North Anderson Baptist Church A small Church, In a small Town, Serving a Big GOD. “A Light of God’s Love” The Lighthouse Volume 15 Issue 11 November 2014 God’s Revelation to North Anderson Baptist is…”To honor and glorify God through worship, prayer, teaching, community service and mission opportunities.” DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME Be sure to turn clocks back 1 hour before you go to bed Saturday Night November 1st. Volume 15, Issue 11 The Lighthouse Page 2 From Your Pastor In days where we see very little in our world and nation to be thankful for it is just the time to go to God and give Him thanks for who He is, His sovereign hand in this world and Pastor Bill Rigsby His faithfulness to His children. We should also be thankful for all those things which He has provided for us as a church and our own family as well as personally. Our God has been good to us and has not failed to care for us in all situations. Giving thanks is the theme of November. When our early settlers came onto the cold shores of New England they experienced hardships which we can’t imagine, yet when the winter was over and the harvest came, eventually, they gave thanks even though they had lost loved ones to death and life was still very hard for them. You see our thanksgiving should not come only when we receive good things from the hand of God but in essence we are to thank God in every situation of life that comes our way no matter what we experience. (1 Thessalonians 5:18, “…give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”) Being a faithful God, He is aware of all our needs and is working in all things, good or bad, for our good. (Romans 8:28, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.”) So beloved, give thanks to our Father in heaven who loves you in every situation you are going through and who is working in those experiences to make you more like Jesus and is giving you opportunities to trust Him even in the tough times of life. With a thankful heart to God for our wonderful church family and your faithfulness to Him, our Lord and Savior, 2014 A New Year with 52 Weeks in the New Testament September Reading 45 11/3-11/7 1 Peter 2 1 Peter 3 1 Peter 4 1 Peter 5 2 Peter 1 46 11/10-11/14 2 Peter 2 2 Peter 3 1 John 1 1 John 2 1 John 3 47 11/17-11/21 1 John 4 1 John 5 2 John 1 3 John 1 Jude 1 48 11/24-11/28 Revelation 1 Revelation 2 Revelation 3 Revelation 4 Revelation 5 Volume 15, Issue 11 The Lighthouse Page 3 Letter from your Minister of Administration & Education… Each month I usually look back at what I wrote a year ago. Funny thing is that this month God is leading me to write about love, which is exactly what I wrote about last year at this time. I would like to rewrite something from the book The Love Dare For Parents by Stephen and Alex Kendrick. Every child is a one of a kind mini-masterpiece. No known duplicates exist. They each have distinctive fingerprints, heart rhythms, eye patterns, and blood constitution. Even identical twins can be physically alike and yet light years apart in how they are mentally wired and gifted. Our children do not just grow up different; they show up different. Though circumstances and training will greatly affect their lives, the originality that is already ingrained into each of our children reflects brilliant preplanning. Every birthmark is a trademark. Every special feature is a signature of divine design. God is always intentional as to why He makes each child the way He does. He desires His power, creativity, and image to be uniquely reflected in each living soul. Even in His allowance of unexpected birth defects, His conclusions are kind (John 9:1-3). His strength is often revealed most vividly through human weakness, cultivating deeper character and compassion in their families. Your children are also distinctively prepared for the purpose of helping others (Ephesians 2:10). He places them into a specific time and space and enables them to thrive where others are ill-equipped, to meet unique needs others cannot. So when you consider the wonders of each of your children, love invites you as a parent to go