Holy Spirit Lutheran Church Welcome November 2, 2014 Welcome to Holy Spirit Lutheran! Welcome to our worship today. Whether you are a member, a regular visitor or a newcomer, we are happy to have you with us. We pray that you enjoy your time with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and with our church family. You are invited to join us for refreshments after the service. If you would like to know more about our church and our faith, please visit the Hospitality Center. We invite you to please sign the Pew Pad when it comes by. If we can be of service to you, please make a note on a yellow message card and place it in the offering plate or call the church office. HANDICAP PARKING spaces are provided close to the church. Please obey the signs and leave these spaces available for those who need them. Juno Beach Police will ticket violators $250. COMMUNION PROCEDURES Everyone who believes that Jesus Christ is truly present in the sacrament and sincerely wishes to commune with Him is welcome to participate in the celebration. Children may come forward for a blessing. When you receive the wafer, you may dip it into the wine (red) or grape juice (white). If you would like to participate in the sacraments but are unable to come forward, please inform an usher and communion will be brought to you. OUR SUPERVISED NURSERY IS AVAILABLE this morning for infants and one year olds in the Learning Center Building, room 103. THE KID CONNECTION for 2-3 year olds meets at 9:30 in the Learning Center Building room 104. See the ushers for assistance. BIBLE ACTIVITY BAGS AVAILABLE FOR YOUNG CHILDREN during the worship service. Please ask the ushers for a bag. At the end of the service, return it to the usher so a child at another service can use the Bible Bag. The bags are provided as a gift from Thrivent. IF YOU’RE A FIRST-TIME VISITOR TO OUR WORSHIP SERVICES we have a gift for you to remember us by and to learn more about our congregation. Please stop by the Hospitality Center on the patio and pick up your gift! ASSISTED HEARING DEVICES are available for use at the beginning of each service. These devices will help amplify the sounds of the service to a comfortable level for the hearing impaired. An assisted hearing device would allow you to move out of the sanctuary and not miss one word. Please go to the sound booth to check one out! EVERYONE IS INVITED FOR REFRESHMENTS out on the patio. Please take a moment to share greetings and joy with one another. Make some new friends by introducing yourself to others. 2 Welcome to Worship November 2, 2014 8:00 & 9:30 AM Worship Services We encourage you to be fully present in our worship service this morning by joyfully singing in praise to God! Opening Music Announcements *Greet One Another *Opening Songs “Everlasting God” “Revelation Song” *Prayer Bible Reading Genesis 4:1-9 (NLT) Giving Back To God (Offering) “He Is Exalted” (Pass Pew Pads) Message “Every Relationship Has A Climate” Pastor Frank Wagner *Prayer of Confession *“Lord’s Prayer Song” Celebration of Holy Communion Communion Song “There Is None Like You” *Closing Prayer *Benediction *Closing Song “You Reign” * The congregation will please stand 3 SUBMIT YOUR PRAYER requests for this week by using a yellow message card found in the chair back. Pastor will include your request in today’s service. All prayer requests will be prayed for by our staff and the HSLC Prayer Chain during the week and included in next week’s worship bulletin. COMING EVENTS Today ~ Sunday Evening Service 5 PM Today ~ All Saints Sunday 11/7-9 ~ HSLC Camping Trip 11/9 ~ Thanksgiving Food Drive Begins 11/15 ~ Progressive Dinner 11/16 ~ Blood Drive at HSLC 8 AM-12:30PM 11/26 ~ Thanksgiving Worship 7:00 PM 11/30 ~ Angel Tree Begins 12/7 ~ Women’s Christmas Party 1 PM WE ARE HERE FOR YOU! Pastoral care is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling the church office at 624-9663 or after hours call JoAnn at 308-9206. SUNDAY CLASS