N OVEMBER 2014 D EERWOOD N EWSLET TER 1480 D EERWOOD D RIVE * E AGAN , M INNESOTA 55122 P HONE : (651) 683-6801 * F AX : (651) 683-6808 * W EBSITE : WWW . DISTRICT 196. ORG /DW P ARENT -T EACHER C ONFERENCES N OVEMBER 5 & 6 This year conferences will be held on Wednesday, November 5 from 3:30-8:00 p.m. and on Thursday, November 6 from 12:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. There is no school on Thursday, November 6 & Friday, November 7. Communication between home and school is so important in helping establish successful learning and teachers at Deerwood have been working hard to provide parents with the most accurate information about their child’s education. Research has shown that when parents and teachers work together, children experience greater academic success. Parent-teacher conferences are one important way that we can strengthen that partnership. We look forward to visiting with you on November 5 and November 6. INVENTION CONVENTION Parents and Students are invited to view the many creative inventions designed by our Deerwood students on November 5 either from 10:20-11:20 a.m. and/or from 1:00-2:00 p.m. The convention viewing will be held in the Deerwood Gym. U PCOMING E VENTS November 1 Parent Education Conference 8:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. (Eastview High School) November 5 Parent-Teacher Conferences 3:30-8:00 p.m. November 5 DW Inventions on Display - (Middle Gym) (10:20-11:20 a.m. & 1:00-2:00 p.m.) November 6 Parent-Teacher Conferences 12:30-8:00 p.m. NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS November 7 NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS November 14 Deerwood Movie Night “A Bug’s Life” (6:30 p.m. – Treats / 7:00 p.m. – Movie) November 19 Da Capo Choir Concert - 1:40 & 3:00 p.m. N O S CHOOL ~ NOVEMBER 26, 27, 28 S TAFF D EVELOPMENT D AY & T HANKSGIVING V ACATION F ALL B OOK F AIR C OMING T O P ARENT -T EACHER C ONFERENCES ! By Dawn Lyons, Media Specialist It’s almost book fair time! Our fall book fair will be held during conferences Wednesday, November 5 (3:30 to 8:00) and Thursday, November 6 (12:30 to 8:00). Your children will have had the opportunity to preview the book fair during school prior to conferences so watch for their “wish lists” to come home. We have a few available opportunities to help at the book fair. If you are interested in helping please email Leah Palmer at [email protected] The book fair would not be a success without the help of the great volunteers. Your support for the book fair is very much appreciated by your children. Our profits from the book fair help us purchase new children’s books for the media center. I’m looking forward to meeting you. See you there! November 20 Grade 5 Music Concert 1:40 p.m. & 7:00 p.m. November 24 Grade 2 Music Concert –1:40 & 7:00 p.m. November 25 Gr. 2 Music Concert (Grandparents) 9:30 a.m November 25 End of 1st Trimester School Spirit Day: Pajama Day November 26 NO SCHOOL - STAFF DEVELOPMENT DAY November 27-28 NO SCHOOL – THANKSGIVING December 4 Site Council Meeting - 3:30 p.m. (Art Room) December 5 Report Cards Go Home ~ E DUCATING O UR S TUDENTS T O R EACH T HEIR F ULL P OTENTIAL ~ D EERWOOD N EWSLETTER P AGE 2 V OLUNTEERING AT D EERWOOD J ENNY W ILLIAMS V OLUNTEER C OORD . P HONE N UMBER : 651-485-7357 E- MAIL : DW . VOLUNTEER @ DISTRICT 196. ORG Thank you once again to the many parents and family members who participated in Run 4 Deerwood. It was great to see so many people running, walking, and cheering on all of our students! It was a great day for everyone. Thanks also to the many parents who volunteered after the event! RUN FOR DEERWOOD THANKS! We have many local businesses who provide sponsorship for Run 4 Deerwood, all of which allows us to give every one of our students a FREE tshirt! We want to thank the following for their continued support of our fundraising efforts at Deerwood. Mathnasium The Urgency Room Summit Orthopedics Solos Pizza Café Kumon Cyndi Johnson-KW Realty Building Materials Outlet Linsay Schilling-Edina Realty CTM Media Group Dr. Jennifer Eisenhuth Fusion Martial Arts Red Stone Builders Crutchfield Dermatology Turning Pointe Dance Studio Southdale Pediatric Associates Sylvan Learning The Studio Cedar Grove TV Primrose School of Eagan Orthodontics by Hipple Real-Time Leasing Waldeland Jewelry & Gifts Quist and Company CPA Eagan Locker Room Oak Cliff Dental Care Kelly Stock Educational Consulting Brad Weber-AA Realty *When volunteering, remember to sign in on