B 58 HUSTLER ASSOCIATION P. O. BOX 126158 FORT WORTH, TX 76126 NOVEMBER 2014 NEWSLETTER Dear Members … Our Executive Council as of May 3, 2014: This NEWSLETTER was a fun one to put together. One of our members suggested we do a short bio on the members of our Executive Council. Some members knew we were connected to the B-58 in some way or another but that’s all they knew. I polled the Council for a bio and a photo if they so desired. Not all responded but most did. I’ve printed the response from Council members who did respond. PRESIDENT - BJ BROWN [email protected] Then I asked you, the membership, to send me some information about themselves, their kids, grandkids, activities they were involved in, trips they had taken and anything they thought would be news to our other members. I got some pretty good response from that request. After you read some of the activities our members sent in I hope it will jar your memories and you too will respond so that I may include it in a future NEWSLETTER. The 2014 Reunion is history but I thought I would print the Proclamation from the Mayor of Ft Worth, TX which cites May 3, 2014, as “B-58 HUSTLER DAY”. Zim Zimmerman, Mayor Pro Tem, read the proclamation and then presented it to the B-58 Hustler Association. We also had a letter from Texas Governor Rick Perry. He said he was “honored to welcome all of those in attendance at the B-58 Hustler Association’s 40th Reunion in Ft Worth.” Our Executive Director Harry Rumzek was instrumental in obtaining both the Proclamation from the Mayor of Ft Worth and the letter from Governor Perry! Harry and other members of his Reunion Committee are hard at work planning the next reunion: May5-8,2016. VICE-PRESIDENT - JERRY ANDERSON [email protected] SECRETARY - RICH BOLCER [email protected] TREASURER - KEN ARCHIBALD [email protected] EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR - HARRY RUMZEK [email protected] DIRECTORS: ALEX BREWER [email protected] FRED DARLING [email protected] DENNIE DARNELL [email protected] ED JOHNSON [email protected] DARRELL SCHMIDT [email protected] ROGER SCHWARZENBACH [email protected] I hope all of you have a nice Thanksgiving, a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. BJ Brown, President, B-58 Hustler Association —1— My name is BJ Brown and I’ve been your President since September 2012. I was reelected in May 2014 at our Ft Worth reunion Business Meeting. I was a bomb/nav on a Select crew in the B-47 when I volunteered and was accepted into the B-58 program in 1962. Our crew quickly made Select status and we went to CCTS. While at Grissom AFB I went to college on “Bootstrap.” I got my degree, came back and resumed crew duty. Then in 1967 I finally got off of crew duty and went into the Armament & Electronics Maintenance Squadron as Maintenance Supervisor. In August 1969 I was transferred to Kadena AB, Okinawa. My name is Alex Brewer and I have served on the B58 Executive Council for many years as a Director. In the latter part of 1961 I was selected as the first B52 navigator to check out in the B-58. When we landed from our fifth student flight our crew was told that we were now instructors and we were assigned to the 43rd CCTS. When the 43rd was transferred to Little Rock AFB, AR I was moved to a staff position as Wing Navigator. I was involved in the planning of all low level missions and RBS targeting. As Wing Navigator I was scheduled to fly with B-58 student and staff pilots. In 1969 I was transferred to a C-119K assignment. (NO PHOTO PROVIDED) —2— My name is Ed Johnson and I’ve been a Director for two terms. I was reelected as a Director at our last Reunion. I completed the aircraft maintenance course, JET OVER TWO ENGINES, with AFSC of 4313E at Amarillo AFB, TX and was assigned to the 43rd Bomb Wing at Carswell AFB, TX. I was assigned to A/C 60-1111 and the Assistant Crew Chief, Richard Smith, was assigned as my "5" level trainer. Upon completion of my security clearance, B-58 Familiarization school and OJT I received the 43151E-S AFSC that qualified me for alert duty. I was promoted to A1C and was assigned to 581018 as the Assistant Crew Chief. The 43rd moved to Little Rock AFB and I spent most of my time on alert. The B-58s were phased out and I changed my AFSC to 1A151, Flight Engineer on the C-130. After a tour in South East Asia I left the Air Force. I’m Ken Archibald and I have served as Treasurer of our Association for a number of years. I came to the B58 program (DSO) in 1965 as a brand new Captain. I went through training with Larry Whitehouse (AC) and Harold Culter (BN). I later flew with Don Neff and then with Guy Smith and Clay Arundel as a stand board crew. After Grissom I went to tankers and served in 2 Young Tiger deployments. (NO PHOTO