SCHEDULE 9:30 ~ KIDS CONNECTION 9:30 ~ Sunday School PreK—6th Grade 9:30 ~ Adult Sunday School NOTES ON THE SERMON: If you would like to take notes during today’s sermon, there is green paper in the back of the chair in front of you. All classes held in the Learning Center. VISIT OUR WEBSITE: www.HSLCFamily.com Check us out on: Listen to our Sunday sermons. Get info on upcoming events. THE ETERNAL LIGHT is given by Peggy Lentz in loving memory of Bob. Holy Cross Lutheran Church Presents: 2nd Annual Reformation Concert TODAY at 4:00 PM 1591 Kirk Road, Palm Springs, FL 33406 Everyone is invited! For info: 561-965-4622 Sunday, November 16 8:00 AM—12:30 PM All donors will receive a free T-shirt. Please bring your photo ID. 4 WHAT’S HAPPENING AT HSLC? The Women About Youth (WAY) Ministry presents AUTUMN BRUNCH ON THE PATIO TODAY 8:45 am to 11:15 am Individually prepared Omelets, Pancakes and more Adults $5, Children under 12 $3, Family $15 Proceeds will go to "Operation Christmas Child", a project supported by Samaritan's Purse which is a Christian organization headed by Franklin Graham that helps children in crisis around the world. Annual Food Drive: 2,490 pounds of food needed! Our Annual Food Drive is being hosted by our Confirmation ministry. The congregation is challenged to raise enough food to surpass the Confirmation youth and leaders’ total combined weight of 2,490 pounds. We will collect food on Sundays, November 9, 16, & 23. On November 23, the food that we gather at HSLC will be bagged into individual portions and distributed to those in need here in Northern Palm Beach County. Please support our Confirmation sutdents and those in need in our community. We can easily reach the 2,490 pound goal if every individual (adults and children) worshipping at HSLC brings 10 pounds of nonperishable food. The most needed food items are: Dry Corn Meal, Dry Beans, Rice, Cooking Oil, Peanut Butter, Macaroni, Spaghetti, Sugar, Flour, Soup, Canned Vegetables, Canned Fruits, Tuna Fish, Cereals, Toothpaste. Please bring your food items to the patio. Thanksgiving Eve Worship Wednesday, November 26, at 7:00 pm Come and worship, sing songs to the Lord with praise and thanksgiving in your hearts. Join us after worship for Pie & Coffee Fellowship. Friends and family are welcome. Erica Swan Webb will be baptized today by Pastor Frank during the 11:00 service. Erica’s parents are Daniel & Jennifer Webb. We welcome Erica into the family of God. 5 Weekly Small Groups, Studies, and Fellowship Meetings Women’s Group With Pastor Frank, Tuesday Mornings at 7:30 AM in the Learning Center. Men’s Group With Pastor Frank, Wednesday Mornings at 7:00 AM in the Learning Center. Women’s Walking Group Tuesdays at 8:00 PM at Downtown at the Gardens. Meet in front of Whole Foods. Erica Mardis, 850-510-4397 or [email protected]. Bridge Small Group Wednesdays 1:30-3:30 PM in the Learning Center. Pam Wohlschlegel, 561-776-2814. Social Bridge is played. Substitutes are needed! Prayer Ministry Small Group Wednesdays at 6:30 PM in the Learning Center. Debby Weeks, 630-913-0980 Currently studying “When God’s People Pray” Prayer Shawl Ministry Thursdays @ 1:00 PM in the Learning Center. Ilse Miller, 561-746-0859. Knitting and crocheting. Beginners welcome! Beginner Bridge Small Group Fridays at 6:30 PM in the Learning Center. Kirt & Rhonda Danielson, (561) 575-2556. New experienced players are welcome. Adult Sunday School Sundays @ 9:30 AM in the Learning Center. Contact Cheryl Scott 561-622-5069. Contact the Church office for more information at 561-624-9663 or [email protected]. NEW MEN’S DISCUSSION AND FELLOWSHIP OPPORTUNITY ATTENTION ALL MEN OF HSLC: Men, whether you are a member or visitor you are invited to join us for our new Wednesday Evening Men’s Group. The purpose of this Men’s Group is to foster Christian friendships among men, to provide an environment where we have faith discussions and pray for those things that matter to our lives. We meet upstairs in the Learning Center 6-7 PM. Pastor Frank is the facilitator. Come check out this opportunity and see if it works for you. Our faith discussion is around a DVD series called “FIGHT, Winning The Battles That Matter Most”. 