on an adventure of discoverer by unpacking the marvelous mystery of their design. It is good to ask: How are they wired? How are they unique? Who are they becoming? What is already in them that needs to be discovered and inspired? Loving parenting requires discovery with direction. It’s listening and learning how a child thinks, dreams, and grows. It’s separating their God-given leaning from their temporary longing. It’s watching their habits, guarding them against their weaknesses, and growing them in their strengths. Special Health Note...Please pray that our church body will demonstrate love and compassion for members who have chronic breathing conditions - asthma, COPD, emphysema, allergies, etc. by reserving men's cologne, after shave, ladies' perfumes, body sprays, etc. to wear places other than church. Fragrances often irritate and inflame these conditions creating serious health problems. May North Anderson Baptist be filled only with the fragrance of Christ. On behalf of all concerned, I thank you for your caring prayers. Volume 15, Issue 11 The Lighthouse Friday, October 31st from 10 am – 2 pm God’s Gifted Hands Ministry will meet. this is a BYOL&B meeting (bring your own lunch and beverage) This will be a working meeting for shawls, caps, scarves, baby blankets, lap blankets and sewing Page 4 first class stamp embossed #10 envelopes ( purchase at Post Office), 2 - rolls of mints (Lifesavers, Breathsavers, Mento, types). You may donate all of the above items and place in a gallon Ziploc bag or you may bring any of the above individual items. Please place them in the tub in the Welcome Center. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "We're Here for You" statewide food drive by South Carolina Baptist Also during October we will continue to collect nonperishable foods [email protected] such as canned ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ goods, dry beans, rice, cereal, etc. WMU October Please try to pick up Mission Project a few extra items We will be collecting items for the each week during your grocery shopPrisoner Packets which will be dis- ping and share with a needy family. quilts. If you have a question call 225-2575 or email: tributed to prisoners in the SC Prison system. The following items are needed: 1 - black non-retractable ink pen ( no wire clip), 1 - adult toothbrush (factory sealed), 1 - 6 oz. or larger toothpaste, 1- 4-6 oz. bar of bath soap, 1 - writing tablet (no larger than 5 1/2" X 8 " - not wire bound), 5 - These foods will be distributed by the Saluda Baptist Association on Saturday, November 8. Volunteers are needed to help organize the food bags and to help give out the food on the distribution day. Contact Paula Holland or Judy Brown if you're interested in helping. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Volume 15, Issue 11 The Lighthouse Lilly and Lauren Stone's homeschool co-op is collecting Box Tops for Education. If anyone would like to help, just clip the Box Tops from your grocery packages and bring them to Kerri. We will be collecting them all year long. Three co-ops in the Homeschool Association are competing to see who can collect the most. Page 5 RA Day at North Greenville University Saturday, November 1st ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME Be sure to turn clocks back 1 hour before you go to bed Saturday Night November 1st. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lilly and Lauren would appreciate your support in helping their co-op win! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are in need of a Co-Sunday School Leader for 1st & 2nd grade Children. This is on a by-monthly teaching schedule. Saluda Baptist Association will hold the 212th Annual Meeting at First Baptist Church of Iva on Sunday, November 2, 2014. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4th Please see Bruce Brown or Dennis DON’T FORGET Walker for more information. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TO VOTE!!! Volume 15, Issue 11 The Lighthouse 1st Wednesday Night Supper November 5th, @ 5:30 pm Chicken/Rice Casserole Mac & Cheese, Green Beans, Dessert Page 6 Fund Raiser Saturday, November 8th from 9 am -3 pm Fall Craft Fair will be held in the gym of North Anderson Baptist Church. This fundraiser is to benefit Relay for Life. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You are cordially invited to an 89th Birthday Celebration for Supper by Donation You won’t want to miss this Wednesday Night following the meal in the gym. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NABC’s Women’s Ministry & Circle of Friends will have their 1st Tuesday Team Meeting November 4th - 6 pm at the Olive Garden ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EUNICE ROBERTSON Saturday, November 8th at The Anderson American Legion on Greenville St. from 5 - 8pm. Please join family and friends to celebrate with fun and food, but no gifts. Phone regrets to: Renee Robertson (864) 226-8286 or Jerry Robertson (864)223-9409. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Relay for Life Fall Craft Fair TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11th VETERANS DAY Volume 15, Issue 11 The Lighthouse Page 7 In Flanders Fields By John McCrae In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly. Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow Loved, and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Our Mother's Meeting for Miracles Bible Study will be on Saturday, November 15th from 8:30 -10:30 am in the gym. Bring your own beverage, but breakfast will be provided. We will still be focused on praying. OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOEBOXES Collection day for OCC shoeboxes is Sunday, November 16th. Shoeboxes are available in both Welcome Centers. Please bring your packed shoeboxes on the 16th and place in the sanctuary. The Stones’ will count them and carry them to the collection point at Concord. Home Builders is taking a group to the Operation Christmas Child warehouse in the Atlanta area Tuesday, December 13th. See the Stones’ for details. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DMA DOES NOT Meet In November SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16th COLLEGE/CAREER & YOUTH DAY Thursday, November 20th – Saturday, November 22nd Fellowship hall/gym closed for sitting up and preparation of Thanksgiving lunch on the 23rd. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Volume 15, Issue 11 The Lighthouse Sunday, November 23rd Thanksgiving Lunch after morning worship service. Praise God for those that have supplied the needs to purchase turkeys for this very special lunch of thanksgiving. This will be a “Potluck Lunch” so you bring the fixings (vegetables, casseroles, desserts, etc.), the church will supply the paper products and beverages. Diana & Paula will be cooking turkeys on Saturday, November 22nd. Watch for time TBA and join us if you would like to help. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25th, starting at 6:45 pm will be our REGULAR Wednesday Night Services. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27th “THANKSGIVING” Church office closed November 27th & 28th ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “GOD’S GIFTED HANDS MINISTRY” Meetings in November & December TBD. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WMU November Mission Project Page 8 Christmas Care Baskets for North Anderson Baptist Shut-ins and nursing home residents. We will collect items for Christmas Baskets all during November and then we'll put them together and distribute to our shut-ins in December. We will need lotions, body wash, boxes of tissues, small packages of wipes, stationery, word find books, cross word puzzle books, ink pens, small inspirational books of poems, cozy socks for ladies, white crew socks for men, bags of peppermints, Mentos, small bags of snack treats, or/other items you believe a shut in might use. We will also ask for donations of money to buy fruit to go in the baskets. We hope everyone will join us in this project and show our shut-ins that we love and care about them. More information will be given in early December about the date for putting them together and distribution information. If you’d like to volunteer to help with this project please contact Judy Brown (933-3234). If you'd like to donate money for the project, make checks to North Anderson Baptist and put WMU Shut-in Project on the memo line. