31 – 50 km /h to $483 for greater than 90 km /h. You get the bonus of 3 demerits with all tickets. If you’re inclined to give away $483, the Playground project will graciously receive your contribution AND issue a tax receipt. That’s it for this month. Happy November! Please take a moment to remember our war heroes. Elaine Scobie, [email protected] l a i r o t t i d E nten Co onth ch m of eahe next ue for t th’s iss mon irk m eth K Elsp k@gma .kir peth els Christmas Lights Installation Ask about Snow Removal, Plowing, Sanding T h e O ff i c i a l E D G E M O N T C o m m u n i t y N e w s l e t t e r I NOvember 2014 5 “For thousands of homeowners, polybutylene plumbing has become a recurring nightmare.” - Ed Bradley, CBS-60 Minutes Polybutylene (also known as PB or Poly-B) pipe is a flexible, grey pipe that was used in several million homes built from 1970 to the mid-1990s. Due to problems with leaks, Poly-B water pipes are no longer accepted by United States or Canadian building codes and have been the subject of class action lawsuits in both countries. Poly-B fails without warning because it breaks down from the inside of the pipe over time, which can result in sudden catastrophic damage or severe structural damage including mold if a pipe has been leaking for some time without detection. The older the pipe, the more likely it is to fail. Not replacing Poly-B in a home has a 60% probability of failure within 20 years, which further increases over time. Modern West Plumbing & Heating specializes in the complete turn-key removal of Poly-B in your home by a professional, courteous, and experienced team including a Master Plumber. Replacing this pipe in your home will protect your investment and your personal belongings, save thousands on repairs, and add significant value to your property. Call today to schedule your FREE consultation & evaluation Erwin Knoll Modern West Plumbing & Heating Specializing in Fixtures, Repipe, Hot water tanks, Boilers & Custom Home Renovations 403-988-5945 “Making your home better than new!” MODERN WEST PluMbiNg & HEaTiNg “Making your home better than new” Any Housing Repipe oR BoileR system Limited Time Offer - Call Today! 6 Yielding to Emergency Vehicles Time is the enemy in any emergency. You can help EMS, police and fire get to the scene quickly and safely by following the rules of the road. It is important for motorists to understand how to safely yield right of way to emergency vehicles with lights and siren activated, so that everyone stays safe. What to do when an emergency vehicle approaches with lights and siren activated • If you’re in the middle of an intersection when an emergency vehicle approaches with lights and siren activated, safely clear the intersection. •Onaoneortwolaneroad,motoristsshouldmoveto the right side of the road, slow down, and then stop. Remember to signal. •Onaroadwiththreeormorelanes,motoristsshould move to the nearest side of the road and stop. If driving in the centre lane, move to the right side of the road and stop. Remember to signal. •Cometoacompletestopandwaitfortheemergency vehicle to pass. Shoulder check for more emergency vehicles (there is often more than one) before re-entering traffic flow. Remember to signal. •Remember,emergencyvehiclesmayneedtouseany available road space to maneuver. This may include the use of shoulders and left hand turning lanes to pass other traffic. While driving on the road •Driveattentivelyanddefensivelyatalltimes.Becognizant to sirens of emergency vehicles and be prepared to yield the right of way. •Itisthelawformotoriststoslowdowntoatleast60 km/hour (unless a lower speed is posted) when driving past an emergency vehicle which is stopped. •Donotbreaktherulesoftheroadinordertogiveright of way to an emergency vehicle. This could include proceeding through a red light or making an illegal turn. Actions such as these jeopardize all motorists in the area. • Driver attention must be directed towards the roadway and safe operation of the vehicle in which they are driving, at all times. •Alwaysleaveplentyofspacebetweenyourvehicleand an emergency vehicle should it need to stop suddenly. NOvember 2014 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities Learn Spanish Take the challenge of learning Spanish. For details, pricing and class schedules, visit, 403-475-6162 Toastmasters Every Saturday from 9:30 to 11:30 Contact [email protected] for info First Serve Tennis Beginner Tennis lessons for youth, Fridays Contact Jeff @403-441-6870 Rhythmic Gymnastics Wednesdays [email protected] for info Karate Youth and Adults Contact Doug at 403-560-4508 Northwest Community Church ( Service every Sunday at 1O:30AM Contact Pastor Jeff Edwards @ 403-616-6480 Philatelic Society Youth stamp collecting Meets 2nd Saturday/month Contact ECA at 403-239-1211 No Job is too Small! One Step Ahead Dance Studio Ballet, tap, jazz, hip hop Adult and youth Contact Melinda @ 403-247-3607 Scouts Contact Ross at 403-208-8778 Edgemont EduSarc is a before and after school age program servicing the Edgemont School. Please call Judy at 403-241-0131 or email [email protected]. Alcoholics Anonymous Call ECA at 403-239-1211 for info WHAT’S HAPPENING AT ECA The Casey O'Loughlin Academy of Irish Dance Saturday mornings, 9:15 am- 1 0:00am for ages 4 and up For more information or to register, go to: Flourish Yoga Yoga classes for youth and teens Homeschool, Afterschool and Teen Classes Contact Krista at 403.874.4127 Check out the schedule at: Zumba Fitness Tuesdays 2-3pm 10 sessions for $100 Instructors: Pamela Klombies & Mirna Abarca Starts: Tues. September 16 Ends: Tues. November 25 (closed Nov. 11 for Remembrance Day) Drop-in rate: $15/class For details and registration call: (403) 710-3000 or (403) 399-2662. Get to know the members of your Community! We are presently looking for someone to take over the Organizing of our next Casino. This Casino is our Other programs include preschool sports, community’s largest fundraiser. Our forBasketball, soccer, tutoring mer Casino Organizer will be available to Contact ECA at 403-239-1211 for info work with this new person, and we have The City of God Ministry a great Staff and Board who are a valuSundays, 2 PM ESL &Financial counseling able resource as well. Our next Casino Contact Pastor Praise 403-402-2441 will be held sometime in July/August/ September of 2015 (We will be given the Community Walking Group! Meet at the Community Centre entrance for an hour’s walk date in February 2015). The three months leading up to the next Casino is the busiwith a few neighbours every Friday at 10AM est, recruiting, organizing and managing the volunteers. About 40 hours of time BUG Fitness Boot-Camp is needed (spread over several months) Get your sweat on and be summer ready with to pull together our Casino. Interested Samantha through a BUG Fitness boot-camp! in being part of this successful event? This workout will supply you with the balanced, unique and glowy (sweaty and feel good) type of Please contact our Edgemont Communworkout you have been looking for! Samantha will ity Office 403-239-1211. make sure you are getting YOUR best workout. Calgary True Light Gospel Church (城 Whether you are just starting out or have been 真光福音教会) Mandarin service every exercising for a long time, Samantha Sunday at 10:30AM. Contact Pastor John (BUG Fitness) can guarantee she will maximize Zheng (403) 616-5797 YOUR results. Come and check out the fun starting March 1st at 11:45am-12:45pm. For more The Marriage Course 8 sessions on how to build a happy marriage that lasts a info call 403-680-6761 or email bugfitness7@ lifetime. 7:30PM Sunday nights starting October 19. 403-616-6480. Mid week Senior Group Camping The Christmas Craft Sale will be held Camp within two hours of Calgary Tuesday to on Saturday, 15th November 2014, from Friday usually at a provincial Group Camp. 