6 Dates: November 7, 8, & 9 Where: Jonathan Dickinson State Park All friends and members of HSLC are invited to join us. This is a time to relax and get to know the wonderful people of our congregation. Come for the weekend or just a few hours! Cost for a campsite for the weekend is $60. Space is limited. Sign up at the Hospitality Center! Daytime Meal Small Group If you want to be part of a Small Group, there is a wonderful opportunity to meet for a meal. Join a small group that goes to a restaurant for a meal the first Friday of every month. The November 7 lunch will be at Juno Beach Fish House at 12:30. Please RSVP by Wednesday to Patti Thompson at 575-9046. A Town Of Juno Beach Project: A Collection for Our Veterans Today we are collecting items for handicapped and homeless Veterans in conjunction with the Town of Juno Beach. Items needed are: Travel Size Toiletries, Hygiene Items, Deoderant, Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Liquid Soap, Wet Wipes, Hand Sanitizers, Breakfast Bars, Protein Bars, Granola Bars, Instant Hot Chocolate. Items can also be dropped off at the Church Office November 3-7. KAIROS OUTSIDE is a ministry for women whose lives have been impacted by having a relative or loved one in prison, either in the past or at the present time. These women are often forgotten or neglected by society, and are left behind to provide for themselves and their children, through no fault of their own. KO ministry provides a weekend of sharing Christ's love, forgiveness, and hope for these women. Many of the guests say that they felt like nobody loved them or cared about their families and these spiritual weekends make them feel loved and give them a new sense of worth. The next KAIROS OUTSIDE weekend will take place November 21-23, 2014, at a hotel on Palm Beach Lakes Blvd, WPB. There is no cost for the guests and we welcome any women 18 or older who would like to attend. Rhonda Danielson will be part of the team that is planning the weekend and she will be happy to provide applications. Just give her a call as soon as possible (561-575-2556 or 561-602-2709) for more information. Theme Bible verse for the KO weekend will be 1 Corinthians 13:7 - Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful and endures through every circumstance. 7 The Saints of the HSLC Congregation † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † Sarah Applegate: Grandparents Earl & Pat Cook; Mentor Louise Severence Karla Dailing: Parents Elva & Courtney Berger Kirt Danielson: Roy & Helen Danielson, Pastor David Wolber, Carl Grabowski Jean Dempsey: Husband Russell Dempsey Carol Entrekin: Amos & Maren Entrekin Karen Hudson: Helen Storch Geri Jenkins: Parents John & Dorothy Luke Fred Kempel: Dorothy Kempel Mac: Pastor John Nelson, Grandpa Erica Mardis: Florence Carlig Mary Kay McNally: Mother Sara McNally David & Lorraine Murray: Pastor Earl Henley, Dave’s Parents Richard & Ella Murray, and Lorriane’s Parents Erich & Helen Berg Gayle Retkowski: Brother William McConighen Karen Reymann: Grandmother Amelia Dowgird Claire Roche: Husband John Roche and Sister Audrey Weiss Linda Schuckman: Ernest & Gloria Schuckman Cindy Shinn: Mother Elizabeth Christman Walt Shinn: Father Grover Shinn Dot Sisco: John Sisco & Roy Fenske Sandra Spain: Parents Lillian & Harry Spanin Hazel Tanenbaum: Michael Christopher Smith Susan Van Lindt: Grandmother Matilda Pully Susie Van Pelt: Sunday School teacher Louise Nemeth, Parents Helen & David Van Pelt Connie Ward: Mother Amelia Dowgird Margaret MacDonald, Allan MacDonald, Michaeline Caracciolo, Joseph Sellers, Alice Ann Downey, Joseph Herot If you have returned for the winter season, please fill out a yellow message card to let the church office know. We would like to update our church database. 