Management Presentation August 2015 Disclaimer Any estimates, projections, targets or forecasts contained herein have been prepared by the management of Axzon and involve significant elements of subjective judgments and analysis, which may or may not be correct. No representation or warranty, either expressed or implied, is or will be made by Axzon, or its respective directors, officers, partners, employees, agents, representatives or advisers as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this document, or which this document is based on or of any other written or oral communications with the recipient in connection with an evaluation of a specific transaction with or relating to the business of the Group, and all liability therefore (including direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage) is expressly disclaimed. Neither part of this document should form the basis of, or be relied on in connection with, any contract or commitment or investment decision whatsoever, and the recipient thereof should conduct its own independent investigation and analysis of the information contained or referred to herein. This document may not be passed on, copied, reproduced, in whole or in part, or otherwise disseminated, directly or indirectly, to any other person. Failure to comply with this restriction may constitute a violation of applicable laws. 2 Baggrunden for for Axzon • En idé I hovedet på en dansk landmand ▫ Lad os placere landbrugs-og fødevareproduktionen så tæt på markedet og forbrugeren som muligt! ▫ Hvorfor flytte korn og råvarer den halve verden rundt? ▫ Hvorfor betale overpriser for landbrugsjord for at understøtte en meget høj koncentration af husdyr ? ▫ Hvorfor flytte arbejdskraft i stedet for produktion? ▫ Lad os etablere os med produktion rundt om i verden, og dermed medvirke til integration ! ▫ Lad os medvirke til en mere bæredygtig landbrugsproduktion, også i Østeuropa! ▫ Lad so bidrage til en mere stabil og fredelig verdensorden! Establishment and early years 1992 Danosha started operations Prime Food acquired Tom Axelgaard’s first visit to Ukraine 1994 Poldanor started operations 2000 2002 Axzon A/S incorporated 2004 4 Sustainable development The first biogas plant launched in Poland 2005 “Welfare Pigs” concept introduced at Poldanor 2008 Sevel Slagteri acquired 2009 Construction of the 1st biogas Merger with Dan Invest and plant in Ukraine started Initializing production in Russia 2010 Restructuring of the Group under Axzon A/S 2011 2013 Verification of Carbon neutral meat production in Poland 2013 5 Stabil udvikling ! 1.416 EBITDA 1.085 602 375 154 43 97 433 593 623 620 730 801 1.207 1.252 900 406 66 Source: Audited financial reports, the Group 64 133 88 94 107 62 144 178 261 354 Mio. DKK Revenue 268 365 6 Polen Invest A/S 90 Danske investorer 84,67 % IFC Axelgaard Holding 6,97 % 3,91 % Tom Axelgaard Verdensbanken 76 Danske investorer 4,45 % Holding company 40 % #2 I polsk svineproduktion #1 biogas producent på farmbasis Top 10 producent I Polen og kendt for høj kvalitet #2 største svineproducent I Ukraine og nu med biogasanlæg Økonomiske indikatorer 2014 Solid platform for udvidelser i Rusland Med-ejer af mindre Slagteri i Danmark Produktions indikatorer, 2014 Omsætning 1,5 mia DKK Antal solgte slagtesvin 930k stk. EBITDA 365mio. DKK Solgt svinekød I ton 87k tons Kødprodukter solgt i ton 49k tons EBITDA margin 26% Netto resultat 46mio DKK * In live-weight ** Excluding slaughtering services of Sevel Slagteri Besætning (total/søer) 470/40.1k stk. 7 Axzon producerer i dag ca. 10 tons svinekød i timen. Poldanor er 2 største svineproducent I Polen, med 22.300 søer og 620.000 slagtesvin produceret om året Danosha er 2 største svineproducent I Ukraine med 11.600 søer og 330.000 slagtesvin produceret om året Dan Invest har en produktionskapacitet på ca. 8.000 søer og kan producere 240.000 slagtesvin om året Prime Food er mellem de 10 største slagterier i Polen med 2 % og kendt for høj kvalitet og sporbarhed Poldanor er Polens største