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Bring a nonEnclosed shelters, fire wood , hikes, games, perishable food item for the Christmas campfires, pot lucks, etc. Off season lunches. Hampers. Dick 403-274-8587 dickand joan Get to know the members of your ~continued next page~ T h e O ff i c i a l E D G E M O N T C o m m u n i t y N e w s l e t t e r I NOvember 2014 7 WHAT’S HAPPENING CONT’D Community! We are presently looking for someone to take over the Organizing of our next Casino. This Casino is our community’s largest fundraiser. Our former Casino Organizer will be available to work with this new person, and we have a great Staff and Board who are a valuable resource as well. Our next Casino will be held sometime in July/August/September of 2015 (We will be given the date in February 2015). The three months leading up to the next Casino is the busiest, recruiting, organizing and managing the volunteers. About 40 hours of time is needed (spread over several months) to pull together our Casino. Interested in being part of this successful event? Please contact our Edgemont Community Office 403-2391211. Consider The Edgemont Community Centre FOR YOUR NEXT SPECIAL EVENT! Kids and Adult Yoga with Wanita of Life Song Yoga. Parent and tots classes Fridays. Kids ages 6-9 on Wednesdays Adults Classes: Friday Morning or our 55+ on Tuesday. For more information and registration. Bullying Ends Here: Tad Milmine has been featured on dozens of television programs and newspaper articles over the past year for his passion in helping others overcome bullying. Using his own story, Tad has made it his mission to help others. While Tad doesn’t hold back on his own troubling upbringing, the message is powerful in that it speaks to perseverance and determination. Tad will bring his story to us and we invite everyone to come and see this award winning presentation. Please note that the presentation is not suitable for those under 11 year olds. Join us Tues Nov 18/14 at St Thomas United Church, 100 Hawkwood Blvd. NW Calgary from 7–8:30 pm. Donations accepted. Please register by calling 403-241-0366 Art drawing class at Edgemont Community Centre: Thursday : 6:00PM-7:30PM Sunday : 1:00PM-2:30PM 2:30PM-4:00PM for ages 5 and up. includes cartoon, sketch, watercolor, painting For more information or to register, go to: or call us at 587-889-8685 Music with Joyce is a Cantonese music class taught by music teacher, Joyce Chu. This class is adapted from “The Music Class (TMC)” program, an early childhood music and movement class for infants, toddlers and preschoolers. Each class has a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 12 children, with mixed ages so that children of different ages (such as siblings) can enjoy the class together. Each session is animal themed and funds for 10 weeks. The classes are 45 min in duration. For more information, please go to: Young Rembrandts: Teaching children how to draw using a unique step-by-step method and top quality curriculum. Come join our fun, educational and engaging drawing classes. For children 3.5 – 12 years of age. Contact us @ 403-457-DRAW (3729) [email protected]. 8 Call 403-239-1211 for more details The Panorama Room Capacity 200 Beautiful mountain view Landscaped gardens Full kitchen facilities attached Round tables, upholstered seating The Fireside Room Capacity 70 Mountain view Upholstered seating Wood floor This session starts on October 8 and runs to November 26 (we may try doing another enrollment push for November 4th – as a four week session to see if we can add more children to the current program). The next session will start in January. NAACHO! Bolly Fitness: Healthy Living is all about naturally aligning the body, mind, and soul so they function in harmony with one another. In an effort to help adults learn to take good care of themselves, Tania & Vishal, directors of SPARQ PRODUCTIONS, have come up with a BODY, MIND & SOUL Exercise Program. Come shake that body to some awesome, upbeat Bolllywood music. Registration is ongoing for the upcoming session. Drop-ins are also welcome (subject to availability). For more information, please email us at contact@sparqproductions. com or call us on 403-246-5739. Classes are every Mondays from 8-9pm. Also Bollywood classes for ages 11-15 yrs every Mondays from 7-8pm. NOvember 2014 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities Landscape Enhancement & Appreciation Fund (“LEAF”) Island Example #1 – Edgebrook Park & Edgebrook Grove Shrubs • Shrubs beyond beyond life useful life useful Accumulated • Accumulated litter litter • Pruning and and Pruning weeding required weeding required • Turf improvement Turf improvement • Mulch Island Example #2 – Edenstone Place bed • FlowerFlower bed overrun overrun with weeds with weeds and • deformed BrokenBroken and deformmetal ed metal fencing fencing • Pruning and weedPruning and ing required weeding required Turf • Turf improvement • improvement Mulch Edgemont’s Landscape Enhancement and Appreciation Fund (“LEAF”) team will be knocking on your door in 2015 over the months of April, May and June. We are asking for your support to permanently fund landscape improvements throughout the community. Reminder about the Town Hall - please join us on Saturday, November 8th between 9am and 1pm at the Edgemont Community Center to learn more and have your say. Weather Event Devastating to Trees It is unfortunate that our city’s 500,000 trees were hit by the devastating September storm. Large amounts of wet, heavy snow fell and accumulated quickly on deciduous trees full of foliage causing branches to bend, sag and snap under the weight. Although Edgemont suffered alongside the rest of the city, we are encouraged at the resilience of the forest of Trembling Aspens alongside Edgemont Blvd. Many of our properties are full of hardy coniferous Spruce and Pines that can handle snow load. Nevertheless we hope you share our sense of urgency to give our shared public spaces a helping hand with the LEAF program. New Website Please check out our LEAF project website at Islands, Green Spaces, Boulevards and Entrance Signs A picture is worth a thousand words. This month we take a closer look at some of the enhancements we wish to make around the community. Mulch Mulch Entrance Sign Example #1 – Edgevalley Landing & Edgevalley Dr in sign front to sign • Bed inBed front to benefit from general benefit from general clean-up clean-up Pruning and • weeding Pruningrequired and weeding required Turf improvement • Turf improvement Mulch • Mulch Entrance Sign Example #2 – Edenwold Dr & Edgemont Blvd Entrance Sign Example #3 – Country Hills Blvd & EdgeRidge Gate Entrance sign • Entrance sign subsubstantially hiddenby by stantially hidden overgrowth overgrowth Shrubs need • Shrubs trimmingneed back trimming to ground FP+ Landscape Enhancement back level to ground level • Turf improvement Turf improvement Mulch • Mulch Green Space Example – Pathway system inside Edelweiss Dr Boulevards Bench unusable • Bench unusable due dueovergrowth to overgrowth to General cleanup • General cleanup required throughout required pathway throughout pathway Trees – pruning, • Trees – pruning, well well clearing, mulch clearing, mulch Our friends in • Our friendsenjoy in HawkHawkwood wood enjoybeautification trementremendous dous beautification of of their major boulevards Raised planters their major boulevards with assortment colors • Raised plantersofwith and flower textures assortment of colors Turf improvement and flower textures Care for trees • Turf improvement • Care for trees These pictures just a hundreds few ofofthe hundreds of opportunities for These pictures are justare a few of the opportunities for improvement around Edgemont. We are a big community with miles of boulevards and numerous islands, green improvement around Edgemont. We are a big community spaces and entrance signs. With your support the collective enhancement of all of these areaswith will really a shine. miles of add boulevards and numerous islands, green spaces and entrance signs. With your support