8 2015 Haiti Mission Trips We are pleased to announce three opportunities for HSLC members and friends to participate in well-established, exciting, life-changing mission trips to the Village of Hope (VoH) School and Health Center in Ganthier, Haiti. Experienced leaders will guide the teams both in the States and while in the mission field. Preparedness, safety, and security will be of primary concern. The following trips are offered for your consideration: February 21 to February 28, 2015: Medical/Dental Trip, partnering with St. Thomas Episcopal Church, St. Petersburg, FL. A Mobile Medical/Dental Team will travel on a daily basis to villages located near the VoH to provide basic medical and dental care for the local Haitian people. Doctors, dentists, nurses, pharmacists, and those trained to work with these professional are encouraged to consider this trip. All professional licenses must be up-to-date. March 26 to April 2, 2015: Service Trip, partnering with St. Thomas Episcopal Church, St. Petersburg, FL. The Trip Team Leader and the VoH Field Director will plan projects at the school, health center, and/or Hope House mission compound for the Team to accomplish during their stay. Useful skills: Plumbing, carpentry, painting, household repairs. Willing helpers to assist skilled team members are also needed. Dates to be announced: Ambassador/Service Trip planned for those who want to learn more about the ministries of the VoH, and local Haitian customs and crafts. The VoH Field Director may also ask the team to assist with minor repairs to the facilities. This trip could be planned for 4 or 5 days depending on the interests of team members. Teams are forming now and much work needs to be accomplished. A valid passport and some immunizations are required. The cost, including airfare, and room and board, will be approximately $1,000 per person. If you are interested, Pastor Frank ([email protected]) and/or Julia Soistman ([email protected]) will be happy to discuss any of the trips in detail with you. Drama Troupe for Adults & Kids Starting at HSLC Are you interested in acting, working on costumes, props and stage? HSLC is starting a Drama group for adults & kids. No experience is necessary. The group is planning to put a production together for the holidays. If you are interested or would like more information, please email Nikki & Emery Smith at [email protected]. 9 Holy Spirit Lutheran is committed to helping those in need. It is part of our mission! Ways in which YOU CAN HELP: Donate Items ~ Leave Items in labeled bins in Patio Classroom Community Food Pantry See flyer on church bulletin board; collection basket in the patio classroom. Also, toothbrushes, toothpaste, bar soap, peanut butter, jelly, canned meat, pasta sauce Community Clothes Closet Used or new clothes and shoes (baby, youth, & adult); cell phones, eye glasses & belts For the Homeless Family Promise Men’s items: jeans (Sizes 28-36), white t-shirts, hooded sweatshirts, short sleeve dress shirts, belts and shoes, small soaps, shampoos & lotions, washcloths, perfumes, talcum powder, sun block, bug spray. Laundry Detergent, Pine Sol, Windex, Shower Cleaner, and XL Latex gloves SANDWICHES FOR THE HUNGRY: Sandwiches and hard-boiled eggs are needed every Wednesday before 8:00 AM; please leave in church refrigerator. Help make sandwiches for St. George’s the first Saturday of each month starting at 8:30 am in the sanctuary. CARE MINISTRY NEWS Want to See Children Smile? Help them with their reading, math and recreation. There are opportunities in Lake Park and Cabana Colony Youth Centers. Contact Harry Drier [email protected] 601-8211. Food Pantry needs small plastic and large paper bags. Put in the grocery cart in the patio classroom. The Home Delivered Meals Program still has room for you or someone you know. If you or someone you know need a home delivered, delicious, well balanced meal, please call Cindy Miller 561-222-9436. Clothes Closet Helper Needed: We need 2-3 women who can spend two Mondays a month sorting clothes. Contact Beverly Zager, 339-4882. KIRT DANIELSON IS GOING TO PRISON, PLEASE PRAY! Kirt is part of Kairos Prison Ministry. He and a team of other men will be in Okeechobee Correctional Institution November 6-9 leading a Christian retreat for the inmates. Please use the prayer slip in your bulletin and pray for Kirt, the team and the inmates. 