WA Branch AGM & Breakfast Meeting Presentation: Systems of work for managing fatigue Presented by Kate Ponton In the maritime environment, it is important to continually address crew endurance to maintain safety, performance, morale and wellbeing. The sustainment of crew endurance and many of its risk factors are interlinked with managing fatigue which can be affected by work schedules, body clock stability, stress and workload, environmental stressors, physical conditioning and health and nutrition. Some of the main maritime crew endurance risk factors and issues will be presented, along with tools that can be used to evaluate fatigue and fatigue risk. Kate Ponton is a Certified Professional Ergonomist who has worked with the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) since 2006 in submarine related human factors research. Kate’s research experience is broad. Her initial work was focused on submarine combat systems researching usability and principles of design, mental workload measures and exploring the metrics afforded by eye tracking technology. Subsequent work has focused on the application of human systems integration (HSI) processes to minimise human related risks in the future submarine program. Under the broad spectrum of HSI, her recent work aims to understand crew endurance and habitability and related design drivers for long duration missions. Join us for the WA AGM! Friday 17 October 2014 Time: 8:15-8:30 Registration & breakfast 8:30-9:30 Presentation 9:45-10:30 AGM Cost: $25 non-members Free to HFESA members! Venue: Seminar Room 3 Gascoyne House (rear of Graylands Campus) off John XXIIIrd Drive MOUNT CLAREMONT (See over for map & parking details) All HFESA members are invited to join in our AGM – our once a year chance to: - have a say on how our WA Branch runs - nominate yourself or others for roles in the society - support HFESA – run by volunteers to promote human factors & ergonomics For catering purposes, RSVP by Wed 15 Oct to [email protected]. Non-members, please contact Pauline on [email protected] to register. DIRECTIONS TO GASCOYNE HOUSE, GRAYLANDS CAMPUS: GRAYLANDS CAMPUS Free Parking (use visitor bays) Best entrance for Gascoyne House from John XXIIIrd Avenue Follow signs for SEMINAR ROOM 3 Public Transport: Karrakatta station 800m Can’t find us? Call: Kath 0438 985739 or Rod 0418 946404 WA Branch AGM & Breakfast Meeting Systems of Work for Managing Fatigue Friday, 17 October 2014 REGISTRATION FEES (Rates include GST) HFESA Members APA, OTA & SIA (please circle) APA, OTA & SIA members please quote M/ship number: FREE Non Members (receipt will be posted) $25.00 Please advise any special dietary requirements: Credit Card Payments: Please charge $............... to my credit card: Visa Mastercard Card No: . ................................................................................................................... Amex Expiry Date: .................... Name on Card: ...................................................................................................................................................................... Cardholder’s Signature: ...................................................................................................................................................... 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Mobile No: .............................................................................. JOIN HFESA Non-members who wish to join the Society at time of registering will receive the discounted Member registration rate and the waiving of the $33.00 membership application fee. Please contact Pauline Pertel at the Secretariat (contact details below) for further information. Note: Conditions apply – if the application does not proceed, or is unsuccessful, the full Non-member registration rate will be payable. CONTACT HFESA Please fax registration to: 02 9680 9027 and follow up with email advice to ensure receipt, or email to [email protected] Enquiries: HFESA Secretariat (02) 9680 9026 (Tuesday – Thursday) Registrations close 5.00 pm, Wednesday, 15 October 2014.
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