Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost November 2, 2014 Roman Catholic Church and Academy Fr. Dennis T. McDonald, Prior and Principal Fr. Michael Harber, Assistant Fr. Richard Boyle, Assistant Rev. Mr. Nicholas McManus, Deacon St. Isidore Church 32100 E. Colfax Service Road Watkins, CO 80137 303-344-9300(phone) 303-568-0193 (fax) St. Isidore Priory 277 South Watkins Road Watkins, CO 80137 303-325-7558 (phone) 303-568-0193 (fax) OLHCA Announcements Parent Teacher Conferences: Conferences will be held on First Friday, November 7th. There will be a school Mass at 8:30 am with dismissal at noon. Scheduled conferences will be from 4:00 to 7:00 pm with open schedule from 7:00 to 9:00 pm ending with Compline. First Friday Mass will be at 6:00 pm All Souls Day Mass Schedule: The Masses for All Souls Day will be transferred to Monday, November 3rd. The Masses will be at 5:30 am, 8:30 am (School Mass) and 7:00 pm Sung Requiem Mass for the deceased members of the Holy Name Society Absolution after Mass will be followed by a visit to the Cemetery. All members are highly encouraged to attend the 7:00 pm Mass. Also, please remember to take advantage of the envelopes available in the pews and vestibule to list the names of deceased persons you wish to have remembered during the month of November. Return them to Father’s office or place in the collection basket. Indulgences for the Poor Souls: An indulgence applicable only to the Souls in Purgatory (the Church Suffering) is granted to the faithful, who devoutly visit a cemetery and pray, even if only mentally, for the faithful departed. The indulgence is plenary each day from November 1 to 8. On other days of the year the indulgence is partial. The usual requisites for a plenary indulgence apply: being in a state of Grace; going to Confession 8 days before or after; Reception of Holy Communion on the day of or from noon on the previous day; and an attitude of sorrow for all sins committed with a desire to avoid all sins. How to Gain the Indulgence: On November 2nd visit a church, saying vocally the Nicene Creed, the Our Father, the Hail Mary and the Glory Be for the intentions of the Holy Father. From November 1st to 8th visit a cemetery and say prayers for the souls of the faithful departed. Eucharistic Crusade: There will be a meeting for the Eucharistic Crusade in the basement this coming Tuesday, November 4th between 3:45 and 4:30. Topics will include: spiritual meaning/symbolism of various tasks in the Cemetery in order to elevate the Crusaders’ thoughts and make their work a better prayer. SERVER SCHEDULE FOR NOVEMBER 3 to 9 Monday 5:30 AM 8:30 AM 7:00 PM Tuesday 5:30 AM 8:00 AM 11:30 AM Wednesday 5:30 AM 8:00 AM 11:30 AM Thursday 5:30 AM 8:00 AM 11:30 AM Benediction at 6:30 PM Friday 8:30 AM 6:00 PM Saturday 5:30 AM 9:00 AM Sunday 9:00 AM AC1 AC1 MC AC1 CB TB2 TB4 AC1 AC1 AC1 AC1 AC1 AC1 AC1 AC1 AC1 MC AC1 AC1 AC1 AC1 AC1 MC AC1 CB TB2 TB4 11/3/2014 Banks, Sherwyn Mushitz, Aaron Bratrsovsky, Ben Cichos, John Fletschinger, Andrew Banks, Adam Cichos, David Jr. 11/4/2014 Smith, Greg Ardizzone, Joseph Conder, Matthew 11/5/2014 Banks, Sherwyn Gaydosh, John Eddy, Joseph 11/6/2014 Cichos, John Ardizzone, Joseph Cichos, Jonathan Gallegos, Raymond Lenoir, Gregoir 11/7/2014 McDermott, Matthew McBride, James 11/8/2014 Banks, Sherwyn Gilmor, Gerard 11/9/2014 Cichos, John Bratrsovsky, Ben Johnston, Daniel Gallegos, Isaac Ahearn, Martin All Souls' Day AC2 TH AC2 TB1 TB3 Cichos, David Jr. McKinnon, Martin Smith, Greg Cichos, Joshua Cichos, Joseph High Mass Server Practice AC2 Cantelmi, Anthony AC2 Gallegos, Christopher AC2 McDermott, Joseph TH Gallegos, Dominic AC2 Lenoir, Gautier First Friday AC2 Ledbetter, Royce AC2 Ahearn, Patrick AC2 Comandari, Joseph TH AC2 TB1 TB3 Smith, Greg McKinnon, Martin Weber, Ryan Gallegos, Christopher For Which Souls Should We Pray: We should, on this day especially, offer prayers and good works for all the faithful departed, but particularly for our parents, relations, friends and benefactors; for those who are most acceptable to God; for those who have suffered the longest, or who have the longest yet to suffer; for those who are most painfully tormented; ;for those who are the most forsaken; for those who are nearest redemption; for those who are suffering on our account; for those who hope in our prayers; for those who during life have injured us, or been injured by us; and for our spiritual brethren. The Church’s Year, Rev. Father Leonard Goffine, pp. 725-6. Collect: O God, the Creator and Redeemer of all the faithful, grant to the souls of Thy servants departed the remission of all their sins: that through pious supplications they may obtain the pardon which they have always desired. The following need your prayers: Michelle Thorson, Audrey Schueler, Willa Jean Cowhick, Rita Johnson, Rita Mills, Bruce Meehl, Vincent Lefranc, Tom Austin, Jason Green, Duke England, Don England, Christopher Able, Neva Wilson, Sharon and Lyndsi Linnebur, Isaac Gallegos, Art Crow, Bill Lee, David Sr. and Clita Eddy, Faith Cichos, Donna and Valerian Koralewski, Greg Chenowth, Ronald Brown, Leesa Tumen, Charles and Mary Anderson, Mary Williams, James Jaques, Robert Lindholm, James Graves, Joseph Stanton, Jeff Barry, Glen Silva, Patty Berg, Wil Nation, Carita Weber, Antonija Michieli , Teri Ardizzone, Louise Trujillo, Mark Gilmor, Matt Harvie, Joyce and Anne DePass. Please contact Mary Bauer at (720)401-1688 or [email protected] to keep this list up-to-date. SSPX Society of Saint Pius X
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