the VOLUNTEER SHEET located at the greeter table, or on the counter BEHIND Mrs. Galloway’s desk. * Deerwood also participates in Kowalski’s “Groceries for Good Causes” program, so if you are shopping at Eagan’s Kowalski’s market, please remember to drop your receipt into DEERWOOD’S BOX, which is located by the store exit. At the end of every day, they will total up the number of receipts for each of the participating organizations, and keep a running total based on the number of receipts, NOT the dollar amount. Receipts from the Starbucks located inside the store also count! At the end of each quarter, we will receive a donation from Kowalski’s, based on the percentage of receipts that were in Deerwood’s box. Please pass this information along to your friends, and family members, who may also be shopping there… this is a very easy program to be a part of! Thank you to the families that have already been stuffing our box with their receipts! L EAH P ALMER W ILL C OORDINATE S CHOLASTIC B OOK F AIR Our Deerwood families will be enjoying the Fall Scholastic Book Fair during conferences, which is always a great time to check out the latest in great books, and get gift ideas, too! Thank you to Leah Palmer for coordinating the Book Fair, and to all of the parents who will be volunteering during the two conference days! N OVEMBER 2014 P AGE 3 T HANK Y OU P ARENTS ! Many thanks to all of you contributing a dish, beverage or paper products for our teacher buffets on November 5th/6th. This is something that our staff greatly looks forward to every year! O NGOING F UNDRAISERS AT D EERWOOD Box Tops ~ Collect the box tops from your favorite products (a full list is available at boxtops4education.com) and drop them off at Deerwood. My Coke Rewards ~ If you purchase Coke products, you can turn over your points to Deerwood. There is a code located on the Coke products, and when you go online to www.mycokerewards.com, you can select Deerwood to receive your points. These points can then be redeemed for items for our school. S OLOS P IZZA N IGHT WHEN: Tuesday, November 11, 4:00-9:00 p.m. WHERE: Solos Pizza - 1270 Promenade Place, Eagan Join us at Solos Pizza on Tuesday, November 11th for delicious pizza and some fun with friends from school. Deerwood will earn 30% of all ticket sales 4-9pm. The best part is, this applies to DINE-IN AND CARRY-OUT orders. The classroom with the most students eating at Solos for this event will each get a coupon for a free pizza! D EERWOOD F AMILY M OVIE N IGHT Disney~Pixar’s “A Bug’s Life” F RIDAY , N OVEMBER 14 - D EERWOOD G YM $1.00 Admission ~ Concessions available. D OORS P LEASE OPEN : 6:30 P . M . - M OVIE STARTS : 7:00 P . M . REMEMBER THAT THIS IS A FAMILY EVENT , AND A PARENT OR ADULT MUST ACCOMPANY THEIR CHILDREN . **new this year, children are encouraged to bring their own water bottle, filled ONLY with water, please!** *Remember, this is a family event, and a parent or adult MUST accompany their children* D EERWOOD N EWSLETTER P AGE 4 N ATIONAL G EOGRAPHIC B EE AT D EERWOOD ! In December, any interested Deerwood 4th or 5th grader will have the opportunity to participate in the National Geographic Bee. The process is very much like a traditional spelling bee with students each receiving geography questions. Students all continue through all 7 of the first round questions, however. No one is eliminated during the round. Whether it’s your “listening turn” or the question is yours, it's an excellent opportunity to learn about familiar and unfamiliar places! Students will participate in the bee with Ms. Howell. The top ten scoring students will participate in our championship level bee in early January. One student will be declared Deerwood’s National Geographic Bee winner and will be eligible to take the written geography test. The top 100 students in the state will compete in late March to represent Minnesota at the National Geographic Bee. (You may recall, Deerwood DID have a state qualifier last year!) Several website references are on the Deerwood library’s webpage and at school there are many almanacs, atlases and other books that may be used for study. Students (and their families) are encouraged to use this opportunity as motivation to learn more about the people and places around the world! Further information on the Geo Bee can be found at http://www.nationalgeographic.com/geobee/ (Perhaps your family would enjoy learning together while competing in their daily 10 GeoBeeQuiz?) Family, Friend, Fan Club Members: You