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It’s time to get ready for our “Lottie Moon Christmas” Silent Auction. Items will be collected for the auction now through Sunday, November 30th. Please bring your items to the Health Room. Items will be displayed Monday, December 1st Sunday, December 14th. Items should paid for and picked up by Wednesday, December 17th. Volume 15, Issue 11 The Lighthouse Page 9 HOW YOU MAY BECOME A MEMBER 1.By Profession of Faith and Baptism: If you will receive Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and Lord and follow Him in baptism by immersion, we welcome you into our fellowship. 2. By Letter: As a Baptist whose membership is elsewhere we welcome you into our church family should God lead you here. We will take care of writing for your church letter. 3. By Statement: If your church membership records are not available for a transfer of membership or if you have received Christ as your Savior and then were baptized by immersion in another denomination we will accept you upon your statement of Faith. 4. By Watchcare: As a student whose membership is elsewhere we welcome you into our church family under “Watchcare.” Your letter will not be transferred, we will notify your church that we will watch over you while you are away from home. There’s plenty of room in our family for you. Come and join us! In Christ, Bill Rigsby, Pastor You are invited and encouraged to become a part of our exciting fellowship here at North Anderson Baptist Church. There are programs and ministries for every member of your family. Do you know “How To Get To Heaven” from Anderson, SC? Join us at one of the below service OUR WORSHIP TIMES times and we will introduce you to Jesus, the only way to heaven. SUNDAY Choir Practice …………….… 8:45 am Sunday School ….. 9:15 am College & Career Sunday School...9:15 am with Matt & Robin George Youth Ministry Sunday School...9:15 am Deaf Ministry Sunday School...9:15 am Pastor’s Prayer Meeting……..10:20 am Morning Worship ..… 10:30 am NABC NEXT GENERATION College & Career Bible Study...5 pm Bible Drill……...5 pm Youth Ministry……....6 pm Sunday Evening Service.…………6 pm There will be coverage for nursery & children. WEDNESDAY Deaf Ministry Bible Study...6:45 pm Youth Bible Study ….. 6:45 pm Adult Prayer Meeting/Bible Study … 6:45 pm Preschool Mission Friends ….. 6:45 pm RA’s & GA’s ………………... 6:45 pm THURSDAY Men’s Bible Study ….. 7:30 am (Mama Penn’s) Call us at:(864) 225-2575, Fax (864) 225-2181 Email: [email protected] Visit our web site at: Volume 15, Issue 11 The Lighthouse Page 10 Bible Study – Food – Fellowship An Open Letter So, you are in your late teens or early 20’s. Now what? You are making some of life’s major decisions that will have long term impacts: What career path will you take? What friendships will you make? Who will you marry? Will I marry? What about money? The potential to make choices similar to your peers and follow the trends of our culture are enormous. But, are these the best choices for you? Many of your peers will make choices that lead to deepening debt, relationship issues, possible addiction issues and a generally unfulfilled life. Your life can be different. Come fellowship and study God’s Word with us as we seek to learn how to use Biblical principles to lay a solid foundation for the future. God’s plan is to prosper you, not harm you, to give you a hope and a future. (Jer 29:11) But, the catch is, you have to do it His way. See you Sundays at 5 pm. NORTH ANDERSON BAPTIST CHURCH You’ll find us to be a Christ-centered, friendly church committed to reaching people and growing believers. WATCHCARE MINISTRY We offer a unique membership opportunity for college students. NABC will be your “home away from home.” You are invited to Join our Watchcare Ministry. As a Watchcare member you will participate in NABC as a full member, yet you maintain a permanent membership in your home church. Questions? Need