the collective enhancement of all Town Hall When: Saturday, November 8th between 9:00 am and 1:00 pm ofWhere: these areas will really add a shine. ~continued next page~ Edgemont Community Center We know you support the LEAF program – come tell us in person! If you are undecided and T h e O ff i c i a l E D G would E M Olike N Tto speak C o mwith m the u nproject i t y Nleaders e w s come l e t t ehave r your I say. november 2014 Volunteer Opportunity Are you proficient in another language that is prevalent in Edgemont ? Please consider donating 9 “LEAF” CONT’D Town Hall When: Saturday, November 8 between 9:00 am and 1:00 pm Where: Edgemont Community Center We know you support the LEAF program – come tell us in person! If you are undecided and would like to speak with the project leaders come have your say. Volunteer Opportunity Are you proficient in another language that is prevalent in Edgemont ? Please consider donating your time to help us translate our information materials or assist canvassers as they meet homeowners who do not speak English or speak English as a second language. The LEAF team will be assigning pairs of volunteer polling canvassers for each of these 26 polling station areas in Edgemont. It would very helpful to us if a group of language volunteers could be on standby to assist the canvassers. If you are interested in this role or any other volunteer role with the LEAF team please contact me via [email protected]. Edgemont Business Membership Who Are We? The Edgemont Business Membership is a membership within the ECA. It is local businesses coming together to promote community awareness and support for local business as well as to build relationships within its membership. How Do You Become A Member? If you own or operate a business, home-based or storefront, within our Edgemont community or if you do business in Edgemont, you can purchase an annual Edgemont Business Membership for $40.00 through the Edgemont Community Association office. Call 403-239-1211 with any questions. What are the Benefits of Membership? Membership provides your company with an opportunity to become more widely recognized within the community. •As a member there will be opportunities throughout the year to meet and build relationships with like-minded business owners. As well, you will be able to participate and plan promotional and community events. •Contact information for all member businesses will be posted on the ECA website and included in the Edgemont Community Welcome Package, which is under development. •All members are entitled to provide the ECA with business cards or other promotional material that will be displayed prominently at the Edgemont Community Center and available for all visitors to the center. •Members will also have the opportunity to be selected and featured in an article published in our community newsletter “The Inside Edge”. This publication is delivered monthly to 5,000 households and is posted on the ECA website. Become an Edgemont Business Member today! 10 NOvember 2014 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities City: _________________ Province: __________ Postal Code: __________ Card Number: ______________________ Phone:____________________ Signature: _________________________________________ Payment Information: Option 1: Online Paypal supported. Enter “Edgemont Plays” in the Instructions to Seller Section. Project Edgemont Option 2: Cheque � My cheque is enclosed. Payable to “Parks Foundation Calgary”. Enter “Edgemont Plays” in memo. �Yes, I would like to receive Parks Foundation Calgary’s Quarterly Newsletter e-mailed to me � No, I would not like to receive Parks Foundation Calgary’s Quarterly Newsletter John Laurie Park - it’s where you, your kids, and grandkids play! Soccer, We can do better than THIS! Cheques may be dropped off at the ECA office or mailed to: hockey, tobogganing, and so much more! It’s where all of Edgemont comes Parks Foundation Calgary 225 – 13 Avenue SW, Calgary, AB T2R 1N8 together as a community to meet neighbours, be active and, best of all, (T) (403) 974–0751 (F) (403) 974-0758 [email protected] play! Then there is the little playground. The children of Edgemont deserve Option 3: Credit card (mail to Parks Foundation address above) � Please charge to my credit card a place where they can explore, climb, play and just be kids. Donation Amount: $________________________________________ Credit card type: � Visa � MasterCard PLEASE DONATE TODAY! WE HAVE TO SUBMIT OUR APPLICATION FORCard A Expiry (MM/YY):________ Card Number: ______________________ Signature: _________________________________________ MATCHING GRANT ON NOVEMBER 30TH, SO DONATIONS RECEIVED PRIOR TO THEN ARE EFFECTIVELY DOUBLED. To donate, please fill out the following donation form. All donations over 1/2V or 3/4page Project Play Edgemont $25 will be issued a tax receipt by the Calgary Parks Foundation. For more information, contact [email protected] Donation Information Donation Information I would like to make a donation in support of Parks Foundation Calgary to the Edgemont Plays Project. Contact Information: First & Last Name:_________________________ Address:_________________________________ City: _________________ Province: __________ Postal Code: __________ Phone:____________________ Payment Information: Option 1: Online Paypal supported. Enter “Edgemont Plays” in the Instructions to Seller Section. Option 2: Cheque � My cheque is enclosed. Payable to “Parks Foundation Calgary”. Enter “Edgemont Plays” in memo. �Yes, I would like to receive Parks Foundation Calgary’s Quarterly Newsletter e-mailed to me � No, I would not like to receive Parks Foundation Calgary’s Quarterly Newsletter Cheques may be dropped off at the ECA office or mailed to: Parks Foundation Calgary 225 – 13 Avenue SW, Calgary, AB T2R 1N8 (T) (403) 974–0751 (F) (403) 974-0758 [email protected] Option 3: Credit card (mail to Parks Foundation address above) � Please charge to my credit card Donation Amount: $________________________________________ Credit card type: � Visa � MasterCard Card Expiry (MM/YY):________ Card Number: ______________________ Signature: _________________________________________ T h e O ff i c i a l E D G E M O N T C o m m u n i t y N e w s l e t t e r I NOvember 2014 11 Alliance forACTIVE Active Aging ALLIANCE FOR AGING Programming Descriptions The most up to date schedule can also be viewed on the Triple A website at For more information, go to November is a time for Remembrance as well as a time International Class of preparation!Cooking Many Remembrance Day ceremonies February 1 – March 1 the (4 classes, Feb 15) are held throughout city butnoa class personal favourite is at the Museum (4520 Crowchild Trail SW). 11:30 amMilitary – 1:30 pm This years’ service will begin at $70 1045+ hrs Edgemont Community Centre GST(10:45am) (member)on Tuesday Nov. 11. A service also starting at 10:45am $75 (non-member) will held the hands CentralonMemorial Park Cenotaph Join be us for a 2athour class where each week we (1221 2 St. S.W.). For those wishing to attend service make a different International dish. Relax afteraand enjoy indoors theThai Jubilee Auditorium typically one your sushi, beef with cucumber salad, hosts baklava and starting at 10:30am. won-ton soup. As November progresses many of us turn our Conversational thoughts to the English upcoming Christmas season. There’s nothing like– attending one of thenomany fairs to January 17 March 14 (8 classes, class craft Feb. 14) fi 1nd – 3your pm Christmas spirit! Varsity will be holding their th th Christmas Sale on Centre Nov. 14$75 & +15GST , Silver Springs EdgemontCraft Community (member) nd on 22 , Scenic Acres has two their Extravaganza $80Nov. (member) nd th on and Craftwho Salewould on Nov. 29to , Dalhousie on AreNov. you 22 a someone like learn to speak nd th Nov. 22 , and Edgemont on Nov, 14 . If visiting the English. Come join this friendly group and practice craft sales gives you