are invited to attend the 2 ND A NNUAL D EERWOOD I NVENTION C ONVENTION Wednesday, November 5th the fair will be open for visitors from 10:20-11:20 a.m. And 1:00-2:00 p.m.at Deerwood Elementary School (middle gym)! We have a number of fourth and fifth graders who have been researching and designing inventions to share. Come find out about their ideas and their inventing process! (And if you're unable to come to the Invention Convention, have no fear. We will post photos from the event on the TV screen in front of the office during Parent Conference hours. Check it out!) Come celebrate our 4th and 5th grade creative problem solvers! W ORDMASTERS C OMPETITION : M EET #1 - N OVEMBER 24 Fourth and fifth graders (and really motivated 3rd graders!!!) who wish to be a part of our Deerwood WordMasters Team should be learning the 25 words on blue sheet handed out by classroom teachers! Students may wish to form study buddies with other interested team members. Ideas for study might include making flashcards with word on one side, definition on the other. Students may want to create fill in the blank sentences or conceive of analogies using the words, as practice. Our Meet will consist of 20 analogies with one word missing, and multiple words from which to choose to correctly complete the analogy. (Example: leash: loose :: rule: _____ with choices of: rugged, stern, listless, lax.) Last year we found it quite challenging but we learned quite a number of new words. Let's see what our team can do this year-there's still study time! N OVEMBER 2014 P AGE 5 D A C APO C HOIR P ERFORMANCE ON N OVEMBER 19 By Lisa Schoen, Vocal Music Instructor We have a wonderful group of enthusiastic singers in Da Capo Choir this year. We’ve had a great start to our season and have been working on some fun and challenging music. Please note the following dates so you are aware of what will be going on during our final weeks together: Monday, November 3 – NO Da Capo Choir due to conferences Wednesday, November 5 – NO Da Capo Choir due to conferences Monday, November 10 – normal Monday Da Capo Choir practice 2:45-3:45 p.m. Wednesday, November 12 – normal Wednesday Da Capo Choir practice 2:45-3:45 p.m. Monday, November 17 – COMBINED Monday and Wednesday Da Capo Choir practice in the gymnasium 2:45-4:00 p.m. We will need the extra 15 minutes on this day, please. Wednesday, November 19 – COMBINED Monday and Wednesday Da Capo Choir CONCERT in the gymnasium at 1:40 p.m. for students and staff and at 3:00 p.m. for families and friends. Deerwood Da Capo Choir consists of 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students who love to sing and are committed to working hard and growing as musicians. You will be amazed at what these children have accomplished in only a few short weeks. Looking forward to sharing our music with you soon! Email Mrs. Schoen at [email protected] with any questions. D A C APO C HOIR S INGS N ATIONAL A NTHEM The Da Capo Choir will be singing the National Anthem at the Eagan High School boys' basketball game on Tuesday, December 2. Students will meet in the EHS gymnasium lobby at 6:45 and should wear their white 2014 Run 4 DW t-shirts and jeans. More information will be coming home with choir students soon! F IFTH G RADE V OCAL M USIC P ROGRAM ON N OVEMBER 20 By Lisa Schoen, Vocal Music Instructor The Deerwood fifth graders have been busily preparing for their upcoming vocal music concert. Their performance will take place on Thursday, November 20 at 7:00 p.m. in the Deerwood gymnasium. Family and friends are invited to come and enjoy. A dress rehearsal will also take place at 1:40 p.m. during that school day, which you are welcome to attend. Parents and guardians of fifth grade students: Note that this is your child’s only vocal music performance of the school year (and final vocal performance at Deerwood Elementary!), and it is an important part of your child’s music participation grade. Please make every effort to see that your child is prepared and in attendance for this special event. Looking forward to seeing you there! 