10 Soulfire is a time for fun, fellowship and service. Middle school and high school youth meet together every Sunday from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm unless a special event at a different time is specified in the bulletin. For information, contact Shawn Shapton at [email protected] or 561-234-5957. Middle School Mondays! Youth in 6th 8th grade are invited to join us each Monday at 6 pm upstairs in the Learning Center. This is a time for learning and discussion. High School Wednesdays! Youth in 9th - 12th grade are invited to Oceanview Methodist in Juno Beach each Wednesday at 6 pm. Both meetings include food, fun and bible study. Friends are welcome! UPCOMING EVENTS Stay and get messy with us today!!! We'll wrap it up with a slip and slide!! Our 2 FAVORITE camp counselors are joining us today, so don't miss it!! Next week: Come camping with us! Soul fire will have a campsite at Jonathan Dickinson State Park. Let us know if you want to come along. Do you want to be a part of the Christmas play? Practice begins soon! It took more than 50 volunteers painting faces, preparing food, hauling tables, playing music, and joining in on the games to make this year’s festival a success! Thank you to all of you who lent a hand; our guests appreciated your warm smiles and willingness to serve. Special thanks goes to committee chairs Kirsten Randolph, Ben & Barbara Meyburg, Jamie Johnson, JoAnn Swift, Erica Mardis, Nikki Smith, Rhonda Danielson, Cindy Shinn, Maureen Lay, Lynn Vaccaro, Robert Ullom, Kendra Torres, Dave Nelson, and JoAnn Hayes. We are so appreciative of our emcee for the day Steve Thorn, and the other folks who entertained us on stage: the members of Doctrine, the Maltz Traveling Group, The HSLC Preschoolers, and the talent show performers. And, we loved seeing all of the ministries joining in on the celebration! Truly our community enjoyed our festival! WAY Cook books will be on sale at the Hospitality Tent every Sunday. They contain fabulous "tried and true" recipes and make excellent gifts. Proceeds will go to the Women About Youth Ministry's Reading Program. 11 EVERY WEEK AT HOLY SPIRIT LUTHERAN CHURCH All activities are open to everyone —members, visitors and friends! MONDAYS BOY SCOUT TROOP 701: 7:00 p.m. upstairs in the Worship Center. E-mail King Wekenmann at [email protected] or call 746-9269. WOMEN’S HOPE CIRCLE: Every 3rd Monday from 1:30 to 3 p.m. in the Learning Center. All women welcome for Bible study and fellowship. TUESDAYS CHAIR & MAT PILATES: 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. (chair) & 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. (mat), upstairs in the Learning Center. Contact Barbara Saltzgiver at 743-8195. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: 6:30 p.m. open meeting in the HSLC Sanctuary. WEDNESDAYS MEN’S FELLOWSHIP BREAKFAST: meets Wednesdays at 8:30 a.m. at Hurricane Café on US 1, just north of Donald Ross Road. WOMEN’S ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: 10:30 a.m. in the Learning Center. THURSDAYS ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: Thursday at 8:00 p.m. Open meeting. The Nurse Support Group meets at 6:30 p.m. SATURDAYS Narcotics Anonymous: Saturday at 6:30 p.m. Open meeting. The Nurse Support Group meets at 6:30 p.m. 12 Father, Hear Our Prayer Please pray for the people on our prayer list. You don’t need to know them or why they are on our prayer list, God knows. Names will remain on the prayer list for