the urge to get creative but don’t enunciation, general conversation and small talk in a know where to start Triple A can help! Come along to supportive environment. the Palmer Boardroom at the Scenic Acres Community Centre any Monday morning at 9am and meet the Discover Dance Ladies of Line the Social/Coff ee/Craft Club. Ladies come Tuesdays 1:30 – 2:30 pm from many of the participating Triple A communities. Feb. 2 –sew, March 23 (8 weeks) Some some knit, some chat, some quilt, some Edgemont Community Centrejust $58come + GSTfor (member) $63 crochet or cross stitch, some the coffee (nonconversation! member) and Beginner Line Dance Lessons for Guys and Girls. Have Dalhousie (DCA) 403.286.2555 fun, keep fit and sharpen the mind. • Zumba Gold: Tuesdays and/or Thursdays at 9:15am Dance to Popular, Country and Latin Music. No partner • Cribbage: Wednesday at 1:30pm required, wear non-marking shoes. Edgemont (ECA) 403.241.9493 •Please contact ECA ifCommunity you live in Edgemont Dalhousie Centreand are interested in seeing Triple in A programs provided AAA Program Offerings the New Year - 2010in your community. to 3pm Bring a Lunch $5 Drop in Fee) provided. The top three players andBeginner the lowestClass; scorer • Line Dancing: Tuesdays 10:30am are rewarded at the end afternoon. 11:35am Intermediate Classof- the Drop in $12 per class, $10 per class for those who register. • Single LadiesDancing Get Together: 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the Bollywood Month 10:30am to Noon - $2 Drop in Fee Instructor - Urvashi Sabharwal rd • Quilting Group: 3 Tuesday ofhour the classes) Month 9am to Tuesdays, Mar. 02 - Apr. 27 (9 -1 3:00pm Drop in Fee $5. 1:00 - 2:00 pm • Book Club:Room September 9th 1 to 3pm - $2 Drop In Fee Phoenix • Walking Club: Wednesdays departing from SACA at $50 (Min 5 Max 20) 9:15am sharp. FREE! Bollywood Dancing - Come and try your hand (and hips) • Fun & Games: Wednesdays 12:45 to 3:45pm - $2 Drop at the popular new Indian dance trend - Bollywood! Our in Fee year old instructor decades and • Tai60 Chi: Thursdays 11amhas to been Noon.dancing Contactfor SACA to regher classical Indian dance training changes with the ister for $10 per class nd th versatility of all the new moves. Expressive hand and • Artist Gathering: 2 & 4 Thursday of the Month 1:00 to body -actions 3:30pm $2 Dropinvolving in Fee yoga movements make this a beautiful dance to learn and to watch. Silver Springs (SSCA) 403.288.2616 • Fun & Games: Mondays: 1:30 – 3:30pm All welcome Beginner Scrapbooking on Monday afternoons to meet some new friends, play Instructor – Suzanne Morse some games- Rummy-O, Rummoli, King in a Corner, and Wednesdays 13 -September Feb. 17 (6 -82th!hr. classes) have some fun! Jan. Begins 10:00 am -12:00 noon • Mah Jong: Thursdays 1:00 – 3:30pm. Our very popular Phoenix Roomin gets back into action on September Mah Jong dropth + supplies (Min Please 5 Max 10) 11$50 . New to the game? drop- in the first Thursday of - Learn how to scrapbook theBeginner month! AllScrapbooking welcome! all those beautiful your and children • Seniors Yoga: Fridays memories 11:00am –ofNoon 12:15 and – 1:15pm. Our Fall session September – Nov. 28, grandchildren. At eachruns class you will 12 learn different 12scrapbooking weeks $96. Calltechniques. to register 403-288-2616 By the end of the program you will take home a personally crafted mini-album. The Varsity (VCA) 403.288.9001 instructor will bring needed supplies each class.and • Seniors Fitness: Everyone works at theirtoown ability pace. Mondays and Wednesdays 9:15 – 10:15am Mento&11:20am Women • TaiSelf Chi:Defence Mondaysfor 10:20 Instructor – Elizabeth Harriman-Crooks • Seniors Card Club (Canasta and Bridge): Join us to Mondays, - Feb. 08 you!) and bridge. Mondays play canastaJan. (we11 can teach 9:00 10:00 am (5 1 hr. classes) Cribbage (Drop in) 12:30 – 3:30 pm. We always welcome new players. Montgomery (MCA) 403.247.3116 • Seniors Yoga: Tuesdays 10:00 to 11:30am Conference Room Wednesdays, Oct. 07 Mar. 31 (22 times NOT on Dec. 09) • Senior’s Social: Last Monday of the month 1:00 to • North Ladies Duplicate Bridge: Tuesdays 11:30 am – $30 (Min 4 Max – 20) 1:30 3:30 pm 3:00pm. Join us for a pot luck lunch and then a pre3:30pm Self-Defence for Men & Women - Learn the ABC’s of Sunrise Room sentation and/or cards and games. • Ladies Bridge: Wednesdays 12:30 – 3:00pm how to be vigilant so that you can protect yourself, your $2 per time Scenic Acres (SACA) 403.547.9589 children or your grandchildren. Join a participatory class Cribbage - Meet other friendly Calgarians through the • Ladies Social Coffee Craft Club: Mondays 9am to The most up to date schedule can also be viewed on the in which you can practice the skill taught. These classes game of crib. Participants move tables depending on Noon - $2 Drop in Fee (2nd Monday of the month 9am Triple A website at cards dealt and points collected. Coffee and cookies are ~Continued next page~ Page 6 December 2009 | The Inside Edge 12 NOvember 2014 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities Christmas Craft Sale Saturday, November 15 between 10am – 3pm At the Edgemont Community Centre 33 Edgevalley Circle NW Over 80 vendors MANY NEW VENDORS Entrance is free but donation to the Hamper program would be appreciated T h e O ff i c i a l E D G E M O N T C o m m u n i t y N e w s l e t t e r I NOvember 2014 13 speaker (and answer questions from the public) at a free meeting of the Friends of Nose Hill, on Wednesday, November 12, at Triwood Community Centre, 7 p.m. Coyotes were once called song dogs in First Nations myth. The urban coyote now lives in nature surrounded by urban development. Citizens report seeing coyotes and a few have negative interactions with them. But does that mean you need to be afraid of coyotes? She will explore how coyotes live in the city, what challenges they face, and how we can co-exist without fear. the Friends of Nose Hill by Anne Burke Shelley Alexander at the U. of C. Geography department handraised coyote pups while researching pack behaviour and non-lethal deterrents. She will be the guest Alexander led a guided walk around Nose Hill, which supports a small group of coyotes in an urban green space. She describes what type of habitat (in parks like Nose Hill) is important to coyotes and answers whether coyotes were living in these places before the city was built. Or, are coyotes “invading” cities, like you hear in the media? Next to spring denning, another critical conflict time is fall for the “dispersal season”, when coyotes reaching maturity leave the pack to fend for themselves. This is a period of stress for coyotes, and when hungry, they will sometimes roam residential areas looking for food. This summer there were concerns over wild animal trapping in the city, as well as how we manage the encroachment of bears and cougars. Or are we in their space? Urban wildlife is a reality, and experts from the Calgary Zoo as well as Alberta Fish and Wildlife will bring forward an Urban Wildlife Strategy. The city can be a better custodian of good animal welfare practice. Animal and Bylaw Services already plans to meet with other agencies. Be pro-active to avoid conflict with animals like beavers, by planting trees along the river, placing wire around tree trunks, and providing under-dam drains to control water levels. A cougar found prowling at the South Calgary Health Campus delayed many police officers who waited for the Alberta Fish and Wildlife officials to arrive. Of course we need to respect the potential for harm to the public. The Minister of Justice & Solicitor General announced a review of the Provincial Government’s response in this situation. F MIND SOLU O TIO CE A N E S P NO UP-FRONT FEES FREE ESTIMATES VISA/MASTERCARD ACCEPTED Harding s Services 403-254-4726 Painting Cleaning Painting Cleaning Window Texturing Handyman Window Texturing Handyman Washing Washing - Residential & Commercial - Int./Ext. Painting - Scheduled