PROVIDED) I was transferred to the Bomber Branch and was assigned to help ground crews. After the wing moved to Little Rock AFB in 1964 I was assigned as the Assistant Crew Chief on 59-2436. In March 1966 I became the Crew Chief on 59-2437 and held that position to October 1968. During this time I earned the prestigious SAC Master Crew Chief award. The aircraft crashed in July 1968 due to materiel failure of the right main landing gear. In October 1968 it was determined that the aircraft would not be repaired. I and my crew were assigned to 60-1122, a loaner from Grissom AFB. After promotion to TSgt I was assigned as a bomber Recovery Team Chief. My last working day in that capacity was in December 1969. I have been a member of the B-58 Hustler Association since 1982. My name is Harry Rumzek. I was appointed Executive Director to the B-58 Hustler Association Executive Council in early 2013. After B-58 Nav-Bomb Upgrade Training at Mather AFB, CA, in January 1967 I was assigned to the 305th Bomb Wing at Bunker Hill (Grissom) AFB, IN. I flew with Major David T. McBride, pilot, and Capt Richard H. Sherman, DSO. We became B-58 Combat Ready and in September 1967 was assigned to Crew R-63 with the 364th Bomb Squadron. Our crew was upgraded to E-63 in June 1968. In turn, Captains Ken Leatherbarrow and Monte Correll served as DSO. We were selected as Wing B-58 Aircrew of the Quarter for April-June 1969 then upgraded to S-63 in July 1969 and became a Standardization Crew on July 15, 1969, with Tom Stelmar as DSO. In January 1970 I returned to the B52D as a Navigator/Bombardier. Richard Bolcer is presently serving as Secretary of the B -58 Hustler Association. After tech school I was assigned to 43 Organizational Maintenance Squadron (OMS) at Carswell AFB, Texas in September 1960. I served in this squadron all the way through to its deactivation in January 1970. After earning my 43151E AFSC —3— Darrell Schmidt has been a Director on the Executive Council for many years. In late 1966 I received my orders to travel to Perrin AFB, TX for "Lead-in" flight training in the F-102. Then off to Carswell for nuclear weapon training and on to Little Rock for B-58 training as pilot. I was in the 63rd Bomb Squadron with Herk Neifert as Nav and Charlie Creech as DSO. Near the close out of the B-58 I checked out as an instructor and changed crews to have Harry Neilands as Nav and Bill Nelson as DSO. Ray and Beatriz returned safely home after their departure from rural Pritchett, Texas, after another 'comradery-stop' in Abilene, Texas. Bob, upon their departure, was heard to loudly mumble, "That darn Ray really ticks me off - he never ages - still the youngster of the group." "Harumph!" fini, Bob Worn One of the members of our Executive Council suggested that I should put bios/photos of our Council in the NEWLETTER. I asked the guys twice for that information, with or without photos. I’ve printed the ones I received in this NEWSLETTER ~ some without photos. OK BJ, I've got just one little snippet for the newsletter. On their way home from Ray Guffee's B-47 unit reunion, Ray and his bride Beatriz stopped at Pritchett, Texas to visit with Lynn and Bob Worn at their home-at-the -end-of-the-road. Ray said that, with the 'flight-plan' that Bob gave him, it wasn't difficult to find the place. It was a wonderful time to renew old friendships and to review the blessings that we have all received. Many of the old, good times were discussed and reflected upon. Ray, being the consummate gentleman and good friend that he is, did not once broach the subject of one of Bob's career FUBARS - the time Bob, while flying one-of -the-last-missions-on-Christmas-Eve, sent in a ZippoHot-News (not 'practice') through the channels to our Wing-Co, reporting a sighting of Santa Claus and then reported the propulsion system AS ONLY SIX REINDEER. (Bob's explanation was that the center page in the KAC72 was printed askew and difficult to extrapolate) Later that night, Bob had to answer a (telephonic) verbal RBI as to why he didn't also submit a "Zippo-Hot-NewsLost-Reindeer-Report." Repeat - Ray, the consummate gentleman, never broached the subject. Ray was heard to comment that Bob had not changed one bit over the years - that he was just as tall, dark, handsome, oliveskinned and debonair as he always has been. —Continued next column …... Monique Evans is the current Miss Texas. She is the grand-daughter of Colonel Richard Evans who was in the B-58 program 1957-59. She came in 13th at Miss America and 4th in the Miss America Mock Pageant. Monique Evans is a senior at the University of Texas and she is spending this year serving as Miss Texas. Vic Mayer was a B-58 DSO at Bunker Hill AFB, IN. He's pictured here with his grandson, James A