three weeks. Please notify the church office of additions or corrections. Alex (Nancy Anderson) Allison Carol Alexander (Doc & Jean Murphy) Baby Liliana (Nancy Anderson) Dick & Dawn Bonard Family of Kammie Brownie (The Van Lindt’s) Wendy & max Castelli (Susie Van Pelt) Pat Cherry Linda Cheveron (Ellen Lowe) Christopher (Weeks Family) Clayton Family (Parra Family) The Family of Frank Cook David Crawford (Robert Ullom) John Crews (Jean Swedberg) Pat DiMarco (Dot Sisco) Nancy Durenberger (Dave & Lorraine Murray) Howard Falcon (Norma Foelsch) Alice Flynn (Bill & Peggy Pizer) Frances (Mac) Sandra Gentile (Karen Hudson) Jason Gosh (Gosh Family) Lori Harrison Bill Hertzig (Kirt Danielson) Hildebrandt Family (Robert Ullom) Sandy Holmes (Kirt Danielson) Tana Howard (Bob Howard) Hyclak Family Jacobs Family Jake (Dot Sisco) Jason, Sheila, Talon & Bella (Dinah) David Johnson (Barb & John Booth) Family of Jill Johnson (Jean Dempsey) Ada Kamerer (Paula Mason) Debbie Keating and Family Keith (Mac) Helen Keller (Joann Swift) Don Kempel (Fred Kempel) Jeanne Keyes (Bev Darragh) The Krutz Family Kelley Light (Jo Swift) Cindy Lingren (Karen Hudson) Woodrow Lowe (Ellen M. Lowe) Lynne Robert A Lyons (Debbie Keating) Mitzi & Rich Manthey (Karla) Paula Mason Suzanne McCarthy (Helen Vandersluis) Eleanore Miller (Jo Swift) Bob Mostler (Geri Jenkins) Doc & Jean Murphy Judy Murphy (Robert Ullom) Joe & Kathleen Paluga (Maxine Richardson) Patrice & Debbie Don & Sherry Penn-Crawford Peggy Pizer Christine Podlesnik (Bev Darragh) Lynn Post (Robert Ullom) Roger (Weeks Family) Cyndy Ryan Debbie Shacley & the Shacley Family Gabi Smith (Emery Smith) Rosie Stilwell (Paula Mason) Toni Szczepanski Heidi Thom (Erica Mardis) Chuck Vaccaro Stacy Wedding (Kelly & Dustin Schwarz) Steixner Family Shirley Woodcum (Cindy & Hal) Joseph & Fong Yee (Patricia Sasson) Psalms 5:3 In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. 13 SUNDAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE HOLY SPIRIT LUTHERAN CHURCH AND PRESCHOOL Frank R. Wagner, Lead Pastor Jim Stilwell, Visitation Pastor 8:00 AM ~ Contemporary Worship with Holy Communion each week. 13301 Ellison Wilson Road Juno Beach, FL 33408 Phone: 561-624-9663 Fax: 561-624-9664 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.HSLCFamily.com JoAnn Hayes Director of Volunteers/Assistant to the Pastors Business Manager Glen Weeks Office Manager Stephanie Ovdiyenko Office Assistant Mary Ann Williams Webmaster Rob Peeples Finance Manager Shawn Gelnett Facilities Manager Dave Nelson Music Director (Contemporary) Jason Brian Music Director (Traditional) Jamie Bryan Director of Youth & Families Shawn Shapton Audio Engineer Rudy McNeil Sound Tech Alain Smith Nursery Attendant Debbie Keating Kids’ Connection Rachel Martinez 9:30 AM ~ Contemporary Worship with Holy Communion the first Sunday of the month. 11:00 AM ~ Traditional Worship with Holy Communion each week. 5:00 PM ~ Contemporary Worship with Holy Communion each week. 9:30 AM ~ Sunday School, PreK—K Learning Center Room #102 Preschool Phone: 561-624-4410 Preschool email: [email protected] Jenna Junco Interim Preschool Director Pam Walsh Administrative Assistant Preschool Teachers: Teresa Barca, Ashley Blow, Joe Oakley, Robin Champlin, Lori Harrison, Barb McGloin Preschool Teacher’s Assistants: Catherine Pemberton, Madeleine Loh, Elisa Bartalini, Florencia Fornasari, Vonkeshia Gibson, Heather Mueller, Christine Gosh 9:30 AM ~ Sunday School, 1st—6th grade upstairs in the Learning Center 9:30 AM ~ Adult Sunday School, upstairs in the Learning Center NURSERY AND KID CONNECTION AVAILABLE INFANT THROUGH AGE 3 (SEE PG. 2) SUNDAY SCHOOL Co-Superintendents: Julia Soistman and Cindy Shinn MISSION STATEMENT: Holy Spirit Lutheran Church will intentionally and deliberately seek out and welcome all people, churched, unchurched and members, and assist all in becoming fully devoted followers of Christ. 14
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