Cleaning - Window & Power Washing - Stipple Removal & Texture Application - Cabinet Refinishing - Spray Booth - Renovations & Project Mngmt. BONDABLE BBB MEMBERSHIP SINCE 2000 SERVING CALGARY SINCE 1996 14 NOvember 2014 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities Edgemont A Message from your Volunteer Coordinator Jeff Edwards Hi Edgemont, First, thanks! Check out the pictures from the Family Festival (Sept.13). Thank you students from YVC, Tom Baines, and Saint Francis and everyone who helped make it a big success! Also, we all thank neighbours who helped neighbours pick up branches after that Sept snow storm. And thanks to those who volunteered at our October events (Edgemont Business Event and the Halloween Howler). Second, volunteer! J We’ve got the LEAF Open House on November 8, Snow Angels clearing snow for neighbours, and Christmas Hampers need donations and volunteers again. Plus, the Wednesday Breakfast Club and Friday Food Hampers. Contact me if you can help. And keep loving Edgemont! Jeff Edwards, 403-616-6480, [email protected] T h e O ff i c i a l E D G E M O N T C o m m u n i t y N e w s l e t t e r I november 2014 15 HUMANA MEDICAL CLINIC the family clinic with the human touch WHERE NEW PATIENTS AND WALK-INS ARE WELCOME HOURS OF OPERATION 8:00 am to 8:00 pm Open 7 Days a Week Humana’s clinics are CLOSED on Statutory & Civic Holidays ========================================================== DALHOUSIE STATION PH: (403) 202-8888 #183, 5005 Dalhousie Drive NW Calgary, Alberta T3A 5R8 These Family Physicians ARE ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS WOMEN’S IUD CLINIC NOW OPEN EVERY SATURDAY SHORT WAITING IMMEDIATE APPOINTMENT CALL 403-202-8888 Dr Sanjeeve Sockanathan MRCGP Dr Umaru Ahmadu-Alli MD Dr Jane Flynn MD Dr Oluwaseun Oyeniran MD, MRCGP Female Family Physician Dr Rosario Guevara MD GLENBROOK PLAZA PH: (403) 686-6967 #136, 3715 - 51 Street SW Calgary, Alberta T3E 6V2 These Family Physicians ARE ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS Dr. A.A. (Tayo) Alawiye Dr. Victor Fadayomi Female Family Physician Dr Rosario Guevara MD 16 november 2014 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities Edgemont Community Association Membership Application To purchase a membership in your community association please fill out the form below, attach a cheque for $30.00, made payable to Edgemont Community Association (ECA), and mail it to the following address: Memberships, Edgemont Community Association 33 Edgevalley Circle, NW Calgary, AB T3A 4X1 Membership Application Card Number: ______________________ Expiry Date: __________ Family Name(s): ______________________________________________________________________________ First Name: _______________________________ Spouse First Name: _________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Postal Code: ______________________________ Telephone: ________________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Children’s Name(s) _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ Age(s) ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ Amount Paid Cheque Cash Received by: __________________________ I would like to volunteer my time for Board of Directors Casino Fundraising Ice Rink Maintenance Social Membership Sports As required Making Posters Newsletter Parkland *Proof of membership is the member’s responsibility CALGARY MOUNTAINVIEW LIONS CLUB Meets at the Triwood Community Hall on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Serving Northwest Calgary, open to all men and women of legal age. For more info please call: John Wilson 403-932-6043 Edgepointe Dental Centre 233, 45 Edenwold Drive NW tients New Pa e Welcom Dr. Michael Pannell Dr. Sandra Pannell General Dentists Gentle Family Dentistry * ail i Tr Edgemont Blvd NW NW an Nose Hill Park ag Sh p ap Edenwold Drive NW T h e O ff i c i a l E D G E M O N T C o m m u n i t y N e w s l e t t e r 403-239-6411 I NOvember 2014 17 Little Lamb Playgroup C��� �u� �n� �l��! M�e� ��� ����nd�! For parents and tots (ages 4 and under) Please bring toys that you are willing to share Edgemont Community Centre - Mountain View Room 33 Edgevalley Circle NW Bi-weekly on Fridays - 11:15 AM - 1:15 PM November 7 & 21 Leadership Matters Etiquette Coaching for Junior High School Students (ages 12-14 yrs) Mondays 4:00-5:00pm Leadership Matters are a series of etiquette courses assisting junior school students to handle the challenges of school, extra-curricular activities, etc. With their development in mind, the chosen topics will give them an understanding of what behaviors are expected and respected in any/all social scenarios diminishing feelings of uncertainty and boost confidence. Classes include games & role-playing for the students. Topics include: •Meet n’ Greet – introductions, art of conversation, feedback, how to negotiate •Sharing – cyber civility & social networking, cyber bullying, professional phone manners, texting, using tact, •Job Interview – role-play through preparing for your first interview CHS LTD. Calgary Handyman Services Ltd. No Job is too Small! Neil Penner tel: 403-472-8943 email: [email protected] DECKS • YARDWORK • GARDEN DESIGN WELDING • FABRICATION • RV REPAIRS HOME REPAIRS • SMALL RENOVATIONS • PLUMBING • ELECTRICAL• FENCES HAULING• CONDO MAINTENANCE • MOVE OUT REPAIRS & CLEAN-UP • PRUNING 18 Respect, value for others & integrity are the means to becoming Confident!! Classes run Mondays for one hour, from November 3, 10, 17, & 24, at a cost of $95 for four sessions. To register, please go to to download the registration form. For more information, please contact instructor Maria Doll, certified Etiquette Trainer, at [email protected]. by Maria Doll, Etiquette Trainer NOvember 2014 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities by Cindy deJager NORTHLAND VILLAGE DENTAL CENTRE Services are provided by general dentists ORCHIDS There are many varieties of orchids but the most common is the Phalaenopsis or Moth Orchid that you see in garden centres and floral departments. I have gleaned this information from the American Orchid Society, and I am happy to report that I have learned some new things about orchids that I am pleased to share. Get a brighter whiter smile and book your cleaning today! We Welcome New & Emergency Patients A major concern most home-gardeners encounter is an orchid that never flowers again. Your orchid looks healthy enough; the leaves are glossy green and firm. Surprisingly this indicates that your orchid is not getting enough sunlight to flower. Rather, your orchid should have strong upright growth but the leaves should be a yellowishgreen. This makes sense when you understand that when a plant flowers it takes all the energy from the leaves and transfers that energy into the production of flowers. Another important component to growing healthy orchids is air. Orchids like a well-ventilated environment and the roots need air or they will die. Gentle air movement – a ceiling fan or a swivel fan will imitate their natural environment. How do you know when to water your orchid and how do you know when your orchid is almost dry? •The surface of the potting mixture will appear dry •Clay pot feels dry •Pot will feel lighter Water your orchid until the water runs freely from the drainage holes – this flushes out the salts that naturally accumulate. Flush at least once a month. Orchids like to be fed weekly a quarter of the recommended 2020-20 formula that should contain little or no urea. When feeding your orchids it is important to remember to water first as the fertilizer will burn the roots if applied to a dry potting mixture. Provide the basic requirements of humidity, air movement, potting mixture, and light to your orchids and you will be rewarded with healthy flowering plants. Direct Billing Available Multi Language Service Dr. Ta Sen Lu DDS Dr. Christopher Coe DDS Dr William Wei DDS Dr. Sylla Skaria DDS General Dentistry including: Esthetic Dentistry • Teeth Whitening Kid’s Space Maintainers & Fillings Dentures Crown & Bridge • Dental Implants #2003, 5111 Northland Dr. NW (2nd floor of Northland Village Mall) 403-255-6688 Mon to Fri 7:30 am - 7:00 pm Sat 8:30 am - 5:00 pm T h e O ff i c i a l E D G E M O N T C o m m u n i t y N e w s l e t t e r I NOvember 2014 19 call or e-mail for a free MARKET EVALUATION Living and working in Edgemont 20 november 2014 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities NEW! Alberta Health Authorized Registry Agent Guns and Gangs Your One Stop Government Services Center A-PLUS REGISTRY SERVICES Please join us and Sgt. Jason Walker of the Calgary Police Service Guns and Gangs Unit for a FREE informative session on the current organized crime and gang landscape in Calgary. Topics will include the types of criminal organizations and gangs in Calgary, the sophistication of technology in organized crime, and an overview of the Calgary Police Service Gang Strategy. Date: Wednesday, November 19th, 2014 Location: Bowness Community Association 7904 43 Avenue NW Time: 7:00pm – 9:00pm Cost: FREE to the public – space is limited For more information and to register visit SAFETYSYNC ONLINE SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM “An effective health and safety management system can help prevent losses, reduce costs and provide evidence of due diligence.” Enform IRP 9 (Revised) 403.668.6402 101, 3604 – 52 Ave NW Calgary (next to Winston Churchill High School) Phone 403–288-3333 Details on Service Hours: Monday-Friday 8am - 7pm; Sat 10-4 VISA; Mastercard; Debit Accepted Country Hills Veterinary CliniC 214, 5149 Country Hills Blvd NW (located next to Superstore) Phone: 403-547-3388 Quality, Compassionate Veterinary Care for Companion Animals, Including Exotics VETERINARIANS: Dr. Kristin Bentz Dr. Jill Johnson Dr. Cathy Dick NEW PATIENTS WELCOME! HOUrS OF OPeratiOn Mon & fri: 7:30 aM to 6:00 pM tues, Wed, tHurs: 7:30 aM to 8:00 pM saturday: 9:00 aM to 4:00 pM Open evenings and weekends preventive health care, diagnostic testing, surgical procedures, dental care, laboratory services, pharmaceuticals and pet nutrition aCCess to 24 Hour eMerGenCy & intensiVe Care faCilities T h e O ff i c i a l E D G E M O N T C o m m u n i t y N e w s l e t t e r I NOvember 2014 21 Vice President & Wealth Advisor [email protected] Wealth Advisor 22 november 2014 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities LIBRARY BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS Garden of Evening Mists, by TwanEng Tan Recently retired judge Teoh Yun Ling has at most a year before she will lose all language and memory to aphasia. She leaves Kuala Lumpur for the Highlands of Central Malaysia and finds Yugiri-the book's eponymous Garden of Evening Mists-where she has agreed to meet a Japanese scholar writing a book about Yugiri's creator, Aritomo, the self-exiled former gardener to the emperor of Japan. Four decades earlier, in spite of being the single survivor of a horrific World War II Japanese prison, Yun Ling apprenticed herself to Aritomo, hoping to someday create the perfect garden to honor her murdered sister. Almost 38 years have passed since Aritomo disappeared, and now, threatened with erasure, Yun Ling begins to record his story as well as her own. Tan succeeds in entwining the redemptive power of storytelling with the search for elusive truth, all the while juxtaposing Japan's ignominious war history with glorious moments of Japanese art and philosophy. Readers who love gardens and their creation as well as exquisite writing and the vortex of history will be drawn into this book. Cool Water, by Dianne Warren Juliet, Saskatchewan, is a blink-of-an-eye kind of town -- the Welcome sign announces a population of 1,011 people -- and it's easy to imagine that nothing happens on its hot and dusty streets. Situated on the edge of the Little Snake Sand Hills, Juliet and its inhabitants are caught in limbo between a century -- old promise of prosperity and whatever lies ahead. But the heart of the town beats in the rich and overlapping stories of its people: the foundling who now owns the farm that his adoptive family left him; the pregnant teenager and her mother who are planning a fairytale wedding; a shy couple well beyond middle age struggling with the recognition of their feelings for one another; a camel named Antoinette; and the ubiquitous wind and sand that forever shift the landscape. Their stories bring the prairie desert and the town of Juliet to vivid and enduring life. This is W.O. Mitchell country 60 years on, at once witty and perceptive, deeply moving and profound; a timeless story of the mysteries of everyday life. CROWFOOT LIBRARY 8665 Nose Hill Drive NW • 403-221-4122 • Monday - Thursday 10:00 am - 9:00 pm Friday & Saturday 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Sundays 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm PROGRAMS FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH Pyjama Storytime: Snuggle into your jammies and join us for sleepy stories. Ages 2-5 with parent/caregiver. Tuesday, November 4, 7:00-7:30 p.m. Poetically Poetical: Celebrate poetry in all its forms with the Calgary Young Peoples Theatre. Ages 5-11, Saturday, November 8, 2:30-3:15 p.m. Emerging Artists in YOUR Library: Join the School of Alberta Ballet for an interactive ballet performance sponsored by BMO. Monday, November 17, 12:00-1:00 p.m. Colossal Calgary Playdate! Come prepared to PLAY with your baby or toddler. Ages up to 3 with parent/ caregiver. Thursday, November 20, 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. P.D. Day Movie: Come watch a feature film on your day off! Friday, November 21 or Friday, November 28, 1:002:30 p.m. PROGRAMS FOR ADULTS Welcome to Canada: Positive Parenting (Mandarin): Learn about parenting your children in a dual culture. Sunday, November 2, 1:00-3:00 p.m. Register at 403999-9724 (Mandarin) or 403-777-6074 (English). Taught in Mandarin. Portable Tablets for Beginners: Discover the basics of working with your new tablet. Tuesday, November 4, 7:00-8:30 p.m. Please register. Amazon Mystery: The Disappearance of Percy Fawcett: Learn about the famed British explorer’s disappearance in 1925. Thursday, November 6, 7:00-8:30 p.m. Please register. Stepping into Change: Learn new ways to cope with the stress of new situations. Presented by Alberta Health Services. Wednesday, November 12, 7:00-8:30 p.m. Please register. eBooks: A Library on the Go: Library staff demonstrate how to download an ebook using OverDrive or 3M Cloud Library. Wednesday, November 19, 7:00-8:30 p.m. Please register. T h e O ff i c i a l E D G E M O N T C o m m u n i t y N e w s l e t t e r I NOvember 2014 23 1 2 9 1 9 5 8 40%OFF 2” wood or vinyl shutters 75%OFF 2” horizontal wood/fauxwood LIMITED TIME OFFER. CHECK OUT OUR SPECIALS ON ALL OTHER PRODUCTS 9 3 2 1 2 3 5 7 24 1 6 9 9 1 7 3 4 8 3 PRESENT THIS COUPON FOR AN EXTRA 5% OFF 4 7 FIND SOLUTION ON PAGE 30 NOvember 2014 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities 6 COUNCILLOR, WARD 4 SEAN CHU 403-268-3727 • [email protected] 1/2V TNC P LUMB & GAS FITTINING • All y our ho G plumb useho in ld Councillor Chu gas fit g and • Reno t • Nort ing needs and advations hwest ditio • Hot w reside • Quic nce • F ater tans k resp nks r o e n e s e Call T • Sam quotes ye th e day e Plu servic mber e 403-39 9-8640 The future of your main streets Main streets are active areas that attract Calgarians to socialize, work, shop, dine, celebrate local events and The future of your main streets are often important transportation routes. Main streets are active areas that attract Calgarians to socialize, work, shop, dine, celebrate local Thriving main streets are ideal locations to live, work events and are often important transportation routes. and play. The City’s Planning & Development team wants to explore howThriving growthmain could happen a streets are idealinlocations to live, work and play. The City’s Planning & Development team wants explore how growth could happen in a meaningful way for meaningful way for residents, businesses andtodevelresidents, businesses and developers. .6824 opers. 