2 ND G RADE G RANDPARENTS ' D AY P ROGRAM - N OVEMBER 24-25 Second graders are eagerly preparing for our annual Grandparents’ Day Program. The students will perform a program that will be directed by Mrs. Schoen. The program will be presented to the Deerwood student body on Monday, November 24 at 1:40 p.m. and to their families on Monday evening, November 24 at 7:00 p.m. This evening program is open to parents, siblings, and friends. On Tuesday, November 25, the students will present their program for grandparents or other special guests that they invite. They are welcome to arrive at 9:00 a.m. to check in and have cookies and coffee and browse the hallway where the projects the students have worked on will be displayed. The program will begin at 9:30 a.m. Watch for specific information to come home with your second grade student regarding this special day. D EERWOOD N EWSLETTER P AGE 6 I NFORMATION ON S TUDENT A BSENCES We want students to be at school every day and we want them to be on time. Good attendance helps children reach academic, social and personal success. In the State of Minnesota, it is the parents’ legal responsibility that all elementary age children attend school. Elementary age students who miss seven unexcused days of school or more, according to the MN Statutes regarding education, are considered at risk for educational neglect and their parents are in violation of the state law on compulsory education. Parents are contacted daily if their child is not in school and a telephone call has not been received by 8:30 a.m. A call from the parents is necessary each day of the child’s absence. Vacations or long illnesses may be handled by giving the return date at the first call. If your child is sent home ill and is still ill the next day, we need to have you call. Parents may use the voice mail system when calling to report absences. Simply call 651-683-6969 and when the operator says, “Welcome to the voice mail center,” enter the five digit number 95074. When prompted, please identify yourself and then leave your child’s name, grade, teacher and the reason for your child’s absence. One of the advantages for parents with this system is that you can call in your child’s absence the night before. The system is operational 24 hours per day. The following are excused absences: * Illness * Extreme family emergency * Funeral * Religious holiday Doctor’s visits, including mental health, that cannot be scheduled outside of the school day. The following are unexcused absences: * Parents who forget to wake their child * Parents did not know the school schedule * Child missed the bus * Child overslept * Cold weather * Child did not feel like going to school * Child was sleepy * Parent is sick * Child is not immunized * Staying home to babysit Excessive absence and/or tardies may result in a letter of concern from the school. If your child is tardy (arrival past 8:20 a.m.), please have them check in at the office and receive a yellow pass before going to their classroom. P ARENT E D . C ONFERENCE - N OVEMBER 1 This year's district-wide Parent Education Conference will be held Saturday, November 1, 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Eastview High School in Apple Valley. Hear keynote speaker, Ada Alden, and gain new skills in Parenting on Purpose. Discover the importance of Being Prepared, Being Intentional and Being Present. Alden is a dynamic speaker with over 40 years of experience in parenting. Ada Alden holds a M.A. and Ed.D. from the University of Minnesota and has served as adjunct professor and department chair in Child and Family Studies at St. Cloud State University. Following the keynote, attend two breakout workshops, choosing from over twenty offerings. Workshops will be presented by area experts, including District 196 teachers and staff, on relevant topics including discipline, health, communication and academics. Also, enjoy refreshments and find out more from area organizations at the Resource Fair! N OVEMBER 2014 P AGE 7 F AMILIES I NTERESTED IN A RMFUL OF L OVE O PPORTUNITY Families interested in receiving gifts over the holidays for loved ones under the age of 18, should make an appointment with an “Armful of Love” representative at (952) 985-4065. Families should bring the following items along with them in order to qualify for gifts. Photo Id – for the person registering and other adults registered. Sorry, no exceptions! Income: Most recent pay stub, MFIP, Housing (assistance, copy of rent check or lease), child support, SSI/disability, unemployment. Current utility bill: (within 30 days) showing your name & current address. If you do not have a utility bill, SOMETHING must be brought in to verify your address with your name on it, such as a doctor’s bill or rental agreement. Social Security Card: For each child you are the legal guardian of, that lives with you for at least 9 months of the year. If someone doesn’t have a