Help? Text…email…call…Anytime Tim & Nancy Danyels [email protected] Tim – 864-934-2351 Nancy – 864-934-2382 Mike & Stephanie McCollum [email protected] Mike– 864-376-8273 Stephanie– 864-376-8272 Matt & Robin George [email protected] Matt – 864-276-4087 Robin – 864-933-6256 Jerry & Judy Wilson [email protected] Jerry – 864-230-7722 Judy – 864-230-7766 NEXT GENERATION @ HOME One Sunday each month we plan to meet in a member’s home instead of at the church; an opportunity to relax and enjoy a home environment. COLLEGE & CAREER SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday at 9:15 am Matt & Robin George will lead studies. Class meets upstairs behind the sanctuary. Greeters will be glad to assist you. Watch for Upcoming Events Volume 15, Issue 11 The Lighthouse Page 11 November 2014 Nursery & Health Team Schedule (5 week month) NURSERY - 1st Sunday NURSERY - 3rd Sunday Sunday 8:45 am Choir Practice Sharon Whitlock *Vanessa Seaver BJ & Aimee Sharp Mary Ann Ball, Robin George Latoya Brown Sunday School: 10:15 am (B&T): (2 - 4 yr olds): Starting at 4:30 pm Saluda Association 212th Annual Meeting 1st Baptist Church of Iva Evening Services at 1st Baptist of Iva Sunday 8:45 am ____________________*Velma Martin Bobbie Elrod *Velma Martin Michael & Kerri Stone Judy & Jerry Wilson at 5 pm College & Career, Bible Drill & Bible Buddies Health Team Matt & Robin George Health Team Robin George 1st Wednesday 1st Wednesday 6:40 pm: Nursery Pam Ehrlich Youth Ministry Evening Service at 6 pm There will be coverage for nursery & children. Health Team & Wednesday Night Nursery 1st Sunday Health Team & Wednesday Night Nursery Health Team Tim & Nancy Danyels 3rd Sunday 3rd Wednesday 6:40 pm: Jo Ann Stephens *Taylor White Pam Owens, Sharon Smith Gene & Paula Holland ___________________________ Sunday 8:45 am Sunday School: 10:15 am (B&T): (2 - 4 yr olds): There will be coverage for nursery & children. Health Team & Wednesday Night Nursery Health Team & Wednesday Night Nursery 2nd Sunday Health Team Aimee Sharp 4th Sunday 2nd Wednesday Health Team Paul Ehrlich 4th Wednesday Nursery Judy Brown Health Team Pam Parker, Jennifer Saxon year olds (during worship service) 3rd Sunday of each month: volunteer for Sunday School babies 4th Sunday of each month: volunteer for 2-4 year olds (during worship service) Once a quarter on the 5th Sunday: volunteer for 2-4 year olds (during worship service) We are also in great need of volunteers for the nursery on Sunday nights and Wednesday nights during service times. Please contact Jennifer Stamps or Taylor White if you can help fulfill this great need. Health Team Jennifer Saxon 4th Wednesday 6:40 pm: Nursery Kim Merck 5th Sunday Nursery in need of Volunteers!!! 2nd Sunday of each month: volunteer for 2-4 Choir Practice Cynthia Adams *Heather Covert Sean & Elinor Lister Jennifer & Josh Stamps _________________________ Church Wide Thanksgiving Potluck Lunch after morning worship service. “NO EVENING SERVICES” Youth Ministry Evening Service 2nd Wednesday 6:40 pm: Nursery NURSERY - 4th Sunday Choir Practice College & Career, Bible Drill/Bible Buddies at 5 pm at 6 pm Health Team Pam Parker 3rd Wednesday NURSERY - 2nd Sunday Sunday 8:45 am Sunday School: 10:15 am (B&T): (2 - 4 yr olds): Choir Practice Sunday School: 10:15 am (B&T): (2 yr olds) (2 - 4 yr olds): Sunday 8:45 am Choir Practice Sunday School: 10:15 am (B&T): Stephanie McCollum *Jennifer Saxon Carole Boyd, Judy Brown *Jennifer Saxon Lynda Rigsby, ___________________ (2 - 4 yr olds): College & Career, Bible Drill & Bible Buddies at 5 pm Youth Ministry Evening Service at 6 pm There will be coverage for nursery & children. Health Team & Wednesday Night Nursery 5th Sunday 5th Wednesday 5th Wednesday 6:40 pm: Health Team Aimee Sharp Health Team Nursery Volume 15, Issue 11 The Lighthouse Page 12 Ray Manley (2015) Sherrill (Martin) Ackerman, Tommy, Dakota Brian & Cynthia Adams, Corey, Zoe, Zane Ginger Adams Erik & Kim Aiken, Jessy, Destiny, Maranda Frank & Kathy Alexander Jessie Alexander James Anderson Michael & Teresa Applewhite, Dillon, Connor Frank & Sharon Arthur Kim Ash, Roy, Kaitlyn Carolyn Bailey