biogasproducent med en årlig produktion på ca. 60 mio KWH strøm Samlet har Axzon rådighed over 35.000 ha. Landbrugsjord i Polen, Ukraine og Rusland 8 Eastern Europe in focus We target markets where pork prices are high and recourses are relatively cheap… EUR ‘000 per ha 40 Land price (LhS) Pig carcase price (RhS) EUR per 1 kg 3,0 2,5 30 2,0 1,5 20 1,0 10 0,5 0 0,0 Netherlands Denmark Germany Spain Poland Hungary Romania Ukraine* Russia … where growth opportunities are significant and constrains are limited heads per ha Pig density (LhS) 7 40,2 EU-27 average 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Netherlands Denmark Germany Spain kg p.a. Pork per capita consumtion (RhS) 50 40 17,3 21,2 30 20 10 0 Poland Hungary Romania *Value of 10 year lease rights Note: Value of farmland - latest available (2008-09); pork price - average for 2011 in live weight, density - pigs herd (Dec’ 11) per agricultural land area Source: Eurostat, FAS USDA, Savills (International Farmland Market Bulletin, 2011) Ukraine Russia 9 Potential for further growth in grain production UA 40 mio ha. *5 t = 200 mio t. RU 222 mio ha. * 3 t.= 666 mio t. (RU an UA could double the worlds wheat production.) 10 Extreemely low profitability in Danish pigproduction In spite of the fact that Danish production efficiency is the highest in the world Avg net result pr. pig... - 52 DKK 100 42 50 0 -11 -50 -12 -20 -28 -64 -13 -35 -79 -100 -108 -127 -150 -200 -168 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Avg net result pr. pig Source: Foedevarewatch Denmark Note. Net result after depreciation, financial and all other costs. 11 Geography of operations Each of the markets where Axzon is present or plans to be contains substantial growth potential Axzon’s geography of operations Poland Price is expected to surge upward Less efficient pig producers quit the business The change in EU regulation will have price upside effect in 2014-2016 Regions of operations Markets of presence Ukraine Favorable price environment Growth potential implied by low internal supply, and a low level of current per capita consumption Pig price growth trend Russia Demand – an internal production gap of 475k tons Outstanding margins implied by high pork prices Huge population and vast land resources Growing disposable income and pork consumption Substantial internal economical and political support for investments in pork production Russia 143 m Denmark 22 kg 6m 2,935k t 81 kg 1,589 k t Poland 38 m 38 kg 1,625k t Ukraine 46 m 17 kg 820k t Population Pork per capita annual consumption (2014) Total pork production (2014, carcass weight) Source: FAS USDA, Statistics Denmark, FAPRI, World Bank 12 Russia: Still a major global importer of pigmeat…but Pig average price dynamics Major global pork importer with annual shortage exceeding 450kt (2014) 143m population with growing disposable income and pork consumption Significant pig price premium and abundant grains1 production (average output during the last 5 years – 83mt) Outstanding margins in pork production (EBITDA margin > 40%) despite poor operating efficiency Substantial government support 2,2 2,08 2,0 1,8 1,6 1,67 1,57 1,81 1,82 1,4 1,73 1,17 0,8 1,33 1,32 1,06 0,99 32% 32% 33% 32% 24% 17% 8% 2.000 20% -1,0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015F 0% Production (LhS) Consumption (LhS) Share of net import in consumption, % (RhS) 1 incl. 40% 1,0 wheat, corn, barley, oats, rye, millet coefficient 2 Correlation Source: FAPRI, Euromonitor, ZSRIR, Rosstat, Ukrstat, the Group data 1,06 1,04 EUR/kg (lw) Ukraine Russia Personal disposable income and pork per capita corr2= 0.99 consumption 60% 3,10 3,20 3,15 3,02 2,97 2,84 2,84 2,72 2,40 2,08 2,00 1,92 2,60 2,90 1,84 1,74 1,19 1.500 19,2 20,1 20,9 21,5 21,7 22,0 22,0 20,0 1.000 500 25,0 kg 39% 1,13 1,48 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015f $ bn M tons (cw) 3,0 Pork consumption balance in Russia 1,32 1,61 1,2 1,0 1,80 1,83 1,95 1,90 1,53 Poland 5,0 1,87 768 923 1.076 1.151 1.247 1.123 1.048 - 15,0 