2 0 1 4 U S A T F W e s t T e xa s A s s oc ia tion J unior O lym pic , O pe n, & M a s te r s C r os s C ountr y C ha m pions hips S a tur da y, Nove m be r 1 5 th , 2 0 1 4 R unning W a te r D r a w R e giona l P a r k , P la invie w , T X Note: The top fifteen (15) finishers and top two (2) teams in each Junior Olympic age division will advance directly to the National Championships in Myrtle Beach, SC. There will NOT be a Regional qualifying championship. S C H E D U L E & A G E D IVIS IO N S : Age Division 8 & U (born 2006+) 9-10 (born) 11-12 (born) 13-14 (born) 15-16 (born) 17-18 (born) 19-29 (Open) 30 & Over (Masters 10yr age groups) Born 2006+ * 2004-2005 2002-2003 2000-2001 1998-1999 1996-1997 1995-1985 <1984 Distance 2 km (1.24 miles) 3 km (1.86 miles) 3 km (1.86 miles) 4 km (2.48 miles) 5 km (3.10 miles) 5 km (3.10 miles) 5 km (3.10 miles) 5 km (3.10 miles) Start Time 10:00 AM Rolling Rolling Rolling Rolling Rolling Rolling Rolling *Per USATF Rules 300.1©: Athletes must be at least seven (7) years of age on December 31st of the current year in order to complete at the Junior Olympic National Cross-Country Championships. E L IG IB IL IT Y R E Q U IR M E N T S : Individuals: A current, age-verified 2014 USATF membership is required to compete. If you are currently not a USATF member, please refer to the instructions below on how to obtain eligibility. Teams: Only registered USATF member clubs may enter a relay team(s). All athletes representing the club must be affiliated with and members of that club as part of their USATF membership. Only athletes listed on the team declaration during registration will be eligible to represent the club and score at the Association or National Championships. T E A M S C O R IN G : Up to 8 athletes on the team declaration may be declared as scoring athletes. The team score shall be the total of the finishing positions of the scoring members, with the lowest total points winning. A W A R D S : USATF Junior Olympic medals will be awarded to the top ten (10) individuals in each Junior Olympic age division. Teams will be scored but no team awards will be given. USATF medals will be awarded to the top 3 individuals in each Open and Masters age division. Teams will be scored but no awards will be given. N A T IO N A L A D VA N C E M E N T S : Open and Masters will not advance. The top fifteen (15) individuals and the top two (2) teams in each Junior Olympic age division will advance to the USATF National Championships to be held on December 13-14 in Myrtle Beach, SC. Information about the national championships can be found on the USATF website at: http://www.usatf.org/Events---Calendar/2014/USATF-National-Junior-Olympic-Cross-CountryChampi.aspx E N T R Y D E A D L IN E S : Junior Olympics Participants: Registration for this USATF West Texas Cross Country Championships opens on Sunday, October 12th and must be completed by 11:59 PM on Sunday, November 1st at www.coacho.com. Only online registrations will be accepted. Late entries will not be accepted. Accuracy of data entered is the responsibility of each club and/ or athlete. An instructional video on the online registration process may be accessed by visiting: https://coachoregistration.com/track/howto/faq/index.html O pe n a nd M a s te r s P a r tic ipa nts : Registration will be the day of the event and prior to running event. FEES & PAYMENTS: Junior Olympic entry fee is $5.00 per athlete paid online only by credit card or electronic check. Fees must be paid online by the close of registration. Open & Masters entry fee must be paid on the day of the event. Only paper checks will be accepted. ATHLETE CHECK-IN: All athletes must check in at the white check-in tent north of the gazebo, near the finish line between 8:00 and 9:30 AM. COURSE MAPS: Course maps follow on pages 3-6 and are available at usatfwesttexas.com/CrossCountry.html FOUL WEATHER: In the event of foul weather, contact the Meet Director to advance to the nationals. Communication of postponement will be made as early as feasible and will be communicated by email to all participants. Please ensure your email address is correct when registering at: @USATFWestTexas for information updates. COMPETITION RULES: Competitors will not be permitted to wear headphones during the race. Competitor bib numbers must be unobstructed and worn on the chest. Spectators will not be permitted inside the Finish Chute. RESULTS & AWARDS: Medals will be awarded at the finish line. Complete results and awards will be available at the check-in tent after the races. Complete results will also be posted online within seven days on our website at www.usatfwesttexas.com. We regret we are unable to mail medals. USATF MEMBERSHIP AND AGE-VERIFICATION: A valid 2014 USATF Membership and Age Verification are required for participation. A USATF membership may be obtained online at www.usatf.org/membership/application. Age verification must be completed by sending (via fax or email) a copy of the athlete’s Proof of Birth (birth certificate, passport, certified baptismal record, driver’s license, or U.S. government identification) to the address below. Please allow 48 hours to complete the age-verification process. See USATF Rule 300.1(i) for details. Fax: 866-471-3173 (toll-free) Email: [email protected] ←preferred method For questions or assistance, please contact your Meet Directors: Bart Bradshaw, President OR Phone: (806) 543-9277 Email: [email protected] Michelle Barnes, Membership Chair & Sanctions Phone: 432-210-0056 Email: [email protected] DIRECTIONS & PARKING: Take I-27/US-87 to Plainview; take exit 49 (indicated on the map by the letter “A”) and turn east on US-70 (Olton Rd); drive ½ mile and turn right on Ennis St; take the first right onto West Fourth St.; enter Running Water Draw Regional Park; park in the lot (indicated on the map by the letter “B”) on the park site. Race Course: Ages 8 & under, 2000m (1.24 miles) Race Course: Ages 9-12, 3000m (1.86 miles) Race Course: Ages 13-14, 4000m (2.48 miles) Race Course: Ages 15 & over, 5000m (3.10 miles)
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