Judy Bailey Matt & Mary Ann Ball Matt White (2015) Diana Beall Mary Bickers Waldron Blackman, Jr. Doris Blackwood Millie Boatman Linda Bowman Sallie Bowman Maston & Carole Boyd Dewey & Julia Bramlett Daniel Branyon, Rylee Hugh & Orene Brinson Jim Broome Alan & Sylvia Brown, Rachel Beth Brown Bruce & Judy Brown Jeremy Brown, Eli Wendal & Latoya Brown, Omari & Markel Hatten, Aleya Brown Tamara “Tami” V. Brownlee Jerry Wilson (2016) Tammy Ebbler Stacy Ebbler Heather (Slaton) Ebernickle, Garrett, Case Connie Ehrlich Paul & Pam Ehrlich Duane Elrod JL & Ann Elrod Randy & Bobbie Elrod Helen Emerson Roy & Sybil Ethridge Bo & Mary Ruth Evans Sandra (Potter) Fincannon John Floyd Lina Fonseca Cathy Freeman King & Jackie Fulton Bob Gaillard Don Johnson (2016) Matt & Robin George, Caleb, Eli, & Josie Steve & Mickie Gibson Greg & Carol Gillespie, Bryson, Abbey, Corbin Kellie Gillespie, Rick, Jacob, Lydia, Mollie, Madison Bob & Marilyn, Lauren Glanowski Judy Harris, Jack Charlie Harter Caroline Haynes, Brianna, Brayden Betty Herring, Bob Deloris Hill Steve Hill Jim & Anne Holbrook, Taylor, Hannah Gene & Paula Holland Frances Houser Greg & DiDi Humphries Bruce Brown (2017) Ben & Hannah Morgan, Blaise, Caleb Christine Morgan Steve & Brenda Morgan Michael Morris Henry & Judy Morrison Juanita “Sadie Nash Christina Nixon Russell & Amanda O’Dell John & Jennie Outlaw Pam Owens Willadean Parales Bob & Pam Parker Kristen Pierce Hannah Polan Tuma “Skip” Recklaw Robert & Elza Reeves Rick & Mandy Riendeau Rick Riendeau (2017) Bill & Lynda Rigsby Charline Roberson Eunice Robertson Justin Armstrong, Austin Armstrong Craig Saxon Jennifer Saxon, Zachary Durkee, Nicholas Cartee, Rayna Saxon Nick & Vanessa Seaver, Trenton, Kiley BJ & Aimee Sharp, Addison Bob & Mary Simmons Billy & Jeanelle Sistrunk, Elisabeth, Will, Ethan Lisa Skelton Angela Slaton, Gabriel, Malachi, Moses Jerry & Brenda Slaton Volume 15, Issue 11 The Lighthouse Page 13 Josh Stamps (2015) Buck & Virginia Buchanan Joe & Lisa Burden, Kylie (granddaughter) Joan Burriss Bruce & Kathy Byce Chers'e Canarina, Ben Nick Canarina Cain Cantrell Tina Cantrell, Anna Gilliland, Jackson Cantrell Derrell & Peggy Capell Chuck & Julia Carver, Zackery, Erika, Erin Pearl Cheek Frank Clark Judy Cockrell Jonathan & Marie Coley, Julia Rose Marti Compton Matt & Missy Cooley, Austin Bo Evans (2015) Heather Covert, Chuck, Allison, Aiden Harry Craft Betty Crisp Craig & Tish Crittendon, Tommy, Kelly, Michael Avernell Cromer, Joe Eloise Cronk Tim & Nancy Danyels James Lamar David Bill & Norma Davis Gary Davis Gordon & Gladys Davis Will Davis, Christine John & Nancy Dill Katarina Doolittle Margie Duncan Matt George (2016) Paul & Amy Janssen, Maggie, Brooks Don & Linda Johnson Tom & Joyce Johnson, Jr. Bill & Melissa Jones, David, Zachary, Brielle Erica (Rigsby) Kent, Ian Connie King Chuck & Nancy Kroll Lona Lacour Fredda Lee Lisa Sean & Elinor Lister, Millie, Maggie, Andy David & Mandy Little, Hampton, Campbell Christie Looney Kevin Looney Louise Looney Michael Lopez Matt Ball (2016) Ray & Dana Manley, Kaitlin, Taylor Lucy Marett Velma Martin Kim Matthews, Taylor & Jordan Mike & Stephanie McCollum, Luke Sam McCollum Sandi McCoy Becky McCraw Angela McLeskey John McLeskey, Morgan Anne Mehaffey Mike & Kim Merck, Isaac Jonathan & Wendi Merrell Jesse Moon, Landin, Kaydence, Sidney Butch & Elaine Moore Sean Lister (2017) Kirk & Sharon Smith, Kelsey Ann Lillie Smith Matt Smith, Kelly, Holly, Hannah, Sara-Grace, & Mattie Yon Katey Yon Roy Smith Al Snyder, Evelyn Mike Spearman Joshua & Jennifer Stamps, Joslyn Leigh Joann Staton Ronald & Gayle Staton JoAnn Stephens Michael & Kerri Stone, Lillian, Lauren, Luke Tim Strawn Peggy Thrasher BJ Sharp (2017) Charles Thrift Jesse Tollison Chris & Lisa Voss, Grace, Steven, Daniel Dennis & Becky Walker, Maria, Daniel Carl & Tammie Wells Earl & Kimberly Wells, Jesse, Nicholas, Gage, Kira Jimmy & Jane White Matt & Taylor White George Whitfield, Kimberly John & Teresa Whitfield Sharon Whitlock, Kristina Carolyn Whitworth Bobbie Williams James & Gloria Wright North Anderson Baptist Church 2308 N Main St Anderson, SC 29621 Phone: 864-225-2575 Fax: 864-225-8785 Web site: November Birthdays Don’t Forget to Turn your clock back 1 hour before you go to bed Saturday, November 1st.. 1 Becky McCraw 2 Ben Canarina, Zane Adams 4 Michael Myers, Stacy Ebbler, Stephanie Allen 5 Betty Herring, James Wright, Markel Hatten Worship Leader..