10,0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015E Personal disposable income, US$ bn (LhS) 13 3.5 Sustainable intensification of agriculture Formål/grundlag: Er det tomme ord ?????? ”Bæredygtig intensivering af landbrugs og fødevareproduktion”. Vision ”At blive verdensførende i landbrugs- og fødevareproduktion, baseret på intensive, bæredygtige produktionsmetoder og standarder og høj kvalitet i både produkter og organisation” Mission: Key Value Drivers “At producere sunde høj-kvalitets fødevarer Ved brug af mindst mulige ressourcer Og have mindst mulig indvirkning på det naturlige miljø” Landbrug Kontrol over hele værdikæden Føde Svine varer produktion Energi Fra jord til bord 15 Danish know-how and sustainable agriculture Danish pig producers are leading the way and develop production based on the most advanced know-how in the world and sustainable farming principles For more than 100 years, production of pigs and pig meat has been a major source of income for Denmark The milestones of sustainable agriculture Nowadays the country is among the world’s leaders in breeding, animal welfare standards, food traceability, safety and quality Danish farmers undertook a long and hard way learning how to make intensive agriculture sustainable Led by Danish management, Axzon adheres to the strictest environmental and social standards and brings the principals of sustainable agriculture to the countries where it operates Source: the Group Environment Waste utilization Animals welfare Bioenergy Society Food safety Rural development Economy Food supply Farm profitability 16 Sporbarhed fra bord til jord Fuld control over hele produktionsprocessen til sikring af den optimale kvalitet for forbrugeren. Fra jord til bord strategien Produktion af foderagrøder Majs ensilage Organisk gødning Svineavl og produktion Produktion af foder Elektricitet og varme Husdyr gødning Elektricitet og varme Slagtning og udbening Slaughter waste Elektricitet og varme Kødforarbejdning og salg Elektricitet og varme Produktion af biogas Interne aktiviteter og kontrol til sikring af effektivitet og optimal miljøpåvirkning Intern opformering Af produktionsdyr Optimal udnyttelse af husdyrgødning Egen transportafdeling Egen byggeafdeling Uddannelses Center 17 „From Field to Table” Top focus: animal welfare Group housing of sows Castration with anaesthetic (all male piglets) Transport by own transport trucks Slaughterhouse animal welfare managment 18 Dyrevelfærd er et relativt begreb 19 Koncentration af produktionssøer og vildsvin i Europa. 20 Udbrud 2014 -15 i EU 21 Hvis dyrene har det godt, producerer de godt. 22 Constant focus and development. 23 Operating excellence in pig production Axzon is ahead of its Russian peers by operating efficiency 22 Pigs sold per sow Meat yield per sow, kg 30,3 3.439 25 22,2 21 2.717 2.520 Feed conversion ratio, kg 2,94 2.308 2.129 2,76 USA avg Smithfield Miratorg Axzon Chercizovo Rus Agro USA avg Smithfield Miratorg Axzon Chercizovo Rus Agro [VÆRDI] * [VÆRDI] Chercizovo Rus Agro 2,68 USA avg Smithfield Miratorg Axzon average for benchmarked companies Additional information Sow herd Average marketable pig weight, kg EBITDA margin of Russian peers in pig segment, 2014 USA avg 15 mio. 135.0K 41,6K 80K 81K 120 110 109 117 109 Daily gain on finishers n/a 800 935 n/a n/a 40% Weaned pigs/sow/year 24,8 26 31,4 21,7 24** 30% 27,2 ** n/a 35,3 24.4 26,4** 20% Born alive pr. sow/year 60% 50% 57% *** 49% Note: (*) figures for 2010, other figures for Russian peers are for 2014.