social security card, another official form of ID may be used (school ID, birth certificate, etc.) 16+ MUST bring a current school ID. 3-4 gift ideas: for each child under 18 and in school; two items must be clothing. (Don’t forget sizes). One gift for each parent. D EERWOOD N EWSLETTER P AGE 8 S TUDENT C OUNCIL N EWS By Cheryl Rutoski and Roxane Sipe, Advisors The Student Council members from the third, fourth and fifth grade classroom have been elected. They have chosen to work with four different committee areas. They include school store, school spirit, service committee and school energy group. This group will be helping with Grandparent's Day and will be good role models at Deerwood. Student Council members for 2014-2015 are: Novitzki: Macy Smith, Nathan Furness Danich: Tyler Burbey, Bridget Paumen Rutoski: Annie Schoen, Alex Fox Karlan/Werwie: Muthoni Kinuthia, Carlos Conlon Swenson: Beau Williams, Elle Eisenberg Sipe: Gavin Banick, Greta Youngbauer Norton: Kiera McGeary, Cooper Paquette Puttonen: Luke Roiger, Elana Gustafson Oettinger: Lindsey Hedtke, Genevieve Idell Thomforde: Eric Picha, Alexandra Eernisse Highum: Delaney Hicok, Will Korphage Taylor/McGrane: Zoe Kritsas, Stephanie Sierzega Officers: President: Genevieve Idell Vice-President: Delaney Hicok Secretary: Zoe Kritsas Treasurer: Eric Picha ‘S NOW D AY ’ D ECISIONS A RE B ASED ON S AFETY AND W IDELY C OMMUNICATED With the pending arrival of winter comes the possibility of school cancellations or delayed starts due to inclement weather. While “snow days” may be fun for students, the district does not take closing school lightly and wants students to be in school whenever possible. We understand these decisions impact families throughout the district who may need to find alternative care for their children if school is not in session. The over-riding concern in making these decisions is the safety of students, staff and others in the community. Several factors are considered, including road conditions and visibility, snow depth, wind chill, the weather forecast for the remainder of the day and the actions of other school districts in our area. These decisions are made based on what is best for all children in the district. If parents are ever concerned about sending their child to school because of weather conditions, it is always their choice to keep them at home. If the decision is made to either delay or cancel school, the information will be communicated to district employees and parents via an early-morning phone call from the SchoolConnects mass notification service. In addition, the cancelation or delay will be communicated: On the banner of the district website at District196.org (this is where information appears first, even before the SchoolConnects phone call); On all four Twin Cities television network affiliate stations and WCCO-AM (830) radio. Look/listen for the “Rosemount Apple Valley-Eagan Public Schools,” and On the district information line recording at 651-423-7777. If school is canceled, decisions about whether to hold evening high school and community education activities are communicated on the district website and high school websites. N OVEMBER 2014 P AGE 9 R UN F OR D EERWOOD F INAL R ESULTS WE DID IT!! Thank you to all of our Deerwood families for helping us reach our goal, and raising just over $30,000 for our school. What a great accomplishment! It was so fun seeing Mr. Haugen follow through with his promise to tent overnight on Deerwood’s roof. We want to recognize the following students for being the top earners: 1st Place: Gavin Burbach-4 Vertical Endeavors passes 2nd & 3rd Place tie: Lucy Schoen-Brunswick Zone passes and arcade cards; 2nd & 3rd Place tie: Annie Schoen-$75 Minnesota Zoo gift card 4th Place: Brock Rust-$50 Sky Deck gift certificate 5th Place: Kendall Oliver-$50 Sky Deck gift certificate 6th Place: Chase Peterson-$50 Twin Cities Inflatables gift certificate 7th Place: Nicholas Emerson-2 Grand Slam wristbands 8th Place: Clarissa Winter- 2 Water Park of America passes 9th Place: Jayna Anderson: 4 Sky Zone passes 10th Place: Anastasia Koch: $25 Target gift card 11th Place: Jacob Wintheiser: $25 Target gift card 12th Place: Bridget Pauman: 4 Marcus Theater passes 13th & 14th place ties: Delaney and Ainslie Hicok-4 Skateville passes each Third Grade raised the most money, with $5,712.04! They are looking forward to a pizza party for the entire grade, at a date TBD. The following three classrooms (third grade classrooms not eligible) raised the most money, and will have an extra 30 minutes of phy-ed/activity time with Mrs. Fischer: * Taylor/McGrane: $2,272.75 * Dreier: $1,540.51 * Sipe: $1,391.38 Again, CONGRATULATIONS to everyone for participating, and playing a part in helping us reach our goal! This is truly a fundraiser where every penny counts! If you donated money and now realize that your company offers a Matching Gift Program, it’s not too late to submit the form! This is a great way to maximize your donation. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me: [email protected]. Lindy Pfaltzgraff & Amy Fischer N OTE FROM M USIC , A RT , P HY . E D . AND M EDIA Deerwood students receive grades on report cards for Music, Art, and Phy. Ed. Specialists monitor student behavior on a regular basis and communicate with parents whenever there is an issue in their specialist classroom. If there is an issue in class, a “Specialists’ Note of Concern” may come home with your student. Coming prepared to class, participating actively, listening and following directions, following classroom/school rules and interacting well with others are all components that you may see checked on this form of communication. It will come home on a green half-sheet of paper. Please feel free to call or email us with any questions. * Lisa Schoen, Music: * Mary Olive, Art: * Dawn Lyons, Media: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] * Amy Fischer, Phy. Ed.: [email protected] * Maribel Arellano, Phy. Ed.: [email protected] N EWSLETTER T ITLE P AGE 10 P RINCIPAL S LEEPS ON THE R OOF Article written by Mary Prinske Libby Fischer, fifth grade students On October 9, 2014, Mr. Haugen, the principal at Deerwood Elementary, slept on the roof of the school. From down below, you could see a big blue tent, and Mr. Haugen sitting on his lawn chair with a bucket beside him. When Mr. Haugen was on the roof, lots of students visited him. As the kids were looking up at Mr. Haugen, he lowered down a bucket that was attached to a rope with a pencil inside for the students to take. When the bucket was on the ground, some kids put in food like pizza, cupcakes and fruit snacks. Somebody even brought him chicken wings from Buffalo Wild Wings. Mr. Haugen slept on the roof because the Deerwood students raised over $30,000 for a fundraiser called, “Run 4 Deerwood”. After Mr. Haugen slept on the roof, the said that the freeway kept him awake! He stayed up on the roof without coming down from 5:00PM to 5:00AM. “Did you eat everything?” we asked Mr. Haugen. “Most of it!” he laughed with us. S CHOOL C ONNECTS WILL NOTIFY PARENTS OF CANCELLATIONS District 196 subscribes to the SchoolConnects service to quickly notify households by phone in the event of an emergency situation or change to the school schedule such as a weather-related cancelation, late start or early release. SchoolConnects has the capacity to send a pre-recorded message to thousands of phone numbers in a matter of minutes. Our school can also use the service for emergency notifications, if necessary, as well as occasional non-emergency calls to let you know about important dates such as statewide testing or an all-school event. You do not need to subscribe to receive the SchoolConnects notifications, but should make sure our office has the correct emergency contact numbers for your child. These emergency contact numbers are also listed for your child in the SchoolView student information and parent portal system. The SchoolView database is continually updated and phone numbers are uploaded to SchoolConnects weekly. In the event of a school schedule change related to weather, the district will complete only one call per child, starting with the primary (home) number and moving to parent cell and work phone numbers, as needed, until a call is answered by a person or recording machine/service. In the event of a true school-wide or district-wide emergency, calls may be initiated simultaneously to all numbers listed for each child. Duplicate numbers are not called. V OLUNTEERS N EEDED FOR A FTER S CHOOL C LASSES We are looking for volunteers to assist us with our after school remedial support classes that will be starting soon. If you are willing to help provide 1-2 hours per week from 2:45-3:45 p.m. either on Mondays and/or Wednesdays, please call the Deerwood office at 651-683-6801 or e-mail Miles Haugen at [email protected]. Any support would be greatly appreciated! P AGE 11 N EWSLETTER T ITLE
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