……......Steve Gibson [email protected] 7 Eunice Robertson, Jackie Fulton Minister of Deaf…………..Billy Sistrunk [email protected] 8 Mike Spearman, Julie Carver, Erika Carver 11 Destiny Aiken 13 Erica Kent 15 Kellie Gillespie 16 Joe Burden, Wendi Merrell 18 Ronald Staton 19 Charlie Harter 24 Henry Morrison 25 John Dill, Sharon Whitlock 26 Nancy Dill, Brian Adams, Cain Cantrell 27 King Fulton, Brenda Slaton, Bill Davis, Judy Morrison, Jodi Barnes, Heather Ebernickle, Kelly Crittendon 28 Ethan Sistrunk 29 Robin George 30 Lona Lacour Church Staff Pastor ……….....……………..Bill Rigsby [email protected] Minister of Administration & Education ...….……..Dennis Walker [email protected] VERTERAN’S DAY Administrative Assistant…...Diana Beall [email protected] Be sure to visit our new and improved web page to see current photo’s, an audio of the Sunday Morning messages, information on our Deaf Ministry and to view the Sunday message signed by an ASL interpreter. November 2 Ray Manley 9 Bo Evans 16 Don Johnson 23 Jerry Wilson 30 Bruce Brown DEACONS GREETERS January, May, September Marti Compton, Cathy Freeman February, June, October Kathy Alexander, Amanda O’Dell March, July, November Lillie Smith, Bobbie Williams April, August, December JoAnn Stephens, Sybil Ethridge Welcome Center During SS Mandy Riendeau, Latoya Brown Youth Church Office will be closed Thurs., Nov. 27th & Prayer box for our Military men and women: David Ehrlich Jeb Kramer Tim Custer Jesse Moon Cliff Cribb Don Riendeau Dear Friends, Bill Rigsby Pastor Dennis Walker Minister of Administration & Education Christmas is just around the corner and I know most of you are already planning socials. We would like to try something new this year and need your help. Our hope is that each Sunday School Class will have their Christmas Party/Social at the Church in your respective rooms on Sunday night December 7th starting at 5 pm. The children’s Christmas Party will be down in the children’s rooms and gym starting at 5 pm. Steve Gibson Worship Leader Billy Sistrunk Minister of Deaf We hope that each class will enjoy themselves for a while in their own class and then maybe move around and socialize with another class or two. This would be a great time to fellowship with your class and with others during the holidays and to invite those church members and visitors who do not come to Sunday School. Dennis Walker Minister of Administration & Education Diana Beall Administrative Assist. God's Revelation to North Anderson Baptist is…"To honor and glorify God through worship, prayer, teaching, community service and mission opportunities." 2308 North Main Street phone: 864-225-2575 Anderson, South Carolina 29621 fax: 864-225-8785 email: [email protected] Church Event Updates & Notes… Church Council “Drive Thru Nativity” Decision Towards the end of the April meeting our Drive Thru Nativity was discuss. Everyone loved this past year’s Drive Thru and a discussion was held about how often we should do the Drive Thru. The council voted to run the Drive Thru every other year with this year 2014 taking off. The council felt that we would build more excitement within our membership if the Drive Thru was every other year. It was also the feeling that we could use the off year to repair sets and costume. Thank you for all your support with the Drive Thru Nativity. “VALENTINE’S BANQUET” Friday, February 13th Our Theme is: “It Was A Very Good Year” Dress your favorite era for a fun filled night. A prize will be awarded to the individual/couple who’s outfit best represents their era. We need help in the following areas: cooking, set-up, decorating, take down, entertainment. If you are interested please let Nancy Danyels or Diana Beall know. Church Event Updates & Notes… __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
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