03.286 6-6824 (403) 28 Ph 4 677 3.288.9 in late fall of 2014,streets the city’s main streets x 40 will analyze Calgary’s 24 main Starting in late fall of Starting 2014, the city’s main Fainitiative street neighbourhoods to inform future planning and development activities. The first step in this initiative will analyze Calgary’s 24 main street neighprocess is to gather local perspectives about main street issues, opportunities and outcomes. bourhoods to inform future planning and development activities. The first inhear thisfrom process is to learn how you can get involved We step want to you! Visit and share ideasstreet about issues, the success of Calgary’s main streets. gather local perspectives aboutyour main opportunities and outcomes. We want to hear from you! Visit mainstreets to learn how you can get involved and share your ideas about the success of Calgary’s main streets. Unit 312, 5149 Country Hills Blvd. NW (Across from Hamptons Superstore) T h e O ff i c i a l E D G E M O N T C o m m u n i t y N e w s l e t t e r I NOvember 2014 25 Are You Implementing Strategies to Minimize Tax? Ask an Expert Q Are there certain assets that I should give special consideration to in order to avoid paying undue tax? A Each year, countless individuals pay an excessive amount of tax to Canada Revenue Agency. In order to preserve the value of your assets, it is vital to structure your estate in a strategic manner. Although tax is an unavoidable reality within even a well-composed estate, there are many tools available that may significantly reduce or defer an estate’s taxation liability. A proper tax plan should account for both domestic and international issues. Many families are unaware that internationally held assets, such as U.S. vacation properties or U.S. investments, are liable to both Canadian and U.S. estate taxes. Failure to structure these assets within a larger tax scheme will inevitably cause their real values to be reduced. In addition to the aforementioned risks, foreign assets can also legally create multiple estates. By owning U.S. property or U.S. investments, you are recognized to possess both a Sheri MacMillan, Senior Trust & Estate Practitioner, CEO of MacMillan Estate Planning Corp. and Host of The Strongroom on QR77 Canadian and U.S. estate. Upon an individual’s passing, these two estates will need to be settled, adding considerably to the amount of time and money required. Ultimately, your assets both inside and outside of Canada require careful planning. In order to reduce tax, it is vital to use the most qualified experts available. Always consult with a professional to ensure you are properly protected. MacMillan Estate Planning Corp. will be hosting a complimentary Wine & Cheese Seminar on Wednesday, October 22nd at 7:00 PM to register, please visit or call 403 266 6464 26 NOvember 2014 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities For Business Classified Ad Rates Call Great News Publishing at 403 263-3044 or [email protected] NEPTUNE PLUMBING & HEATING LTD: Qualified journeymen plumbers/gasfitters, very experienced in Edgemont. Upfront pricing. Reliable, conscientious, fully guaranteed. Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. 24 hour emergency service call 403-255-7938. “Showering you with great service.” NEIGHBOURHOOD CONFLICT? Community Mediation Calgary Society (CMCS) is a no cost mediation and conflict coaching service that can help you resolve problems and restore peace! We help neighbours be neighbours again! www., 403-269-2707. PRIVATE TUTOR: Certified teacher with 26 years of experience. Providing individual tutoring in all areas of the grades 1-6 curriculum. Education and experience in remedial and enrichment education. Specializing in early reading acquisition, reading/ writing remediation, and math skills development. A devoted teacher in your community! Call 403561-3677. Email: [email protected]. WATERCOLOR CLASSES offered in the Dalhousie area for adults. These are held weekly, usually on Tuesday mornings at a local community centre. All skill levels are included and small class size. For more information please e-mail me at eakovacs@ and feel free to browse my website, www. DO YOU NEED AN EXTRA SET OF HANDS? C & L Helping Hands can provide them! We offer handyman services, personal assistant, kitchen helper, cleaning, yard care and much more! Email: cl@ Call Craig or Laurie at 403-8807125 or 403-510-8551. CONCRETE CUTTING FOR BASEMENT WINDOWS & DOORS & FLOORS: New openings or enlargements cut into foundation for basement windows and doors. Enlarge your existing basement windows to meet fire code for bedrooms, from cutting basement windows, doorways to supply and install quality windows, window-well, weeping-tile, core drilling, excavation and anything concrete cutting. Call 403-570-0555. Email: [email protected]. HARDING’S PAINTING: Now offers house and window cleaning, texturing and handyman services, providing the same “Peace of Mind” as our painting has for over 16 years. Visit or call 403-254-4726. JEFFREY ELECTRIC: Friendly professional electrical service for your next residential project large or small. Based in the NW and available on your schedule. Very competitive rates for quality basement renovations, garage sub-panels, kitchens, light fixtures, emergency electrical repair, video surveillance and audio video installs. Licensed, certified and insured. Free estimates. Call 403-970-5441. LONDONDERRY PAINTING AND DECORATION: Interior and exterior painting ceilings wallpaper and wood refinishing. For free estimates call Howard 403-226-3456. CAN-DO PLUMBING, HEATING & MORE LTD: Work completed by fully trained professionals. Great pricing on hot water tanks, boilers, furnaces, infloor, Poly B repairs/replacement, drain cleaning and bathroom renovations. Licensed and insured. Know the price before we start! Fast response times in your area. 403-669-9263 or 403-389-9500 ~continued on page 29~ T h e O ff i c i a l E D G E M O N T C o m m u n i t y N e w s l e t t e r I NOvember 2014 27 Edgemont Name Ariel Chaerin Delaney Elise Erica Eunice Holly Janelle Jonahley Jordan Katelyn Lauren Lauren Madison Madison Makenna Megan Mercedes Miriam Natalia Nicole Rachel Sandy Sophia Age 15 13 16 18 18 17 13 40 50 23 20 17 18 13 12 16 13 52 13 15 14 14 14 13 Contact 403-239-8567 587-331-9207 403-239-3935 403-993-6152 403-547-1067 403-512-6602 403-295-9221 587-432-6882 403-837-6348 403-969-0165 403-282-1162 403-970-1961 403-651-1859 403-400-4252 403-850-6001 587-998-8323 403-241-5152 403-831-6429 403-774-8880 403-629-9616 403-279-2765 403-305-0918 403-617-1516 403-208-9559 Course No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Calling All BABYSITTERS Enroll free at and choose the Calgary communities you would like to babysit in. Calling All PARENTS Visit and find available babysitters in and around your community. Disclaimer: We recommend for your own peace of mind that references be checked when choosing your babysitter. This babysitter list is provided as a service to the community and is governed by the terms & conditions outlined at NOVEMBER MOON C ALENDAR Full Moon Nov 6 28 Last Quarter Nov 14 New Moon Nov 22 First Quarter Nov 29 Edgemont Real Estate Update Last 12 Months Edgemont MLS Real Estate Sale Price Stats Average Asking Price Average Sold Price September 2014 $598,093 $577,382 August 2014 $656,489 $643,645 July 2014 $658,542 $642,071 June 2014 $654,670 $631,945 May 2014 $580,764 $573,157 April 2014 $602,934 $597,604 March 2014 $600,204 $590,127 February 2014 $756,778 $728,150 January 2014 $579,775 $572,661 December 2013 $717,520 $713,820 November 2013 $595,942 $580,642 October 2013 $604,108 $590,218 Last 12 Months Edgemont MLS Real Estate Number of Listings Stats No. New Properties No. Properties Sold August 2014 19 20 July 2014 21 21 June 2014 31 24 May 2014 45 26 April 2014 34 23 March 2014 18 22 February 2014 18 10 January 2014 14 8 December 2013 4 5 November 2013 9 7 October 2013 14 11 Total 253 195 To view the specific SOLD Listings that comprise the above MLS averages please visit NOvember 2014 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities BUSINESS CLASSIFIEDS CERTIFIED GEL NAIL ARTIST: Home based business in New Brighton. New full set of French gel nails only $30.00. Nail polish and design $10.00. Also offer glitter tattoos and available for girls’ nail party bookings. Please call 403-464-8612. OUT ON A LIMB PROFESSIONAL PRUNING: Tree and shrub pruning, shaping and restoration. Tree removal and stump grinding. New tree and shrub selection and installation. Fertilization and insect pest management. Licensed & Insured. Journeyman Landscape Gardener and certified Arborist. Call Jim at 403-265-6965 or email [email protected]. PERSONALIZED CLEANING SERVICES LTD: Fall is here, and we are starting to spend more time indoors. Let us help make home your favourite place! Licensed, insured and bonded. All supplies provided. Customer discount program. 