Mayer. James is an 18 year old Pro Bowler and has bowled two perfect - 4 -games (300) in competition. BJ ... You may want to provide information that active duty or retired military that wants to come to Walt Disney World check into the Shades Of Green Resort on the WDW property. www.shadesofgreen.org They are very busy, so you need to book early. If they are filled, they can provide discounts to other WDW Resorts as well as park tickets. As a side note, I work part-time at the Magic Kingdom. They can contact me for park information. Richard White, DSO [email protected] My son, Mike Brown, works at the Palmyra research station located one thousand miles south of Hawaii. HIs job is pretty much feeding, housing and supporting the researchers along with doing minor repairs, carpentry, painting, and power washing the buildings. In this picture he is kayaking in a squall off Barren Island. “The Navy used this island for shell practice during WWII so they don't want us wandering too far off the beach. One group of researchers are studying what keeps corals alive. As one person put it, ‘we know what kills them, but what mechanism brings them back?’ Another group from NOAA is studying the effects of el nino from the ocean floor up. I think the Scripps Institute is mapping Palmyra's reef system with 3-d camera as a way to study the growth and degradation of the coral systems. Another group is studying the pollution effects by looking at the nutrient uptake of a certain algae that grows here. Some guys are studying the fish systems in relation to the corals and this season my mission is to identify different fish species. The fish researchers are helping me with that.” He does a 3 month stint then it's back to Arizona for 3 months. By BJ & Mike Brown 55-0668 was modified to carry the Quick Check pod in June of 1960. A new and slightly bulged nose radome was fitted to accommodate a special Raytheon forward-looking radar, and the instrumentation installed at the second crew station was revised. The Quick Check modified aircraft was delivered in May of 1961. The Quick Check aircraft was actually used for an overflight of Cuba during the October 1962 missile crisis. The radar system functioned fairly well, but resolution was found to be the highest when subsonic speeds were used. Despite its promise, the Quick Check program was cancelled following completion of the flight test program. Following the end of the Quick Check program, B-58 55-0668 was scheduled to be the testbed for the B-58B project, but when that program was cancelled as well, the plane was converted to TB58A trainer configuration. The plane is now on static display at Little Rock AFB, AR. I am not aware of this pod BJ. The Main Line Pod, photo recon, was used to provide pictures of natural disasters on some occasions. I personally flew to Alaska in, probably 1968, to photo a flood there. Took off from Little Rock, flew to Alaska and worked the area, landed at Barksdale, where the film was developed and sent to the President. Longest mission, for me, in the great Hustler, 12 hours. Roger Schwarzenbach — 5— Hi BJ … My family, (Audrey, two sons and one grandson) and I went to Kenya last July on a wildlife safari. It was an outstanding trip and we saw a LOT of their wildlife. Monte Correll After the 1965 Bomb/Comp the 305th BW was 1st in Navigation, 3rd overall and best in all B58 categories. I donated my trophies and stuff to the Grissom AFB museum a couple years ago. Tom Chaffee ~ 305 Bomb/Nav technician, 1959-1970. ********************************************************* “TO FLY WEST, MY FRIEND, IS THE ONE FINAL CHECK WE ALL MUST TAKE.” Author Unknown FIVE OF OUR MEMBERS HAVE TAKEN THEIR FINAL CHECK. THEY ARE: Charley Adams Milo Myers James Coryat Patsy Barrett Alice Fross We’ve had two new members join our Association since the last NEWSLETTER. We welcome them to our group!! Pat DeCambra, Rancho Cucamonga, CA David Sharrock, Sacramento, CA George Klump, my favorite DSO, shot this 8 point deer near Johnsonville, SC on October 14th with a 270 rifle. —6— —7— B 58 HUSTLER ASSOCIATION PO BOX 126158 FT WORTH, TX 76126 Non-Profit US Postage Paid Mountain Home, AR PERMIT No. 39 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED ADDRESS LABEL HERE My first goal with the NEWSLETTER is not to offend anyone and my second goal is to keep members informed on past, present and future happenings/ events. In order to keep you informed I must have your current email and home address. I get this information from Secretary Rich Bolcer. So, if you have ANY changes to this info please email Rich at his address: [email protected] That’s me, begging on the left!! BJ Brown, President, B-58 Hustler Assn —8—
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