(**) Calculated 2014 figures. Figures for Axzon is for 2 quarter 2015 *** 1H 2015 incl. Dankub costs with no production. .Source: the Group, companies’ data from public sources 50% „From Field to Table” ENVIRONMENT Today: 8 biogas plants 58 000 MWh yearly 200 000 tons yearly reduction of CO2 emission Plan by 2015: 13 biogas plants 120 000 MWh/year (30 000 households) Biogas Modern and environment friendly technologies – use least possible resources IPPC permits valid until 30.06.2016 Wastes and waste water management 25 Efficient crop production Reduced farming solutions save the environment (no ploughing => reduction of fuel consumption) GPS makes growing more efficient, saves resources and saves the environment for unnescessary pollution Reduceret jordbehandling og minimering af kemi! 28 Rettidig omhu !! Corn for cows, pig feed and biogas 30 3.5 Biogas operations and environment protection Value of covering lagoons for storing animal manure Economics • Price of Nitrogen is today 3 PLN/kg N in agricultural fertilizer in Poland • Loss by open lagoon pr year = 10.000 t * 1kg loss/ton = 30.000 PLN = pay back 1,5 years Side effects • No evaporation of Ammonium and Methane to the atmosphere (pollution) • No odor from the lagoons • Secondary utilization of both 32 Det kommer jo næsten af sig selv! 33 Biogas operations and environment protection (1/3) With sustainability as underling principle, Axzon strives to utilize the best available technologies to protect environment and boast efficiency China 6-floor farm for 18,000 sows Slurry goes directly into the river! Axzon approach 1 Slurry accumulated in sealed lagoons 2 Biogas plants produce electric and heat energy 3 Degased biomass used as organic fertilizer 4 Ecologic situation meticulously monitored 34 Koczała biogas plant (2009) – 2 x 1063 kW 36 Christmas meeting presentation Відкриття біогазового заводу Biogas plant opening Ukraine 9/21/2015 Essential functions of biogas plants: Electricity and heat – cogeneration (app. 52,000 MWh in 2012) Utilization of plant and animal waste (1000 t/year) Better natural fertilizer (fermented pig manure) Reduction of GHG (greenhouse gas) emission (app. 200,000 tons of CO2 eq/year) Reduction of manure odour – app. 80% Reduced spreading of pathogens and weed seeds. Development of local infrastructure and new jobs 37 Utilization of the fermented biomass as natural fertilizer, using the soil injection method Capacity: 150 t/h 38 Ammongas and steam Explosion 39 Hvad er det ????? Steam explosion The uniqe production cycle CORN PRODUCTION The biomass is distributed in the spring, when the corn can utilize it optimally. SINGLE-PASS CORN HARVEST SINGLE-PASS CORN HARVEST Wet corn cernels BIOMASS DISTRIBUTION CORN SILAGE The digested slurry is homogeneous, smells less, and the nutrients accessibility is optimal for the new generation of corn. . Electricity and heat BIOGAS PRODUCTION SEALED WET CORN STORAGE NEAR BY FARM. • • Minimal transport No drying needed no energy used for that, as well as no loss of nutrients Electricity and heat LIQUID FEEDING PIG PRODUCTION STEAM EXPLOSION The lignin in the corn stover is destroyed, so the dry matter is more accessible for the methane bacteria in the biogas plants (optimum utilization) WET MILLING SYSTEM AT THE FARM SLURRY STORAGE El. The steam exploded mass is mixed with the pig manure in exact and stable doses, to keep a constant digestion and methane production. . The biomass from the pigs (slurry) is contained in sealed systems No loss of nutrients and gasses Pigs eating and growing from the good food composition Minimering af resurseforbrug pr. produceret enhed. • • • • • • • • • Foderforbrug pr. kg. tilvækst Medicinforbrug pr. kg. kød Energiforbrug( el, brændstof etc.) pr. kg. kød. Vandforbrug pr. kg. kød. Arbejdskraftsforbrug pr. kg kød. Pesticidforbrug pr. kg. kød. Udledning af metan, c02, NH3 etc. pr kg. kød. Nedsivning, udvaskning, spor i miljøet pr. kg. kød. Affaldshåndtering, udnyttelse, helhedsindvirkning pr. kg. kød. 42 + Carbon neutral meat Carbon neutral companies (average benchmark: 5,35 kg CO2) (from 2,5 to 8,2 ) 43 Recognized and awarded by Financial Times and IFC At the Transformational Business Conference & Awards, arranged by Financial Times (FT) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) in London, Axzon won the 1. prize in the category : "Achievement in project finance Food and Water”. Z nami wiesz co jesz Traceability High Quality Healthy pigs Low CO2 outlet Good retail net
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