200% satisfaction guarantee. Residential, commercial, move in/outs. Call Kim today 403875-6219 or visit Amazon ants (red ants found in the western U.S.) steal the larvae of other ants to keep as slaves. The slave ants build homes for and feed the Amazon ants, who can not do anything but fight. They depend completely on their slaves for survival. NOSE HILL LIBRARY 1530 Northmount Dr NW • 403-221-2030 Mon to Thur 10:00 am – 9:00 pm Fri & Sat 10:00 am – 5:00 pm Sun (mid-Sept to mid-May) Noon - 5:00 pm RBC Dominion Securities Inc. Second-guessing your investments? Get an expert second opinion on your portfolio GARAGE DOORS AND OPENERS: Sales, repairs, replacements, quick service on broken springs and emergencies. 25 years of experience. Door sales on now! 403-891-3534. Support local business. [email protected] GALVIN BROS. If market volatility is making you secondguess your investments strategy, contact us today for a no obligation, objective evaluation of your portfolio. An unbiased review can help you answer key questions including: > Is your portfolio still on the right track? > Are you taking too much risk in your portfolio? Michael Martin, CFA, MBA Investment Advisor 403-266-9655 CONSTRUCTION• HANDYMAN SERVICES Carpentry • Electrical Plumbing • Drywall Painting • Carpet Lino • Laminate Since 1974 | Bonded | PH: 999-9357 > Which investments are likely to recover – and which ones aren’t? Arrange a complimentary second opinion service today – call 403-266-9655 or email us at [email protected] Professional Wealth Management Since 1901 RBC Dominion Securities Inc.* and Royal Bank of Canada are separate corporate entities which are affiliated. *Member-Canadian Investor Protection Fund. RBC Dominion Securities Inc. is a member company of RBC Wealth Management, a business segment of Royal Bank of Canada. ®Registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under licence. ©2011 Royal Bank of Canada. All rights reserved. T h e O ff i c i a l E D G E M O N T C o m m u n i t y N e w s l e t t e r I NOvember 2014 29 COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS Deadline – 1st of each month for the next month’s publication Contact [email protected] Free announcements: lost/found, household items for sale, wanted, garage sale, student/senior services, etc. Forty word limit 1 3 2 8 9 4 5 6 7 4 6 7 1 2 5 8 9 3 8 9 5 6 7 3 2 4 1 7 8 9 2 1 6 4 3 5 3 1 4 5 8 7 6 2 9 2 5 6 3 4 9 1 7 8 5 7 1 9 6 2 3 8 4 6 4 3 7 5 8 9 1 2 9 2 8 4 3 1 7 5 6 Published by: Proudly serving Edgemont for 7 years! ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS NOW! REACHING OVER 360,000 HOUSEHOLDS ACROSS 130 CALGARY COMMUNITIES DELIVERED BY Canada Post Phone: 403-263-3044 30 I [email protected] IMPORTANT NUMBERS ALL EMERGENCY CALLS 911 Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre 403.253.5250 Alberta Health Care 403.310.0000 AHS Addictions Hotline 1.866.332.2322 ATCO Gas – 24 Hour Emergency 403.245.7222 Calgary HEALTH LINK 24/7 403.943.5465 Calgary Police – Non Emergency 403.266.1234 Calgary Women’s Emergency Shelter 403.234.7233 Child Abuse Hotline 1.800.387.5437 Child Find – Alberta 403.270.3463 Distress/Crisis Line 403.266.4357 ENMAX – Power Trouble 403.514.6100 Poison Centre – Alberta 1.800.332.1414 Suicide Crisis Line 1.800.784.2433 HOSPITALS/URGENT CARE Alberta Children’s Hospital 403.955.7211 Foothills Hospital 403.944.1110 Peter Lougheed Centre 403.943.4555 Rockyview General Hospital 403.943.3000 Sheldon M. Chumir Health Care 403.955.6200 South Calgary Urgent Care 403.943.9300 South Health Campus 403.956.1111 OTHER Calgary Humane Society 403.205.4455 Calgary Parking Authority (Towed/Abandoned Vehicles etc.) 403.537.7100 Calgary Senior’s Resource (SeniorConnect) 403.266.6200 Call Before You Dig (Buried Utilities) 1.800.242.3447 City of Calgary 211 and 311 Elder Abuse Resource Line (65+) 403.705.3250 Kerby Centre for the 55 plus 403.705.3246 Neighbour Mediation Hotline 403.269.2707 Road Conditions – Calgary 1.877.262.4997 Weather Information 403.299.7878 Need-a-Doctor DISCLAIMER The opinions expressed within any published article, report or submission reflect those of the author and should not be considered to reflect those of the Edgemont Community Association and Great News Publishing. The information contained in this newsletter is believed to be accurate, but is not warranted to be so. The Edgemont Community Association and Great News Publishing do not endorse any person or persons advertising in this newsletter. Publication of these ads should not be considered an endorsement of any goods or services. NOvember 2014 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities & Associates Instantly View More Photos & Info. Simply enter phone number 85377 then enter Text Code as message. Ranked the #1 Team in Calgary and #6 in Canada for Royal LePage in 2013, Kirby and his team can confidently provide the results you demand. Call 403.247.5555 today for your complimentary evaluation. Or visit for more details and additional listings. TexT T984515 To 85377 TexT T807029 To 85377 EDGEMONT 2014 STATS # OF SALES AVERAGE PRICE Bi-Level 7 $413,828 Bungalow 25 $652,187 Two Storey 77 $635,912 Two Storey Split 40 $679,262 Split-Level 15 $465,859 Townhouse 24 $401,027 Villa 6 $453,283 Condo 14 $250,628 TOTAL 208 Average days on Market 27 days TexT T819936 To 85377 TexT T809235 To 85377 SOLD! $569,900 $699,900 169 Hamptons Link NW • mint 2 bedroom+den LaVita villa • hardwood, oak kitchen, finished walkout • backs on golf course with views TexT T823164 To 85377 $579,900 69 Arbour Ridge Circle NW • updated 3 bedroom+loft two storey • hardwood & tile, white kitchen w/granite • finished walkout, walk to playground $439,900 $719,900 38 Edgevalley View NW 4 Edgemont Estates Rd NW 12 Edgemont Court NW • lovely 3 bedroom+den bungalow villa • vaulted ceilings, 2 fireplaces, built-ins • finished walkout, ridge location, views • lovely 2 bedroom townhome w/ no fees • oak kitchen, fireplace, finished walkout • 3 decks, backs on greenspace, mtn views • sprawling 5 bedroom+den two storey • oak kitchen, hardwood & tile, built-ins • fully finished, cul-de-sac, downtown view TexT T814885 To 85377 TexT T813456 $1,269,900 85377 $819,900 75 Hamptons Close NW • stunning 5 bedroom+den two storey • hardwood & tile, granite, fully finished • built-ins, 2 fireplaces, on golf course To 144 Scandia Hill NW • updated 5 bedroom+den two storey • granite, hardwood & tile, finished walkout • extensive built-ins, 3 car garage ROYAL LEPAGE FOOTHILLS #308, 5149 COUNTRY HILLS BLVD NW, CALGARY, AB, T3A 5K8 TexT T813397 To 85377 $738,900 139 Edgebrook Circle NW • updated 5 bedroom+den two storey • finished walkout, newer roof & siding • oak kitchen, ridge location, views 403.247.5555
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